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The binding of zinc,but not cadmium,by phytic acid in roots of crop plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant species adapted to soils enriched with heavy metals often accumulate these metals in their above or below ground organs. In this study, electron probe microanalysis of fractured, quench-frozen root specimens of common crop species shows that an appreciable quantity of Zn can be bound as Zn phytate (myo-inositolkis-hexaphosphate) within small vacuoles of cells in the root elongation zone of lucerne, soybean, lupins, tomato, rapeseed, cabbage, radish, maize and wheat exposed to high levels of Zn (80–300 M). Globular deposits of Zn phytate are most frequently observed in the endodermis of dicotyledonous species and in the pericycle of monocotyledonous species, but may also occur in the stele and inner cortex after prolonged exposure to toxic levels of Zn. The deposits could not be found in Zn-treated sunflower, field peas and Italian ryegrass. In three crop species, lucerne, soybean and maize, Zn-induced phytate globules were frequent, but exposure of roots to 30 M Cd did not induce the formation of Cd-containing globular deposits as observed inLemna minor (Van Steveninck et al., 1990a, 1992). Simultaneous Zn and Cd treatment induced the formation of Zn phytate globules as effectively as Zn alone, and Cd was not detected in the deposits.  相似文献   
The littoral macroalga Enteromorpha prolifera was sampled along the Scheldt estuary at Lillo (Belgium), Bath and Ellewoutsdijk (SW Netherlands). The algae were incubated in water from the same locations with salinities of 7, 14 and 23%, at about 50 molquanta m–2 s–1 irradiance and 15 °C. One series of cultures was exposed to 400 nm Cd, a second series served as a control. Temporal changes in cadmium, copper, iron, lead and zinc contents of E. prolifera were monitored with atomic absorption spectroscopy in a 21 day experiment. Both synergistic and antagonistic metal interactions became evident in response to cadmium uptake. During the first 8 days of incubation iron contents increased in both cadmium-exposed and control algae. However, iron contents were relatively higher in cadmium-exposed algae. Similar, but weaker synergisms were also found between lead/cadmium and coper/cadmium. Zinc contents decreased in controls and cadmium-exposed algae, but were significantly lower in cadmium-exposed algae. A distinct antagonism between cadmium and zinc was observed in cadmium-exposed algae.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated that in glia and astrocytes Mn(II) is distributed with ca. 30–40% in the cytoplasm, 60–70% in mitochondria. Ca(II) ions were observed to alter both the flux rates and distribution of Mn(II) ions in primary cultues of chick glia and rat astrocytes. External (influxing) Ca(II) ions had the greatest effect on Mn(II) uptake and efflux, compared to internal (effluxing) or internal-external equilibrated Ca(II) ions. External (influxing) Ca(II) ions inhibited the net rate and extent of Mn(II) uptake but enhanced Mn(II) efflux from mitochondria. These observations differ from Ca(II)–Mn(II) effects previously reported with brain (neuronal) mitochondria. Overall, increased cytoplasmic Ca(II) acts to block Mn(II) uptake and enhance Mn(II) release by mitochondria, which serve to increase the cytoplasmic concentration of free Mn(II). A hypothesis is presented involving external L-glutamate acting through membrane receptors to mobilize cell Ca(II), which in turn causes mitochondrial Mn(II) to be released. Because the concentration of free cytoplasmic Mn(II) is poised near the Kd for Mn(II) with glutamine synthetase, a slight increase in cytoplasmic Mn(II) will directly enhance the activity of glutamine synthetase, which catalyzes removal of neurotoxic glutamate and ammonia.  相似文献   
Sites polluted with organic compounds frequently contain inorganic pollutants such as heavy metals. The latter might inhibit the biodegradation of the organics and impair bioremediation. Chromosomally located polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) catabolic genes ofAlcaligenes eutrophus A5,Achromobacter sp. LBS1C1 andAlcaligenes denitrificans JB1 were introduced into the heavy metal resistantAlcaligenes eutrophus strain CH34 and related strains by means of natural conjugation. Mobile elements containing the PCB catabolic genes were transferred fromA. eutrophus A5 andAchromobacter sp. LB51C1 intoA. eutrophus CH34 after transposition onto their endogenous IncP plasmids pSS50 and pSS60, respectively. The PCB catabolic genes ofA. denitrificans JB1 were transferred intoA. eutrophus CH34 by means of RP4::Mu3A mediated prime plasmid formation. TheA. eutrophus CH34 transconjugant strains expressed both catabolic and metal resistance markers. Such constructs may be useful for the decontamination of sites polluted by both organics and heavy metals.  相似文献   
金属螯合亲和层析纯化金属硫蛋白   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将二价铜离子螯合在Chelating Sepharose Fast Flow凝胶上制成亲和层析柱,锌诱导兔肝和镉诱导小鼠肝经匀浆、乙醇处理后上柱,用pH4.0的醋酸盐缓冲液平衡,再用pH5.2不同浓度的醋酸盐缓冲液分别洗脱,可得两个金属硫蛋白(MT)洗脱峰,经确定先后为MT-2和MT-1.分离方法比传统的凝胶过滤-离子交换法简单、省时,适于实验室规模分离纯化.  相似文献   
Effects of fire on water and salinity relations of riparian woody taxa   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Water and salinity relations were evaluated in recovering burned individuals of the dominant woody taxa from low-elevation riparian plant communities of the southwestern U.S. Soil elemental analyses indicated that concentrations of most nutrients increased following fire, contributing to a potential nutrient abundance but also elevated alluvium salinity. Boron, to which naturalized Tamarix ramosissima is tolerant, was also elevated in soils following fire. Lower moisture in the upper 30 cm of burned site soil profiles was attributed to shifts in evapotranspiration following fire. Higher leaf stomatal conductance occurred in all taxa on burned sites. This is apparently due to higher photosynthetic photon flux density at the midcanopy level and may be partially mitigated by reduced unit growth in resprouting burned individuals. Predawn water potentials varied little among sites, as was expected for plants exhibiting largely phreatophytic water uptake. Midday water potentials in recovering Salix gooddingii growing in the Colorado River floodplain reached levels which are considered stressful. Decreased hydraulic efficiency was also indicated for this species by examining transpiration-water potential regressions. Recovering, burned Tamarix and Tessaria sericea had enriched leaf tissue 13C relative to unburned controls. Higher water use efficiency following fire in these taxa may be attributed to halophytic adaptations, and to elevated foliar nitrogen in Tessaria. Consequently, mechanisms are proposed which would facilitate increased community dominance of Tamarix and Tessaria in association with fire. The theory that whole ecosystem processes are altered by invading species may thus be extended to include those processes related to disturbance.  相似文献   
In each of two experiments done under controlled conditions, starting at bloom, 4 humidity treatments were applied to potted trees of apple ( Malus pumila Mill. cv. Cox's Orange Pippin), i. e. in experiment 1: (1) high humidity throughout, (2) low humidity throughout, (3) low humidity for 7 weeks followed by high humidity for 6-7 weeks, and (4) the reverse (first high and then low humidity); in experiment 2: (1) day/night humidity high/high, (2) low/low, (3) low/high, and (4) high/low.
In both experiments high humidity favoured shoot growth appreciably. Change from low to high humidity after 7 weeks resulted in some growth stimulation but in the reverse situation growth was markedly reduced. Shoot growth responded little to different night humidities. In the two experiments fruit growth was little affected by treatments. In experiment 2 irrespective of night humidity, water consumption was higher at low than at high day humidity. In the high/low humidity regime water use during the night was high and leaf water potential low, relatively; during the day water potential was little affected by treatments.
At any time leaf Ca and Mg were clearly highest at low day humidity; night humidity had no effect. Leaf K did not respond to treatments. Fruit Ca at high humidity throughout was lower than at low humidity throughout. Increasing humidity later in the season was ineffective but a decrease at that time tended to reduce fruit Ca slightly. The clearly lowest Ca values occurred in the high/low day/night treatment. Fruit K and Mg were not or hardly affected by treatments.
The findings are discussed in terms of humidity effects on transpiration, shoot and fruit growth, and xylem mineral concentration and ion exchange translocation along the xylem walls.  相似文献   
The influence of chromium concentration on ethylene production in bean plants ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender) was investigated. A Cr ion-induced inhibition of ethylene synthesis from endogenous 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) was observed within both leaf discs floated on 2 m M CrO2−4 or Cr3+ and leaf discs from plants cultured in nutrient solutions containing 10, 20 or 40 μ M CrO2−4. However, Cr ions supplied either to plants with the nutrient solution or to discs with the incubation medium rather increased the conversion of exogenous ACC to ethylene. Primary leaves of plants exposed to CrO2−4-containing nutrient solutions showed a statistically insignificant decrease of ACC-synthase activity. In the trifoliolate leaves of plants exposed to 10 μ M CrO2−4, in which a significant decrease of ethylene production from endogenous ACC was observed, a substantial increase of ACC synthase was found. These results indicate that Cr ion-induced inhibition of ethylene production is not due to a breakdown of membrane integrity, which is necessary for ethylene forming enzyme activity, but caused by metabolic alterations leading to decreased ACC availability. Chromium ions may act by inhibiting ACC synthase activity or by diverting a metabolic step prior to the ACC synthase catalyzed reaction.  相似文献   
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