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Oostatic hormone, the hormone that inhibits vitellogenesis in mosquitoes, was purified 7,000-fold with a recovery of 70% from the ovaries of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. The purification procedure included heat treatment and chromatography on ion exchange and gel filtration columns. The hormone is a small peptidelike molecule of molecular weight 2,200 at pH 4.5, which aggregates into larger molecular species of trimer and octamer at pH 7.0 as determined by gel filtration. The hormone is positively charged at pH 7.8 and has a low Rf at pH 9.4 on disc gel electrophoresis. Injection of purified oostatic hormone (9 ng) into female mosquitoes inhibited yolk deposition and vitellogenin synthesis. Activity of the oostatic hormone in the mosquito ovary increased rapidly following blood feeding and reached a maximum after 48 h. Oostatic hormone of A. aegypti injected into autogenous Aedes taeniorhynchus inhibited egg development. Repeated injections of dilute oostatic hormone at 24 h intervals partially arrested egg development, resulting in 60% reduction in the number of eggs laid. This hormone does not block release of egg development neurosecretory hormone (EDNH) from the mosquito brain but rather appears to act on the ovary.  相似文献   
Hastie  Lee C.  Boon  Philip J.  Young  Mark R. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,429(1-3):59-71
Surface sediment diatoms from the east coast of Lake Tanganyika were analysed using ordination and classification techniques, and compared with assemblages previously described from the northern part of the lake. Grain-size analyses were performed on subsamples. Four groups of diatom assemblages were recognised. The first group clusters samples taken in the north, far from the Rusizi river mouth. The second group comprises samples taken on silty sediment along the Tanzanian coast, including one sample taken near the mouth of the Malagarazi river and those from the northernmost part of the lake. The third group comprises surface sediments along the Burundian coast (near Ramba and Magara), and the fourth is characterised by epipsammic taxa. A sample taken near the central arm of the Malagarazi river is included in the latter group. The impact of small rivers on the diatom assemblages in the surface sediments is restricted to the mouth area.  相似文献   
Direct somatic embryogenesis from axes of mature peanut embryos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis was obtained in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) from axes of mature zygotic embryos. The area of greatest embryogenic activity was a 2-mm region adjacent to and encircling the epicotyl. Somatic embryogenesis was evaluated on Murashige and Skoog media supplemented with a variety of auxin treatments. Maximum production occurred on medium supplemented with 3 mg · liter−1 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid. Explant cultures were transferred to half-strength medium supplemented with 1 mg · liter−1 gibberellic acid for somatic embryo germination and early plantlet growth. Plantlets, transferred to soil, were placed in a greenhouse and grown to maturity.  相似文献   
Role of Thidiazuron (TDZ) in inducing adventitious organogenesis in Pongamia was studied. TDZ at different concentrations (0, 0.45, 2.27, 4.54, 6.71, 9.08, 11.35, 13.12 and 22.71 μM) were used for induction of caulogenic bud formation in deembryonated cotyledon explants. Each cotyledon was cut into three segments and identified as proximal, middle and distal. Duration of TDZ exposure, influence of the segment and orientation of the explant were studied. TDZ at 11.35 μM concentration was optimum for the induction of shoots and rapid elongation. Shoots induced at higher concentration elongated after several passages in growth regulator free medium, thereby extending the period of differentiation. Exposure of the explant for 20 days yielded more number of buds than 10 days. Proximal segment of the cotyledon was more responsive. Contact of abaxial surface in the medium was more effective and generated more buds than the adaxial side. Buds differentiated and elongated on transfer to MS basal medium for 8–12 passages of 15 days each. Rooting and elongation of shoots was achieved in charcoal supplemented half-strength MS medium. Rooted plantlets survived on transfer to sand soil mixture. The plants were hardened and transferred to green house. This is the first report on in vitro regeneration of Pongamia pinnata via adventitious organogenesis using TDZ. This protocol may find application in studies in genetic transformation, isolation of somaclonal variants and in induction of mutants. It also provides a system to study the inhibitory role of TDZ on shoot differentiation.  相似文献   
贝壳历来是生物工程和材料学研究的重要对象。贝壳中的贝壳基质蛋白质在贝壳的形成与发育过程中具有重要的调控作用。Whirlin类蛋白质(Whirlin-like protein,WLP)是一种从厚壳贻贝(Mytilus coruscus)中鉴定的新型贝壳基质蛋白质。序列分析结果显示,该蛋白质含有PDZ(postsynaptic density/Discs large/Zonula occludens)结构域,而该结构域对贝壳生物矿化的影响目前尚无报道。为深入了解WLP在贝壳形成中对碳酸钙晶体的影响,在序列分析基础上,采用密码子优化结合原核重组表达,获得其重组表达产物后,开展了重组WLP对碳酸钙晶体形貌及晶型的影响研究,结晶速度抑制以及碳酸钙晶体结合分析。分析结果表明,重组WLP能诱导文石型碳酸钙晶体的形貌和方解石型碳酸钙晶体的晶型发生改变;同时重组WLP对碳酸钙晶体具有结合作用,且能抑制碳酸钙晶体的结晶速度。上述结果表明,WLP对贝壳的形成及发育具有重要影响,并可能在贝壳肌棱柱层的形成中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
This paper presents methods for the stereological analysis of spatial fibre systems on the base of planar or thin sections. Under the assumption that the cross-section figures of the tubular fibres can be measured, the orientation distribution of the fibre system and its line density Lv can be determined from one section only and without distributional assumptions. A simple way to study the degree of randomness of fibre systems consists in the statistical analysis of the point pattern of centres of intersection figures. More sophisticated methods are of stereological nature and yield the spatial reduced second moment measure. Similarly also correlations between two fibre systems can be quantified. The methods are demonstrated by two examples concerning samples of human brain.  相似文献   
Muscle fine structure reflects ecotype in two nototheniids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The fine structure of swimming (pectoral) and myotomal (axial) skeletal muscle and myocardium of two species of Antarctic nototheniid fishes were studied by electron microscopy, comparing the cryopelagic Pagothenia borchgrevinki and the benthic Trematomus bernacchii . Mean fibre size varied by a factor of four among muscles within each species and may have reflected the locomotory power available, being larger in pectoral oxidative (red) and axial glycolytic (white) muscle of P. borchgrevinki . Both species use labriform locomotion, and the more active P. borchgrevinki had a greater capillary supply, expressed as a capillary to fibre ratio, than T. bernacchii to both red (3·48 ± 0·36 v . 1·63 ± 0·14, mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·01) and white (2·70 ± 0·20 v . 1·53 ± 0·18, mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·01) regions of the pectoral musculature. The greater aerobic scope of P. borchgrevinki was strikingly demonstrated in the higher mitochondrial content of all skeletal muscle types sampled, and the ventricular myocardium (0·269 ± 0·011 v . 0·255 ± 0·012 mean ±  s . e .; P  < 0·05). Minor differences were found in other elements of fibre composition, with the exception of a five‐fold greater lipid content in pectoral red fibres of P. borchgrevinki (0·074 ± 0·014 mean ±  s . e .) v . T. bernacchii (0·010 ± 0·003; P  < 0·05). Differences in muscle fine structure among species clearly reflected differences in their ecotype.  相似文献   
Summary This study was conducted to examine the effect of biotin and thiamine concentrations on callus growth and somatic embryogenesis of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Embryogenic callus derived from offshoot tip explants was cultured on hormone-free MS medium containing biotin at 0, 0.1, 1, or 2 mg l−1 combined with thiamine at 0.1, 0.5, 2, or 5 mg l−1. Embryogenic callus weight, number of resultant embryos, and embryo length were significantly influenced by thiamine and biotin concentration. The optimum callus growth treatment consisted of 0.5 mg l−1 thiamine and 2 mg l−1 biotin. This treatment also gave the highest number of embryos. Embryo elongation was greatest at 0.5 or 2 mg l−1 thiamine combined with 1 mg l−1 biotin. Embryos from all treatments germinated and regenerants exhibited normal growth in soil. This study provides an insight into the importance of optimizing various culture medium components to overcome in vitro recalcitrace of date palm.  相似文献   
We propose a technique for separating the climatic signal which is contained in two tree-ring parameters widely used in dendroclimatology. The method is based on the removal of the relationship between tree-ring width (TRW) and maximum latewood density (MXD) observed for narrow tree rings from high latitudes. The new technique is tested on data from three larch stands located along the northern timberline in Eurasia. Correlations were calculated between the temperatures of pentads (five consecutive days), TRW chronologies and MXD chronologies calculated according to the standard and proposed methods. The analysis confirms the great importance of summer temperature for tree radial growth and tree-ring formation. TRW is positively correlated with the temperature of four to eight pentads (depending on the region) at the beginning of the growth season, but MXD as obtained by the standard technique is correlated with temperature over a much longer period. For maximum density series from which the relationship between MXD and TRW has been removed (MXD′), there is a clear correlation with temperatures in the second part of the growing season. These results are consistent with the known dynamics of tree-ring growth in high latitudes and mechanisms of tree-ring formation.  相似文献   
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