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Summary A greenhouse study in which 24, 54 and 71 per cent roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were pruned on the 73rd day from the date of planting (anthesis stage) showed that during a 7-day period following root pruning, total transpiration and leaf water potential were significantly lower (P=0.05) and the stomatal resistance was significantly higher (P=0.05) where 54 and 71 per cent roots were pruned, as compared to no root pruning or 24 per cent root pruning. The leaf relative water content, however, showed no significant differences. Thus about one-fourth root sytem could be reduced without adversely affecting the plant-water status.  相似文献   
Spinach-leaf ferredoxin was identified as a calcium-binding protein by 45Ca autoradiography on nitrocellulose membranes and with the cationic carbocyanine dye 1-ethyl-2-[3-(1-ethylnaphtho[1,2-d]thiazolin-2-ylidene)-2-methylpropenyl] naphtho[1,2-d]thiazolium bromide (stains-all). Binding of 45Ca was observed at pH 6.8 and pH 7.8 and in the presence of 5 mM and 20 mM MgCl2. At the higher MgCl2 concentration the Ca2+-binding capacity is reduced. Only micromolar concentrations of LaCl3, however, are required to achieve a similar effect. Both the oxidized and reduced forms of ferredoxin bind calcium.Abbreviations PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - stains-all 1-ethyl-2-[3-(1-ethylnaphtho[1,2-d]thiazolin-2-ylidene)-2-methylpropenyl] naptho[1,2-d]thiazolium bromide  相似文献   
Summary C-banding patterns and nucleolar activity were analyzed in Dasypyrum villosum, its added chromosomes to hexaploid wheat and the hexaploid amphiploid Triticum dicoccum-D. villosum. Two different populations of the allogamous species D. villosum (2n= 14, VV) from Greece and Italy were analyzed showing a similar polymorphism for C-banding pattern. Six of the seven addition lines were identified by their characteristic C-banding pattern. No polymorphism between both members of each added alien chromosome was found. Furthermore, nucleolar activity and competition were studied by using silver staining procedure. In D. villosum only one chromosome pair, A, was found to be responsible for organizing nucleoli. The results obtained in the amphiploid and in the addition lines demonstrate that nucleolar activity is restricted to SAT-chromosomes 1B and 6B of wheat, while those of D. villosum remain inactive.  相似文献   
Summary Replicated within full-sib family single-trait selection was conducted for 10 generations in mice for (1) high or low 12-week epididymal fat pad percentage (100 x epididymal fat pad weight/body weight) or (2) high or low 12-week hind carcass percentage (100 x hind carcass weight/body weight). Pooled realized heritabilities based on high, low and divergent selection were 0.66±0.09, 0.65±0.13 and 0.66±0.05 for epididymal fat pad percentage and 0.48±0.08, 0.33±0.08 and 0.40±0.04 for hind carcass percentage. The pooled realized genetic correlation (rG R) between epididymal fat pad percentage and hind carcass percentage based on divergence was –0.67±0.04. Other estimates of (rG R) were: epididymal fat pad percentage with body weight (0.57±0.05); epididymal fat pad percentage with epididymal fat pad weight (1.17±0.05); hind carcass percentage with body weight (–0.61±0.09); hind carcass percentage with hind carcass weight (–0.05±0.11). Indirect measures of fat and lean tissue percentages were highly heritable, and (rG R) between them would be desirable from the standpoint of analogous types of traits in livestock. In the same context, undesirable (rG R)'s were found between epididymal fat pad percentage and body weight and between hind carcass percentage and body weight.Paper No. 10957 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7601, USA. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned  相似文献   
Between 1981–83 the gut contents ofDaphnia galeata, D. cucullata, Eudiaptomus gracilis, andCyclops vicinus were examined with light and scanning electron microscope to obtain information on the feeding of these species in Lake Balaton. The twoDaphnia species feed mainly on abioseston, and it is assumed that their primary nutrient source was organic matter adsorbed onto the surfaces of the abioseston granules plus bacteria and detritus.E. gracilis feeds on algae, showing a preference for green algae and diatoms.C. vicinus is also a prodigious consumer of algae in Lake Balaton, utilizing the whole size spectrum of phytoplankton. Concerning the trophic relationships between phytoplankton and zooplankton in Lake Balaton, that between diatoms and bothE. gracilis andC. vicinus is the most conspicouos. Convincing evidence for an extensive utilization of blue-green algae was not found. Though there is no firm evidence yet, it is likely that theDaphnia are dependent on organic matter adsorbed on the abioseston.  相似文献   
Summary It has previously been shown by Macey and Farmer (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 211:104–106, 1970) that phloretin inhibits urea transport across the human red cell membrane yet has no effect on water transport. Jennings and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 67:381–397, 1976) have shown that there are separate lipid and protein binding sites for phloretin on the red cell membrane. We have now found that urea transport is inhibited by phloretin binding to the lipids with aK 1 of 25±8 m in reason-able agreement with theK D of 54±5 m for lipid binding. These experiments show that lipid/protein interactions can alter the conformational state of the urea transport protein. Phloretin binding to the protein site also modulates red cell urea transport, but the modulation is opposed by the specific stilbene anion transport inhibitor, DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonate), suggesting a linkage between the urea transport protein and band 3. Neither the lipid nor the protein phloretin binding site has any significant effect on water transport. Water transport is, however, inhibited by up to 30% in a pH-dependent manner by DIDS binding, which suggests that the DIDS/band 3 complex can modulate water transport.  相似文献   
A gene (Bmn) with a major effect on -mannosidase activity in kidney and liver of the house mouse was revealed by assay with the synthetic substratep-nitrophenyl--d-mannoside. Activity is low in DBA/2J and CSB mice and high in C57BL/6J mice. By the use of the BXD series of recombinant inbred strains and by crosses between C57BL and CSB, it was possible to map the gene to the distal part of chromosome 3 by demonstration of linkage to a gene for cadmium resistance,cdm, as well as to theAdh-3 locus.This work was supported by Swedish Natural Science Research Council Project B-BU 2992-108.  相似文献   
Liver -glucuronidase is structurally altered in inbred strain PAC so that a peptide subunit with a more basic isoelectric point, GUS-SN, is produced. This allele of -glucuronidase was transferred to strain C57BL/6J by 12 backcross matings to form the congenic line B6 · PAC-Gus n. Liver -glucuronidase activity was halved in males of the congenic strain compared to normal males. The lowered activity was specifically accounted for by a decrease in the lysosomal component. There was no alteration in the concentration of microsomal activity. This alteration in the subcellular distribution of -glucuronidase in Gus n/Gus n mice was confirmed by two independent gel electrophoretic systems which separate microsomal and lysosomal components. -Glucuronidase activity was likewise approximately halved in mutant spleen, lung, and brain, organs which contain exclusively or predominantly lysosomal -glucuronidase. The loss of liver lysosomal -glucuronidase activity was shown by immunotitration to be due to a decrease in the number of -glucuronidase molecules in lysosomes of the congenic strain. The Gus n structural alteration likely causes the lowered lysosomal -glucuronidase activity since the two traits remain in congenic animals. Heterozygous Gus n/Gus b animals had intermediate levels of liver -glucuronidase. Also, the effect was specific, in that three other lysosomal enzymes were not reproducibly lower in Gus n/Gus n mice. Gus n is, therefore, an unusual example of a mutation which causes a change in the subcellular distribution of a two-site enzyme.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants GM-33559 and GM-33160 and National Science Foundation Grant PCM-8215808.  相似文献   
Acid -l-fucosidase (EC was obtained from human liver and purified to homogeneity. The enzyme consists of four subunits; each of these has a molecular mass of 50 kDa and bears oneN-linked carbohydrate chain. The structures of these chains were studied at the glycopeptide level by methylation analysis and 500-MHz1H-NMR spectroscopy. Oligomannoside-type chains andN-acetyllactosamine-type chains are present in an approximate ratio of 31. While the oligomannoside-type chains show some heterogeneity in size (Man5–8GlcNAc2), theN-acetyllactosaminetype chains are exclusively bi-(2–6)-sialyl, bi-antennary in their structure.These observations on the carbohydrate moieties of -l-fucosidase substantiate our hypothesis [Overdijket al. (1986) Glycoconjugate J 3:339–50] with respect to the relationship between the oligosaccharide structure of lysosomal enzymes and their residual intracellular activity in I-cell disease. For the series of enzymes examined so far, namely, -N-acetylhexosaminidase, -l-fucosidase and -galactosidase, the relative amount ofN-acetyllactosamine-type carbohydrate increases, while the residual intracellular activity in I-cell disease tissue decreases in this order. The system which is responsible for preferentially retaining hydrolases with (non-phosphorylated) oligomannoside-type chains both in I-cells and in normal cells has yet to be identified.  相似文献   
The activities of -2-l-fucosyltransferase and -3-l-fucosyltransferase were measured in human platelets and leucocytes from normal donors, -2-l-Fucosyltransferase was found in platelets but not in leucocytes. In contrast -3-l-fucosyltransferase was not detected in platelets but was present in leucocytes where it was demonstrated in the neutrophil, monocyte and lymphocyte fractions.  相似文献   
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