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The role of Euclea divinorum in the establishment of broad‐leaved thickets was investigated in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Thickets are declining due to frequent fires, but have not reestablished when fires have been removed. Seedlings of E. divinorum, a fire‐resistant tree, were found in grassland adjacent to thickets and as thicket canopy trees and may function to facilitate thicket establishment. Seedlings of thicket species were abundant under E. divinorum canopy trees but not in the grassland, indicating that E. divinorum can facilitate forest establishment. We examined E. divinorum establishment in grassland by measuring survival and growth of seedlings with respect to fire, browsers, elephants, and competition with grass. Seedling survival was reduced by fire (50%), browsers (70%), and competition with grass (50%), but not by elephants. Seedling growth rate was negative unless both fire and browsers, or grass was removed. Establishment of thickets via E. divinorum is not occurring under the current conditions in Serengeti of frequent fires, abundant browsers, and dense grass in riparian areas. Conditions that allowed establishment may have occurred in 1890–1920s during a rinderpest epizootic, and measurements of thicket canopy trees suggest they established at that time.  相似文献   
Tropical rain forest expansion and savanna woody vegetation thickening appear to be a global trend, but there remains uncertainty about whether there is a common set of global drivers. Using geographic information techniques, we analyzed aerial photography of five areas in the humid tropics of northeastern Queensland, Australia, taken in the 1950s and 2008, to determine if changes in rain forest extent match those reported for the Australian monsoon tropics using similar techniques. Mapping of the 1950s aerial photography showed that of the combined study area (64,430 ha), 63% was classified as eucalypt forests/woodland and 37% as rain forest. Our mapping revealed that although most boundaries remained stable, there was a net increase of 732 ha of the original rain forest area over the study period, and negligible conversion of rain forest to eucalypt forest/woodland. Statistical modeling, controlling for spatial autocorrelation, indicated distance from preexisting rain forest as the strongest determinant of rain forest expansion. Margin extension had a mean rate across the five sites of 0.6 m per decade. Expansion was greater in tall open forest types but also occurred in shorter, more flammable woodland vegetation types. No correlations were detected with other local variables (aspect, elevation, geology, topography, drainage). Using a geographically weighted mean rate of rain forest margin extension across the whole region, we predict that over 25% of tall open forest (a forest type of high conservation significance) would still remain after 2000 years of rain forest expansion. This slow replacement is due to the convoluted nature of the rain forest boundary and the irregular shape of the tall open forest patches. Our analyses point to the increased concentration of atmospheric CO(2) as the most likely global driver of indiscriminate rain forest expansion occurring in northeastern Australia, by increasing tree growth and thereby overriding the effects of fire disturbance.  相似文献   
Aim To examine potential impacts of climatic change on bird species richness of the fynbos and grassland biomes, especially on species of conservation concern, and to consider implications for biodiversity conservation strategy. Location Southern Africa, defined for this study as South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Methods Climate response surfaces were fitted to model relationships between recorded distributions and reporting rates of 94 species and current bioclimatic variables. These models were used to project species’ potential ranges and reporting rates for future climatic scenarios derived from three general circulation models for 30‐year periods centred on 2025, 2055 and 2085. Results were summarized for species associated with each biome and examined in detail for 12 species of conservation concern. Results Species richness of fynbos and grassland bird assemblages will potentially decrease by an average of 30–40% by 2085 as a result of projected climatic changes. The areas of greatest richness are projected to decrease in extent and to shift in both cases. Attainment of projected shifts is likely to be limited by extent of untransformed habitat. Most species of conservation concern are projected to decrease in range extent, some by > 60%, and to decrease in reporting rate even where they persist, impacts upon their populations thus being greater than might be inferred from decreases in range extent alone. Two species may no longer have any areas of suitable climatic space by 2055; both already appear to be declining rapidly. Main conclusions Species losses are likely to be widespread with most species projected to decrease in range extent. Loss of key species, such as pollinators, may have far‐reaching implications for ecosystem function and composition. Conservation strategies, and identification of species of conservation concern, need to be informed by such results, notwithstanding the many uncertainties, because the certainties of climatic change make it essential that likely impacts not to be ignored.  相似文献   
Xeric succulent thicket in the Eastern Cape, South Africa has been used for farming goats since the early 1900s. This habitat is characterised by a dense cover of the succulent bush Portulacaria afra and by a warm, semi-arid climate with evenly distributed annual rainfall of 250–400 mm. Heavy browsing by goats results in the loss of P. afra and transforms the thicket to an open savanna dominated by annual grasses. Eight fence-line comparisons between thicket and savanna were used to investigate differences in soil quality associated with the vegetation change. Composite soil samples were taken to a depth of 10 cm from 1 ha plots on either side of the fence-line. Associated with the change from thicket to savanna, a significant decrease (paired t-test, P < 0.05) was found in total C (respective means of 5.6 vs. 3.0%), total N (0.33 vs. 0.24%), labile C (2.8 vs. 1.5%), CO2 flux (1.9 vs. 0.5 µmol m–2 s–1), soil respiration in the laboratory (144 vs. 79 ng C kg–1 s–1), (NH4)OAc-extractable Mg (55 vs. 28 mmolc kg–1), and laboratory infiltration rate (51 vs. 19 mm h–1). In the same direction there was a similarly significant increase in modulus of rupture (16 vs. 34 kPa), water-soluble Ca (2.3 vs. 3.4 mmolc kg–1) and pH (6.7 vs. 7.7). The soil C content of 5.6% in thicket is surprisingly high in this warm, semi-arid climate and suggests that the dense P. afra bush strongly regulates soil organic matter through microclimate, erosion control, litter quantity and perhaps chemistry. Savanna soils had a greater tendency to crust (as evident in a lower rate of laboratory infiltration and greater modulus of rupture) than thicket soils. This was attributed to their lower organic matter content, which probably reduced aggregate stability. Savannas are likely to be more prone to runoff and erosion not only because of sparser vegetation but also because of a decline in soil quality.  相似文献   
The spiny thicket of southwestern Madagascar represents an extreme and ancient landscape with extraordinary levels of biodiversity and endemism. Few hypotheses exist for explaining speciation in the region and few plant studies have explored hypotheses for species diversification. Here, we investigate three species in the endemic genus Megistostegium (Malvaceae) to evaluate phylogeographic structure and explore the roles of climate, soil, and paleoclimate oscillations on population divergence and speciation throughout the region. We combine phylogenetic and phylogeographic inference of RADseq data with ecological niche modeling across space and time. Population structure is concurrent with major rivers in the region and we identify a new, potentially important biogeographic break coincident with several landscape features. Our data further suggests that niches occupied by species and populations differ substantially across their distribution. Paleodistribution modeling provide evidence that past climatic change could be responsible for the current distribution, population structure, and maintenance of species in Megistostegium.  相似文献   


Understanding mechanisms fostering long-term persistence of marginal populations should provide key insights about species resilience facing climate change. Cone serotiny is a key adaptive trait in Pinus banksiana (jack pine), which shows phenotypic variation according to the fire regime. Compared to range-core populations within the fire-prone boreal forest, low and variable serotiny in rear-edge populations suggest local adaptation to uncommon and unpredictable wildfire regime. We assessed environmental/physiological factors that might modulate intraspecific variation in cone serotiny.


We experimentally subjected closed cones to incrementing temperatures, then tested seed germination to determine whether and how various ecological factors (cone age, branch height, tree size, tree age) are related to cone dehiscence and seed viability in jack pines from rear-edge and range-core populations in eastern Canada.


Cones from rear-edge populations dehisce at a lower opening temperature, which increases with cone age. Cones from range-core stands open at a more constant, yet higher temperature. Cones from rear-edge stands take between 13 and 27 years to reach the level of serotiny achieved at the range core. At the rear edge, seed viability is steady (51%), whereas it decreases from 70% to 30% in 20 years at the range core.


We inferred the mechanisms of a bet-hedging strategy in rear-edge populations, which ensures steady recruitment during fire-free intervals and successful postfire regeneration. This capacity to cope with infrequent and unpredictable fire regime should increase the resilience of jack pine populations as global changes alter fire dynamics of the boreal forest.  相似文献   
Aims Forest height is a major factor shaping geographic biomass patterns, and there is a growing dependence on forest height derived from satellite light detecting and ranging (LiDAR) to monitor large-scale biomass patterns. However, how the relationship between forest biomass and height is modulated by climate and biotic factors has seldom been quantified at broad scales and across various forest biomes, which may be crucial for improving broad-scale biomass estimations based on satellite LiDAR.Methods We used 1263 plots, from boreal to tropical forest biomes across China, to examine the effects of climatic (energy and water availability) and biotic factors (forest biome, leaf form and leaf phenology) on biomass–height relationship, and to develop the models to estimate biomass from forest height in China.Important findings (i) Forest height alone explained 62% of variation in forest biomass across China and was far more powerful than climate and other biotic factors. (ii) However, the relationship between biomass and forest height were significantly affected by climate, forest biome, leaf phenology (evergreen vs. deciduous) and leaf form (needleleaf vs. broadleaf). Among which, the effect of climate was stronger than other factors. The intercept of biomass–height relationship was more affected by precipitation while the slope more affected by energy availability. (iii) When the effects of climate and biotic factors were considered in the models, geographic biomass patterns could be well predicted from forest height with an r 2 between 0.63 and 0.78 (for each forest biome and for all biomes together). For most biomes, forest biomass could be well predicted with simple models including only forest height and climate. (iv) We provided the first broad-scale models to estimate biomass from forest height across China, which can be utilized by future LiDAR studies. (v) Our results suggest that the effect of climate and biotic factors should be carefully considered in models estimating broad-scale forest biomass patterns with satellite LiDAR.  相似文献   
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