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Gangliosides suppress lymphocyte mitogenesis when added exogenously to the cells. On the premise that the mechanism of ganglioside action may be an interference with primary induction events, mitogen-induced 45Ca2+ influx in murine lymphocytes was studied. Disialoganglioside (GD1a) at physiopathological concentrations inhibits concanavalin A-induced 45Ca2+ uptake as well as blast transformation. The suppressive action of GD1a is both concentration dependent (50% suppression at 13 microM) and very rapid (within 1 min). GD1a is not cytotoxic nor does it significantly alter the rate of Ca2+ efflux. The uptake studies were extended to A23187, a compound with mitogenic and specific divalent cation ionophore activities. Ca2+ uptake by lymphoid cells from AKR/J, Swiss, and CBA mice is stimulated by A23187; and GD1a, in a dose-dependent manner, inhibits the ionophore-induced 45Ca2+ influx. Pretreatment of thymocytes with GD1a renders the cells greatly insensitive to the subsequent ionophore activity of A23187. The results suggest that exogenous gangliosides may function as an inhibitor of some of the mitogen-triggered early events, including Ca2+ metabolism, and thus influence the immunological behavior of intact lymphoid cells.  相似文献   
The maturation of the ability of the B-cell population to re-express surface immunoglobulin (sIg) after its removal by treatment with rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin (RAMIg) was studied in LAF1, C57BL/6, and C57L mice. As demonstrated by previous workers, the B-cell population from immature mice failed to re-express sIg after treatment with RAMIg. We have shown that the age at which the B-cell population acquires the capacity to re-express sIg is different in different strains and that the order in which the B-cell population of the different strains acquires the capacity to re-express sIg is different from the order in which their B-cell populations acquire the capacity to produce high-affinity antibodies. This suggests that these represent distinct differentiation events in the development of the B-cell population. In all of the strains studied the maturation of the capacity to re-express sIg occurred in two steps. After the first maturation step the B-cell population was able to re-express sIg after treatment with RAMIg for 1 hr but did not re-express sIg after treatment with RAMIg for 24 hr. After the second maturation step the B-cell population could re-express sIg even after 24 hr treatment with RAMIg. It has been suggested by previous workers that the inability of the immature B-cell population to re-express sIg could represent one of the mechanisms responsible for the development of B-cell self-tolerance. It is suggested here that the existence of a period during which cells become tolerant only upon prolonged exposure to antigen could protect the developing B cells from becoming unresponsive to transiently experienced foreign antigens but still permit them to become tolerant to self antigens which are continuously present.  相似文献   
Human monocytes synthesize large amounts of the second complement component (C2) after incubation with a T-lymphocyte product called monocyte complement stimulator (MCS). The human monocyte-like cell line, U937, also synthesizes C2 and can be stimulated to increase this synthesis by lymphokine-rich culture supernates. Additionally, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), an agent which induces maturational changes in other macrophage-like cell lines, also stimulates C2 synthesis by U937 cells. Lymphokine and PMA stimulation of C2 secretion by U937 are both reversibly inhibitable by cycloheximide. At optimal concentrations for stimulation of C2 synthesis, PMA inhibits [3H]thymidine incorporation by U937 indicating that increased C2 is not due to increased numbers of U937 cells.  相似文献   
Eleven mouse strains were inoculated in footpads with amastigotes of Leishmania tropica and observed for 12 weeks. Liver and spleen impression smears from infected mice were examined for the presence of intracellular parasites. Four strains (BALB/cJ, C57L/J, NZW/N, and P/J) failed to heal the subcutaneous lesion and showed evidence of systemic infection; the remaining seven strains (A/J, C3H/HeJ, C3H/HeN, C3HeB/FeJ, C57BL/6J, C57BL/10J, and C57BL/10ScN) were each resistant to infection and resolved their lesions by Week 10. Macrophages from the four susceptible strains could not be activated to kill L. tropica amastigotes by treatment with soluble lymphocyte products in vitro. In contrast, macrophages from all seven resistant strains responded to lymphokine treatment and eliminated 80-90% of intracellular parasites. These results suggest that in vitro macrophage microbicidal activities predict the course of systemic leishmanial disease.  相似文献   
The regulatory mechanism of guinea pig lymphokines was investigated in regard to differentiation of myeloid cells to macrophages. The Ml-cell line, established from a myeloid leukemia of an SL-strain mouse, was induced to differentiate in vitro into mature macrophages possessing Fc receptors and the ability to phagocytize latex particles by treatment with crude lymphokines. Both concanavalin A- and antigen-induced lymphokines showed the differentiation-inducing factor (D factor) activity. However, macrophage migration inhibitory factor/ macrophage activation factor (MIF/MAF) purified by an immunoadsorbent column with anti-MIF antibody had no such an activity. The D-factor activity was detected in the lymphokine preparation that was not retained on the immunoadsorbent column. In contrast, colony-stimulating factor (CSF) was adsorbed to the immunoadsorbent column, and could be recovered in the purified MIF/MAF preparation. These findings suggest that the molecular entity of D factor is distinct from MIF/ MAF and CSF. A culture supernatant of guinea pig peritoneal macrophages activated with MIF/ MAF (CSF) exhibited strong D-factor activity. However, the supernatant possessed rather reduced CSF activity as compared to that of the original MIF/MAF (CSF) preparation. Thus, MIF/MAF may play an important role in macrophage differentiation by regulating the production of D factor or CSF from macrophages.  相似文献   
Previous studies indicated that the serum thymic factor (FTS) could modulate in vivo the level of splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity in mice. The present report shows that such an effect is also observed after a short term in vitro incubation of the effector cells with FTS. The regulatory effects of FTS result in an increase or a decrease of the splenic NK cell cytotoxicity depending upon the age and the mouse strain. Furthermore, FTS is able to enhance the NK cell activity of thymus and bone marrow cells which are known to be weakly reactive in NK cytotoxicity. Depletion experiments demonstrated that the FTS-induced increase of NK cell activity was not mediated by Thy 1+ cells nor macrophages, thus suggesting a direct action of FTS on the effector cells. Comparative studies using other thymic hormones revealed similar patterns of reactivity. These results favor the hypothesis of a close relationship between the thymus and NK cells.  相似文献   
The effects of peritoneal exudate macrophages on antibody response to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) were investigated in mice. Peritoneal exudate macrophages obtained from mice injected intraperitoneally with proteose peptone or Corynebacterium parvum 4 days earlier had stronger ability to phagocytize and degrade SRBC than normal resident macrophages. These macrophages suppressed antibody formation to SRBC in vitro as well as in vivo. This suppression was overridden by increasing the amount of SRBC and diminished completely by pretreatment of the macrophages with iodoacetate and partly by pretreatment with 2-deoxyglucose, both known to be inhibitors of phagocytosis, but not by addition of indomethacin to the in vitro culture. These results suggest that the suppression of antibody response by peritoneal exudate macrophages was due to the increased activity of these cells as scavenger cells, resulting in a reduced amount of effective antigenic stimulation, and that it was not mediated by a prostaglandin-dependent mechanism. The scavenger function of these macrophages may be due to Ia-negative macrophages.  相似文献   
Unexpected cytolysis was encountered when nonactivated murine peritoneal macrophages were cultured with [3H]TdR-prelabeled syngeneic or allogeneic tumor cells at a 10:1 ratio. The level of specific cytolysis reached 70% within 48 hr of cocultivation. Similar killing was observed whether the macrophages were derived from untreated, thioglycollate-treated, or germ-free mice. Cytolytic activity was also demonstrated when bone marrow-derived or peritoneal macrophages from 9- and 5-day in vitro cultures, respectively, were employed rather than freshly harvested peritoneal macrophages. Thus, the macrophage-mediated killing was neither the result of in vivo preactivation nor a consequence of the presence of lymphocytes in the assay. Moreover, macrophages derived from different strains caused similar effects. Our study revealed that the neoplastic target cell cultures susceptible to cytolysis by nonactivated macrophages were contaminated with mycoplasma. A mycoplasma was isolated from the supernatant of a culture of the A9HT fibrosarcoma line, identified as Mycoplasma orale, and cultivated. Addition of viable mycoplasma from that isolate to mixed cultures of thioglycollate-elicited macrophages and [3H]TdR-prelabeled mycoplasma-free target cells resulted in specific cytolysis of transformed A9 cells, but not of normal mouse fibroblasts. The level of macrophage-dependent cytolysis correlated with the number of viable mycoplasma cells added and was higher than that attained by activation with LPS at optimal concentration. Similar specific cytolysis was observed with heat-killed mycoplasmas. Our results demonstrate that mycoplasmas may cause selective macrophage-mediated cytolysis of neoplastic but not of normal target cells, perhaps via activation of the macrophages. It is suggested that undetected infection of experimental systems by mycoplasmas may account for some reports on lysis of neoplastic cells by nonactivated macrophages.  相似文献   
Parenchymal cells, isolated from untreated (control), phenobarbital(PB)-or 3-methylcholanthrene(3-MC)-treated rats, were separated into four subpopulations according to cell density, and glucuronidation and sulfation of p-nitrophenol (PNP) in the hepatocyte subpopulations were investigated. PB enhanced the glucuronidation almost 2-fold but not the sulfation, while 3-MC enhanced both glucuronidation (3-fold) and sulfation (2-fold) in the original cell suspensions. Some gradation trends were found in the conjugation activities among the hepatocyte subpopulations: In the control experiment, the extent of glucuronidation in four subpopulations was virtually the same but sulfation in high-density hepatocytes was slightly higher than in low-density ones. Both glucuronidation and sulfation were higher in low-density hepatocytes from PB-treated rats, though the gradation was very modest. Glucuronidation and sulfation tended to be slightly higher in middle-density hepatocytes in the 3-MC experiment. However, no definite correlation in conjugation activities vs. cell density, like those seen in cytochrome P-450s vs. cell density in the hepatocytes isolated from PB-treated rats, were found in the subpopulations from control or inducer-treated rats. Simultaneous studies on acetylation of p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) revealed that the activities in the subpopulations were virtually the same and the inducers had little influence on the activity.  相似文献   
The mode of action of cytotoxic and antitumor 1-nitroacridines and their isomeric derivatives was studied by comparing their effects in cell-free systems and towards cultured tumor HeLa cells, assuming that the nitroacridines considered exert cytotoxic effects by physicochemical binding with the DNA. All the nitroacridines impaired biosyntheses of DNA, RNA and protein in cultured HeLa cells and a causal relationship between nitroacridine inhibition of macromolecular biosyntheses and lethal effects of the agents appears likely. In cell-free systems, the nitroacridines bound with two independent sites on the DNA, forming complexes with enhanced resistance to DNA strand separation upon melting and inhibited the DNA polymerase reaction by altering activity of template and/or of enzyme. The 1-nitroacridines were poorly effective in cell-free systems and were the most potent inhibitors toward the growth of HeLa cells among the derivatives studied. It is concluded that the primary events responsible for cytotoxic effects of antitumor 1-nitroacridines and of their isomeric derivatives are different. The metabolic activation of 1-nitroacridines to more reactive intermediates which will attach to and alter the structure and/or function of DNA of sensitive cells is suggested.  相似文献   
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