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KOLOTKIN, RONETTE L, SUSAN HEAD, ALAN BROOKHART. Construct validity of the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life questionnaire. The Impact of Weight on Quality of Life questionnaire (IWQOL) is a 74-item self-report, condition-specific instrument that (1) assesses the effect of weight on quality of life in eight key areas, and (2) may be used as a treatment outcome measure and/or an evaluation tool for healthcare policy makers and third-party payers. This study explores IWQOL construct validity and provides new information on internal consistency, treatment effects, and differences between men and women. IWQOL total scores correlated highly with other measures of overall quality of life, and subscale scores correlated well with counterparts in the assessment battery. Internal consistency estimates for the IWQOL scales generally were high. For the women, 4-week participants, and the total sample, pretreatment-posttreatment differences were significant for all IWQOL scales and total score. For men, treatment differences were significant for the total score and all subscales except for Work and Mobility. Treatment differences for 2-week participants were significant for all scales except for Work. Consistent with previous IWQOL study results, the Comfort With Food scale scores reflected more discomfort at posttreatment as compared with pretreatment. The IWQOL, already translated into French and Italian, currently is demonstrating clinical and research utility as a quality-of-life outcome measure for clinical trials of antiobesity drugs and surgical treatments for patients with obesity.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that early maturation of barley affords it some resistance to cereal aphids, the colonisation, survival, growth, reproduction and emigration of M. dirhodum on barley was measured and compared with previously published results for this aphid on wheat.
Barley plants were colonised as readily as wheat plants. Survival to maturity was similar on both hosts. Relative growth rate was higher on wheat than on barley for most of the season while reproduction was similar on both. Emigration, measured alate production, was significantly higher on mature wheat than on mature barley.
It is proposed that the increase of M. dirhodum populations on barley is normally terminated early in the year directly plant maturation and consequent drying out of the leaves, resulting in the death of aphids. This is different to the situation on wheat, which matures later, and where emigration following plant induced alate induction has been shown to be the major factor affecting the decline in population growth.
These results support the hypothesis that early maturation of barley provides some resistance to M. dirhodum.  相似文献   
Seasonal variations in semen quality, freezability and plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were studied between summer and spring. Semen volume, density and initial sperm motility did not differ significantly between different seasons. Plasma LH decreased between summer and spring but the differences were, however, not significant. Pre-freezing motility did not differ significantly but post-freezing motility varied significantly (P<0.01) between seasons. Post-freezing motility was lowest during summer and highest during winter. It can be concluded that summer spermatozoa may be fragile and cannot withstand freezing stress. To increase reproductive efficiency in buffalo during summer, semen should be frozen during winter and spring and used during hot weather conditions. Seasonal variations in plasma LH levels were insignificant.  相似文献   
Bernhard Stadler 《Oecologia》1992,91(2):273-280
Summary Exploiters of short-lived plants have evolved strategies in response to physiological changes that occur during the development of their hosts. The ability to adapt to host quality changes is necessary particularly if the mobility of an animal is poor or risk-constrained. In the plant-aphid system Centaurea jaceae-Uroleucon jaceae, the responses of the aphid to the seasonal changes in its host plant grown in poor and good quality soil were investigated. Coarse- and fine-tuned physiological reactions were observed in discrete aphid generations which were reared on plants grown either in a growth chamber or in a greenhouse. The number of ovarioles and developmental time depended on extrinsic factors (length of photoperiod) not directly related to plant quality. The reproductive investment of the aphids was also independent of their total dry weight. However, within the gonadal system high correlations were found at the embryonic level (e.g. the number of sclerotized embryos or the length of the oldest embryos per ovariole were highly correlated with gonadal dry weight). Aphids which were living on the 4-leaf stage of high-quality host plants showed a significantly higher investment in their gonads than aphids feeding on senescenting hosts. Factor analysis corroborated that aphids reared on poor-quality hosts revealed no grouping of variables measured, whereas those which were reared on high-quality plants showed clustering in respect of somatic (tibia length, dry weight of soma) and gonadal (number of sclerotized and unsclerotized embryos, length of the oldest embryos, ovariole number, gonad dry weight) factors. Three different levels of adaptive response to plant quality are distinguished: individual response to host quality, maternal influences on offspring and response to changes not specific to habitat (photoperiod). These different levels of regulation are thought to enable the aphids to adapt to a host of a given nutritional quality and anticipate deteriorating habitat quality simultaneously. It is concluded that physiological constraints in aphids are only revealed when aphids are exposed to severe nutritional stress for several generations.  相似文献   
Effects of legumes on soil physical quality in a maize crop   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effect of intercropped legumes and three N fertilizer rates in a continuous maize (Zea mays L.) cropping system on the physical properties of two soils were investigated for three years. The legumes, being a mixture of alfalfa, clover and hairy vetch, had a significant cumulative effect on some physical properties of both soil. The lowest stability and smallest mean weight diameter of soil aggregates were associated with monoculture maize plots. Aggregate size and stability were not affected by N fertilization at any of the rates of 0, 70, and 140 kg ha-1 in intercropped plots, except that aggregate stability was actually reduced by N fertilization in one soil, the Ste. Rosalie clay. In maize plots in both soils, stability and size of soil aggregates were significantly increased with increased added N. Intercropped legumes significantly decreased dry bulk density and soil penetration resistance. Added N had no measurable influence on these compaction factors. Soil water properties were not significantly affected by either intercropping or N fertilization. Positive effects noted on soil aggregation and other physical properties in intercropped plots are the result of enhanced root activity, or incorporation of legumes as green manure, or both. Improvement of soil structure in maize plots associated with increasing N application was the result of increased maize-root residues.  相似文献   
Grain and malt quality parameters were assessed in the barley starch mutants Waxy Hector, characterised by high levels of amylopectin, and Chalky Glenn, which has lines of cleavage across the large starch granules. Results were compared with those of their parental cultivars and suggested differences in the contribution of endosperm cell walls to milling energy. Although hot water extracts were not improved, other components, especially those associated with the fractured starch mutant, could be used in breeding programmes to improve aspects of quality, if they could be disassociated from deleterious effects of the starch mutation, e.g. poor grain filling.  相似文献   
W. F. Warwick 《Aquatic Ecology》1992,26(2-4):563-575
The effects of contaminants and organic pollution on the chironomid communities of two basins in Lac St. Louis, a river-lake on the St. Lawrence River above Montreal, Quebec, were assessed and compared using lake classification theory techniques and morphological deformity indices based on the ligulae and antennae ofProcladius, the dominant surviving component of the south-shore communities. Contaminants from the industrial complex around Beauharnois, Quebec, have seriously degraded communities along the south-shore gradient while the introduction of untreated domestic wastes from Laprairie, Quebec, has seriously affected the communities of the Laprairie basin. The interaction between trophic and contaminant effects constitutes a classic example of the setback or deflection in the trajectory of ecological succession in biological communities hypothesized by ODUM (1981, 1985).  相似文献   
Six successive summer generations of the alder aphid (Pterocallis alni (DeGeer) (Homoptera: Callaphididae)) were reared simultaneously in the field and under controlled temperature conditions in the laboratory. The growth and reproduction of each generation were recorded. The available food quality for the aphids was measured by weekly analysis of foliar soluble nitrogen concentrations. Although there was a significant change in leaf soluble nitrogen during the season, the decline was only 23% and this did not appear to have an adverse effect on the performance of this aphid. Instead, the major environmental factor affecting the aphid is temperature. This is evidenced by the facts that when aphids were reared at constant temperatures, there were no differences in generation performance, even though food quality varied seasonally. In addition, all generations of the aphid posess the same number of ovarioles, indicating that there is no pre-programmed anticipation of a seasonal deterioration in food quality in this aphid species.
Résumé P. alni DeGeer (Homopt. Callaphididae) vit sur Alnus glutinosa Gaertner pendant toute l'année. L'aulne étant un arbre fixant l'azote, cette étude a été entreprise pour examiner la croissance et la reproduction de ce puceron sur cet arbre afin d'expliquer les changements de la dynamique de sa population. 6 générations successives estivales ont été élevées dans la nature et en température constante au laboratoire. La qualité de l'aliment a été mesurée chaque semaine par une microkjeldahl analyse des concentrations foliaires en azote soluble. La qualité de l'aliment varie saisonnière, mais ne diminue que de 23%; elle semble n'avoir que peu d'effets sur le puceron, puisque la fécondité dans la nature n'est réduite que pendant une génération. Quand la température est maintenue constante, il n'y a pas de différences entre les performances des différentes générations de pucerons. Ainsi, les changements saisonniers dans la croissance et la reproduction des pucerons sont provoqués par la température et non par la qualité de l'aliment.
Rates of nitrogen and phosphorus release from individualDaphnia magna were determined by measuring ammonia and soluble reactive phosphorus in successive 10-min incubations in small (0.05 ml) vessels after the animals were removed from their food. Release rates of both nutrients were generally highest initially and decreased with time after removal. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus released increased with time after animals were removed from an artificial detritus/bacterial food; ratios were lower and changed with time less for animals fed algae. These data suggest errors may be introduced by assumptions of constant stoichiometry for nutrient release in varying environments.GLERL Contribution No. 268  相似文献   
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