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Understanding behavioral strategies employed by animals to maximize fitness in the face of environmental heterogeneity, variability, and uncertainty is a central aim of animal ecology. Flexibility in behavior may be key to how animals respond to climate and environmental change. Using a mechanistic modeling framework for simultaneously quantifying the effects of habitat preference and intrinsic movement on space use at the landscape scale, we investigate how movement and habitat selection vary among individuals and years in response to forage quality–quantity tradeoffs, environmental conditions, and variable annual climate. We evaluated the association of dynamic, biotic forage resources and static, abiotic landscape features with large grazer movement decisions in an experimental landscape, where forage resources vary in response to prescribed burning, grazing by a native herbivore, the plains bison (Bison bison bison), and a continental climate. Our goal was to determine how biotic and abiotic factors mediate bison movement decisions in a nutritionally heterogeneous grassland. We integrated spatially explicit relocations of GPS‐collared bison and extensive vegetation surveys to relate movement paths to grassland attributes over a time period spanning a regionwide drought and average weather conditions. Movement decisions were affected by foliar crude content and low stature forage biomass across years with substantial interannual variation in the magnitude of selection for forage quality and quantity. These differences were associated with interannual differences in climate and growing conditions from the previous year. Our results provide experimental evidence for understanding how the forage quality–quantity tradeoff and fine‐scale topography drives fine‐scale movement decisions under varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Because ecosystems are complex, tradeoffs exist among supplies of multiple ecosystem services, especially between the provisioning and regulating services. In ecosystem processes, net primary production (NPP) is connected with many other processes such as respiration and evapotranspiration. As one key supporting service, NPP is also related to other provisioning and regulating services. This study introduces an analysis framework of ecosystem services tradeoffs from the perspective of varied share of NPP, in the alpine grassland ecosystem of Damxung County on the Tibetan plateau, China. Total NPP was divided into the share of NPP spent on supplying provisioning services and the share used in supporting regulating services. Tradeoffs between provisioning and regulating services were analyzed by quantifying the change of meat provisioning service and the remaining share of NPP used in other ways; the corresponding change in the share of NPP used to support regulating services was also analyzed and compared with other changes in regulating services, such as carbon sequestration and water conservation services. The results show, from 2000 to 2010, the meat provisioning service increased by 199%, but this was at a cost of additional livestock feeding, which used more NPP of the alpine grassland ecosystem. As a result, by 2010 the remaining NPP used for supporting regulating services shrank to 77% of the 2000 level, which was accompanied by a decrease in carbon sequestration and water conservation services by 90% and 67%, respectively. The analysis of tradeoffs from the perspective of variations in the share of NPP used for various services will contribute to the study of mechanisms involved in providing ecosystem services, interactions between the provisioning of various services, and will also help land managers improve the management of ecosystems.  相似文献   
Urban MC 《Oecologia》2007,154(3):571-580
Theoretical efforts suggest that the relative sizes of predators and their prey can shape community dynamics, the structure of food webs, and the evolution of life histories. However, much of this work has assumed static predator and prey body sizes. The timing of recruitment and the growth patterns of both predator and prey have the potential to modify the strength of predator–prey interactions. In this study, I examined how predator size dynamics in 40 temporary ponds over a 3-year period affected the survival of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) larvae. Across communities, gape-limited predator richness, but not size, was correlated with habitat duration (pond permanence). Within communities, mean gape-limited predator size diminished as the growing season progressed. This size reduction occurred because prey individuals grew into a body size refuge and because the largest of the predators left ponds by mid-season. Elevated gape-limited predation risk across time and space was predicted by the occurrence of two large predatory salamanders: marbled salamander larvae (Ambystoma opacum) and red-spotted newt adults (Notophthalmus viridescens). The presence of the largest gape-limited predator, A. opacum, predicted A. maculatum larval survival in the field. The distribution of large predatory salamanders among ponds and across time is expected to lead to differing community dynamics and to generate divergent natural selection on early growth and body size in A. maculatum. In general, a dynamic perspective on predator size often will be necessary to understand the ecology and evolution of species interactions. This will be especially true in frequently disturbed or seasonal habitats where phenology and ontogeny interact to determine body size asymmetries. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown no significant effect of experimentaltail length manipulation in female barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)at the beginning of a breeding season on reproductive successor behavior during that breeding season. In the present study,we investigate if tail length manipulation had any effect onreproductive performance the following year, the so-called long-termeffect, in contrast to the short-term effects already studied.We found that females with experimentally elongated externaltail feathers at the beginning of a breeding season producedless offspring during the breeding season the following yearthan did females with shortened or unmanipulated tails. Theseresults suggest that tail elongation caused flight deficienciesthat deteriorated the condition of females and eventually reducedreproductive success. The finding of long-term effects but nosignificant short-term effects for female tail elongation suggeststhat female barn swallows have the ability to adjust immediateparental investment. Detrimental effects of long tails in femalesin terms of decreased reproductive success might explain whyfemale tails are not as long as those of males. Finally, femalesmated to long-tailed (sexually attractive) males decreased theirreproductive success the following year more than did femalesmated to short-tailed males, possibly owing to differentialparental effort causing a deterioration of their condition.  相似文献   
Seeds from 39 natural populations of the annual hemiparasitic species Euphrasia rostkoviana were collected from nine different grassland habitats in the north-eastern part of the Swiss Alps. These populations were investigated in three comparative cultivation experiments. Statistical data for seed-weight, different life-history traits and habit characters were compared. Differences in the onset of flowering between the extreme populations are as much as 10 weeks while differences in the other examined life-history traits are not more than a few days. The onset of flowering is strongly correlated with the number of internodes but also with other habit characters. Assuming a genetic basis for differences in life-history traits and habit characters, the populations appear to be well-adapted to the management regimes of their grassland habitats in the onset of flowering as well as in their habit characteristics. There is evidence for some trade-offs. For example, few branches and few internodes are a trade-off for the early onset of flowering. The adaptations found in populations of E. rostkoviana from late-mown meadows and from mountain pastures are in the opposite direction to those of the populations of Rhinanthus alectorolophus from the same habitats. This seems to be due to the much smaller seed-size and the much longer individual flowering period of plants of Euphrasia species. Remarkable differentiation via heterochronic processes seems to be possible within few decades in relation to extremely strong selection pressures generated by grazing or cutting.  相似文献   
Much of life‐history theory rests on fundamental assumptions about constraints on the acquisition and allocation of energy to growth and reproduction. In general, the allocation of energy to reproduction depends on maternal size, which in turn depends on environmental factors experienced throughout the life of the mother. Here, we used phylogenetic path analyses to evaluate competing hypotheses about the environmental and maternal drivers of reproductive traits in lizards. In doing so, we discovered that precipitation, rather than temperature, has shaped the evolution of the life history. Specifically, environments with greater rainfall have enabled the evolution of larger maternal size. In turn, these larger mothers produce larger clutches of larger offspring. However, annual precipitation has a negative direct effect on offspring size, despite the positive indirect effect mediated by maternal size. Possibly, the evolution of offspring size was driven by the need to conserve water in dry environments, because small organisms are particularly sensitive to water loss. Since we found that body size variation among lizards is related to a combination of climatic factors, mainly precipitation and perhaps primary production, our study challenges previous generalizations (e.g., temperature‐size rule and Bergmann''s rule) and suggests alternative mechanisms underlying the evolution of body size.  相似文献   
The role of plasticity in resource capture by plants   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Comparative experiments measuring the form and extent of plant responses to environmental factors allow an ecologically important distinction to be made between morphological plasticity and cellular acclimation. The two phenomena are associated with different sets of plant traits with which they occur with highest fidelity and potency at opposite ends of productivity gradients. A trade-off between scale and precision occurs with respect to the responses of plants to patchiness in resource supply and this provides valuable predictors of the status achieved by species in plant communities.  相似文献   
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