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The species–time relationship (STR) is a macroecological pattern describing the increase in the observed species richness with the length of time censused. Understanding STRs is important for understanding the ecological processes underlying temporal turnover and species richness. However, accurate characterization of the STR has been hampered by the influence of sampling. I analysed STRs for 521 breeding bird survey communities. I used a model of sampling effects to demonstrate that the increase in richness was not due exclusively to sampling. I estimated the time scale at which ecological processes became dominant over sampling effects using a two‐phase model combining a sampling phase and either a power function or logarithmic ecological phase. These two‐phase models performed significantly better than sampling alone and better than simple power and logarithmic functions. Most community dynamics were dominated by ecological processes over scales <5 years. This technique provides an example of a rigorous, quantitative approach to separating sampling from ecological processes.  相似文献   
Horacio Paz 《Biotropica》2003,35(3):318-332
I analyzed patterns of variation in root mass allocation and root morphology among seedlings of woody species in relation to environmental factors in four Neotropical forests. Among forests, I explored the response of root traits to sites varying in water or nutrient availability. Within each forest, I explored the plastic response of species to different microhabitats: gaps and understory. Additionally, I explored evidence for life history correlation of root and shoot traits by comparing species differing in their successional group (light‐demanding [22 spp.] or shade tolerant [27 spp.]) and germination type (species with photosynthetic cotyledons or species with reserve cotyledons). At each forest site, young seedlings from 10 to 20 species were excavated. A total of 55 species was collected in understory conditions and 31 of them were also collected in gaps. From each seedling, six morphological ratios were determined. Allocation to roots was higher in forest sites with the lowest soil resources. Roots were finer and longer in the most infertile site, while roots were deeper in the site with the longest dry season. Seedling traits did not differ between germination types. Shade tolerant species allocated more to roots and developed thicker roots than light‐demanding species. Light‐demanding species showed stronger plastic responses to habitat than shade tolerant species, and species with photo‐synthetic cotyledons showed lower plasticity than species with reserve cotyledons. Overall, these results suggest that among Neotropical species, root allocation and root morphology of seedlings reflect plant adjustments to water or nutrient availability at geographic and microhabitat scales. In addition, life history specialization to light environments is suggested by differences among groups of species in their allocation to roots and in their root morphology.  相似文献   
IntheareatobefloodedinthesecondengineeringstagefortheDanjiangreservoir,wediscovered16vertebratefossillocalitiesand52Paleolithicsitesin1994,andcollected603artifactsandmanyfossils.Ofthel6new1yfoundvertebratefossillocalities,threearereptilesitesrepresentedbydinosaureggsandlimbbones,andl3producemamma1s,including4Pale0gene,2Ne0geneand7Quaternarysites'ThemammalianlocalitiesareofPale0cene,Eocene,EarlyMiocene,andPli0ceneorEarlyPleistocene,MiddleandIntePleistocene,respectively.Theyfillinsomestrat…  相似文献   
After years of efforts to avoid or reduce the impact of infrastructure projects on nature, the principle of ecological compensation has been incorporated in Dutch governmental policy. Ecological compensation aims to recover those ecological functions and natural values that still remain affected after maximum effort has been made to reduce the impact of the intervention (mitigation). The accepted aim of current policy is thus no-net-loss of area and quality by means of mitigative and compensatory measures. As part of the planning process for construction of a stretch of road in The Netherlands, viz., the A50 road link in the province of North Brabant, a Nature Compensation Plan (NCP) was required to be drawn up. This work has recently been completed by the Regional Directorate of Public Works and Water Management, the initiator of the intervention. The NCP, initially presented as a Draft Plan, was drawn up by the Regional Directorate using a preliminary method designed by the Centre of Environmental Science of Leiden University for deriving compensatory measures. After an opportunity for public comment, the Draft Plan was revised to form a Final NCP. This article describes, firstly, the preliminary method for deriving ecological compensatory measures. The method starts by quantifying the effects of habitat loss, habitat disturbance (by changes in noise emissions, in the water table and in outdoor recreational patterns), barrier action and fauna casualties. Following mitigation of impacts on nature, compensation for non-mitigable effects focuses successively on area size, derived from the impacts on breeding birds, and on area quality, derived from the habitat requirements of the vegetation and fauna groups affected by the road. Guidelines for identifying appropriate locations for compensation are also formulated. Secondly, the compensation method is applied to calculate the mitigative and compensatory measures for the A50 trajectory between Eindhoven and Oss. Thirdly, two comparisons are made: the Draft NCP is compared with the results of the preliminary method, and the Draft and the Final NCP are compared with one another in order to identify the role of the interest groups that played a major role in commenting on the Draft Plan. Finally, realization of the compensatory measures and development of the preliminary method itself are discussed. On the basis of the experience with the A50 case study, a more robust compensation method for road projects is to be developed.  相似文献   
The action of rotameric probes introduced either in position 7 or 8 in the sequence of substance P (SP) was investigated, i.e. -tetrahydroisoquinoleic acid (Tic), -fluorenylglycine (Flg), -diphenylalanine (Dip), the diastereoisomers of -1-indanylglycine (Ing) and -benz[ƒ]indanylglycine (Bfi), the Z- and E-isomers of dehydrophenylalanine and dehydronaphthylalanine (ΔZPhe, ΔEPhe, ΔZNal, ΔENal) and (Dmp). The aim of this study was the topographical characterization of the binding subsites of human NK-1 receptor expressed in CHO cells, especially the S7 and S8 subsites, corresponding to residues Phe7 and Phe8 of substance P. According to the binding potencies of these substituted-SP analogues, the S7 binding subsite is smaller than the S8 subsite: the S7 subsite accepts only one aromatic nucleus, while the S8 can accommodate three coplanar nuclei altogether. These findings are compatible with the idea that the S8 binding subsite may reside in the extracellular loops of the hNK-1 receptor. NK-1 agonists bind to human NK-1 receptor and activate the production of both inositol phosphates and cyclic AMP. As already quoted for septide, [pGlu6, Pro9]SP(6–11), discrepancies are observed between affinity (Ki) and activity (EC50) values for IPs production. While a weak correlation between Ki and EC50 values for IPs production could be found (r = 0.70), an excellent correlation could be demonstrated between their affinities (Ki) and their potencies (EC50) for cAMP production (r = 0.97). The high potency (EC50) observed for ‘septide-like’ molecules on PI hydrolysis, compared to their affinity is not an artefact related to the high level of NK-1 receptors expressed on CHO cells since a good correlation was found between EC50 values obtained for PI hydrolysis and those measured for spasmogenic activity in guinea pig ileum bioassay (r = 0.94).

According to the binding potencies of constrained analogues of phenylalanine, the S7 binding subsite of human NK-1 receptor is small, whereas the S8, which can accommodate three coplanar nuclei, might probably reside in the extracellular loop. The discrepancies observed between affinity (Ki) and activity (EC50) values for IPs production are not an artefact of CHO cells since a good correlation was found between EC50 for PI hydrolysis and those measured in guinea pig ileum bioassay.  相似文献   

苦楝果实活性物质研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文报道苦楝果实中的生物活性物质。发现果实的抽提物和单体化合物不仅具有防治作物害虫的作用,而且,还对植物有生长调节作用。通过生物活性鉴定结果表明:果实种仁的水抽提物对水稻早期萌动、发芽与秧苗的生长均有促进作用。其中,处理稻种第2天(48h),其发芽率比对照高出24.67%~42.86%;第4天秧苗的根长在1cm以上占56.5%~65.0%,而对照组只有15.5%。尤其是抽提液浓度在6000ppm时处理的稻种,测得生长10d的秧苗总长为对照的120.27%,胚根长为对照的121.54%;以及叶片中的叶绿素总含量比对照高8.5%。还证明了从果实中提取分离的几种三萜类化合物和在果实中发现的一种新化合物对苯二甲酸二甲酯,均对菜青虫有拒食和胃毒活性。  相似文献   
System-level adjustments to elevated CO2 in model spruce ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment and increasing nitrogen deposition are often predicted to increase forest productivity based on currently available data for isolated forest tree seedlings or their leaves. However, it is highly uncertain whether such seedling responses will scale to the stand level. Therefore, we studied the effects of increasing CO2 (280, 420 and 560 μL L-1) and increasing rates of wet N deposition (0, 30 and 90 kg ha-1 y-1) on whole stands of 4-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies). One tree from each of six clones, together with two herbaceous understory species, were established in each of nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems in nutrient poor forest soil and grown in a simulated montane climate for two years. Shoot level light-saturated net photosynthesis measured at growth CO2 concentrations increased with increasing CO2, as well as with increasing N deposition. However, predawn shoot respiration was unaffected by treatments. When measured at a common CO2 concentration of 420 μL L-1 37% down-regulation of photosynthesis was observed in plants grown at 560 μL CO2 L-1. Length growth of shoots and stem diameter were not affected by CO2 or N deposition. Bud burst was delayed, leaf area index (LAI) was lower, needle litter fall increased and soil CO2 efflux increased with increasing CO2. N deposition had no effect on these traits. At the ecosystem level the rate of net CO2 exchange was not significantly different between CO2 and N treatments. Most of the responses to CO2 studied here were nonlinear with the most significant differences between 280 and 420 μL CO2 L-1 and relatively small changes between 420 and 560 μL CO2 L-1. Our results suggest that the lack of above-ground growth responses to elevated CO2 is due to the combined effects of physiological down-regulation of photosynthesis at the leaf level, allometric adjustment at the canopy level (reduced LAI), and increasing strength of below-ground carbon sinks. The non-linearity of treatment effects further suggests that major responses of coniferous forests to atmospheric CO2 enrichment might already be under way and that future responses may be comparatively smaller.  相似文献   
Dispersal by young mammals away from their natal site is generallythought to reduce inbreeding, with its attendant negative fitnessconsequences. Genetic data from the dwarf mongoose, a pack-livingcarnivore common in African savannas, indicate that there areexceptions to this generalization. In dwarf mongoose populationsin the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, breeding pairs arecommonly related, and close inbreeding has no measurable effecton offspring production or adult survival. Inbreeding occursbecause average relatedness among potential mates within a packis high, because mating patterns within the pack are randomwith respect to the relatedness of mates, and because dispersaldoes little to decrease the relatedness among mates. Young femalesare more likely to leave a pack when the dominant male is aclose relative but are relatively infrequent dispersers. Youngmales emigrate at random with respect to the relatedness ofthe dominant female and tend to disperse to packs that containgenetically similar individuals.[Behav Ecol 7: 480–489(1996)]  相似文献   
人类口腔小生境微生物的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了人类口腔中微生物的物种多样性,口腔小生境的复杂性与微生物多样性的关系,以及口腔中微生物变化与人类疾病和健康的关系。  相似文献   
Abstract. A five-year experimental study was carried out to examine the combined effects of grazing and atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the vegetation of three dry dune grasslands: one short species-rich, one short species-poor, and one predominated by tall graminoids. Additional fertilization with nitrogen had no significant effect, neither in grazed nor in non-grazed plots. Exclusion of grazing by rabbits resulted in an increase in the frequency of perennial graminoids and a decrease in the frequency of annual graminoids and herbs. Nevertheless, species diversity remained the same in the species-rich grassland. During the experiment, the above-ground biomass increased in all nongrazed plots and the amount of bare soil and mosses decreased. The vegetation changes occurred mainly within one year after the exclusion of grazing. An exception is the grass-dominated site where the amount of Calamagrostis epigejos increased gradually from ca. 20 % in the first two years to about 50 % in the fourth and fifth year. Grazing by rabbits seems essential to prevent graminoids to become predominant in the dry dunes. If graminoids are dominant, grazing by horses can be an appropriate method to restore the original grassland vegetation. After six months of grazing by horses the grass-dominated site showed a decrease of the frequency of perennial graminoids, from 95 % to 80 %, and an increase of the frequency of perennial herbs, from 2.5 % to between 13 and 20 %.  相似文献   
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