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The immediate effects of tillage on protected soil C and N pools and on trace gas emissions from soils at precultivation levels of native C remain largely unknown. We measured the response to cultivation of CO2 and N2O emissions and associated environmental factors in a previously uncultivated U.S. Midwest Alfisol with C concentrations that were indistinguishable from those in adjacent late successional forests on the same soil type (3.2%). Within 2 days of initial cultivation in 2002, tillage significantly (P=0.001, n=4) increased CO2 fluxes from 91 to 196 mg CO2‐C m?2 h?1 and within the first 30 days higher fluxes because of cultivation were responsible for losses of 85 g CO2‐C m?2. Additional daily C losses were sustained during a second and third year of cultivation of the same plots at rates of 1.9 and 1.0 g C m?2 day?1, respectively. Associated with the CO2 responses were increased soil temperature, substantially reduced soil aggregate size (mean weight diameter decreased 35% within 60 days), and a reduction in the proportion of intraaggregate, physically protected light fraction organic matter. Nitrous oxide fluxes in cultivated plots increased 7.7‐fold in 2002, 3.1‐fold in 2003, and 6.7‐fold in 2004 and were associated with increased soil NO3? concentrations, which approached 15 μg N g?1. Decreased plant N uptake immediately after tillage, plus increased mineralization rates and fivefold greater nitrifier enzyme activity, likely contributed to increased NO3? concentrations. Our results demonstrate that initial cultivation of a soil at precultivation levels of native soil C immediately destabilizes physical and microbial processes related to C and N retention in soils and accelerates trace gas fluxes. Policies designed to promote long‐term C sequestration may thus need to protect soils from even occasional cultivation in order to preserve sequestered C.  相似文献   
The trace fossil Zoophycos is abundant in the shallow‐marine deposits (tempestites) of the Lower Devonian (Emsian) Yangmaba Formation in Ganxi of Sichuan, South China. It often occurs as part of complex trace fossils that comprise different integrated elements: scratch traces, simple to complex spreiten structures with marginal tubes (Zoophycos) and vertical tunnels. The complex Zoophycos burrows consist of spreiten with a marginal tube, preserved as convex hyporeliefs on the sole of an erosion surface. The exquisite, complex spreiten are interpreted to have been formed by deposit‐feeding behaviour, where the animal constructed the trace upwards without leaving faeces in the spreiten. The width of the marginal tube in different whorls is almost constant. The scratches are observed on the wall of the marginal tubes. The Zoophycos intergrades with Spongeliomorpha and Chondrites and was later cut by vertical shafts. All these features together indicate that the Zoophycos‐maker might have been a vermiform polychaete instead of a predator such as a decapod crustacean (Spongeliomorpha producer). Based on stratigraphical and ichnological features, the complex trace fossils resulted from the complex activity of different opportunistic organisms (r‐strategist) that quickly occupied and thrived within the quiet, nutrient‐rich environment after storm events.  相似文献   
The region of Lisbon and south of Lisbon (Sado estuary) is densely industrialized, and, therefore, air pollution should be studied in a more detailed scale there. The topography of the Sado estuary region and the predominant wind direction from the northwest contribute to the influence in this region of the industries located in the north. The region selected includes a fuel-fired power station. Transplants of the lichenParmelia sulcata Taylor were suspended in nylon bags within a rectangle 15 km wide and 25 km long on a grid 2.5 km × 2.5 km, centered in the power station. In each of the 47 sites, 2 sets of 4 transplants each were hung. Care was taken (1) in covering the two sets with a polyethylene roof to prevent leaching of elements in the lichen, (2) in building a hanging system that could rotate according to the wind direction, and (3) in orienting one set toward the wind and the other set opposite the wind. For a 1-yr period and every 3 mo, one transplant of each set is collected. In this work, the results of the first campaign (after 3 mo suspension) obtained by instrumental neutron activation analysis and proton-induced X-ray emission are shown. Some elemental contents are mapped and discussed.  相似文献   
Trace metal/metalloid (As, Ag, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn) bioaccumulation was measured over a period of ten years (1985–1995) in five species of epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) from the San Pedro Shelf, California. Four of the species are numerical dominants in the Southern California Bight (SCB) and two species are commercially harvested. Among three echinoderms, a predatory sea star yielded highest tissue concentrations compared to a sea cucumber and a sea urchin, and concentrations measured in a mantid shrimp exceeded those from a prawn. Comparison of trace metal bioaccumulation from the study area, including the ocean outfall, and elsewhere indicated that bioaccumulation in local EMI was generally low. Measurements from an outfall station and two reference stations were used to evaluate the spatial and temporal relationship between trace metal bioaccumulation and the wastewater discharge. It was concluded that there was no spatial or temporal relationship between EMI trace metal bioaccumulation and the discharge.  相似文献   
“痕迹管理”是现代医院管理工作客观要求,北京大学第一医院建立了医疗管理工作月度报告制度,以《医疗管理工作日度报告》为载体,加强医疗管理处室内部组织以及医疗管理团队间的协作,提升了医院医疗管理水平。  相似文献   
Despite the nutritional value of Colophospermum mopane to browser's diets, there is still insufficient knowledge on the effect of browsers on concentrations of these trace elements. A field experiment was conducted in Musina Nature Reserve, Limpopo Province, South Africa, to determine the effect of pruning on the concentration of trace elements in mopane leaves. Samples were analysed for iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co), fluoride (F) and selenium (Se) using the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry technique. The effect of pruning was tested using the two‐tailed t‐test: two‐sample assuming equal variance and two‐tailed Mann–Whitney U‐test. Results showed that the concentration of trace elements in the control and pruned trees varies slightly through the year. Fe, Mn, Mo, Cu, Zn and Se are higher during leaf flush, but declined as the leaves matured and aged. This study concluded that simulated browsing had no significant effect on the concentration of trace elements in the mopane leaves. Seasonal variation in the amount of trace elements has implications on the distribution of browsers in the mopane woodland.  相似文献   
The chemical, mineralogical, and microbial properties of the rhizosphere of a range of forested ecosystems were studied to identify the key processes controlling the distribution and fate of trace metals at the soil–root interface. The results of our research indicate that: (1) the rhizosphere is a soil microenvironment where properties (e.g., pH, organic matter, microbes) and processes (nutrient and water absorption, exudation) differ markedly from those of the adjacent bulk soil; (2) the rhizosphere is a corrosive medium where the weathering and neoformation of soil solid phases are enhanced; (3) the concentrations of solid-phase and water-soluble trace metals like Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn are generally higher in the rhizosphere as shown by both macroscopic and microscopic approaches; (4) a larger fraction of water-soluble metals is complexed by dissolved organic substances in the rhizosphere; and (5) soil microorganisms play, either directly or indirectly, a distinct role on metal speciation, in particular Cu and Zn, in the rhizosphere. These results improve our capacity to estimate metal speciation and bioavailability at the soil–root interface. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the crucial physical position occupied by the rhizosphere with respect to the process of elemental uptake by plants and its key functional role in the transfer of trace metals along the food chain. We conclude that the properties and processes of the rhizosphere should be viewed as key components of assessments of the ecological risks associated with the presence of trace metals in soils.  相似文献   
Phosphorites from the Murray Ridge, NW Arabian Sea comprise nodules, bioclasts, and bone fragments. The nodules are made up of a homogeneous, light-colored phosphate nucleus consisting of Rivulariacean filamentous cyanobacteria and a thin dark-grey colored phosphate cortex showing abundant microbial filaments and microborings. The bioclasts comprise of  14–14.5 Ma old planktonic foraminifers, accepted as the time of deposition. Spherical to ovoid-shaped apatite microparticles resembling fossil bacteria are distinct components in the bioclasts. Bone fragments exhibit apatite fillings. The nodules and bone fragments consist entirely of carbonate fluorapatite (CFA) with low Al, K, and Th concentrations suggesting absence of continental detritus. Shale-normalized REE patterns of the samples support a seawater-derived composition. The highly uniform initial Nd values of − 4.8 to − 5.1 are interpreted as the seawater value at the onset of phosphatization  14 Ma ago. In contrast, 87Sr/86Sr ratios show a large range of 0.709055 to 0.709124 corresponding to unusually young stratigraphic ages of  1 to 3 Ma. The data are interpreted as evidence for post-depositional Sr exchange of the recrystallizing phosphorites with fluids isotopically not much different from modern seawater. It is concluded that the phosphorites formed under oxic, shallow-water conditions where microbial populations assimilated phosphorus primarily from seawater and mediated precipitation of CFA during early diagenesis at the sediment–water interface on different substrates.  相似文献   
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