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The exchangeable amide protons of hyaluronic acid (HA) oligosaccharides and a higher-molecular-weight segment dissolved in H2O at pH 2.5 or 5.5 were examined by H NMR spectroscopy at 250 MHz. The HA segment preparation showed a single amide resonance, near the chemical shift for the amide proton of the monosaccharide 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranose (beta-GlcNAc). Smaller HA oligosaccharides showed two or three separate amide proton resonances, corresponding in relative peak area to interior or end GlcNAc residues. The interior GlcNAc amide resonance occurred at the same chemical shift as the single resonance of the HA segment. For the end GlcNAc residues, linkage to D-glucuronopyranose (GlcUA) through C1 resulted in an upfield shift relative to the beta-anomer of GlcNAc, whereas linkage through C3 resulted in a downfield shift relative to the corresponding anomer of GlcNAc. These chemical-shift perturbations appeared to be approximately offsetting in the case of linkage at both positions. The amide proton vicinal coupling constant (ca. 9 Hz) was found to be essentially independent of chain length, residue position, or solution pH. These data favor a nearly perpendicular orientation for the acetamido group with respect to the sugar ring, little affected by linkage of GlcNAc to GlcUA. No evidence for the existence of a stable hydrogen bond linking the amide proton with the carboxyl(ate) oxygen of the adjacent uronic acid residue was found. The amide proton resonances for chondroitin, chondroitin 4-sulfate, and dermatan sulfate were compared to that of HA. The chemical shifts of these resonances deviated no more than 0.1 ppm from that of HA. A small dependence on the identity of the adjacent uronic acid residue was noted, based on the observation of two resonances for dermatan sulfate.  相似文献   
N-malonyltransferases from peanut   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three distinct N-malonyltransferases were purified from peanut seedlings, accepting either anthranilic acid, D-tryptophan, or 3,4-dichloroaniline, respectively, as a substrate. Partially purified malonyl-CoA:D-tryptophan malonyltransferase also catalyzed the formation of the corresponding malonic acid conjugate when 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid was employed as a substrate. These N-malonyltransferases were clearly distinguished from several O-malonyltransferase activities also present in the same seedlings. N-Malonic acid conjugates have been previously isolated from peanut either as a natural constituent or after feeding with xenobiotics. By analogy to the results reported with cultured parsley cells, multiple malonyltransferases in peanut may have a role in vacuolar transport. Crude extracts of young peanut seedlings were incapable of hydrolyzing the respective N-malonic acid conjugates. However, dialyzed extracts of older plants released malonic acid from malonyl-1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid but not from malonyl-3,4-dichloroaniline, suggesting that some N-malonic acid conjugates may be metabolized in plants which are approaching senescence.  相似文献   
These studies provide further information regarding the mechanism of the light/dark-mediated regulation of pyruvate,Pi dikinase in leaves. It is shown that a catalysis-linked phosphorylation of pyruvate,Pi dikinase can be demonstrated following incubation of the enzyme with [32P]phosphoenolpyruvate or [beta-32P]ATP plus Pi, that the enzyme-bound phosphate is located on a histidine residue, and that this phosphate is retained during ADP-mediated inactivation. Further evidence is provided that phosphorylation of this histidine is a prerequisite for ADP-mediated inactivation through phosphorylation of a threonine residue from the beta-phosphate of ADP. It is demonstrated that diethylpyrocarbonate (which forms a derivative with histidine residues) prevents [32P]phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent labeling (catalytic labeling) and [beta-32P]ADP-dependent labeling (inactivation labeling) of the enzyme. In addition, it is demonstrated that oxalate, an analog of pyruvate, competitively inhibits ADP-dependent inactivation with respect to ADP. The significance of these results is discussed with regard to the mechanism of regulation of pyruvate,Pi dikinase in vivo.  相似文献   
Dissociation constants for Mg . ATP were determined by displacing ATP from Dowex-1 resin with magnesium. These constants were then used to analyze the kinetics of yeast mitochondrial ATPase, in terms of the concentrations of free magnesium and free ATP, at a series of pH values. Both Mg . ATP and hydroxide ions were found to compete with the binding of ATP to the enzyme. These results were interpreted, in terms of an ion-exchange model, to mean that the synthesis of ATP may require the utilization of both magnesium and hydroxide ions for the dissociation of ATP from the enzyme as Mg . ATP. The concentrations of Mg and hydroxide required to compete with ATP were both found to be about three orders of magnitude greater than those required to form products, indicating that magnesium and hydroxide ions can contribute about 8 kcal of energy when ATP is synthesized.  相似文献   
The binding of the natural and unnatural diastereoisomers 25-hydroxyvitamin D3-26,23-lactone and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3-26,23-lactone to the vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3] chick intestinal receptor have been investigated. Also, the biological activities, under in vivo conditions, of these compounds, in terms of intestinal calcium absorption (ICA) and bone calcium mobilization (BCM), in the chick are reported. The presence of the lactone ring in the C23-C26 position of the seco-steroid side chain increased two to three times the ability of both 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 to displace 25(OH)[3H]D3 from the D-binding protein; however, the DBP could not distinguish between the various diastereoisomers. In contrast, the unnatural form (23R,25S) of the 25-hydroxy-lactone was found to be 10-fold more potent than the natural form, and the unnatural (23R,25S)1,25(OH)2D3-26,23-lactone three times more potent than the natural 1,25-dihydroxy-lactone in displacing 1,25(OH)2[3H]D3 from its intestinal receptor. While studying the biological activity of these lactone compounds, it was found that the natural form of the 25-hydroxy-lactone increased the intestinal calcium absorption 48 h after injection (16.25 nmol), while bone calcium mobilization was decreased by the same dose of the 25-hydroxy-lactone. The 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3-26,23-lactone in both its natural and unnatural forms was found to be active in stimulating ICA and BCM. These results suggest that the 25-hydroxy-lactone has some biological activity in the chick and that 1,25(OH)2D3-26,23-lactone can mediate ICA and BCM biological responses, probably through an interaction with 1,25-(OH)2D3 specific receptors in these target tissues.  相似文献   
Enhancement of acetaldehyde-protein adduct formation by L-ascorbate   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The effect of L-ascorbate on the binding of [14C]acetaldehyde to bovine serum albumin was examined. In the absence of ascorbate, acetaldehyde reacted with albumin to form both unstable (Schiff bases) and stable adducts. Ascorbate (5 mM) caused a time-dependent increase in the formation of total acetaldehyde-albumin adducts, which were comprised mainly of stable adducts. Significant enhancement of adduct formation by ascorbate was observed at acetaldehyde concentrations as low as 5 microM. An ascorbate concentration as low as 0.5 mM was still effective in stimulating stable adduct formation. The electron acceptor, 2,6 dichlorophenolindophenol, prevented the ascorbate-induced increase in albumin-adduct formation. Ascorbate also caused enhanced acetaldehyde adduct formation with other purified proteins, including cytochrome c and histones, as well as the polyamino acid, poly-L-lysine. These results indicate that ascorbate, acting as a reducing agent, can convert unstable acetaldehyde adducts to stable adducts, and can thereby increase and stabilize the binding of acetaldehyde to proteins.  相似文献   
"Helical wheel" projections of transmembrane helical segments of membrane proteins involved in proton translocation were constructed. The particular proteins studied were the uncF protein subunit of the Escherichia coli proton-ATPase, the uncE protein subunit of the E. coli proton-ATPase, and cytochrome oxidase subunit III. Clear demarcation of polar and nonpolar regions on surfaces of transmembrane helical segments was seen in the uncF protein and in uncE protein helical segment two, but not in uncE protein helical segment one. The transmembrane segment of cytochrome oxidase subunit III which includes the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)-reactive residue was very similar to E. coli uncE protein helical segment two. The DCCD-reactive residue in both was clearly located on a nonpolar surface.  相似文献   
Rat brain neutral endopeptidase ("Enkephalinase") was shown to hydrolyze a series of fluorogenic substrates of the general structure 2-aminobenzoyl-(amino acid)n- leucylalanylglycine -4- nitrobenzylamide . The hydrolysis of these substrates was competitively inhibited by Leu5-enkephalin, demonstrating that these are indeed substrates for the rat brain neutral endopeptidase. Cleavage of the fluorogenic substrates yielded leucylalanylglycine -4- nitrobenzylamide as a common product. In addition, a series of inhibitors previously shown to inhibit thermolysin-like enzymes inhibited the hydrolysis of both Leu5-enkephalin and the synthetic substrates. The results of this study (a) demonstrate that the enkephalin-degrading endopeptidase is similar in specificity to thermolysin, (b) provide a continuous sensitive assay system for the enzyme, and (c) point out the potential use of this substrate class for probing the specificity of the enzyme.  相似文献   
A fraction of enriched plasma membranes from bovine parathyroid cells has been prepared by differential centrifugation. Biochemical characterization shows that this fraction has a specific activity enrichment of 7.2-fold in ouabain-sensitive Na+-K+ ATPase, and 3.5-fold in 5'-nucleotidase. Less than 4% of the total mitochondria and lysosomes are present within the plasma membranes, while microsomal contamination accounts for 14% of total specific activity. Parathyroid hormone radioimmunoassay also reveals the presence of some secretory granules within the plasma membrane fraction. The characteristic morphological aspect of the unusual surface membrane is shown by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In the enriched pellets, vesicles identified as having a plasma membrane origin have variable sizes, and 50% show an inside-out conformation. Even though the plasma membrane fraction described herein is not absolutely free from contamination by other subcellular components, this protocol represents the first attempt to purify surface membrane from parathyroid tissue and provide the starting material for understanding, at a molecular level, the properties of extracellular Ca2+ regulation and its coupling with secretion of parathyroid hormone.  相似文献   
The single-stranded, DNA-dependent ATPase activity of purified recA protein was found to be inhibited competitively by ribose-modified analogs of ATP, 3'-O-anthraniloyl-ATP (Ant-ATP), and 3'-O-(N-methylanthraniloyl)-ATP (Mant-ATP). The Ki values for Ant-ATP and Mant-ATP were around 7 and 3 microM at pH 7.5, respectively. The inhibitions by these analogs were much stronger than that by ADP, which is also a competitive inhibitor for the ATPase activity of the recA protein. The Ki value for ADP is 76 microM. Ant-ATP and Mant-ATP reduced the Hill coefficient for ATP hydrolysis and thus contributed to the cooperative effect of ATP.  相似文献   
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