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In the Appalachian portion of their breeding range, Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) nest in shrubland and regenerating forest communities created and maintained by disturbance. Because populations of Golden‐winged Warblers have exhibited precipitous declines in population throughout their Appalachian breeding range, management activities that create or maintain early successional habitat are a priority for many natural resource agencies and their conservation partners. Within these early successional habitats, however, additional information is still needed concerning the relative importance of different vegetation features in selection of breeding territories by Golden‐winged Warblers. Our objective, therefore, was to use logistic regression to estimate the probability of territory‐level occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers in north‐central Pennsylvania at two sites, each with its own early successional community, based on vegetation characteristics. Our communities were composed of shrublands and regenerating forest sites resulting from two disturbances: agriculture and forest fire. Despite differences in vegetation structure, portions of both study areas (regenerating forest and old field) supported territorial Golden‐winged Warblers. Probability of territory occupancy by Golden‐winged Warblers increased with percent blackberry (Rubus) cover in the regenerating forest community, and decreased as basal area and distance to microedge increased (i.e., as vegetation patchiness decreased) in both communities. These habitat features have also been found to influence other aspects of Golden‐winged Warbler breeding ecology such as nest‐site selection, pairing success, and territory abundance. Vegetation features influencing Golden‐winged Warbler territory establishment can differ among shrubland and regenerating forest communities, and management decisions and outcomes may be affected by these differences. Our study provides a starting point for a more comprehensive hypothesis‐driven occupancy survey to investigate features of the territories of Golden‐winged Warblers across a broader geographic range and in different vegetation communities.  相似文献   
Habitat utilization patterns were studied in damselfly males,Mnais pruinosa, which have two male forms with different reproductive behaviors. The ‘esakii’ (orange-winged males) were territorial around oviposition sites, while the ‘strigata’ (hyaline-winged males) were non-territorial, often sneaking into theesakii's territory or loitering on the foliage of vegetation along stream banks. The place in the stream in the study area where females frequently appeared was covered by reeds and had abundant oviposition sites. It was difficult for the territorialesakii to stay there because the crowded reeds prevented them from defending their territory and discovering the females. Furthermore, there was competition for the limited territorial space with another species,Mnais nawai. Strigata males concentrated in this place in direct proportion to the number of females. Females frequently mated withstrigata males and probably deposited eggs fertilized bystrigata sperm rather thanesakii sperm. The density ofstrigata was higher than that ofesakii in this study area. If the average reproductive success ofesakii andstrigata males is equal, this may indicate that the equilibrious point between the two male forms is biased towardstrigata.  相似文献   
自然特征、景观格局、自然与人文资源和现有开发导向等因素,共同决定了景观空间内部不同的本底特征,即景观性格。通过对多类型资源的叠加,生成对区域空间景观性格的综合评价结果,一方面可以作为国土空间用途管制所涉及问题的评价依据,另一方面可以具体指导国土空间风貌控制问题,从而弥补现有国土空间规划编制过程对景观资源禀赋及本底特色的忽视。对现有景观性格评价方法进行了梳理,基于此构建景观性格评价在国土空间规划中应用的过程步骤,并以黑龙江省伊春市为例进行景观性格评价实践,形成景观性格分区、景观性格分级及景观性格描述等成果,指导伊春市国土空间规划风貌控制、功能区划分及发展定位。景观性格评价有利于发掘利用空间自身优势,与现有国土空间规划评估体系形成互补,共同指导规划的编制过程。  相似文献   
Chemical communication by scent‐marking is widespread among mammals and can serve different purposes, such as territory demarcation, mate attraction and self‐advertisement. In this study, we examined scent‐marking behavior by subordinate Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) in a population in southeast Norway. We conducted scent experiments in 18 family groups, simulating a territory intruder using experimental scent mounds (ESM). In total, we recorded 196 territorial reactions (destroying and/or overmarking of scent mounds). Subordinates contributed 14% of all territorial reactions and first overmarked 12% of the ESM, and the number of subordinates in the family group did not increase the total number of territorial reactions. This suggests that the contribution by subordinates plays a minor role in territorial defense. The number of territorial reactions by subordinates was positively related to the age of their parents, suggesting that subordinates might take over territorial duties with increasing parental senescence, likely because they have increased chances of inheriting the territory. Increased experience in territorial activities possibly helps subordinates to successfully gain and defend a territory of their own.  相似文献   
David Hershenov 《Bioethics》2018,32(7):430-436
Material property has traditionally been conceived of as separable from its owner and thus alienable in an exchange. So it seems that you could sell your watch or even your kidney because it can be removed from your wrist or abdomen and transferred to another. However, if we are each identical to a living human animal, self‐ownership is impossible for self‐separation is impossible. We thus cannot sell our parts if we don't own the whole that they compose. It would be incoherent to own all of your body's parts but not the whole body; and it would be arbitrary to own some but not all of your removable parts. These metaphysical obstacles to organ sales do not apply to the selling of the organs of the deceased. The human being goes out of existence at death and is not identical to the body's remains. Any objections to selling the organs of the deceased must instead be due to dignity rather than metaphysical or conceptual considerations. But the remains lack the intrinsic dignity of the human being, instead possessing, at best, relational dignity. Relational dignity would not provide sufficient reason to prohibit life‐saving sales.  相似文献   
Biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate, and resources for conservation efforts are limited. This is particularly problematic in the Great Plains of North America, where land-cover conversion for agriculture and energy production has reduced habitat for many species. In the U.S. portion of the Great Plains, a growing human population and a concomitant increasing need for food, fiber, and energy have caused landscape transformations that have resulted in over 700 vertebrate species currently being listed by state and federal conservation agencies as being at-risk in this region. Conservation efforts for such a large number of species will be most efficient when applied to areas with large numbers of these species, but such areas have never before been identified. We overlaid range maps created by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gap Analysis Program for terrestrial vertebrate species to identify hotspots of high concentrations of U.S. state-defined Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN; species that have identified as being rare or otherwise vulnerable enough to warrant conservation action in a given state) in the short- and mixed-grass prairie ecoregions of the southern and central Great Plains of the United States. We identified hotspots for species currently listed as SGCN as well as those pending designation, and a combined (current and pending) group. We then used data from the U.S. Geological Survey’s Protected Areas Database on land ownership and from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service on land use/land cover to quantify the types of land ownership and land use/land cover types in hotspots to give land managers necessary information to address conservation of at-risk species in the Great Plains. Sufficient data were present for examination of 289 at-risk terrestrial vertebrate species. Hotspots of these species were located mostly on state- or federally-managed land in eastern New Mexico, Colorado, and west Texas. The current hottest hotspots were associated with areas with more natural/less anthropogenic forms of land use/land cover; areas with the lowest numbers of SGCNs had proportionately more cropland and less grassland than did hotspots. Identifying regional hotspots of at-risk biodiversity, and describing land use/land cover features associated with such areas, offers an opportunity to take a multi-species approach in more precisely establishing areas of conservation concern in the U.S.  相似文献   
Territorial activities of a lycaenid butterfly, Chrysozephyrus smaragdinus, were observed throughout its adult season to investigate the territorial dynamics. The territories occupied earlier in the season were abandoned later than later‐occupied territories, indicating that the site preference of male C. smaragdinus was largely maintained during the adult season. Three indexes of territory quality based on animal preference, occupation duration (OD), initial occupation date (IOD) and the number of contests (NOC), were highly correlated. Therefore, these preference‐based indexes are consistent and reliable, although they are indirect estimates of benefits obtained from territories. Males arriving at territory sites early in the season were more likely to hold territories of better quality when NOC was used as the index of territory quality. The positive relationship between territory quality and male arrival date is congruent with the result of a previous study showing that early comers tend to hold a territory whereas late comers do not. However, male arrival date was not related to territory quality when OD or IOD was used as an index of territory quality. One possible reason for this apparent discrepancy is that the coefficient of variation of NOC is larger than those of OD and IOD, and therefore NOC could evaluate territory quality more quantitatively than the other two indexes. To date, studies of territoriality in butterflies have not considered the quality of territories. More studies considering the quality of territories will provide new insights into butterfly territoriality.  相似文献   
Territorial defense of nonbreeding female Neolamprologus tetracanthus, a shrimp-eating Tanganyikan cichlid, was investigated. Females defended territories (=home ranges, ca. 1m across) against a variety of intruding fishes. Conspecific females were usually attacked outside the territories, heterospecific benthivores (shrimp eaters) and omnivores near the border of the territories, and piscivores, algae and detritus feeders, and herbivores inside the territories. Females used some parts of the sandy substrate in the territories for foraging (foraging areas). Territorial defense prevented most of the conspecific females and benthivores from intruding into the foraging areas. In omnivores, piscivores, and algae and detritus feeders, about half the intruders were repelled from the foraging areas, although herbivores were infrequently repelled in the areas. Soon after removal of the resident females, many food competitors invaded the foraging areas and eagerly devoured prey, suggesting that the territories are maintained for food resource protection from these competitors. Females are likely to discriminate intruding fishes and change their territorial defense primarily on the basis of the degree of dietary overlap, resulting in monofunctional serial territories.  相似文献   
国土空间规划是中国新时代发展和生态文明建设背景下规划领域的重大变革,绿地系统规划作为其中的重要支撑专项之一,须充分响应生态优先、绿色发展理念,从“多规合一”和“城乡统筹”视角进行合理转变。以新时代国土空间规划为指引,从规划路径和规划管控两大方面,针对传统城市绿地系统规划如何适应当前城乡绿色空间优化需求进行规划模式探索。在规划路径方面,提出借助国土空间基础信息平台,确定规划的流程、层次、内容、技术。在规划管控方面,提出呼应“多规合一”发展要求,构建多民众参与、多部门合作、多渠道沟通的城乡绿地管控体系。通过构建科学合理的城乡绿地系统规划路径和稳定完善的管理机制,支撑新时代国土空间规划体系下绿色空间的城乡统筹和可持续发展。  相似文献   
This article sets out an approach to researching sociocultural aspects of product service systems (PSSs) consumption in consumer markets. PSSs are relevant to industrial ecology given that they may form part of the mix of innovations that move society toward more‐sustainable material and energy flows. The article uses two contrasting case studies drawing on ethnographic analysis: Harley Davidson motorcycles and the Zipcar car club. The first is a case of consumption involving ownership; the second is one of consumption without ownership. The analysis draws on consumer culture theory to explicate the sociocultural, experiential, symbolic, and ideological aspects of these case studies, focusing on product ownership. The article shows that ownership of Harley Davidson motorcycles enables riders to identify with a brand community and to define themselves. Owners appropriate their motorcycles through customization. In contrast, Zipcar users resist the company's attempts to involve them in a brand community, see use of car sharing as a temporary fix, and even fear contamination from shared use of cars. We conclude that iconic products such as Harley Davidson motorcycles create emotional attachment and can challenge PSS propositions. But we also suggest that somewhat standardized products may present similar difficulties. Knowing more about sociocultural aspects of PSSs may help designers overcome these difficulties.  相似文献   
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