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The Menominee River, a boundary water between northeastern Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan, contains a sport fishery for lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, which is jointly managed by both states. Previous studies indicated that overfishing of this sturgeon population was occurring, and this investigation examined the impact of new angling regulations. The sturgeon population is fragmented into sections by hydroelectric dams. Stocks from the three main sections of the river were compared before and after implementation of the new angling regulations. Records of the legal harvest of lake sturgeon from each river section were obtained through a registration system, which has been in effect since 1983, and estimates of exploitation were derived from these data. Overfishing of lake sturgeon stocks in two of the three sections of the Menominee River is still occurring. Management recommendations are made which would allow for a continued fishery by providing further protection to the stocks.  相似文献   
Drug resistance is a critical obstacle to effective treatment in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. To understand the underlying resistance mechanisms in response to imatinib mesylate (IMA) and adriamycin (ADR), the parental K562 cells were treated with low doses of IMA or ADR for 2 months to generate derivative cells with mild, intermediate, and severe resistance to the drugs as defined by their increasing resistance index. PulseDIA-based (DIA [data-independent acquisition]) quantitative proteomics was then employed to reveal the proteome changes in these resistant cells. In total, 7082 proteins from 98,232 peptides were identified and quantified from the dataset using four DIA software tools including OpenSWATH, Spectronaut, DIA-NN, and EncyclopeDIA. Sirtuin signaling pathway was found to be significantly enriched in both ADR-resistant and IMA-resistant K562 cells. In particular, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 was identified as a potential drug target correlated with the drug resistance phenotype, and its inhibition by the antagonist AGI-6780 reversed the acquired resistance in K562 cells to either ADR or IMA. Together, our study has implicated isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 as a potential target that can be therapeutically leveraged to alleviate the drug resistance in K562 cells when treated with IMA and ADR.  相似文献   

Objective: This study explored the time of day effect of balance performance, functional capacities and risk of fall in three different times in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the association between these variations and those of RA symptoms.

Methods: A “discontinual” protocol, composed of three test sessions, carried out at 6 am, 2 pm and 10 pm was set up, in order to investigate the time of day effect of balance performance, functional capacities, risk of fall, stiffness, range of motion, swollen and painful joints in women with RA.

Results: Time Up and Go Test (TUGT), Functional Reach Test (FRT) and tinetti test scores were significantly higher (p < .01) at 6 am and at 10 pm compared to 2 pm. Stiffness, range of motion, swollen and painful joints values were significantly higher (p < .01) at 6 am and at 10 pm compared to 2 pm. A significant difference was observed on the stiffness, range of motion and swollen joints values between 6 am and 10 pm that were higher at 6 am (p < .05).

Using Pearson’s coefficient, correlations were found between RA symptom values; and TUGT, FRT and Tinetti test scores.

Conclusion: Results showed a time of day effect of balance performance, functional capacities and risk of falls in women with RA. This variation indicates an alteration of performance at 6 am and 10 pm. Fluctuations of stiffness, limited range of motion, swollen and painful joints noted are concomitant to those of balance performance, functional capacities, and risk of fall.

Abbreviations: RA: rheumatoid arthritis; H&O questionnaire: Horne and Ostberg questionnaire; PSQI: Pittsburgh sleep quality index; HAQ: health assessment questionnaire; SF-36: the short form-36; WOMAC: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index; TUGT: Time Up and Go Test; FRT: Functional Reach Test  相似文献   
Selitrichodes neseri (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a parasitoid of the invasive gall-forming wasp Leptocybe invasa (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), which has caused serious damage to Eucalyptus plantations in many parts of the world. S. neseri is a recently discovered parasitoid considered to be a potentially important biological control agent of L. invasa. The aim of this study was to provide the first basic data on the biology of S. neseri, which is essential for its application in biological control. S. neseri was shown to be a biparental ectoparasitoid. Observation from dissected galls indicated that the parasitoid developed on late larvae, pupae and callow adults, although development did occur in a range of gall ages. Observed nominal parasitism in captivity ranged from 9.7% to 71.8%. Adult S. neseri specimens, fed with honey-water and galled Eucalyptus leaves, survived an average of 26 days at 26 °C. The average developmental time from oviposition to emergence was 19.3 days ± 0.2 days. There was no pre-oviposition period. A single female produced a maximum of thirty-nine offspring, with a maximum of ten per day. Dissection of the ovaries showed that twelve ovarioles were present. The sex ratio of S. neseri observed in this study was 1:3.43 males:females. Galls of native insects most closely related to L. invasa and to galls of similar morphology to L. invasa-induced galls, were not suitable for S. neseri oviposition. S. neseri showed considerable potential as a biological control agent of L. invasa due to its relatively short developmental time, long adult life span when supplemented with carbohydrates, ability to utilize a range of gall ages and the fact that it has a high level of host specificity.  相似文献   
Satiation and the functional response: a test of a new model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. 1. A model of the functional response to prey density is derived to include the reduction in time available for search, Ts , resulting from predator satiation.
2. For larger prey items predator satiation occurs at each prey capture and Ts is reduced by the attack time and digestive pause of a series of attack cycles. For small prey items predator foraging is continuous at low densities with Ts reduced solely by attack time. At higher densities predator satiation occurs after the capture of several small prey items and Ts is reduced by the attack time and digestive pause of a series of foraging cycles.
3. A comparison of the predicted asymptotic level of prey capture using experimentally estimated parameter values, with the maximum consumption of aphids by larval and adult coccinellids provides a test of the satiation model.
4. The limitation of prey capture by predator satiation is discussed with reference to handling time and the success of coccinellids in biological control.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In einem Vorkommen des Dünnschnäbligen Tannenhähers an der Küste des Ochotskischen Meeres im Fernen Osten Sibiriens wurde das Ernten und Verstecken von Samen aus den Zapfen der Zwergzirbelkiefer (Pinus pumila) untersucht. Der Inhalt von durchschnittlich 2,8 Zapfen, das sind etwa 80 Samen, wurde in der gefüllten Kehltasche transportiert und auf eine Anzahl unter niedriger Zwergstrauchvegetation gelegener Bodenverstecke verteilt. Die Verstecke wurden in annähernd linearer Anordnung ohne Bevorzugung einer bestimmten Himmelsrichtung angelegt. Die Versteckserien enthielten im Median 79, maximal mehr als 120 Samen, das Einzelversteck durchschnittlich 19,6 Samen. Das Ernten und Leeren eines Zapfens geschah im Schnitt innerhalb von 47 s. Für das Verstecken einer Füllung des Kehlsacks benötigten die Vögel ca. 170 s. Für das gesamte Beschaffen und Verstecken eines einzelnen Kiefernsamens errechnet sich ein durchschnittlicher Zeitbedarf von 3,26 s. Nach 20 Tagen war der Zapfenvorrat in der lokalen Kiefernpopulation erschöpft. Jeder Häher hat nach den Hochrechnungen bis zu 100.000 Samen vergraben.
Harvesting and caching capacities of Thin-billed Nutcrackers in the Russian Far East
Summary At the Ochotskian sea coast Thin-billed Eurasian Nutcrackers (Nucifraga caryocatactes macrorhynchos) harvested seeds of ripe cones of the brush pinePinus pumila in late summer. The mean number of seeds carried in their sublingual pouch was 80, which respresents the harvestable contents of 2.8 cones. These were distributed in an average of 5 caches, exclusively in the soil under low tundra vegetation. Caches were organized in nearly straight lines. Series contained a mean of 82.7 seeds, single caches a mean of 19.6 seeds. Plucking one cone and harvesting its seeds took 47 seconds on average. The caching of a complete pouchful took on average 123.4 seconds. The time invested for harvesting and caching one single seed was calculated at 3.26 seconds. Within three weeks in July, an average individual bird was calculated to have cached a total of up to 100,000 seeds.
Chemical and physical methods for dating skeletal remains were examined. Benzidine reaction, ultra-violet fluorescence, specific gravity and supersonic conductivity were carried out on 71 dated skeletal findings distributed over the span of the last 3,500 years. Results given by benzidine reaction and ultra-violet fluorescence basically coincide, and positive readings were obtained up to about 200–350 years. Values measured in specific gravity and supersonic conductivity testing show a parallel trend, pointing out a clear difference between samples of the three first centuries and the ones belonging to more ancient periods examined.  相似文献   
Coral reefs are generally considered to be the most biologically productive of all marine ecosystems, but in recent times these vulnerable aquatic resources have been subject to unusual degradation. The general decline in reefs has been greatly accelerated by mass bleaching in which corals whiten en masse and often fail to recover. Empirical evidence indicates a coral reef bleaching cycle in which major bleaching episodes are synchronized with El Niño events that occur every 3–4 years on average. By heating vast areas of the Pacific Ocean, and affecting the Indian and Atlantic Oceans as well, El Niño causes widespread damage to reefs largely because corals are very sensitive to temperature changes. However, mass bleaching events were rarely observed before the 1970s and their abrupt appearance two decades ago remains an enigma. Here we propose a new explanation for the sudden occurrence of mass bleaching and show that it may be a response to the relative increase in El Niño experienced over the last two decades.  相似文献   
Prey capture rate (number of prey s−1) and the mode of feeding of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were studied by performing foraging experiments with two sizes (1·1 and 1·8 mm) of Daphnia longispina prey. Arctic charr were particulate feeders at all densities tested. Adjusted for the effect of prey density, the capture rate showed a hump-shaped relationship with Arctic charr size for both sizes of D. longispina . Estimated attack rates ( a ) also tended to show a hump-shaped relationship with fish size. The estimated size-scaling exponent of the attack rate function, however, was relatively small, implying small changes in attack rate over fish sizes. Simultaneous estimations of a and handling time were used in combination with published data on fish metabolism and dry mass rations of prey to estimate maintenance resource density of prey as a function of Arctic charr mass. Maintenance resource densities increased monotonically with Arctic charr size, and rapidly as optimum fish size relative to attack rate on prey was passed.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. This study explored the temporal and spatial aspects of coexistence over many generations in a multispecies host–parasitoid assemblage.
2. The long-term interaction between the cabbage root fly, Delia radicum (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), and two of its natural enemies, Trybliographa rapae (Hymenoptera: Fitigidae) and Aleochara bilineata (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), in a cultivated field at Silwood Park over 19 years was explored.
3. Although time series showed that the populations were regulated, the impact of the natural enemies was highly variable. Within-year determinants showed that the spatial response of the specialist parasitoid, T. rapae , was predominantly independent of host density while A. bilineata acted simply as a randomly foraging generalist parasitoid.
4. These findings are compared and contrasted with an earlier investigation of the same system when only the first 9 years of the time series were available. This study demonstrated the potential of long-term field studies for exploring hypotheses on population regulation, persistence, and coexistence.  相似文献   
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