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S. Ressel  J. J. Schall 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):158-164
Summary Hamilton and Zuk (1982) proposed that the quality of male showy traits reflects genetically-based resistance to parasites and can be used by females to select mates that are less prone to parasitic attack. The hypothesis requires that a particular state of a variable showy trait should be associated with parasite infection. We tested this idea with a population of western fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis, infected with the malarial parasite, Plasmodium mexicanum. Ventral color pattern is strongly dimorphic in fence lizards and varies greatly among males in this population. Malaria-infected males exhibited significantly more black and less pale on their ventral surface than did noninfected males of similar body size. This difference was not a function of differing ages of infected and noninfected animals of the same body size. However, logistic regression demonstrated that females using male ventral color as a gauge of infection status would only marginally improve their chance of choosing a noninfected lizard over random selection of mates.  相似文献   
Summary We tested the Enemy Impact Hypothesis, which predicts that communities of one tropic level are organized by the tropic level above. In the case of gallforming insect communities, the hypothesis predicts that gall morphology will diverge, minimizing the number of parasitoids shared among species. We used the monophyletic group of gallforming cecidomyiids (Asphondylia spp.) on creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) to test this hypothesis, predicting that species with thicker gall walls should exclude species of parasitoids with shorter ovipositors and have lower levels of parasitism. Of 17 parasitoid species reared from Asphondylia galls on creosote bush, 9 accounted for over 98% of parasitism. Seven of these 9 species had ovipositors long enough to penetrate 10 of 13 gall morphs measured. There was no significant relationship between gall wall thickness and number of associated parasitoid species (r 2=0.01, P>0.05, n=13). There was no relationship between gall wall thickness and types of parasitoid species colonizing galls: parasitoids with the shortest ovipositors colonized all types of gall morphs and were dominant members of the parasitoid assemblages in galls with the thickest walls. Ultimately, there were no significant differences in percent parasitism among Asphondylia species, regardless of gall wall thickness. We found no difference in numbers of associated parasitoids or percent parasitism in galls with different textures (e.g. hairy versus smooth), different locations on the plant or different phenologies. Our results suggest that enemy impact has not influenced the diversity of this gall community. Gall wall thickness, phenology, location on the plant and surface structure do not appear to influence the distribution of parasitoid species. Other explanations are offered to account for diversity in gall morphology among these species.  相似文献   
The ability to learn is common to most animal species: the need to exploit past experience being obviously extremely important for survival, many animals have evolved ways of coping with it. Although the complexity of learning needed for optimal survival may be different in different species, the basic mechanisms appear to be fairly constant even in phylogenetically distant ones. This homogeneity across species in learning mechanisms is in some ways surprising in view of the large phylogenetic differences and of the considerable variability not only in the general plan of their bodily structures, but also, more specifically, in their neural organization and in their behavioral adaptations. One possible explanation is that animals have acquired learning very precociously, and that the original and basic mechanisms have proved so efficient and faultproof as to be preserved from then on without any significant modification. Most researchers of the subject seem to accept the equation «intelligence=learning capability», operationally very useful because it leads to a variety of formal tests. Some researchers, stressing that behavior is subject to the same evolutionary principles as any other character of the organism and acknowledging some problems in the accepted laws of learning, have tried to find a satisfactory answer to the question of animal intelligence by attempting a synthesis between the concepts of animal learning psychology and those of ethology. To some extent, dissatisfaction with established learning theories originated within the theories themselves: the study of phenomena such as autoshaping, selective attention, preferential learning of some responses amongst the many possible, conditioned learning of taste aversions, etc. Further difficulties for conditioning theories arose from the discovery of ethological phenomena. Other researchers have attempted to check the hypothesis that animals possess cognition. A number of complex experimental situtations have been devised to this purpose, but the results still are far from conclusive.  相似文献   
Summary The European starling Sturnus vulgaris preferentially incorporates fresh sprigs of particular plant species for use as nesting material. Chemicals found in these plants may act to reduce pathogen and ectoparasite populations normally found in nest environments. The present experiments were performed to test this Nest Protection Hypothesis. In the fild, we experimentally determined that wild carrot Daucus carota, a plant species preferred as nest material, effectively reduced the number of hematophagous mites found within nests relative to control nests without green vegetation. Chicks from nests containing wild carrot had higher levels of blood hemoglobin than chicks from control nests. However, there were no differences in weight or feather development. In the laboratory, we found that wild carrot and fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus, (also preferred by starlings as nest material) substantially reduced the emergence of feeding instars of mites, while garlic mustard, Alliaria officinalis, (commonly available but not preferred) had little effect on the emergence of mites. We infer that preferred plant material may act to inhibit feeding or otherwise delay reproduction of mites, thereby reducing risk of anemia to developing nestlings.  相似文献   
Summary Using electroporation with the phage PRD1 genome, we set up a high-frequency DNA transfer system for a linear dsDNA molecule with 5-covalently linked terminal proteins. The transfer was saturated when more than 100 ng of PRD1 genome was used. Electroporation efficiency was about four orders of magnitude higher than that obtained with transfection. Removal of the terminal protein abolished plaque formation, which could not be rescued by supplying the terminal protein or phage DNA polymerase or both in trans.  相似文献   
Summary A brief review is presented of the Vester-Ulbricht -decay Bremsstrahlen hypothesis for the origin of optical activity, and of subsequent experiments designed to test it. Certain of our experiments along these lines, begun in 1974 and involving the irradiation of racemic and optically active amino acids in a 61.7 KCi90Sr–90Y Bremsstrahlen source, have now been completed and are described. After 10.89 years of irradiation with a total Bremsstrahlen dose of 2.5×109 rads, crystallinedl-leucine, norleucine, and norvaline suffered 47.2, 33.6, and 27.4% radiolysis, respectively, but showed no evidence whatsoever of asymmetric degradation.d- andl-Leucine underwent about 48% radiolysis and showed 2.4–2.9% radioracemization. Other samples in solution were too severely degraded to analyze. Probable intrinsic reasons for the failure of the Vester-Ulbricht mechanism to afford asymmetric radiolysis in the present and related experiments involving -decay Bremsstrahlen are enumerated.A portion of this material was presented at the 7th International Conference on the Origins of Life, Mainz, FRG, July 10–15, 1983  相似文献   
Summary Synaptogenesis has been studied in the electric organ of embryonic Torpedo marmorata by use of two antisera directed against components of synaptic vesicles (anti-SV) and presynaptic plasma membranes (ap-anti-TSM), respectively. The anti-SV serum was previously shown to recognize a proteoglycan specific for synaptic vesicles. The ap-anti-TSM serum was raised to plasma membranes of synaptosomes derived from the electromotor nerve terminals and affinity-purified on electric-organ gangliosides. The vesicular antigen was first detectable at the 81-mm stage of development, which is 1–2 weeks earlier than the formation of morphologically mature presynaptic terminals, but is coincident with a rise in choline acetyltransferase levels and the ability of the electric organ to generate discharges. The gangliosidic antigen recognized by the ap-anti-TSM was first detectable on the ventral electrocyte surface at the 93-mm stage of development. This indicates that specific carbohydrate epitopes, not present on the growth cones, are expressed during maturation of the nerve terminal. The nerve terminal components recognized by these sera arose pari passu with neurite coverage of the ventral surface of the electrocyte, reaching a maximum in the adult. In contrast, postsynaptic aggregates of acetylcholine receptor, rendered visible with rhodamine-labeled -bungarotoxin, arose previous to the presynaptic antigens, reaching a maximum surface density at 110 mm and then declining in the adult.  相似文献   
A multivariate t probability integral   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BOHRER  ROBERT 《Biometrika》1973,60(3):647-654
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