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两种测试方法对DPPH分光光度法测试结果的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:比较固定反应时间法和动力学监测法的准确性。方法:用固定反应时间法和动力学监测法分别测定维生素C(Vc)、二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)对二苯代苦味酰自由基(DPPH)的清除作用,通过F检验和t检验来揭示两种方法的差异。结果:通过动力学监测法得到的测试结果更能准确的反映测试样品对DPPH自由基的清除能力。结论:建议在用DPPH分光光度法过程中使用动力学监测法。  相似文献   
In mammal, fertilization and early preimplantation embryo development occurs in the oviduct. Evidence is accumulating that the oviductal epithelia secrete various biomolecules to the lumen during the secretory phase of the estrus cycle to enhance embryo development. This secretory activity of the oviduct is under the regulation of steroid hormones. Observations also suggested that the gametes and embryos modulate the physiology and gene-expressing pattern of the oviduct. However, the underlying molecular changes remain elusive. We hypothesize that the developing embryos interact with the surrounding environment and affect the gene expression patterns of the oviduct, thereby modulating the oviductal secretory activity conducive to the preimplantation embryo development. To test this hypothesis, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to compare the gene expressions in mouse oviduct containing transferred in vitro cultured preimplantation embryos with that of oviduct containing oocytes during the preimplantation period. We reported here the identification and characterization of phospholipids transfer protein (PLTP), which is highly expressed in the embryo-containing oviduct and localized at the oviductal epithelium by in situ hybridization. PLTP contains signal peptide putative for secretory function. More importantly, PLTP mRNA increases in the oviductal epithelia of pregnant, but not pseudo-pregnant mice when assayed by real-time PCR. Taken together, our data suggested that PLTP may play important role(s) during in vivo preimplantation embryo development. This molecule would be a target to delineate the mechanisms and the roles of oviductal secretory proteins on early embryonic development.  相似文献   
本文主要建立大熊猫与两种竹子共生生态系统三种群的微分方程模型,得到Volterra系统,此生态系统是捕食与被捕食关系.分析了该系统在平衡状态处的稳定性,证明了其全局稳定性.最后,通过有关数据的调控确定大熊猫种群数量范围以及计算出该生态系统在平衡状态处受到标准扰动后的恢复时间.  相似文献   
目的:探讨血卟啉单甲醚(Hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether,HMME)在A549肺癌细胞内亚细胞分布的动态变化。方法:传代培养A549肺癌细胞,分别与光敏剂HMME孵育2 h和12 h。应用由荧光显微镜及电感耦合器材(Charge-coupled device,CCD)组成的高分辨率荧光显微成像系统,结合荧光探针标记技术,采用细胞器-细胞荧光强度比值法研究HMME在不同时间的亚细胞分布情况。结果:在2 h和12 h两个孵育时间点高尔基体的平均荧光强度比值(J1/J2)值都最高;随着孵育时间延长,A549细胞的四种细胞器J1/J2值都升高且溶酶体幅度最大。结论:孵育时间是影响HMME亚细胞分布的一个重要因素。随着孵育时间的延长,A549肺癌细胞各细胞器吸收HMME能力逐渐增强,尤以溶酶体显著。  相似文献   
选取不同日龄的雄性哈萨克羊和新疆细毛羊共54只,屠宰后取背最长肌,用索氏抽提法检测肌内脂肪(intramuscular fat,IMF)含量,用荧光实时定量PCR法检测肌肉脂肪酸合成酶(fatty acid synthase,FAS)和激素敏感脂肪酶(hormone-sensitive lipase,HSL)基因表达的发育性变化,并分析基因表达对肌内脂肪沉积的影响。结果表明:1)随着日龄的增加,雄性哈萨克羊的IMF含量持续上升,各生长时期差异显著(P<0.05),而新疆细毛羊的IMF含量在各生长时期无显著差异(P>0.05)。雄性哈萨克羊的IMF含量30~90日龄期间极显著高于新疆细毛羊(P<0.01)。2)FAS基因mRNA水平在哈萨克羊肌肉中初生时最高(P<0.05),然后随日龄的增加呈下降趋势;在新疆细毛羊肌肉中,FAS mRNA水平表现出"下降-上升-下降-上升"的发育模式,其中60日龄显著高于90日龄(P<0.05),其余日龄之间差异不显著。HSL基因在2品种绵羊肌肉中的表达模式基本类似,在哈萨克羊肌肉中随年龄的增加而下降,初生时的水平显著高于60~90日龄(P<0.05);在新疆细毛羊中30日龄时达到最高(P<0.01),到60日龄时下降到最低(P<0.05),随后保持这种低表达水平。3)FAS和HSL基因mRNA的表达量均与哈萨克羊IMF含量呈负相关,相关系数分别为:r=-0.485(P=0.02),r=-0.423(P=0.05);在哈萨克羊中两基因表达量水平比值(FAS:HSL)与IMF呈极显著负相关r=-0.552(P=0.01)。在新疆细毛羊中两基因的表达水平及比值均与IMF无显著相关性(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments on Drosophila have often demonstrated increased heritability for morphological and life‐history traits under environmental stress. We used parent–offspring comparisons to examine the impact of humidity levels on the heritability of a physiological trait, resistance to heat, measured as knockdown time at constant temperature. Drosophila melanogaster were reared under standard nonstressful conditions and heat‐shocked as adults at extreme high or low humidity. Mean knockdown time was decreased in the stressful dry environment, but there was a significant sex‐by‐treatment interaction: at low humidity, females were more heat resistant than males, whereas at high humidity, the situation was reversed. Phenotypic variability of knockdown time was also lower in the dry environment. The magnitude of genetic correlation between the sexes at high humidity indicated genetic variation for sexual dimorphism in heat resistance. Heritability estimates based on one‐parent–offspring regressions tended to be higher under desiccation stress, and this could be explained by decreased environmental variance of heat resistance at low humidity. There was no indication that the additive genetic variance and evolvability of heat resistance differed between the environments. The pattern of heritability estimates suggests that populations of D. melanogaster may have a greater potential for evolving higher thermal tolerance under arid conditions.  相似文献   
Interpretation of light trap catches of moths is complicated by daily variation in weather that alters flight activity and numbers caught. Light trap efficiency is also modified by wind and fog, and daily weather may effect absolute abundance (numbers actually present). However, actograph experiments and other sampling methods suggest that changes in daily activity are large by comparison to changes in absolute abundance. Daily variation in weather (other than wind and fog) is therefore a form of sampling error in absolute abundance estimates. We investigated the extent of this sampling bias in 26 years of population dynamics from 133 moth species. In a subset of 20 noctuid and geometrid species, daily numbers caught were positively correlated with temperature in 14 species, and negatively correlated with rainfall in 11 species. The strength of correlations varied between species, making it difficult to standardize catches to constant conditions. We overcame this by establishing how weather variation changed with time and duration of the flight period. Species flying later in the summer and for shorter periods experienced more variable temperatures, making sampling error greater for these species. Of the 133 moth species, those with shorter flight periods had greater population variability and more showed significant temporal density dependence. However, these effects were weak, which is encouraging because it suggests that population analyses of light trap data largely reflect factors other than sampling error.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis thaliana has emerged as a model organism for plant developmental genetics, but it is also now being widely used for population genetic studies. Outcrossing relatives of A. thaliana are likely to provide suitable additional or alternative species for studies of evolutionary and population genetics. We have examined patterns of adaptive flowering time variation in the outcrossing, perennial A. lyrata. In addition, we examine the distribution of variation at marker genes in populations form North America and Europe. The probability of flowering in this species differs between southern and northern populations. Northern populations are much less likely to flower in short than in long days. A significant daylength by region interaction shows that the northern and southern populations respond differently to the daylength. The timing of flowering also differs between populations, and is made shorter by long days, and in some populations, by vernalization. North American and European populations show consistent genetic differentiation over microsatellite and isozyme loci and alcohol dehydrogenase sequences. Thus, the patterns of variation are quite different from those in A. thaliana, where flowering time differences show little relationship to latitude of origin and the genealogical trees of accessions vary depending on the genomic region studied. The genetic architecture of adaptation can be compared in these species with different life histories.  相似文献   
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