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 水分条件不仅影响半干旱区群落的组成, 而且在一定程度上决定了群落的功能。处于不同水分条件生境下群落的优势物种在水分利用和同化物利用效率方面的功能特征会存在差异, 这些差异将导致群落对于气候变化产生不同的响应, 进而影响到景观和区域尺度上对于全球变化下碳动态和格局的分析。该文选取了锡林河流域典型草原区沿水分梯度的4个代表群落, 在野外实验测定并结合长期定位研究成果基础上, 利用BIOME-BGC模型对代表群落的长期净初级生产力(Net primary productivity,NPP)动态进行了模拟和模型验证。 通过分析该地区1953~2005年气候变化趋势, 推测了未来可能的气候变化情景, 进而模拟了气候变化下4个群落长期NPP动态的响应。结果表明,当前气候条件下, 羊草(Leymus chinensis)群落NPP平均值为197.76 gC·m-2 (SE=7.11), 大针茅(Stipa grandis)群落NPP平均值为198.95 gC·m-2 (SE=6.41), 贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)群落NPP平均值为210.41 gC·m-2(SE=7.87), 克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)群落NPP平均值为144.92 gC·m- 2 (SE=4.64), 4个群落NPP平均值为188.01 gC·m-2 (SE=3.72); 气候变化情景下, 温度增加下(P0T1),NPP平均下降14.2%,降水增加下(P1T0), NPP平均增加13.2%,温度与降水都增加情景下(P1T1), NPP平均下降2 .7%, 但由于生境水分条件差别和优势物种功能特征差异, 4个群落表现出了增减幅度不同的趋势。对气候因子的敏感性分析及回归分析表明, 降水是该地区NPP最主要的决定因子, 而温度决定作用相对较小,主要通过影响植物的呼吸和水分蒸散等过程影响NPP。在最有可能代表未来气候 变化的温度增加的两种情景下(P0T1、P1T1), NPP均呈下降趋势。群落NPP对气候变化的响应趋势与水分胁迫系数(Water stress index, WSI)、碳胁迫系数(Carbon stress index, CSI)变化密切相关。克氏针茅群落由于所处生境水分条件差,WSI高,对降水的依赖程度最大;贝加尔针茅群落一方面处于较好的水分生境,具有较小的WSI,另一方面,由于具有高碳氮比,维持呼吸消耗的光合产物比例低,CSI远低于其它3个群落, 未来气候变化下, NPP较其它3个群落仍较高。  相似文献   
Ecosystem models play a crucial role in understanding and evaluating the combined impacts of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and changing climate on terrestrial ecosystems. However, we are not aware of any studies where the capacity of models to simulate intra‐ and inter‐annual variation in responses to elevated CO2 has been tested against long‐term experimental data. Here we tested how well the ecosystem model APSIM/AgPasture was able to simulate the results from a free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiment on grazed pasture. At this FACE site, during 11 years of CO2 enrichment, a wide range in annual plant production response to CO2 (?6 to +28%) was observed. As well as running the full model, which includes three plant CO2 response functions (plant photosynthesis, nitrogen (N) demand and stomatal conductance), we also tested the influence of these three functions on model predictions. Model/data comparisons showed that: (i) overall the model over‐predicted the mean annual plant production response to CO2 (18.5% cf 13.1%) largely because years with small or negative responses to CO2 were not well simulated; (ii) in general seasonal and inter‐annual variation in plant production responses to elevated CO2 were well represented by the model; (iii) the observed CO2 enhancement in overall mean legume content was well simulated but year‐to‐year variation in legume content was poorly captured by the model; (iv) the best fit of the model to the data required all three CO2 response functions to be invoked; (v) using actual legume content and reduced N fixation rate under elevated CO2 in the model provided the best fit to the experimental data. We conclude that in temperate grasslands the N dynamics (particularly the legume content and N fixation activity) play a critical role in pasture production responses to elevated CO2, and are processes for model improvement.  相似文献   
Cryptic belowground organisms are difficult to observe and their responses to global changes are not well understood. Nevertheless, there is reason to believe that interactions among above- and belowground communities may mediate ecosystem responses to global change. We used grassland mesocosms to manipulate the abundance of one important group of soil organisms, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and to study community and ecosystem responses to CO2 and N enrichment. Responses of plants, AM fungi, phospholipid fatty acids and community-level physiological profiles were measured after two growing seasons. Ecosystem responses were examined by measuring net primary production (NPP), evapotranspiration, total soil organic matter (SOM), and extractable mineral N. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the causal relationships among treatments and response variables. We found that while CO2 and N tended to directly impact ecosystem functions (evapotranspiration and NPP, respectively), AM fungi indirectly impacted ecosystem functions by influencing the community composition of plants and other root fungi, soil fungi and soil bacteria. We found that the mycotrophic status of the dominant plant species in the mesocosms determined whether the presence of AM fungi increased or decreased NPP. Mycotrophic grasses dominated the mesocosm communities during the first growing season, and the mycorrhizal treatments had the highest NPP. In contrast, nonmycotrophic forbs were dominant during the second growing season and the mycorrhizal treatments had the lowest NPP. The composition of the plant community strongly influenced soil N, and the community composition of soil organisms strongly influenced SOM accumulation in the mesocosms. These results show how linkages between above- and belowground communities can determine ecosystem responses to global change.  相似文献   
羊草草原土壤动物群落多样性的研究   总被引:43,自引:6,他引:43  
对东北羊草草原不同生境土壤动物群落多样性研究表明 ,生境条件愈优越 ,土壤动物的多样性指数愈高 ,种类则愈丰富 .土壤动物群落的多样性与土壤有机质和全N含量呈正相关 ,与 pH呈负相关 ,与土壤自然含水量和全P含量关系不明显 .土壤动物群落多样性随土层深度的增加而减少 ,且表聚性明显 .  相似文献   
The conversion of two‐thirds of New Zealand's native forests and grasslands to agriculture has followed trends in other developed nations, except that pastoral grazing rather than cropping dominates agriculture. The initial conversion of land to pasture decreased soil acidity and elevated N and P stocks, but caused little change in soil organic C stocks. However, less is known about C and nutrient stock changes during the last two decades under long‐term pastoral management. We resampled 31 whole soil profiles in pastures spanning seven soil orders with a latitudinal range of 36–46°S, which had originally been sampled 17–30 years ago. We measured total C, total N, and bulk density for each horizon (generally to 1 m) and also reanalyzed archived soil samples of the same horizons for C and N. On average, profiles had lost significant amounts of C (− 2.1 kg C m−2) and N (− 0.18 kg N m−2) since initial sampling. Assuming a continuous linear decline in organic matter between sampling dates, significant losses averaged 106 g C m−2 yr−1 (P=0.01) and 9.1 g N m−2 yr−1 (P=0.002). Removal of C through leaching and erosion appears too small to explain these losses, suggesting losses from respiration exceed the inputs of photosynthate in the soil profile. These results emphasize that resampling soil profiles provide a robust method for detecting soil C changes, and add credence to the suggestion that soil C losses may be occurring in some temperate soil profiles. Further work is required to determine whether these losses are continuing and how losses might be extrapolated across landscapes to determine the implications for New Zealand's national CO2 emissions and the sustainability of the implied rates of soil N loss.  相似文献   
Yu M  Gao Q 《Annals of botany》2011,108(5):885-894

Background and Aims

The ability to simulate plant competition accurately is essential for plant functional type (PFT)-based models used in climate-change studies, yet gaps and uncertainties remain in our understanding of the details of the competition mechanisms and in ecosystem responses at a landscape level. This study examines secondary succession in a temperate deciduous forest in eastern China with the aim of determining if competition between tree types can be explained by differences in leaf ecophysiological traits and growth allometry, and whether ecophysiological traits and habitat spatial configurations among PFTs differentiate their responses to climate change.


A temperate deciduous broadleaved forest in eastern China was studied, containing two major vegetation types dominated by Quercus liaotungensis (OAK) and by birch/poplar (Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana; BIP), respectively. The Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (TESim) suite of models was used to examine carbon and water dynamics using parameters measured at the site, and the model was evaluated against long-term data collected at the site.

Key Results

Simulations indicated that a higher assimilation rate for the BIP vegetation than OAK led to the former''s dominance during early successional stages with relatively low competition. In middle/late succession with intensive competition for below-ground resources, BIP, with its lower drought tolerance/resistance and smaller allocation to leaves/roots, gave way to OAK. At landscape scale, predictions with increased temperature extrapolated from existing weather records resulted in increased average net primary productivity (NPP; +19 %), heterotrophic respiration (+23 %) and net ecosystem carbon balance (+17 %). The BIP vegetation in higher and cooler habitats showed 14 % greater sensitivity to increased temperature than the OAK at lower and warmer locations.


Drought tolerance/resistance and morphology-related allocation strategy (i.e. more allocation to leaves/roots) played key roles in the competition between the vegetation types. The overall site-average impacts of increased temperature on NPP and carbon stored in plants were found to be positive, despite negative effects of increased respiration and soil water stress, with such impacts being more significant for BIP located in higher and cooler habitats.  相似文献   
于2010年5-9月,在内蒙古锡林浩特市毛登牧场,调查了道路和放牧2种因素对布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)分布与密度的影响及其随时间的动态特征.结果表明:在鼠类低密度期(<60只·hm-2)和垂直于道路方向上,随着与道路距离的增加,布氏田鼠相对密度逐渐降低;草场放牧活动使布氏田鼠密度增加.可见,道路、放牧等人类干扰影响鼠类的相对密度及其时空分布,而鼠类也对人类干扰产生了一定程度的适应.  相似文献   
The demand for wood from short rotation coppice (SRC) plantations as a renewable energy source is currently increasing and could affect biodiversity in agricultural areas. The objective was to evaluate the contribution of SRC plantations to phytodiversity in agricultural landscapes assessed as species richness, species–area relationships, Shannon indices, detrended correspondence analysis on species composition, Sørensen similarities, habitat preference proportions, and species proportions found in only one land use. Vegetation surveys were conducted on 12 willow (Salix spp.) and three poplar (Populus spp.) coppice sites as well as on surrounding arable lands, grasslands and forests in central Sweden and northern Germany. SRC plantations were richer in plant species (mean: 30 species per 100 m²) than arable land (10), coniferous forests (13) and mixed forests in Germany (12). Comparing SRC plantations with other land uses, we found lowest similarities in species composition with arable lands, coniferous forests and German mixed forests and highest similarities with marginal grassland strips, grasslands and Swedish mixed forests. Similarity depended on the SRC tree cover: at increased tree cover, SRC plantations became less similar to grasslands but more similar to forests. The SRC plantations were composed of a mixture of grassland (33%), ruderal (24%) and woodland (15%) species. Species abundance in SRC plantations was more heterogeneous than in arable lands. We conclude that SRC plantations form novel habitats leading to different plant species composition compared to conventional land uses. Their landscape‐scale value for phytodiversity changes depending on harvest cycles and over time. As a structural landscape element, SRC plantations contribute positively to phytodiversity in rural areas, especially in land use mosaics where these plantations are admixed to other land uses with dissimilar plant species composition such as arable land, coniferous forest and, at the German sites, also mixed forest.  相似文献   
Of 6 million ha of prairie that once covered northern and western Missouri, <36,500 ha remain, with planted, managed, and restored grasslands comprising most contemporary grasslands. Most grasslands are used as pasture or hayfields. Native grasses largely have been replaced by fescue (Festuca spp.) on most private lands (almost 7 million ha). Previously cropped fields set aside under the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) varied from a mix of cool-season grasses and forbs, or mix of native warm-season grasses and forbs, to simple tall-grass monocultures. We used generalized linear mixed models and distance sampling to assess abundance of 8 species of breeding grassland birds on 6 grassland types commonly associated with farm practices in Missouri and located in landscapes managed for grassland-bird conservation. We selected Bird Conservation Areas (BCAs) for their high percentage of grasslands and grassland-bird species, and for <5% forest cover. We used an information-theoretic approach to assess the relationship between bird abundance and 6 grassland types, 3 measures of vegetative structure, and 2 landscape variables (% grassland and edge density within a 1-km radius). We found support for all 3 levels of model parameters, although there was less support for landscape than vegetation structure effects likely because we studied high-percentage-grassland landscapes (BCAs). Henslow's sparrow (Ammodramus henslowii) counts increased with greater percentage of grassland, vegetation height-density, litter depth, and shrub cover and lower edge density. Henslow's sparrow counts were greatest in hayed native prairie. Dickcissel (Spiza americana) counts increased with greater vegetation height-density and were greatest in planted CRP grasslands. Grasshopper sparrow (A. savannarum) counts increased with lower vegetation height, litter depth, and shrub cover. Based on distance modeling, breeding densities of Henslow's sparrow, dickcissel, and grasshopper sparrow in the 6 grassland types ranged 0.9–2.6, 1.4–3.2, and 0.1–1.5 birds/ha, respectively. We suggest different grassland types and structures (vegetation height, litter depth, shrub cover) are needed to support priority grassland-bird species in Missouri. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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