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Classic prey optimal foraging model assumes that individual predators are globally omniscient; that is, they have exact knowledge of prey population densities in the environment. This study examines a spatially explicit individual-based model of a one-predator two-prey system where individual predators are assumed to be omniscient only locally, i.e., to know prey population densities only in the range of their perception. Due to local variations in prey numbers, the probability of acceptance of less profitable prey shifts from the zero-one rule to a gradually decreasing function, for which an explicit formula is derived, giving way to partial preferences. A corresponding predator functional response to more profitable prey is shown to have a sigmoid-like form.  相似文献   
A new method will be presented which allows the perception of body odors in humans to be studied objectively. The analysis of body odor‐evoked potentials was used to investigate if and how the human brain is able to differentiate self from non‐self body odor for the first time. Six subjects (three females) participated in two experimental sessions. In each session, two body odors (axillary hair) were presented within an olfactory oddball paradigm. One of the odors was collected from the subject and the other from an odor donor of the same sex. In the first session the subjects' attention was distracted to a secondary task (passive paradigm), in the second session the subjects were asked to actively differentiate the odors (active paradigm). For the EEG recordings the odors were presented within a constantly flowing airstream. The results show that the subjects could hardly differentiate the body odors subjectively. However, it could be demonstrated that the central nervous processing of one's own odor was faster than the processing of the chemosensory non‐self signal. Moreover, in the active paradigm, the potentials appeared to be larger when the subjects perceived their own body odor. The conclusion is reached that the measurement of chemosensory event‐related potentials (CSERP) is the method of choice for the investigation of HLA‐associated body odors. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Objectives The aim of this study was to was to determine whether older adults perceive oral health as affecting their life quality and to identify variations in impacts in relation to socio-demographic factors, dental service utilisation and method of payment. Design This study formed part of the Office for National Statistics Omnibus Survey, which utilised a random probability sample of addresses from the British Postcode Address File (PAF). Setting 3,000 homes were selected from one hundred post sectors across Britain. Respondents were interviewed in their homes about how oral health affects their quality of life. Subjects 454 older people (aged 65 and over) took part in the survey. Main outcome measures The study group perceived oral health as impacting on their quality of life in general (negative and/or positive impact) (70%, 318), enhancing (53%, 241) and detracting (44%, 199) from their life quality. The most frequently perceived way in which oral health affects life quality was its effect on eating and comfort. Older people from higher socio-economic groups reported that oral health had a greater impact on their quality of life in general (positive and/or negative impacts), (OR=1.77,95% CI= 1.22,2.78) and specifically, enhancing their quality of life (OR=1.52, 95% CI=1.01,2.30). Those who reported attending the dentist within the last year perceived that their oral health enhanced their life quality (OR=1.55, 95% CI=1.01,2.38). Conclusions Socio-economic background and dental attendance pattern are associated with how older people perceived oral health as affecting quality of life. These findings may have implications for promoting regular dental attendance and auditing dental services for older people.  相似文献   
The Grey-necked Picathartes Picathartes oreas is a globally threatened bird species in Africa with a wild population of less than 10,000 individuals. The Nigerian population, which has been poorly studied, is restricted to the forest of Cross River. This study re-assessed the distribution, breeding population, habitat use and current threats of the Grey-necked Picathartes by revisiting the 91 breeding sites identified during the first and only survey of the species in 1987. We estimated a breeding population of 164 individuals across 82 breeding sites. Only 72 breeding sites were found in the localities where 91 had been registered in 1987. Thirteen (18%) of these 72 sites were no longer active and showed evidence of human disturbance. The occurrence of Grey-necked Picathartes’ nest sites was positively predicted by higher number of emergent trees, larger rocks and negatively related to disturbance matrices. Similarly, larger colony sizes were associated with high canopy cover and rock height. Also, the probability of finding an active nest within a breeding colony was significantly predicted by increased canopy, tree density and ground cover. Human threats included farming, wire snares, egg and juvenile removal, bush burning, and hunter’s camps. These threats, though specific to the Grey-necked Picathartes, threaten the integrity of the Cross River forest habitats.  相似文献   
Eggshell colouration is thought to function as a female-specific secondary sexual trait. While tests of this idea are rapidly accumulating in cavity-nesting birds, some fundamental underlying assumptions remain rarely investigated: namely, can males see eggshell coloration and perceive colour differences between the eggs of different females? We tested these two key assumptions in a natural population of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). Using transponders, we tracked male nest visits and found that all males visited their nest-boxes while eggs were present and often visually accessible. Interestingly, some males also visited neighbouring nests. We then tested whether birds could detect eggshell coloration using models of avian colour vision; models were performed with and without limitations on visual performance owing to dim light. Both models found that differences in eggshell brightness were often easier to discriminate than differences in colour; there was more contrast in white eggshell background between clutches than within and its contrast against nest background was repeatable within clutches, suggesting these features could act as signals. Yet, the detectability of these contrasts depended entirely on model assumptions of visual limitations. Consequently, we need a better understanding of underlying visual mechanisms in dim-light environments and behavioural discrimination experiments before confirming the signalling potential of eggshell coloration.  相似文献   
In various environments where primates are presently observed, as well as in forests and savannas which have been inhabited by australopithecines and early hominids, there are (or there have been presumably) categories of substances eliciting taste signals associated with stereotyped responses. Such is the case for various soluble sugars of fruits and nectars, attracting consumers, and for several plant compounds in which bitter or strongly astringent properties have a repulsive effect. The occurrence of such classes of tasty substances among natural products appears to be related to the evolutionary trends that shaped primate sensory perception (for detecting either beneficent or potentially noxious substances) in the context of a long history of coevolution between animals and plants. Here, we present original psychophysical data on humans (412 individuals aged 17-59 years) as an analogy with which to test recent evidence from electrophysiology in nonhuman primates (Hellekant et al. [1997] J. Neurophysiol. 77:978-993; Danilova et al. [1998] Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 855:160-164) that taste fibers can be grouped into clusters of "best-responding fibers" with two more specific clusters, one for sugars and one for quinine and tannins. The collinearity found between human taste responses (recognition thresholds) for fructose and sucrose, as well as for quinine and tannins, is presented and discussed as another evidence of the two-direction evolutionary trend determining taste sensitivity. Salt perception appears to be totally independent of these trends. Accordingly, the appreciation of a salty taste seems to be a recent culturally learned response, and not a primary taste perception. The very existence of primary tastes is discussed in the context of evolutionary trends, past and present.  相似文献   
Spontaneous cortical activity of single neurons is often either dismissed as noise, or is regarded as carrying no functional significance and hence is ignored. Our findings suggest that such concepts should be revised. We explored the coherent population activity of neuronal assemblies in primary sensory area in the absence of a sensory input. Recent advances in real-time optical imaging based on voltage-sensitive dyes (VSDI) have facilitated exploration of population activity and its intimate relationship to the activity of individual cortical neurons. It has been shown by in vivo intracellular recordings that the dye signal measures the sum of the membrane potential changes in all the neuronal elements in the imaged area, emphasizing subthreshold synaptic potentials and dendritic action potentials in neuronal arborizations originating from neurons in all cortical layers whose dendrites reach the superficial cortical layers. Thus, the VSDI has allowed us to image the rather illusive activity in neuronal dendrites that cannot be readily explored by single unit recordings. Surprisingly, we found that the amplitude of this type of ongoing subthreshold activity is of the same order of magnitude as evoked activity. We also found that this ongoing activity exhibited high synchronization over many millimeters of cortex. We then investigated the influence of ongoing activity on the evoked response, and showed that the two interact strongly. Furthermore, we found that cortical states that were previously associated only with evoked activity can actually be observed also in the absence of stimulation, for example, the cortical representation of a given orientation may appear without any visual input. This demonstration suggests that ongoing activity may also play a major role in other cortical function by providing a neuronal substrate for the dependence of sensory information processing on context, behavior, memory and other aspects of cognitive function.  相似文献   
Different rat and mouse models are used in studies of social interactions. Simple behavioral measures, which are commonly used in the laboratory, allow to perform relatively short experiments and to use multiple brain manipulation techniques. However, too much focus on the simplest behavioral models generates a serious risk of reducing ecological validity or even studying phenomena which would never happen outside of the laboratory. In this review, we discuss the suitability of mice and rats as model organisms for studying social behaviors, with focus on social transmission of fear paradigms. First, we briefly introduce the concept of domestication and what impact it had on laboratory rodents. Then, we present two aspects of social behaviors, sociability and dominance, which are crucial for social organization in these species. Finally, we present experimental models used for studying how animals transmit information about danger between each other, and how these models may reflect what happens in the natural environment. We discuss the difficulties that arise from our limited knowledge of rat and mouse ecology, especially their social life. We also explore the subject of balancing ecological validity and controllability in rodent models of social behaviors, the latter being particularly important for studying brain activity. Although it is very challenging, an efficient program for social neuroscience research should, in our opinion, aim at bridging the gap between laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   
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