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周士钧  丛岭  刘莹  张振明 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7312-7321
现阶段植物滞尘作为治理大气颗粒物污染的有效方法已被广泛接受与应用。已有研究表明,降雨等方式对植物叶表面颗粒物的滞留有着显著的影响,可有效地将颗粒物从叶表面去除,使植物再次具有滞留颗粒物的能力。由于自然降雨难以量化,现有研究大多采用模拟降雨的方式,将降雨特性量化为降雨强度、降雨历时等可控变量,但较少将降雨高度这一变量纳入研究。且大多以森林生态系统或者城市生态系统中常见的乔、灌、草等植物为主要研究对象,而忽略了处于水陆过渡带的湿地生态系统中植物的特殊性。湿地生态系统不仅可通过植物叶片等结构滞留颗粒物,还可依靠增强空气相对湿度促进颗粒物的吸收和积累,导致湿地植物滞尘规律的特殊性。因此,选择北京地区湿地生态系统内的4种常见植物(香蒲、菖蒲、芦苇和黄花鸢尾)作为研究对象,通过人工模拟降雨的方式,将降雨特性量化为降雨高度与降雨强度两个变量,共设置1 m (11 m)、2 m (10 m)两个不同降雨高度,30 mm/h、45 mm/h、60 mm/h三种不同降雨强度,并将颗粒物划分粗颗粒物(10—100 μm)、细颗粒物(3—10 μm)、超细颗粒物(0.4—3 μm)三种粒径范围。通过滤膜法获得单位叶面积颗粒物去除量,探讨人工降雨对湿地植物叶表面颗粒物滞留的影响。主要研究结果如下:(1)颗粒物去除量在粗颗粒物(10—100 μm)粒径范围内最高;(2)所试4种湿地植物中,菖蒲的颗粒物去除量位居前列;(3)只有在一定的范围内,植物叶表面颗粒物去除量才随降雨强度的增加而增加;(4)不同降雨高度下所试湿地植物叶表面颗粒物去除量无明显规律,降雨高度之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
Gray Flycatchers (Empidonax wrightii) breed in a variety of habitats in the arid and semi‐arid regions of the western United States, but little is known about their breeding biology, especially in the northern portion of their range where they nest in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests. From May to July 2014 and 2015, we conducted surveys for singing male Gray Flycatchers along the eastern slope of the Cascade Range in Washington, U.S.A, monitored flycatcher nests, and quantified nest‐site vegetation. We used a logistic‐exposure model fit within a Bayesian framework to model the daily survival probability of flycatcher nests. During the 2 yr of our study, we monitored 141 nests, with 93% in ponderosa pines. Mean clutch size was 3.6 eggs and the mean number of young fledged per nest was 3.2. Predation accounted for 90% of failed nests. We found a positive association between daily nest survival and both nest height and distance of nest substrates from the nearest tree. Flycatchers that locate their nests higher above the ground and further from adjacent trees may be choosing the safest alternative because higher nests may be less exposed to terrestrial predators and nests in trees that are farther from other trees may be less exposed to arboreal predators such as jays (Corvidae) that may forage in patches with connected canopies. Nests in trees farther from other trees may also allow earlier detection of approaching predators and thus aid in nest defense.  相似文献   
In the Barwon River, Australia, a tidal barrage formed a major impediment to fish movement so in 2013 a vertical slot fishway was installed. The assessment of fishways on tidal barriers is rare in Australia so to ensure the fishway was achieving its ecological objective (i.e. successfully passing the target size range of fish of 20–400 mm total length), fish were trapped at the entrance and exit on 12 occasions and the species composition, abundance and length of fish at the two locations were compared. Additionally, a section of the river downstream of the fishway was sampled to ensure fishway trapping accurately reflected the species composition wanting to use the fishway to move upstream. Eighteen species and 69,246 individual fish were caught in the fishway traps. Catch rates between locations did not differ for Common Galaxias (Galaxias maculatus) or Australian Smelt (Retropinna semoni), although species‐specific catch rates were lower at the exit for Flat‐headed Gudgeon (Philypnodon grandiceps), Tupong (Pseudaphritis urvillii) and Yellow‐eye Mullet (Aldrichetta forsteri). Length distribution between locations only differed for Australian Smelt with small fish under‐represented at the exit location (<25 mm total length). Eight species of fish were collected downstream of the fishway that were not collected in it; however, all of these were estuarine dependent except the non‐native Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio). Our results indicate that vertical slot fishways are a suitable design for improving river connectivity at a low head, tidal barrages in south‐eastern Australia. The study reiterates the importance of reinstating connectivity for species with obligate marine/freshwater migratory life history traits, and the indirect benefits of increased productivity made available to upstream areas.  相似文献   
Changes following culvert removal in the production of the saltmarsh mosquito, Aedes vigilax (Skuse), and the cover and occurrence of halophytes were investigated on Kooragang Island, New South Wales, Australia. Mosquito eggshells were collected from saltmarsh soil and used as an index of mosquito production. Saltmarsh bordering each of four tidal creeks was sampled prior to the removal of culverts from two of these creeks in 1995. All creeks were resampled two years later. In most instances, eggshell densities decreased significantly at saltmarshes affected by culvert removal, with relatively small change at reference saltmarshes. However, oviposition by Ae. vigilax was initiated in upland areas following culvert removal at one site. Sarcocornia quinqueflora cover decreased significantly at sites affected by culvert removal relative to reference sites. The cover of Sporobolus virginicus and frequency of occurrence of Triglochin striata increased significantly at one modified site, while the frequency of occurrence of Avicennia marina seedlings increased significantly at the other modified site. We suggest that culvert removal and other alterations intended to increase tidal flushing will lead to vegetation patterns and mosquito eggshell densities that typically occur in the more frequently inundated saltmarsh–mangrove complex.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游柽柳灌丛地上生物量估测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据划分的柽柳灌丛大、中、小等级,在塔里木河下游英苏至喀尔达依区段进行地表采样、称重,采用统计相关法对柽柳年龄及地径关系进行分析,构建柽柳直立枝与单丛地上生物量估测模型,对模型精度进行检验,筛选最佳模型,并对模型估测值与实测值进行卡方检验。结果表明:(1)输水后柽柳新萌直立枝地径随年龄增加而增大,但输水前柽柳萌生直立枝的地径随年龄增加未呈现规律性变化。在地下水条件非一致性的干旱荒漠区,柽柳地径大小不能作为判断其年龄的依据。(2)根据柽柳标准枝和灌丛因子实测数据,用一元线性函数、幂函数、指数函数、对数函数4种函数进行柽柳直立枝生物量估测模型拟合结果表明,幂函数w=2.007(d2 h)0.837估测模型最优,其总体估测精度达89.92%。(3)以冠幅面积单变量、冠幅周长与丛高双变量构建的柽柳单丛生物量估测模型的精度分别为78.95%和80.09%。(4)以全收获法实测数据为真值对估测模型进行精度检验,柽柳冠幅面积为自变量模型的估测精度为80.54%,柽柳冠幅周长和丛高估测模型的精度为66.85%。(5)对柽柳单株及单丛生物量模型估测值与实测值进行卡方检验结果表明两者之间无显著差异。研究认为,由于柽柳冠幅在高分辨遥感数据上容易获取,柽柳冠幅面积估测模型在传统生物量估测和遥感生物量估测都具有实用价值。  相似文献   
北京西山侧柏林冠层不同高度处叶片水分利用效率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北京西山广泛分布的侧柏林为研究对象,综合考虑冠层不同高度处气象因子、大气CO2浓度以及大气CO2中碳同位素组成的差异,对其冠层不同高度处叶片的瞬时水分利用效率和短期水分利用效率分别进行了测定,以期为区域森林生态系统固碳与耗水研究提供理论依据,为区域森林生态系统经营与维护提供技术支撑.结果表明: 侧柏林冠层不同高度处叶片的瞬时水分利用效率随冠层高度的变化规律表现为上层>中层>下层,多种气象因子协同影响气孔运动,使瞬时水分利用效率受气孔限制;侧柏林冠层不同高度处的环境因子、大气CO2浓度以及大气CO2的δ13C均存在一定差异,导致了林冠各层叶片的短期水分利用效率的变化.林冠上层叶片通过提高水分利用效率适应环境.  相似文献   
普洱季风常绿阔叶林次生演替中木本植物幼苗更新特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以时空替代的方法,将针阔混交林、季风常绿阔叶林的次生林与成熟林等3个处于同一空间下的群落作为次生演替进程中的3个阶段,研究云南普洱地区次生演替过程中的木本植物幼苗更新特征,分析了次生演替过程中木本植物幼苗的物种组成、密度、高度级及与环境因子的相关性。结果表明:在8个共144 m2的幼苗样地中调查木本植物幼苗101种2014株,其中乔木幼苗是主要组成。随着次生演替的进行,木本植物幼苗、乔木与藤本幼苗密度逐渐增加,灌木幼苗密度无显著变化;藤本植物幼苗的物种丰富度随着次生演替进行而增加,乔木与灌木幼苗则无显著变化,成熟季风常绿阔叶林中木本植物幼苗Shannon-Wiener指数要显著小于针阔混交林与次生季风常绿阔叶林。次生与成熟季风常绿阔叶林木本植物幼苗多度随高度级增加而减少,针阔混交林则呈现偏峰曲线,幼苗密度均集中分布在高度20 cm以内,3个群落演替阶段木本植物幼苗物种丰富度随高度级增加呈现偏锋曲线。相似性系数反映出乔木和藤本幼苗的更新来源与群落的物种组成存在着紧密的联系。乔木幼苗密度分布与样地坡度之间存在着显著的负相关,灌木幼苗密度与土壤pH值之间存在着显著正相关。  相似文献   
The bovine trypsin-catalysed synthesis of N-acetyl- -arginine ethyl ester from N-acetyl- -arginine and ethanol was studied in various organic solvents (dimethyl sulfoxide, dioxane, dimethylformamide, acetonitrile, acetone, tetrahydrofuran, chloroform, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, cyclohexane and n-hexane). The highest yield was achieved in acetonitrile after incubation for 6 or 24 h. The optimal conditions for ester synthesis in acetonitrile for 6 h were as follows: 5.0 mM N-acetyl- -arginine, 10.0 M ethanol, 7.2 mg trypsin, 2.87% water, total volume 10.3 ml, pH 7.0 and 30°C. The hydrolytic activity of trypsin was determined after incubation for 6 days, when 87.7% of the original activity remained, suggesting that acetonitrile caused little inactivation of the enzyme. The synthetic reaction resulted in a maximal 79.3% conversion under optimized conditions after incubation for 48 h.  相似文献   
采用兴安盟扎赉特旗2004年~2011年气候生态环境监测站监测的典型草原牧草生长发育及地上生物量等基本资料。典型草原主要牧草种类有贝加尔针茅、野古草、羊草等禾草,伴生中旱生杂草、灌木及半灌木组成,草丛一般高30~50 cm。本文详细分析了当地气候条件对典型草原牧草生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明,典型草原牧草的高度、盖度及地上生物量受温度和降水量影响最明显,其中降水量的影响超过温度的影响。降水量多的年份地上生物量明显增加,而干旱年份地上生物量减少,其最大值一般出现在7月份,并滞后于降水量最大值。  相似文献   
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