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Riparian habitats in the western United States are imperiled, yet they support the highest bird diversity in arid regions, making them a conservation priority. Riparian restoration efforts can be enhanced by information on species response to variation in habitat features. We examined the habitat selection of four riparian birds known as management indicators at restoration and reference sites along the Trinity River, California. We compared vegetation structure and composition at nest sites, territories, and random points to quantify used versus available habitat from 2012 to 2015. Vegetation in focal species' territories differed between site types, and from available habitat, indicating nonrandom site choice. Birds selected aspects of more structurally complex habitats, such as greater canopy cover, canopy height, and tree species richness. Yellow‐breasted Chats preferred greater shrub cover, and Yellow Warblers preferred greater cover by non‐native Himalayan blackberry. Territory preferences on restoration sites were often a subset of those on reference sites. One exception was canopy height, which was taller on restoration site territories than random points for all species, suggesting that birds preferentially used patches of remnant habitat. Few variables were significant in nest site selection. Restoration plantings along the Trinity River were only 3–10 years old during this study, and have not developed many of the characteristics of mature riparian habitat preferred by birds, but may improve in habitat value over time. Understanding habitat selection is especially important in recently human‐modified environments, where indirect cues used to assess habitat quality may become disassociated from actual habitat quality, potentially creating ecological traps.  相似文献   
In wild birds, the proximate and ultimate factors that affect circulating carotenoid concentrations remain poorly understood. We studied variation in plasma carotenoid concentrations across several scales: annual, seasonal, pair, territory and individual, and evaluated whether plasma carotenoid concentrations explained reproductive outcome of wild American kestrels (Falco sparverius). We sampled plasma carotenoid concentrations of 99 female and 80 male incubating kestrels from April to June in 2008 to 2012. Plasma carotenoid concentrations were explained by an interaction between year and sex, date, and random effects for pair and individual identity. In general, plasma carotenoid concentrations of males were significantly higher than females, but this depended on year. Within a breeding season, earlier nesting kestrels had higher carotenoid concentrations than later nesting kestrels, a pattern that is coincident with seasonal trends in local fitness. Pair and individual identity explained variation in carotenoid concentrations suggesting that carotenoid concentrations of mated birds were correlated, and some individuals consistently maintained higher carotenoid levels than others. Male carotenoid concentrations were positively associated with number of young fledged per pair. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that higher quality individuals have higher carotenoid levels compared to lower quality individuals, despite annual variations in carotenoid availability.  相似文献   
Movement is central to the survival of all free‐living organisms. Consequently, movement and what anthropologists often refer to as mobility, which is the sum of small‐scale movements tracked across larger geographic and temporal scales, are key targets of selection. Movement and mobility also underpin many of the key features that make us human and that allowed our lineage to adapt to changing environments across the globe. The most obvious example is the evolution of humans' singular mode of locomotion. Bipedalism is arguably the most important derived anatomical trait of the hominin lineage. The mechanisms and circumstances that gave rise to this novel mode of movement remain subjects of intense research.  相似文献   
Due to its conspicuous manifestations and its capacity to shape the configuration and dynamics of wild populations, territorial behavior has long intrigued ecologists. Territoriality and other animal interactions in situ have traditionally been studied via direct observations and telemetry. Here, we explore whether noninvasive genetic sampling, which is increasingly supplementing traditional field methods in ecological research, can reveal territorial behavior in an elusive carnivore, the wolverine (Gulo gulo). Using the locations of genotyped wolverine scat samples collected annually over a period of 12 years in central Norway, we test three predictions: (1) male home ranges constructed from noninvasive genetic sampling data are larger than those of females, (2) individuals avoid areas used by other conspecifics of the same sex (intrasexual territoriality), and (3) avoidance of same‐sex territories diminishes or disappears after the territory owner's death. Each of these predictions is substantiated by our results: sex‐specific differences in home range size and intrasexual territoriality in wolverine are patently reflected in the spatial and temporal configuration of noninvasively collected genetic samples. Our study confirms that wildlife monitoring programs can utilize the spatial information in noninvasive genetic sampling data to detect and quantify home ranges and social organization.  相似文献   
Synopsis Like other congeneric damselfishes, the herbivorous Stegastes altus defends individual feeding territories from heterospecific food competitors, regardless of sex. Females spawned demersal eggs for 31.4 min (n = 25) at the nest in territories of males 0–75 m away from theirs. Throughout the spawning season (June to September), spawning occurred only at dawn, mainly just after sunrise. Daily activity of the fish community showed that potential diurnal food competitors were few or inactive only at dawn and dusk. The frequency of intrusions into the female's territory by heterospecific competitors were as low when she left her territory to spawn at dawn, as they were in the daytime when she defended it. Removal of the female in the daytime resulted in a significant increase in intrusion frequency. An ‘anti-competitor hypothesis’, whereby dawn spawning ensures the food resource in the female's territory seems to explain not only the spawning periodicity in S. altus but also the timing of spawning of other permanently territorial damselfishes. Contribution from the Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Kyoto University, No. 492.  相似文献   
文晨   《生物信息学》2020,27(1):41-46
中国的国土空间规划体系正在经历变革,规划编制和管控技术需要风景园林的视角。针对空间规划和风景园林的衔接问题,通过总结相关文献和报告,介绍德国景观规划的发展经验。德国作为实行空间规划体系的国家其景观规划对自然保护和景观多种功能的平衡做出了重要贡献。研究梳理德国景观规划的目标、层级、基础作用、模块设置以及对社会发展需求的灵敏反应。德国景观规划对中国风景园林衔接新的空间规划体系具有借鉴意义,特别是模块式的任务构建,在各尺度层级保持连贯的目标体系,以及系统地革新理论框架。  相似文献   
丹顶鹤与白枕鹤的领域比较   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
有7种濒危鹤类受到现代人的威胁[20],丹顶鹤(Grusjaponensis)和白枕鹤(Grusvipio)是其中两种,分别为我国的Ⅰ、Ⅱ级保护动物。在中国丹顶鹤主要在黑龙江省的乌裕尔河下游和三江平原等地繁殖,数量在482~502之间[7]。吉林省的向海也有40余只繁殖鹤[8,9]。它们在长江中下游的江苏盐城、高邮湖、洪泽湖,安徽省的城东湖、石臼湖、菜子湖越冬[5]。白枕鹤繁殖区在中国东北的乌裕尔河下游、向海、达里诺尔湖以及乌苏里江以东俄罗斯的沿海边区[20]。我国已知的繁殖区内数量不多[1],…  相似文献   
The social organization of the sexually dimorphic and dichromatic Crescent Honeyeater Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera (Latham 1801) was studied at Wilsons Promontory National Park between January 1994 and January 1997. All breeding attempts at one site were followed during the spring and summer of 1996. Most pairs were multibrooded, with pair-bonds maintained throughout the study. Breeding males held well-defined territories. Females, although generally restricting their activities to within their mate’s territory, visited other males’ territories more frequently than did their mates and did so close to the time of egg laying. Males aggressively chased intruding males, but appeared to permit intrusions by non-mate females. Circumstantial evidence suggests some males may kill neighbour’s nestlings. Female Crescent Honeyeaters are solely responsible for nest construction and incubation. While both sexes attended nestlings, males contributed to parental care significantly less than females. Males also provided significantly less parental care than has been reported for monomorphic species of honeyeater. Single syllable calls are given throughout the year. Peaks in the rate of double and multisyllable calls corresponded with peaks in breeding activity. Only males were observed uttering loud multisyllable calls. In contrast to predictions arising from sexual selection theory and observations of the mating system of sexually dimorphic hummingbirds, the population of Crescent Honeyeaters studied exhibited a socially monogamous mating system. However, the very limited male role in parental care and non-observance of male territory boundaries by females suggest the genetic mating system may not be one of monogamy.  相似文献   
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