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Phylogenetic relationships in the genus Paphiopedilum were studied using nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid sequence data. The results confirm that the genus Paphiopedilum is monophyletic, and the division of the genus into three subgenera Parvisepalum, Brachypetalum and Paphiopedilum is well supported. Four sections of subgenus Paphiopedilum (Pardalopetalum, Cochlopetalum, Paphiopedilum and Barbata) are recovered as in a recent infrageneric treatment, with strong support. Section Coryopedilum is also recovered, with low bootstrap but high posterior probability values for support of monophyly. Relationships in section Barbata remain unresolved, and short branch lengths and the narrow geographical distribution of many species in the section suggest that it possibly underwent rapid radiation. Mapping chromosome and genome size data (including some new genome size measurements) onto the phylogenetic framework shows that there is no clear trend in increase in chromosome number in the genus. However, the diploid chromosome number of 2n = 26 in subgenera Parvisepalum and Brachypetalum suggests that this is the ancestral condition, and higher chromosome numbers in sections Cochlopetalum and Barbata suggest that centric fission has possibly occurred in parallel in these sections. The trend for genome size evolution is also unclear, although species in section Barbata have larger genome sizes than those in other sections. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 176–196.  相似文献   
The structure and composition of Hemiptera communities of tropical rain forest in Dumoga-Bone National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia were investigated over a 1-year period. The aim was to investigate the extent to which insect samples, obtained using six different techniques, were representative of the whole community, and to explore temporal and spatial variation in Hemiptera community composition. Sampling techniques employed were Rothamsted light trapping, canopy fogging, malaise trapping at both ground and canopy level, flight interception trapping and yellow water pan trapping. Overlap between faunas collected using different techniques was surprisingly low emphasizing the limitations of using any single method to sample and thereby describe the Hemiptera community. Differences were observed at the species, family and suborder levels. Similarly, there were major differences in faunal composition between sites and diversity appeared to peak at elevations between 600–1000 m. Seasonal changes were also significant but generally lower than between methods or sites. Results are discussed in relation to factors such as food availability and host specialization and the efficacy of each sampling method is reviewed in relation to the biology of the different Hemiptera groups and the composition of the samples obtained.  相似文献   
1. Fifteen species richness estimators (three asymptotic based on species accumulation curves, 11 nonparametric, and one based in the species-area relationship) were compared by examining their performance in estimating the total species richness of epigean arthropods in the Azorean Laurisilva forests. Data obtained with standardized sampling of 78 transects in natural forest remnants of five islands were aggregated in seven different grains (i.e. ways of defining a single sample): islands, natural areas, transects, pairs of traps, traps, database records and individuals to assess the effect of using different sampling units on species richness estimations. 2. Estimated species richness scores depended both on the estimator considered and on the grain size used to aggregate data. However, several estimators (ACE, Chao 1, Jackknifel and 2 and Bootstrap) were precise in spite of grain variations. Weibull and several recent estimators [proposed by Rosenzweig et al. (Conservation Biology, 2003, 17, 864-874), and Ugland et al. (Journal of Animal Ecology, 2003, 72, 888-897)] performed poorly. 3. Estimations developed using the smaller grain sizes (pair of traps, traps, records and individuals) presented similar scores in a number of estimators (the above-mentioned plus ICE, Chao2, Michaelis-Menten, Negative Exponential and Clench). The estimations from those four sample sizes were also highly correlated. 4. Contrary to other studies, we conclude that most species richness estimators may be useful in biodiversity studies. Owing to their inherent formulas, several nonparametric and asymptotic estimators present insensitivity to differences in the way the samples are aggregated. Thus, they could be used to compare species richness scores obtained from different sampling strategies. Our results also point out that species richness estimations coming from small grain sizes can be directly compared and other estimators could give more precise results in those cases. We propose a decision framework based on our results and on the literature to assess which estimator should be used to compare species richness scores of different sites, depending on the grain size of the original data, and of the kind of data available (species occurrence or abundance data).  相似文献   
Foliar sprays of water or 1, 10 and 100 μM aqueous solutions of gibberellic acid (GA3) or kinetin (KIN) were applied to 40-d-old plants of Nigella sativa (L.) to study their effects on net photosynthetic rate, nitrogen metabolism, and the seed yield. 10 μM solutions of both the hormones, especially GA3, appreciably increased the activities of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase, chlorophyll and total protein contents and net photosynthetic rate in the leaves, along with capsule number and seed yield plant−1, at harvest.  相似文献   
桃潜叶蛾在桃园的空间分布型和取样技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用聚集度指标法、Iwao回归分析和频次比较法.研究了桃树重要害虫桃潜叶蛾成虫的空间分布型。结果表明桃潜叶蛾成虫在桃园呈负二项分布,分析提出了该害虫适宜的调查抽样方法。  相似文献   
This paper addresses the design of a biomimetic fish robot actuated by piezoeeramic actuators and the effect of artificial caudal fins on the fish robot's performance. The limited bending displacement produced by a lightweight piezocomposite actuator was amplified and transformed into a large tail beat motion by means of a linkage system. Caudal fins that mimic the shape of a mackerel fin were fabricated for the purpose of examining the effect of caudal fm characteristics on thrust production at an operating frequency range. The thickness distribution of a real mackerel's fin was measured and used to design artificial caudal fins. The thrust performance of the biomimetic fish robot propelled by fins of various thicknesses was examined in terms of the Strouhal number, the Froude number, the Reynolds number, and the power consumption. For the same fm area and aspect ratio, an artificial caudal fin with a distributed thickness shows the best forward speed and the least power consumption.  相似文献   
Genetic data obtained using faecal DNA were used to elucidate the population structure of four brush-tailed rock-wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) colonies located in Wollemi National Park, New South Wales. The results suggested that the four sampled colonies are genetically differentiated and do not form a panmictic unit. Based on assignment tests, approximately 5% of sampled individuals were inferred to be dispersers and both male and female migrants were detected. Multilocus spatial autocorrelation analyses provided evidence for increased philopatry among females compared to males within the largest colony in the valley. Females in close spatial proximity were more genetically similar than expected under a random distribution of females, and females separated by more than 400 m were less genetically similar than expected. In contrast, there was no evidence of a significant clustering of related males. This suggests that within-colony dispersal is male biased. We also investigated the best strategies for conserving genetic diversity in this population. All of the four sampled colonies were found to contain distinct components of the genetic diversity of the Wolgan Valley P. penicillata population and loss of any colony is likely to result in the loss of unique alleles. Conservation and management plans should take into account that these colonies represent genetically differentiated discrete subpopulations. This approach is also the best strategy for maintaining the genetic diversity of the populations in this valley.  相似文献   
Mortality of eggs during incubation was estimated for three ocypodid crabs,Scopimera globosa, Ilyoplax pusillus andMacrophthalmus japonicus, and the influence of incubation sites was discussed. These crabs all lived in isolated burrows and fed on sediments during day time low tide.S. globosa andI. pusillus inhabited the upper intertidal sandflats, whereasM. japonicus inhabited the lower intertidal mudflats. Females of bothS. globosa andI. pusillus remained in their plugged burrows without feeding throughout incubation and the mortality of eggs was low despite large broods relative to body size. On the other hand, females ofM. japonicus fed actively on surface mud during incubation and the mortality of eggs was high despiite small broods relative to body size. InS. globosa andI. pusillus, the ovaries of ovigerous females were small until egg-hatching, whereas inM. japonicus, the ovaries grew rapidly during incubation and females were able to produce consecutive broods. I conclude that incubation of eggs in burrows may be advantageous in species which inhabit the upper interidal sandflats, even though the crabs cannot forage during incubation, since otherwise their eggs would be exposed to strong heat stress and desication during the summer. Furthermore, such species may produce few large broods because of less frequent interruption of feeding than that associated with production of many small broods.  相似文献   
采用多种聚集度指标、Iwao法和Taylor幂函数法分析朝鲜球坚蚧出蛰若虫在碧桃上的空间格局。结果表明,出蛰若虫在碧桃上呈聚集分布,分布以个体群形式存在。碧桃不同段位上的聚集度指标和Iwao法均表明其为聚集分布,而Taylor幂函数法测定为上、中段均匀分布,下段聚集分布,综合分析其成因是各样地受害程度及垂直方向虫口密度差异显著所致。聚集均数λ值的测定结果表明,该虫的聚集原因主要由出蛰若虫自身的生物学习性和环境因素所引起。此外,利用空间格局参数确定了理论抽样数和序贯抽样模型。  相似文献   
海南岛野生兰科植物多样性及其保护区域的优先性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
兰科是显花植物中的一个大类群,世界约有800属25 000种,全世界所有野生兰科植物均被列入《濒危野生动植物物种国际贸易公约》的保护范围,是植物保护中的“旗舰”类群。中国是野生兰科植物最重要的多样性中心之一,约有171属1 247种。作为中国的典型热带地区,海南岛具有丰富的野生兰科植物资源。该文系统地收集和整理了海南岛野生兰科植物资源信息,以海南岛19个行政县为基本分布区,构建海南岛野生兰科植物数据库,采用特有性简约分析(Parsimony analysis of endemicity)和互补分析(Complementarity analysis)两种方法,探讨海南岛野生兰科植物多样性保护的最低保护区组合和区域保护优先序问题。结果表明:海南岛约分布有野生兰科植物77属202种(30个中国特有种),其多样性保护的关键区域为南部和西南部地区;基于物种相似性,两个区域被建议作为优先保护区域:一个是以保亭、三亚和陵水为代表的区域,另一个区域以昌江和乐东为代表;基于互补性原理,最低保护区组合为10个分布区,按照其保护优先序依次排列为保亭、三亚、五指山、陵水、白沙、乐东、琼中、东方、昌江和琼山等地,其中陵水、保亭、琼中、乐东、三亚和五指山等6个分布区就包含了30个特有科在内。我们认为,基于海南岛野生兰科植物建立优先保护区域,利用有限的资源达到最优的保护,是一个较为合理、科学和高效的保护策略。  相似文献   
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