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在人类占用净初级生产力(HANPP)等研究基础上,提出了净初级生产力(NPP)权衡假设,即生态系统供给、调节服务的权衡受到HANPP各组分分配比例的影响;基于NPP权衡假设构建了生产生态协同提升模式效果的分析框架。以西藏拉萨河流域白朗村为例,基于实地采样、监测数据,分析了生态修复前、协同提升及河谷种草模式下,白朗村的HANPP组分、空间格局,以及生产、生态功能(牲畜养殖数量、碳固定服务和空气净化服务)。结果表明:在实施生态修复前,白朗村共有牲畜15990羊单位,HANPP为35.0 g C/m2,占潜在NPP的13.8%,其中收获导致的HANPPharv占40.0%;生态系统空气净化服务为12.0 g SO2 m-2 a-1,碳固定服务为6245.4 g C m-2 a-1。协同提升后,HANPP总量基本保持不变,但结构发生了变化,其中HANPPharv提高了4.2%,土地利用导致的HANPPluc降低了1.8%。同时,养殖牲畜数量增加6.3%,生态系统调节服务基本保持同一水平。在河谷种草模式下,HANPP总量相比实施生态修复前降低了67.0%,结构变化更加剧烈。HANPPharv增加了84.2%,为25.8 g C/m2;HANPPluc降低了167.0%,为-14.2 g C/m2。牲畜数量大幅增加了2.2倍(35195.0羊单位);而空气净化服务也提高了15.1%(13.8 g SO2 m-2 a-1),碳固定服务提高了5.0%(6560.1 g C m-2 a-1)。研究表明,NPP权衡假设可以为定量分析区域尺度生态系统服务权衡提供一定的理论支持,促进生产生态功能协同提升的生态修复模式优化。  相似文献   
Sexual cannibalism, the capture and consumption of one sex by the other resulting from sexual interactions, provides an intriguing set of conditional fitness payoffs. Usually these payoffs will only benefit the cannibal, but under certain circumstances advantages might accrue to the cannibalized individual as well. Here I test three models of sexual cannibalism with data from a sit-and-wait predator, the crab spider Misumena vatia , whose lifestyle differs from the species for which these models were generated. The models include both precopulatory mechanisms (no gametes exchanged) and postcopulatory ones (gametes exchanged) perceived to generate adult fitness payoffs and situations in which cannibalism is not adaptive in the adult stage (aggressive spillover). In M. vatia , females sometimes cannibalize males before mating can occur. Precopulatory cannibalism is unlikely to reward female M. vatia significantly because of the diminutive size of the males, but it could be part of a broader syndrome that provides the females with large food payoffs earlier in the life cycle. Although the frequency of cannibalism is low (3.8–7.6%), this level suffices to be an important selective factor, a point accentuated by the extremely cautious behaviour of the males toward the females. I then compare the traits associated with these models to the species for which they were designed and certain others for which adequate data also exist. None of the sets of responses to these traits closely resembles each other in the different species. These results suggest that sexual cannibalism has developed in response to a heterogeneous collection of lifestyles and phylogenetic constraints.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 81 , 427–437.  相似文献   
Alaina N. Smith  Kyle F. Edwards 《Oikos》2019,128(8):1123-1135
It is well known that variable resource supply can allow competitors to coexist on a single limiting resource, and this is one mechanism that may explain the maintenance of diversity in paradoxically speciose communities. Ecosystems experience fluctuations in resource supply on a range of timescales, but we have a poor understanding of how multiple frequencies of resource supply affect the maintenance of diversity and community structure. Here we explore this question using a model of phytoplankton competition for a limiting nutrient, parameterized using empirical tradeoffs between rapid growth, nutrient storage capacity and nutrient uptake affinity. Compared to a single frequency of nutrient supply, we find that multiple frequencies of nutrient supply increase functional diversity, by permitting the coexistence of strategies adapted to different frequencies of supply. Species richness is also promoted by multiple modes of nutrient supply, but not as consistently as functional diversity. Although this model is parameterized for phytoplankton, the fundamental dynamics and tradeoffs likely occur in a variety of ecosystems. Our results suggest that the spectrum of temporal variation driving communities should be further investigated in the context of the maintenance of diversity and the functional composition of communities under different environmental regimes.  相似文献   
To better understand the tradeoff between mate pursuit and predation risk avoidance, the responses of male virile crayfish (Orconectes virilis) to female sex pheromone and conspecific alarm cue, alone and in combination were tested. Male crayfish were more active and exhibited less antipredator behavior in the pheromone treatment than in either the pheromone?+?alarm or alarm treatment. The results suggest a tradeoff in favor of risk avoidance when pheromone and risk stimuli are encountered together.  相似文献   
Life history theory predicts tradeoffs among reproductive traits, but the physiological mechanisms underlying such tradeoffs remain unclear. Here we examine reproductive tradeoffs and their association with yolk steroids in an oviparous lizard. Female leopard geckos lay two eggs in a clutch, produce multiple clutches in a breeding season, and reproduce for several years. We detected a significant tradeoff between egg size and the number of clutches laid by females during their first two breeding seasons. Total reproductive effort was strongly condition-dependent in the first season, but much less so in the second season. Although these and other tradeoffs were unmistakable, they were not associated with levels of androstenedione, oestradiol, or testosterone in egg yolk. Female condition and egg size, however, were inversely related to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in egg yolk. Finally, steroid levels in egg yolk were not directly related to steroid levels in the maternal circulation when follicles were developing, indicating that steroid transfer to eggs is regulated. These findings suggest that maternal allocation of DHT could mitigate tradeoffs that lead to poor offspring quality (i.e. poor female condition) and small offspring size (i.e. small egg size).  相似文献   
Marine aquaculture is expanding into deeper offshore environments in response to growing consumer demand for seafood, improved technology, and limited potential to increase wild fisheries catches. Sustainable development of aquaculture will require quantification and minimization of its impacts on other ocean‐based activities and the environment through scientifically informed spatial planning. However, the scientific literature currently provides limited direct guidance for such planning. Here, we employ an ecological lens and synthesize a broad multidisciplinary literature to provide insight into the interactions between offshore aquaculture and the surrounding environment across a spectrum of spatial scales. While important information gaps remain, we find that there is sufficient research for informed decisions about the effects of aquaculture siting to achieve a sustainable offshore aquaculture industry that complements other uses of the marine environment.  相似文献   
The structures of enzymes reflect two tendencies that appear opposed. On one hand, they fold into compact, stable structures; on the other hand, they bind a ligand and catalyze a reaction. To be stable, enzymes fold to maximize favorable interactions, forming a tightly packed hydrophobic core, exposing hydrophilic groups, and optimizing intramolecular hydrogen-bonding. To be functional, enzymes carve out an active site for ligand binding, exposing hydrophobic surface area, clustering like charges, and providing unfulfilled hydrogen bond donors and acceptors. Using AmpC beta-lactamase, an enzyme that is well-characterized structurally and mechanistically, the relationship between enzyme stability and function was investigated by substituting key active-site residues and measuring the changes in stability and activity. Substitutions of catalytic residues Ser64, Lys67, Tyr150, Asn152, and Lys315 decrease the activity of the enzyme by 10(3)-10(5)-fold compared to wild-type. Concomitantly, many of these substitutions increase the stability of the enzyme significantly, by up to 4.7kcal/mol. To determine the structural origins of stabilization, the crystal structures of four mutant enzymes were determined to between 1.90A and 1.50A resolution. These structures revealed several mechanisms by which stability was increased, including mimicry of the substrate by the substituted residue (S64D), relief of steric strain (S64G), relief of electrostatic strain (K67Q), and improved polar complementarity (N152H). These results suggest that the preorganization of functionality characteristic of active sites has come at a considerable cost to enzyme stability. In proteins of unknown function, the presence of such destabilized regions may indicate the presence of a binding site.  相似文献   
The potentially multivoltine comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album L., hibernates in the adult stage. The adult seasonal morph is demonstrated to be a good indicator of whether an individual has entered reproductive diapause or is developing directly to sexual maturation. This fact, and the assumption that a short development time is not equally important to all categories of individuals, was used to test predictions on variation in life-history traits among categories (morphs and sexes) and environments (temperature and photoperiod) at the level of individuals and to some extent families and populations (the univoltine Stockholm population and the partially bivoltine Oxford population). Individuals developing to adults in a short time were expected to be smaller and lighter as a result of a basic trade-off between the two traits. Development times varied in accordance with predictions, but in most cases this was due to plastic growth and development in both the larval and pupal stages rather than through variation in size or weight, i.e. size was a highly canalized trait. This suggests a relationship between plasticity and canalization and a strong potential for plasticity to shield life-history traits from selection. Individuals regulated development times also within developmental pathways, in response to photoperiods indicating the progression of the season. These and other results suggest that development times are not normally minimized in temperate butterflies unless this is enforced by direct development and protandry. There is thus scope for a high degree of adaptive plasticity in growth- and developmental rates which may devalue the basic trade-offs assumed by life-history theory and account for inconsistencies with its predictions.  相似文献   
Host-plant dependent fitness trade-offs refer to traits that enhance the performance of an insect on one plant species to its detriment on others. Such trade-offs are central to models of sympatric speciation via host shifts, but have proven difficult to empirically demonstrate. Here, we test for host-plant dependent selection on larvae of apple (Malus pumila L.)- and hawthorn (Crataegus mollis L. spp.)-infesting races of Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh). Samples of larvae were reared in the field and under protective conditions in a garage. Our rationale was that the garage should slow rates of fruit rot relative to the field, relaxing selection pressures associated with declining fruit quality. Four findings emerged from the study. (1) Larvae suffered higher mortality in fruits in the field than the garage. (2) The increase in mortality was greater for larvae in haws. (3) Larvae possessing the alleles Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37, three allozymes displaying host-related differentiation in R. pomonella that map to linkage group II in the fly, left fruits earlier than other genotypes. (4) Allele frequencies for Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37 were significantly higher in both apple and haw larvae surviving the field versus the garage treatment. Our results suggested that field conditions favored larvae that rapidly developed and left rotting fruits. Since these individuals tended to possess the alleles Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37, frequencies of these allozymes were higher in the field. Selection on larvae was directional for Me 100, Acon-2 95, and Mpi 37 (or linked genes) in both host races. We previously showed that these same alleles can be disfavored in the pupal stage, especially in the apple race, where they correlate with premature diapause termination. Fitness trade-offs in Rhagoletis may therefore be due as much to differences in the relative strengths of directional selection pressures acting on different life stages as to disruptive selection affecting any one particular stage. The necessity to consider details of the entire life-cycle highlights one of the many challenges posed to documenting fitness trade-offs for phytophagous insects.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes three experiments on the genetic manipulation of fitness components involved in the evolution of lifespan through the introduction of an additional copy of the gene for elongation factor EF-1 into the genome ofDrosophila melanogaster. The first experiment checked a prior claim that enhanced expression of elongation factor increased the lifespan of virgin male fruitfies. It used inbred stocks; three treatment and three control lines were available. The second experiment put one treatment and one control insert into different positions on the third chromosome, then measured the influence of six genetic backgrounds on treatment effects in healthier flies. The third experiment put six treatment and six control inserts into the genetic background whose lifespan was most sensitive to the effects of treatment in the second experiment, then measured the influence of insert positions on treatment effects in healthy flies. The treatment never increased the lifespan of virgin males. It increased the lifespan of mated females in inbred flies reared to eclosion at 25°, reduced it in the positions experiment, and made no difference to lifespan in the backgrounds experiment. When it increased lifespan, it reduced fecundity. In inbred flies and in the positions experiment, the treatment reduced dry weight at eclosion of females. Marginal effects of gene substitutions on tradeoffs were measured directly. The results suggest that enhanced expression of elongation factor makes local changes within the bounds of tradeoffs that are given by a pre-existing physiological structure whose basic nature is not changed by the treatment.  相似文献   
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