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昆虫肠道中栖息着真菌、病毒、细菌、原生动物和古菌等种类繁多、数量庞大的微生物,总称为肠道微生物群。其中,细菌是最主要的类群,统称为肠道菌群。一方面,肠道菌群广泛参与了宿主昆虫的生长发育、免疫防御与器官稳态维持、抗药性的产生、逆境抗性和社会行为等众多关键生理过程。另一方面,昆虫的肠道免疫系统中有一套精细的调控机制来维持宿主与其肠道菌群之间的共生关系。高通量测序技术与组学技术的发展和应用极大地促进了对昆虫体内微生物群的结构与功能的认识和理解,并明显提高了人类对昆虫微生物资源的利用能力。本文综合介绍了关于昆虫肠道菌群的组成、功能及其与宿主互作机理等方面的研究现状,并在此基础上对昆虫耐受与调控其肠道菌群稳态的机理研究及其相关的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
Five species of noctuid moths, Helicoverpa armigera, H. punctigera, H. assulta, H. zea, and H. gelotopoeon, are major agricultural pests inhabiting various and often overlapping global distributions. Visual identification of these species requires a great deal of expertise and misidentification can have repercussions for pest management and agricultural biosecurity. Here, we report on the complete mitochondrial genomes of H. assulta assulta and H. assulta afra, H. gelotopoeon, H. punctigera, H. zea, and H. armigera armigera and H. armigera conferta’ assembled from high‐throughput sequencing data. This study significantly increases the mitogenome resources for these five agricultural pests with sequences assembled from across different continents, including an H. armigera individual collected from an invasive population in Brazil. We infer the phylogenetic relationships of these five Helicoverpa species based on the 13 mitochondrial DNA protein‐coding genes (PCG's) and show that two publicly available mitogenomes of H. assulta ( KP015198 and KR149448 ) have been misidentified or incorrectly assembled. We further consolidate existing PCR‐RFLP methods to cover all five Helicoverpa pest species, providing an updated method that will contribute to species differentiation and to future monitoring efforts of Helicoverpa pest species across different continents. We discuss the value of Helicoverpa mitogenomes to assist with species identification in view of the context of the rapid spread of H. armigera in the New World. With this work, we provide the molecular resources necessary for future studies of the evolutionary history and ecology of these species.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, particularly in the UV‐A + B range (280–400 nm) is a fraction of the solar spectrum that regulates almost every aspect of insect behaviour, including orientation towards hosts, alighting, arrestment and feeding behaviour. To study the role of UV radiation on the flight activity of five insect species of agricultural importance (pests Myzus persicae, Bemisia tabaci and Tuta absoluta, and natural enemies Aphidius colemani and Sphaerophoria rueppellii), one‐chamber tunnels were covered with six cladding materials with different light transmittance properties ranging from 2% to 83% UV and 54% to 85% photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Inside each tunnel, insects were released from tubes placed in a platform suspended from the ceiling. Specific targets varying with insect species were placed at different distances from the platform. Evaluation parameters were designed for each insect and tested separately. The ability of insects to leave the platform was assessed, as well as the number of captures, eggs or mummies in each target, either sticky traps or plants. Our results suggest differences in flight activity among insect species and UV‐blocking nets. The UV‐opaque film drastically prevented aphids, and whiteflies from flying outside the tubes whereas T. absoluta, syrphids and parasitoids were not affected. Aphid flight behaviour was affected by the UV‐opaque film compared to the other nets, especially in the furthest target of the tunnel. Fewer aphids reached distant traps under UV‐absorbing nets, and significantly more aphids could fly to the end of tunnels covered with non‐UV‐blocking materials. Orientation of B. tabaci and T. absoluta was also negatively affected by the UV‐opaque film although in a different trend. Unlike aphids, differences in B. tabaci captures were mainly found in the closest targets. UV transmittance did not have any effects on parasitoids, and S. rueppellii, implying cues other than visual for these insects under our experimental conditions. Further effects of photoselective enclosures on greenhouse pests and their natural enemies are discussed.  相似文献   
湖南省茶树害虫地理区划分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过湖南省茶树害虫的系统调查,查明湖南省茶树害虫(害螨)共302种,根据其在湖南省各地(市)的分布,编成"0,1"分布数据表,然后进行聚类分析.根据聚类结果,参考地理、气候、茶树的种植历史和种植面积以及其他动物类群方面的研究和前人的工作,把湖南省茶树害虫分成4个区:湘北环湖平原丘岗区,湘中、湘东丘陵区,湘西山区,湘南山地丘陵区,并分别叙述了各区的特点.  相似文献   
Marine pest incursions can cause significant ongoing damage to aquaculture, biodiversity, fisheries habitat, infrastructure and social amenity. They represent a significant and ongoing economic burden. Marine pests can be introduced by several vectors including aquaculture, aquarium trading, commercial shipping, fishing, floating debris, mining activities and recreational boating. Despite the inherent risks, there is currently relatively little routine surveillance of marine pest species conducted in the majority of countries worldwide. Accurate and rapid identification of marine pest species is central to early detection and management. Traditional techniques (e.g. physical sampling and sorting), have limitations, which has motivated some progress towards the development of molecular diagnostic tools. This review provides a brief account of the techniques traditionally used for detection and describes developments in molecular-based methods for the detection and surveillance of marine pest species. Recent advances provide a platform for the development of practical, specific, sensitive and rapid diagnosis and surveillance tools for marine pests for use in effective prevention and control strategies.  相似文献   
Previous studies revealed that chitinase could enhance the insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis and it has been used in combination with B. thuringiensis widely. However, the expression of B. thuringiensis chitinase is rather low and needs induction by chitin, which limits its field application. It would make sense to constitutively express the chitinase at a sufficiently high level to offer advantages in biological control of pests. In this study, a signal peptide-encoding sequence-deleted chitinase gene from B. thuringiensis strain 4.0718 under the control of dual overlapping promoters plus Shine–Dalgarno sequence and terminator sequence of cry1Ac3 gene was cloned into shuttle vector pHT315 and introduced into an acrystalliferous B. thuringiensis strain CryB. The recombinant plasmid was stably maintained over 240 generations in CryB. Chitinase was overexpressed within the sporangial mother cells in the form of spherical crystal-like inclusion bodies. The chitinase inclusions could be solubilized and exhibit chitinolytic activity in 30 mmol l−1 Na2CO3–0.2% β-mercaptoethanol buffer at a wide range of alkaline pH values, and what’s more, the chitinase inclusions potentiated the insecticidal effect of Cry1Ac protoxin when used against larvae of Spodoptera exigua and Helicoverpa armigera.  相似文献   
本文研究了稻田生境和非稻田生境间寄生性天敌的迁移扩散规律及其对水稻主要害虫的控制作用.结果表明,寄生蜂从大豆生境扩散到稻田生境的数量显著高于其从玉米生境扩散到稻田生境,而田埂种植玉米的寄生蜂扩散数量与不种植玉米相比无显著性差异.田埂配置大豆的有机稻田内二化螟Chilo suppressalis、三化螟Tryporyza incertulas、稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis cnienee和褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens的卵寄生率分别为17.8%,20.3%,10.2%和12.4%,与未配置大豆的对照相比分别增加了4.3%,7.5%,2.1%,和3.4%;它们的幼虫寄生率分别为14.7%,31.7%,21.3%,7.3%,与对照相比分别增加了5.3%,9.8%,5.7%和2.8%.而田埂配置玉米的有机稻田的二化螟,三化螟,稻纵卷叶螟和褐飞虱的卵寄生率分别为10.3%,14.4%,8.6%和9.3%;与未配置玉米的对照相比分别降低了3.2%,增加1.6%,0.5%和0.3%;它们的幼虫寄生率分别为10.3%,19.4%,17.5%和2.6%,与对照相比分别增加了0.9%,降低了2.5%,增加了1.9%和降低了1.9%.研究结果可为通过建立合理的水稻邻作模式进行害虫生物防治提供重要科学依据.  相似文献   
麦套春棉主要害虫和天敌的生态位研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
牟吉元  陈天业 《昆虫知识》1997,34(6):325-329
调查了麦套着棉不同时期内,棉株上、中、下部棉蚜AphisgossypiiGover、棉叶螨TetranychustruncatusEhara、棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(Hubner)和其主要天敌的数量。求得各期害虫与害虫、害虫与天敌、天敌与天敌之间的生态位宽度和重叠指数,并分析了它们彼此在空间上的竞争关系。  相似文献   
The life table characteristics of the polyphagous mirid Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Heteroptera: Miridae) preying on various stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) with tomato as host plant were described at 22 °C. The following average parameters were obtained: Female longevity: 28.7 days; fecundity: 0.7 eggs/female/day; egg mortality: 2.6%; pre-oviposition period: 5.5 days; oviposition period: 18.1 days; post-oviposition period: 3.2 days; juvenile development time: 26.8 days; juvenile mortality: 34.9%; and sex ratio (/(+): 0.46. Life table parameters were estimated as net reproduction rate (R 0): 6.15; intrinsic rate of increase (r m): 0.031 day–1; finite rate of increase (): 1.032; mean generation time (T c): 58.17 days; and doubling time (T 2) 22.2 days. The parameters obtained were in accordance with those reported for M. caliginosus fed on another mite species (T. turkestani Ugarov & Nikolski (Acari: Tetranychidae)). However, compared to the performance of M. caliginosus fed on common glasshouse insect pests, a diet consisting of only mites appeared to be inferior. However, being a voracious predator, M. caliginosus may be a valuable addition to existing methods of mite control.  相似文献   
Aphids, because of their short generation time and low developmental threshold temperatures, are an insect group expected to respond particularly strongly to environmental changes. Forty years of standardized, daily data on the abundance of flying aphids have been brought together from countries throughout Europe, through the EU Thematic Network 'EXAMINE'. Relationships between phenology, represented by date of first appearance in a year in a suction trap, of 29 aphid species and environmental data have been quantified using the residual maximum likelihood (REML) methodology. These relationships have been used with climate change scenario data to suggest plausible changes in aphid phenology. In general, the date of first record of aphid species in suction traps is expected to advance, the rate of advance varying with location and species, but averaging 8 days over the next 50 years. Strong relationships between aphid phenology and environmental variables have been found for many species, but they are notably weaker in species living all year on trees. Canonical variate analysis and principal coordinate analysis were used to determine ordinations of the 29 species on the basis of the presence/absence of explanatory variables in the REML models. There was strong discrimination between species with different life cycle strategies and between species feeding on herbs and trees, suggesting the possible value of trait-based groupings in predicting responses to environmental changes.  相似文献   
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