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研究黄土丘陵区植被与地形特征对土壤和土壤微生物生物量生态化学计量特征影响有助于深入理解黄土丘陵区不同植被带下土壤和土壤微生物相互作用及养分循环规律.选择黄土丘陵区延河流域3个植被区(森林区、森林草原区、草原区)和5种地形部位(阴/阳沟坡、阴/阳梁峁坡、峁顶)的土壤作为研究对象,利用生态化学计量学理论研究植被和地形对土壤和土壤微生物生物量生态化学计量特征的影响.结果表明: 土壤及土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷含量在不同地形之间的差别主要表现在沟坡位置和阴坡高于其他坡位和阳坡.植被类型的变化对两个土层(0~10、10~20 cm)土壤和土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷的影响均达到显著水平,坡向对表层(0~10 cm)土壤和土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷的影响强于坡位,而在10~20 cm土层,坡位对土壤和土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷影响更显著.植被类型显著影响土壤C∶N、C∶P、N∶P和土壤微生物生物量C∶N、C∶P,坡向和坡位仅影响土壤C∶P和N∶P,植被类型的变化是影响土壤C∶N的主要因素.同时,植被类型对土壤养分和微生物生物量碳、氮、磷含量及其生态化学计量特征的影响大于地形因子.标准化主轴分析结果表明,黄土丘陵区不同植被带土壤微生物具有内稳性,特别在草原带,土壤微生物生物量生态化学计量学特征具有更加严格的约束比例.在黄土丘陵区,土壤微生物生物量N∶P或许可以作为判断养分限制的另一个有力工具,若将土壤微生物生物量N∶P与植物叶片N∶P配合使用可能有助于我们更加精确地判断黄土丘陵区的土壤养分限制情况.  相似文献   
Summary The retinal projections to the brain were studied in three species of European Salamandridae using anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and autoradiography. The results obtained were basically identical for all species and confirmed earlier findings on the fiber supply to the preoptic nucleus and the basal optic neuropil. In the anterior thalamus projections to three distinct terminal fields are clearly visible: (i) the diffusely stained corpus geniculatum thalamicum, (ii) the neuropil of Bellonci, pars lateralis, and (iii) a dorsomedial terminal field, the neuropil of Bellonci, pars medialis. Caudal to these terminal fields is an almost terminal-free region, the lateral neuropil. In the posterior thalamus a medial terminal field, the uncinate field, and a laterally located terminal field, the posterior thalamic neuropil, are distinguishable. The tectum opticum displays as many as four dense layers of retinofugal fibers and terminals in the rostral part and, in addition, a more densely stained strip of neuropil running from rostral to caudal over the tectum. The extent of ipsilateral fibers is greater than previously reported in other urodele species. They supply the medial and the lateral parts of the neuropil of Bellonci, the uncinate field, and reach the tectum opticum via the medial optic tract. Further, they form terminals in the innermost optic fiber layer throughout the rostral half of the ipsilateral tectum. A small proportion of ipsilateral fibers contributes very sparsely to all other thalamic terminal fields, leaving only the caudal part of the tectum and several layers of the rostral tectum completely free of a direct retinofugal fiber supply.  相似文献   
张谧  熊高明  陈志刚  樊大勇  谢宗强 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2686-2692
地貌单元和地形的局部变化严重制约着光照、温度、水分甚至土壤资源的再分配 ,从而对植被的分布产生影响。以永久性监测样地为基础 ,利用数字高程模型模拟 0 .96 hm2样地的地形表面 ,在地理信息系统的支持下分析了米心水青冈 -曼青冈群落的地形异质性状况 ,并结合群落调查的结果探讨了地形因素对群落组成的影响。结果表明研究范围内样方的平均坡度在 18.2~ 74 .6°之间。坡向可以分为南坡、西南坡及东南坡 3部分 ,坡度及坡向差异显著。对坡度、坡向等地形因素及群落的物种组成进行半方差分析 ,发现三者的空间异质性尺度分别为 2 85 .8m,2 80 .5 m及 6 .1m。地形因素的变化尺度远大于植被组成的变化 ,说明小尺度下地形因素不是影响群落内种群分布格局的唯一因素。坡度和坡向因子的块金值分别为 2 1.8及 4 98.0 ,说明两者在小尺度下的某些过程不能忽视。植物与地形因素的相关分析表明不同的种对地形的适应性不同 ,群落中的 2 4种主要植物可以分为 4个生态种组。因此 ,群落的物种组成变化受到多种因素的影响 ,这种影响可以在地形变化中得到反映。  相似文献   
地理、地形因素是影响西北旱寒区农业种植结构和生态保育的重要因素之一。以甘肃为例,在遥感和GIS技术支持下,选取该地区122个气象站点的1980、1990、2000年3个年份各月降雨量和平均气温作为数据源,分析了各月降雨量和平均气温与经纬度、海拔、坡向、坡度之间的相关关系。结果表明,降雨量与经度、纬度和海拔3个地理、地形因子相关性较大,与坡度和坡向无显著性相关;降雨量和纬度之间存在普遍的显著性负相关,平均偏相关系数在0.5以上。另外,月平均气温与经度、海拔具有很高的显著性负相关,其中平均气温与海拔之间的偏相关系数达到0.9以上,但与坡度和坡向的相关性不显著。更进一步,分析了3个年度各月的月平均气温与纬度之间的关系,虽然气温和纬度之间存在一定的相关性,但随着年份的变化,温度与纬度具有显著性相关的月份数在减少,并且在存在相关性的月份中,气温同纬度之间的偏相关系数也在逐年减小,纬度对温度的空间分布的影响正逐渐变弱。研究结果支持了中国西北干旱区范围正向东南扩展的结论,并为全球变化下旱区农业生态系统管理提供理论潜力。  相似文献   
Genetic diversity provides the basic substrate for evolution, yet few studies assess the impacts of global climate change (GCC) on intraspecific genetic variation. In this review, we highlight the importance of incorporating neutral and non‐neutral genetic diversity when assessing the impacts of GCC, for example, in studies that aim to predict the future distribution and fate of a species or ecological community. Specifically, we address the following questions: Why study the effects of GCC on intraspecific genetic diversity? How does GCC affect genetic diversity? How is the effect of GCC on genetic diversity currently studied? Where is potential for future research? For each of these questions, we provide a general background and highlight case studies across the animal, plant and microbial kingdoms. We further discuss how cryptic diversity can affect GCC assessments, how genetic diversity can be integrated into studies that aim to predict species' responses on GCC and how conservation efforts related to GCC can incorporate and profit from inclusion of genetic diversity assessments. We argue that studying the fate of intraspecifc genetic diversity is an indispensable and logical venture if we are to fully understand the consequences of GCC on biodiversity on all levels.  相似文献   
Capsule King Penguins recognize their mates by voice, but Guillemots do not need acoustic cues even though their calls show individual variation.

Aims To determine whether the structure of Guillemot calls could allow individual recognition, as with King Penguin, and whether acoustic cues are used to locate mates among a dense mass of conspecifics at a colony.

Methods Observations were made on breeding Guillemots and King Penguins. Calls made by birds returning to their mates were recorded, the signals digitized and the calls analysed. Calls were later played back to the mates of the birds concerned and the effects noted on both them and their neighbours.

Results Both Guillemots and King Penguins emitted calls on return to the breeding site which contained individual signatures and were therefore potentially usable for mate recognition. In King Penguins, auditory recognition was essential for finding a mate, whereas in Guillemots most of the arriving birds located their mate in a dense crowd of conspecifics without the help of acoustic signals. Guillemots could differentiate neighbours from strangers without auditory cues.

Conclusion Calls are essential for the successful identification of mates by King Penguins but not by Guillemots.  相似文献   
【目的】明确小菜蛾Plutella xylostella成虫下唇须感器的形态结构及感器神经元的投射。【方法】利用光学显微镜观察和扫描电子显微镜观察下唇须结构和感器类型,利用神经回填技术和激光共聚焦显微镜观察下唇须感器神经元在脑部的投射。【结果】小菜蛾成虫下唇须共3节,其上存在Böhm氏鬃毛、钟形感器、鳞形感器、锥形感器、微毛形感器5种不同类型的感器和一个陷窝器结构。Böhm氏鬃毛短小尖细,钟形感器形如顶部凹陷的圆帽,两种感器均分布于下唇须第1节,且大小上均无雌雄二型差异;鳞形感器形同柳叶,锥形感器粗而直,均散生于下唇须的第2和3节,两种感器在大小上均存在雌雄二型差异,其中雌性的鳞形感器显著大于雄性的,根据其雌雄二型差异现象推测雌蛾的鳞形感器可能与感受寄主植物挥发物有关;下唇须第3节中上部具有一个圆形陷窝器结构,雄虫的陷窝器内径为5.68±0.33μm,雌虫的为6.03±0.23μm,雌雄间无显著性差异;凹坑内长有表面光滑的微毛形感器。小菜蛾下唇须感器神经元主要投射于脑部咽下神经节、每个触角叶的下唇须陷窝器神经纤维球和腹神经索3条通路。【结论】阐明了小菜蛾下唇须感器的类型、分布和形态特征及其感器神经元在脑部的投射形态,为深入了解小菜蛾下唇须感器的生理和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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