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European oaks have been reported to emit isoprene or monoterpenes derived from recently fixed photosynthetic carbon. The emission type is plant species specific and can be used as chemo‐taxonomic marker. In the present article the isoprenoid biochemical properties of mature Quercus × turneri‘Pseudoturneri’ hybrids resulting from a crossing of a Mediterranean evergreen monoterpene‐emitting species (subgenus Sclerophyllodrys; Quercus ilex L.) and an isoprene‐emitting deciduous oak species (subgenus Lepidobalanus; Quercus robur L.) are described. Both species are compared with respect to the capacity for isoprenoid synthesis and the actual isoprenoid emission pattern of different tree‐types. The analysis showed that the oak hybrid combines properties of both parental species. Furthermore, it could be shown that the enzyme activities of isoprene synthase and monoterpene synthases are reflected in the isoprenoid emission pattern of the hybrids as well as in the observed emission rates.  相似文献   
The effects of long-term water stress on water and terpene contents of the foliage of Cupressus sempervirens were studied. A great deal of water was lost over 2 months before a remarkable stabilization. A strong decrease of all the classes of terpenes accompanied this dehydration. Mono- and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and free terpenols were almost entirely metabolized, whereas esters and terpene glycosides rose slightly and remained at a constant level when the water content had stabilized. Although a significant part of the mono- and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons was emitted in the early stage of stress application, the major part was used by the plant in response to the drought conditions.  相似文献   
Squalene is a linear intermediate to nearly all classes of triterpenes and sterols and is itself highly valued for its use in wide range of industrial applications. Another unique linear triterpene is botryococcene and its methylated derivatives generated by the alga Botryococcus braunii race B, which are progenitors to fossil fuel deposits. Production of these linear triterpenes was previously engineered into transgenic tobacco by introducing the key steps of triterpene metabolism into the particular subcellular compartments. In this study, the agronomic characteristics (height, biomass accumulation, leaf area), the photosynthetic capacity (photosynthesis rate, conductance, internal CO2 levels) and triterpene content of select lines grown under field conditions were evaluated for three consecutive growing seasons. We observed that transgenic lines targeting enzymes to the chloroplasts accumulated 50–150 times more squalene than the lines targeting the enzymes to the cytoplasm, without compromising growth or photosynthesis. We also found that the transgenic lines directing botryococcene metabolism to the chloroplast accumulated 10‐ to 33‐fold greater levels than the lines where the same enzymes were targeted to in the cytoplasm. However, growth of these high botryococcene accumulators was highly compromised, yet their photosynthesis rates remained unaffected. In addition, in the transgenic lines targeting a triterpene methyltransferase (TMT) to the chloroplasts of high squalene accumulators, 55%–65% of total squalene was methylated, whereas in the lines expressing a TMT in the cytoplasm, only 6%–13% of squalene was methylated. The growth of these methylated triterpene‐accumulating lines was more compromised than that of nonmethylated squalene lines.  相似文献   
Warming occurs in the Arctic twice as fast as the global average, which in turn leads to a large enhancement in terpenoid emissions from vegetation. Volatile terpenoids are the main class of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that play crucial roles in atmospheric chemistry and climate. However, the biochemical mechanisms behind the temperature‐dependent increase in VOC emissions from subarctic ecosystems are largely unexplored. Using 13CO2‐labeling, we studied the origin of VOCs and the carbon (C) allocation under global warming in the soil–plant–atmosphere system of contrasting subarctic heath tundra vegetation communities characterized by dwarf shrubs of the genera Salix or Betula. The projected temperature rise of the subarctic summer by 5°C was realistically simulated in sophisticated climate chambers. VOC emissions strongly depended on the plant species composition of the heath tundra. Warming caused increased VOC emissions and significant changes in the pattern of volatiles toward more reactive hydrocarbons. The 13C was incorporated to varying degrees in different monoterpene and sesquiterpene isomers. We found that de novo monoterpene biosynthesis contributed to 40%–44% (Salix) and 60%–68% (Betula) of total monoterpene emissions under the current climate, and that warming increased the contribution to 50%–58% (Salix) and 87%–95% (Betula). Analyses of above‐ and belowground 12/13C showed shifts of C allocation in the plant–soil systems and negative effects of warming on C sequestration by lowering net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and increasing C loss as VOCs. This comprehensive analysis provides the scientific basis for mechanistically understanding the processes controlling terpenoid emissions, required for modeling VOC emissions from terrestrial ecosystems and predicting the future chemistry of the arctic atmosphere. By changing the chemical composition and loads of VOCs into the atmosphere, the current data indicate that global warming in the Arctic may have implications for regional and global climate and for the delicate tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   
A cell-free system obtained from Citrus paradisii flavedo transformed mevalonic acid into mono- and sesquiterpenoids of E- and Z-conformation. The enzyme system required bivalent metal ions and the presence of sulfhydryl groups. IPP isomerase activity (EC was independent of metal ions and almost insensitive to sulfhydryl group reagents, while prenyltransferase (EC was inactivated by DTNB and required bivalent metals for activity. The nature of the metal ion defined the stereochemistry of the products formed by prenyltransferase. The ratio of E–Z farnesylpyrophosphates was 3:1. This Citrus species could, therefore, be a good starting material for the study of the stereochemistry of the enzymes forming E and Z sesquiterpenoids.  相似文献   
檀香烯和檀香醇是名贵香料檀香精油的主要组成成分,具有较好的抗菌、抗氧化和抗肿瘤等药理活性。市售檀香精油主要从檀香树提取,但檀香树生长缓慢及培育难度大,檀香精油的提取率低,难以满足市场需求,导致檀香精油价格居高不下。利用基因工程及分子生物学手段,在微生物体内异源生物合成檀香烯和檀香醇是缓解这种供需矛盾的途径之一。文中对檀香烯和檀香醇合酶的研究现状,以及对宿主甲羟戊酸代谢路径的改造进行总结,并提出利用蛋白质工程技术对檀香烯合酶进行定向改造的思路,为檀香烯和檀香醇的生物合成优产研究提供参考。  相似文献   
银杏萜内酯的分布与矮壮素对其生物合成的调节   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
银杏萜内酯分为银杏内酯A、B、C、J、M(ginkgolide A、B、C、J、M)和白果内酯(bilobalide),主要存在于银杏叶与根内,近年的研究指出银杏萜内酯分别在银杏叶和根中生物合成[1],Cartayrade等人[2]通过叶片生根实验发现生根叶片的银杏萜内酯含量显著高于未生根叶,因而认为银杏萜内酯是在根部合成,然后运输到叶中积累,目前对此还缺乏进一步的研究报道.  相似文献   
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