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In a recent contribution to this journal, Wilmé et al. (2016) proposed that the giant tortoises of the islands of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO: Aldabra, the Mascarenes, and the Granitic Seychelles) might have originated from translocation by early Austronesian sailors. Prompted by this paper we review recent literature and show that natural overseas dispersal was remarkably widespread in the colonization history of terrestrial reptiles in the WIO region. Almost 90% of the successful colonization events are supported by prevailing marine surface currents. However, these currents may change over geological (and evolutionary) time‐scales, and eddies and counter‐currents may facilitate transport against the main current direction. We review the cases of the extant and extinct WIO giant tortoises and suggest that the current distribution of all lineages can be convincingly explained by overseas dispersal.  相似文献   
Tick species density and diversity on Aldabran tortoises was investigated in relation to the habitat range and size of each tortoise. Identification of tick infestation patterns forms an important aspect of effective tick control. Ten Aldabran tortoises were de‐ticked and monitored over the course of 2 months. Tick species found were Amblyomma sparsum, Amblyomma nuttalli, Amblyomma hebraeum and Boophilus decoloratus, with the most prevalent species found being A. sparsum. Tick loads varied considerably from 20 to 214 ticks per tortoise, with most ticks collected from the head/neck region. Tortoises ranging outside Haller Park had higher tick loads (70–214) compared with tortoises ranging within Haller Park (20–99). Tick load was not correlated with tortoise size. Results indicate that tick loads are related to the habitat range of the tortoises and may indirectly also be related to food preference and host food availability. Implications of the findings and appropriate tick control measures are discussed.  相似文献   
We studied the temperature relations of wild and zoo Aldabra giant tortoises (Aldabrachelys gigantea) focusing on (1) the relationship between environmental temperature and tortoise activity patterns (n = 8 wild individuals) and (2) on tortoise body temperature fluctuations, including how their core and external body temperatures vary in relation to different environmental temperature ranges (seasons; n = 4 wild and n = 5 zoo individuals). In addition, we surveyed the literature to review the effect of body mass on core body temperature range in relation to environmental temperature in the Testudinidae. Diurnal activity of tortoises was bimodally distributed and influenced by environmental temperature and season. The mean air temperature at which activity is maximized was 27.9°C, with a range of 25.8–31.7°C. Furthermore, air temperature explained changes in the core body temperature better than did mass, and only during the coldest trial, did tortoises with higher mass show more stable temperatures. Our results, together with the overall Testudinidae overview, suggest that, once variation in environmental temperature has been taken into account, there is little effect of mass on the temperature stability of tortoises. Moreover, the presence of thermal inertia in an individual tortoise depends on the environmental temperatures, and we found no evidence for inertial homeothermy. Finally, patterns of core and external body temperatures in comparison with environmental temperatures suggest that Aldabra giant tortoises act as mixed conformer–regulators. Our study provides a baseline to manage the thermal environment of wild and rewilded populations of an important island ecosystem engineer species in an era of climate change.  相似文献   
Efforts to eradicate nonnative mammals to restore oceanic island ecosystems have become increasingly successful but parallel tracking of response by native species for which control efforts are intended to benefit has been rare. A major campaign to eradicate nonnative goats and burros was initiated in 1995 on Alcedo Volcano in the Galápagos Archipelago that ultimately removed 62,868 goats and eliminated them by 2006. Planners of the eradication program had the foresight to invest in intensive monitoring of the status of the volcano's giant tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra) population whose welfare was a primary motivation for the eradication effort. Monitoring revealed an increase in the proportion of juveniles among all tortoises as well as increased growth rates of individual tortoises on Alcedo Volcano from earlier to later phases of the eradication campaign. Over the same time frame in a control population on nearby Santa Cruz Island (where goats and donkeys were not removed) juvenile fraction and individual growth rates remained unchanged. Although goat removal coincided with occurrence of a rare climatic event that simultaneously boosted forage availability for tortoises, failure to observe a comparable improvement in the control population implies that removal of goats and burros was the primary causative factor of improving population status of tortoises on Alcedo Volcano.  相似文献   
The giant tortoises of the Galápagos have become greatly depleted since European discovery of the islands in the 16th Century, with populations declining from an estimated 250 000 to between 8000 and 14 000 in the 1970s. Successful tortoise conservation efforts have focused on species recovery, but ecosystem conservation and restoration requires a better understanding of the wider ecological consequences of this drastic reduction in the archipelago's only large native herbivore. We report the first evidence from palaeoecological records of coprophilous fungal spores of the formerly more extensive geographical range of giant tortoises in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. Upland tortoise populations on Santa Cruz declined 500–700 years ago, likely the result of human impact or possible climatic change. Former freshwater wetlands, a now limited habitat‐type, were found to have converted to Sphagnum bogs concomitant with tortoise loss, subsequently leading to the decline of several now‐rare or extinct plant species.  相似文献   
为了初步解释乌龟尿液抑菌的机理,我们建立了若干乌龟模型,分别取不同的乌龟尿液测定其中12种主要成分的含量并对其抑菌效果进行了实验研究.发现不同乌龟个体尿液中主要成分存在一定的变化,同时其对应的抑菌效果也随之变化,通过分析发现只有尿液中尿酸含量的变化和抑菌圈面积的变化存在显著正相关关系,揭示出尿酸可能是乌龟尿样中的主要抑菌成分.  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(3):317-324
Terrestrial vertebrates from the karst filling in Cap d’Artrutx, situated in the extreme Southwest of Menorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean) have yielded interesting information on the migration and extinction dynamics in the terrestrial island vertebrate faunas in Mallorca and Menorca between the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. In this site, remains of the Menorcan giant tortoise (“Testudo” gymnesica Bate, 1914) and two mammals (Nesiotites sp. and Hypnomys sp.) have been found. The remains of the Menorcan giant tortoise represent the youngest record of this species and of the so-called second faunistic group of the island. The morphology and size of Nesiotites sp. are comparable to those of Nesiotites aff. ponsi Reumer, 1979 from the Plio-Pleistocene of Pedrera de S’Ònix (Mallorca) and Nesiotites meloussae Pons and Moyà, 1980 (= Nesiotites aff. ponsi sensu Pons-Monjo et al., 2012) from the lower Pleistocene of Binigaus (Menorca). Hypnomys sp. can belong to an archaic species not yet described. They represent the first evidence of the entrance of the third faunistic group, which originally evolved on the neighbouring island of Mallorca. This association is interpreted, therefore, as the first evidence of a faunal succession in the Plio-Pleistocene in the Balearic Islands.  相似文献   
  1. Obtaining robust survival estimates is critical, but sample size limitations often result in imprecise estimates or the failure to obtain estimates for population subgroups. Concurrently, data are often recorded on incidental reencounters of marked individuals, but these incidental data are often unused in survival analyses.
  2. We evaluated the utility of supplementing a traditional survival dataset with incidental data on marked individuals that were collected ad hoc. We used a continuous time‐to‐event exponential survival model to leverage the matching information contained in both datasets and assessed differences in survival among adult and juvenile and resident and translocated Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii).
  3. Incorporation of the incidental mark‐encounter data improved precision of all annual survival point estimates, with a 3.4%–37.5% reduction in the spread of the 95% Bayesian credible intervals. We were able to estimate annual survival for three subgroup combinations that were previously inestimable. Point estimates between the radiotelemetry and combined datasets were within |0.029| percentage points of each other, suggesting minimal to no bias induced by the incidental data.
  4. Annual survival rates were high (>0.89) for resident adult and juvenile tortoises in both study sites and for translocated adults in the southern site. Annual survival rates for translocated juveniles at both sites and translocated adults in the northern site were between 0.73 and 0.76. At both sites, translocated adults and juveniles had significantly lower survival than resident adults. High mortality in the northern site was driven primarily by a single pulse in mortalities.
  5. Using exponential survival models to leverage matching information across traditional survival studies and incidental data on marked individuals may serve as a useful tool to improve the precision and estimability of survival rates. This can improve the efficacy of understanding basic population ecology and population monitoring for imperiled species.
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