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不同发育年龄大鼠肝细胞及其溶酶体对急性低氧的应答   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
人工低压舱内模拟高原低氧24h,并与2300m对照组比较,观察不同发育年龄大鼠SGOT活力,肝溶酶体总酸性磷酸酶、非沉淀酸性磷酸酶和芳基硫酸酯酶活力及肝重、肝细胞糖原、蛋白和总脂含量的变化。在海拔5000m高度,10天鼠各酶活力、570天鼠总酸性磷酸酶和芳基硫酸酯酶活力明显升高;35和75天鼠各酶活力未见显著变化;在海拔8000m高度,各年龄组鼠上述各酶活力均显著升高。随着海拔高度的升高,各组大鼠肝重呈不同程度的下降,肝细胞糖原含量非常明显地减少,35和75天鼠8000m组全肝蛋白含量下降明显,10、35、75天鼠肝细胞总脂累积。上述结果综合分析表明:低氧致使大鼠肝细胞损伤属一普遍性效应,新生期和老年期大鼠肝细胞耐低氧能力不及幼年期和成年期大鼠。  相似文献   
Changes in lipid composition were investigated on maize roots and shoots under aluminum stress. After 4d exposure to 100 microM Al, root growth was inhibited while shoot growth was not affected. In roots, the decrease of the DBI (double bond index) of total fatty acids may signal a decrease in membrane fluidity. The total lipids (TL) decreased by 49%, but phospholipids (PL), phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) increased to approximately 3-fold. The MGDG increased to 2-fold but no significant change was found in the DGDG. The steryl lipids (SL) increased by 69%. The SL/PL ratio decreased from 2.64 to 1.52 and the MGDG/DGDG ratio increased from 0.45 to 1.06 in roots of Al-stressed plants. Al leads to oxidative stress in roots of treated plants as indicated by the increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations. In shoots, changes in fatty acid composition were associated with an increase of the DBI in all lipid classes except that of the DGDG decreased. The PG was the lipid class which shows the large variation of fatty acid composition. No significant changes were found either for TL, PL, SL or MDA concentrations in shoots of Al-treated plants. While PE levels did not show significant change, PI and PG increased and PC decreased. However, the Al caused 87% decrease in the GL levels. The MGDG and DGDG decreased to 19- and 8-fold, respectively. The deleterious effects of Al on polar lipids could be caused by a direct intervention of Al on plasma membrane and/or alteration of cell metabolism.  相似文献   
Allometric equations for the estimation of tree volume and aboveground biomass in a tropical humid forest were developed based on direct measurements of 19 individuals of seven tree species in Northern Costa Rica. The volume and the biomass of the stems represented about two‐thirds of the total volume and total aboveground biomass, respectively. The average stem volume varied between 4 and 11 Mg/tree and the average total aboveground biomass ranged from 4 to 10 mg/tree. The mean specific gravity of the sampled trees was 0.62 ± 0.06 (g/cm3). The average biomass expansion factor was 1.6 ± 0.2. The best‐fit equations for stem and total volume were of logarithmic form, with diameter at breast height (R2= 0.66 ? 0.81) as an independent variable. The best‐fit equations for total aboveground biomass that were based on combinations of diameter at breast height, and total and commercial height as independent variables had R2 values between 0.77 and 0.87. Models recommended for estimating total aboveground biomass are based on diameter at breast height, because the simplicity of these models is advantageous. This variable is easy to measure accurately in the field and is the most common variable recorded in forest inventories. Two widely used models in literature tend to underestimate aboveground biomass in large trees. In contrast, the models developed in this study accurately estimate the total aboveground biomass in these trees.  相似文献   
The Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) has been extending its summer feeding distribution north and west, including around Iceland, since around 2006. The objective of this study is to quantify the weight gain and total food consumption of mackerel and to evaluate the food competition between mackerel and herring (Clupea harengus) feeding in the marine ecosystem around Iceland during the summers 2009–2011. Mackerel feeding in Icelandic waters gained around 43% on average in weight during these summers. Based on swept-area abundance estimates of mackerel from an international survey in 2011 and available estimates of food conversion efficiency in mackerel, the weight gain in Icelandic waters in 2011 corresponded to a total consumption of around 3.4 (2.4?4.5) million tonnes. Overall, 98% of 2314 mackerel, 91% of 398 Icelandic summer-spawning herring and 96% of 424 Norwegian spring-spawning herring stomachs, collected over the summers 2009?2011, contained food. The mean weight of the stomach content of mackerel was higher than for herring in all the years. While the stomach content weight of mackerel was generally highest in southeastern and southwestern areas, it was highest for herring in western, eastern and northern areas. Analysis of stomach contents showed that Copepoda were the most important food of mackerel in most areas, while Copepoda and Euphausiacea were the most important food items for herring. Fish prey contributed a higher proportion in stomachs of mackerel than herring, although relatively low for both species.  相似文献   
 Free amino acids were determined in developing seed of a rice mutant with enhanced grain lysine. This phenotype frequently has enhanced protein. Some free amino acids of developing seed are inversely related to the level of total amino acids in proteins of the mature grain. Amino acids that were enhanced in protein, including aspartic acid, threonine, methionine and lysine, were notably lower in the free amino-acid pool. Our conclusion is that mutant-developing grains process aspartate amino acids more rapidly than the controls. Conversely, arginine, valine and glutamic acid/glutamine accumulate as free amino acids with mutant/control ratios of 1.39, 1.29 and 1.12, respectively. Glutamic acid/glutamine in proteins of mature seeds is lower in the mutant than the control. 3H-lysine incorporation showed enhanced isotope incorporation into at least four proteins. One mutant protein was less actively labelled than analogous controls. The 3Hlysine pattern indicates processing modifications in this useful rice mutant. Received: 14 October 1996/Accepted: 8 November 1996  相似文献   
Plant responses to water deficit occur in a complex framework of organ interactions, but few studies focus on the effect of drought stress on all organs in a whole-plant. The effects of repeated dehydration and rehydration (DH) on physiological and biochemical responses in various organs of Periploca sepium Bunge (P. sepium) were investigated. The leaf relative water content decreased significantly during drought, but recovered and showed an increase when compared to well-watered control plants. The malondialdehyde (MDA) content increased in mature and old leaves, but decreased in young leaves, new stems and fine roots during drought, indicating that the young and vigorous tissues of a whole-plant are protected preferentially from the oxidative stress. Among all organs, the fine roots showed the highest levels of proline, total free amino acids (TFAA) and Na+, while the leaves showed the highest levels of total soluble sugars (TSS), soluble proteins (SP), Ca2+ and Mg2+. The response to DH differed in different organs, both in magnitude and in the type of solutes involved. Drought stress increased the contents of proline, TFAA, TSS, SP and K+ in all organs of P. sepium plants, while the accumulation amounts were obviously different among the organs. The storage starch in stems and roots plays an important role in providing carbohydrates for growth. Changes in Na+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ under DH presented a high degree of organ specificity. Our data indicates that response strategies are different between different organs; therefore, evidence the needs to integrate all the information in order to better understand plant tolerance mechanisms.  相似文献   
Ambient ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation potentially impacts the photosynthetic performance of high Arctic plants. We conducted an UV-B exclusion experiment in a dwarf shrub heath in NE Greenland (74°N), with open control, filter control, UV-B filtering and UV-AB filtering, all in combination with leaf angle control. Two sites with natural leaf positions had ground angles of 0° (‘level site’) and 45° (‘sloping site’), while at a third site the leaves were fixed in an angle of 45° to homogenize the irradiance dose (‘fixed leaf angle site’). The photosynthetic performance of the leaves was characterized by simultaneous gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements and the PSII performance through the growing season was investigated with fluorescence measurements. Leaf harvest towards the end of the growing season was done to determine the specific leaf area and the content of carbon, nitrogen and UV-B absorbing compounds. Compared to a 60% reduced UV-B irradiance, the ambient solar UV-B reduced net photosynthesis in Salix arctica leaves fixed in the 45° position which exposed leaves to maximum natural irradiance. Also a reduced Calvin Cycle capacity was found, i.e. the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) and the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vcmax), and the PSII performance showed a decreased quantum yield and increased energy dissipation. A parallel response pattern and reduced PSII performance at all three sites indicate that these responses take place in all leaves across position in the vegetation. These findings add to the evidence that the ambient solar UV-B currently is a significant stress factor for plants in high Arctic Greenland.  相似文献   
The protozoan community in eleven activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the greater Dublin area has been investigated and correlated with key physio-chemical operational and effluent quality parameters. The plants represented various designs, including conventional and biological nutrient removal (BNR) systems. The aim of the study was to identify differences in ciliate community due to key design parameters including anoxic/anaerobic stages and to identify suitable bioindicator species for performance evaluation. BNR systems supported significantly different protozoan communities compared to conventional systems. Total protozoan abundance was reduced in plants with incorporated anoxic and anaerobic stages, whereas species diversity was either unaffected or increased. Plagiocampa rouxi and Holophrya discolor were tolerant to anoxic/anaerobic conditions and associated with high denitrification. Apart from process design, influent wastewater characteristics affect protozoan community structure. Aspidisca cicada was associated with low dissolved oxygen and low nitrate concentrations, while Trochilia minuta was indicative of good nitrifying conditions and good sludge settleability. Trithigmostoma cucullulus was sensitive to ammonia and phosphate and could be useful as an indicator of high effluent quality. The association rating assessment procedure of Curds and Cockburn failed to predict final effluent biological oxygen demand (BOD5) indicating the method might not be applicable to treatment systems of different designs.  相似文献   
森林不同土壤层全氮空间变异特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用经典统计学和地统计学方法,分析了八达岭地区土壤全氮(TN)在不同层次(A,B,C)的空间变异特征。同时结合地理信息系统(GIS),分析了该地区植被类型和土壤TN之间的关系。应用分类回归树模型(classification and regression trees,CART)分析了土壤TN和海拔与植被分布格局的关系。得到以下结论:(1)TN在A、B、C层平均值分别为2.94、1.30,0.63 g/kg,变异系数(CV)分别为33%、33%、45%,都表现为中等变异。(2)TN在不同土层的变异函数理论模型符合球状模型,TN在A层为弱空间相关,在B、C层为中等空间相关。(3)泛可里格插值表明,TN在不同层次都表现出了明显的空间分布趋势。不同植被类型所对应土壤全氮的空间分布则各不相同。(4)CART研究结果表明,该区植被类型分布格局可大致划分为四大部分。可初步确定海拔725m,TN含量4.23 g/kg和5.69 g/kg为影响该区植被分布格局的重要参考值。  相似文献   
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