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The homeobox gene mbx is involved in eye and tectum development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The retinal projections inEsox niger, as determined with the aid of a modified cobalt-lysine method, are considerably more extensive in the diencephalon and pretectum than in other teleost fishes so far examined. Although most retinal axons terminate contralaterally, rare fibers can be traced to the same aggregates ipsilaterally. The retinohypothalamic projection appears larger than hitherto reported in teleosts, and the dorsomedial optic tract issues fibers to a series of cell clusters extending from the rostral thalamus to mid-torus levels. A retinal projection to a presumed ventrolateral optic nucleus (VLO) is described for the first time in a teleost. Other targets of retinal fibers include the nucleus geniculatus lateralis ipse of Meader (GLI), the pretectal nucleus (P), the cortical nucleus and a well-developed ventromedial optic nucleus (VMO). The projection to the optic tectum is principally to the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale (SFGS) and stratum marginale (SM), but a considerable number of axons also course through the stratum album centrale (SAC) before terminating there or piercing the stratum griseum centrale (SGC) and terminating in SFGS. Rare terminal arborizations of retinal fibers were also observed in stratum griseum centrale (SGS) and in the stratum griseum periventriculare (SGC) in restricted portions of the tectum. Because of the relatively large size of the visual structures inE. niger it is a potentially useful model for future experimental studies on the visual system.  相似文献   
Genetic screens in zebrafish have identified a large number of mutations that affect neural connectivity in the developing visual system. These mutants define genes essential for accurate retinal axon guidance in the eye and brain and the characterization of these mutants is helping to define the cellular and molecular mechanisms that guide axons in the vertebrate embryo. The combination of zebrafish genetic and embryological approaches promises to greatly increase our understanding of how multiple guidance mechanisms establish the complex neural interconnectivity of the vertebrate brain.  相似文献   
A Golgi study of the isthmic nuclei in the pigeon (Columba Iivia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The isthmic nuclei of the pigeon were studied with the use of three different Golgi techniques. The nucleus isthmo-opticus (IO) consists of a single cell type in which all dendrites of one neuron take the same direction and ramify at identical distances from the perikaryon to form dense dendritic arborizations. The cell bodies of the IO neurons form two parallel layers. The dendrites of these neurons always extend to the area between the two layers so that the dendritic arborizations of opposite neurons overlap. A model of the cellular organization of the IO was constructed based upon these morphological characteristics. The neurons of the n. isthmi/pars parvocellularis (Ipc) have oval perikarya and long, smooth, infrequently branching dendrites. All neurons except those at the borders of the nucleus show the same dorsoventral orientation in their dendritic arborizations and together with their afferents seem to have a columnar organization. The dendrites of the neurons located at the margin of the nucleus ramify within the Ipc along its border. The n. semilunaris (Slu) consists of neurons with round somata that have on an average three dendrites with small spines. The axons leave the nucleus from the medial side and join the lemniscus lateralis. The neurons of the n. isthmi/pars magnocellularis (Imc) comprise a generalized isodendritic type resembling the cells of the reticular formation. Axons from the tectum penetrate the nucleus, making numerous en-passant contacts with several neurons.  相似文献   
Summary Cobaltous-lysine is transported anterogradely from the optic nerve of the teleost, Lethrinus chrysostomus (Lethrinidae, Perciformes). The marginal optic tract is labelled in longtitudinal bands of light and dark staining fibres which persists caudally within the ventral division but not in the dorsal division. This species possesses multiple central targets in the contralateral preoptic, diencephalic, pretectal, periventricular and tectal regions of the brain. In addition, a greater subdivision of the marginal optic tract is found to project to various nuclei. Ipsilateral projections are found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in the region of the horizontal commissure. Projections are also found in the telencephalic region of the nucleus olfactoretinalis and the thalamic region of the nucleus thalamoretinalis. The retinotopicity of some of these nuclei, found in previous studies, is discussed in relation to the possibility of specific sub-populations of retinal ganglion cells having different central targets.Abbreviations used in the Text and Figures A nucleus anteriorthalami - AO accessory optic nucleus - AOT accessory optic tract - AxOT axial optic tract - BO nucleus of the basal optic root - C cerebellum - HCv ventral division of horizontal commissure - I nucleus intermedius thalami - IL inferior lobe - MdOT medial optic tract - MO medulla oblongata - MOTd dorsal division of the marginal optic tract - MOTi intermediate division of the marginal optic tract - MOtv ventral division of the marginal optic tract - O olfactory bulb - OT optic tract - PC nucleus pretectalis centralis - PCo posterior commissure - Pd nucleus pretectalis dorsalis - PG preglomerular complex - PPd nucleus pretectalis periventricularis, pars dorsalis - PPv nucleus pretectalis periventricularis, pars ventralis - PSm nucleus pretectalis superficial pars magnocellularis - PSp nucleus pretectalis superficialis, pars parvocellularis - Sn suprachiasmatic nucleus - TEL telencephalon - TeO optic tectum - TL torus longtitudinalis - TrOlfR tractus olfactoretinalis - VCg granular layer of the valvula cerebelli - VCm molecular layer of the valvula cerebelli - VM nucleus medialis thalami - VL nucleus ventrolateralis thalami - VMdOT ventro-medial optic tract  相似文献   
Simulander is a feedforward neural network simulating the orientation movement of salamanders. The orientation movement is part of the prey capture behavior; it is performed with the head alone. Simulander is a network which consists of 300 neurons incorporating several cytoarchitectonic and electrophysiological features of the salamander brain. The network is trained by means of an evolution strategy. Although only 100 tectum neurons with fairly large receptive fields are used (coarse coding), Simulander is able to localize an irregularly moving prey precisely. It is demonstrated that large receptive field neurons are important for successful prey localization. The removal of a model tectum hemisphere leads to a network which accounts for investigations made in living monocular salamanders. The model also yields an understanding of electrical stimulation experiments in toads.  相似文献   
Summary The optic tectum of Calamoichthys calabaricus (Polypteriformes) shows a relatively complex vertical stratification, with six main layers and a varied neuronal typology. In particular, pyriform neurons in the well developed stratum griseum periventriculare and some multipolar neurons in the stratum griseum profundum represent the efferent elements of the tectum, while the optic and lemniscal inputs to the tectum converge in the plexiform sublayers of the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale. In the circuitry of the tectum some modulation is achieved by some of the polymorphic cells of the stratum griseum internum and by the horizontal cells of the outer layers. Notwithstanding some differences with respect to the teleost optic lobe (i.e., the absence of a torus longitudinalis; the lack of a stratum fibrosum marginale; the modest size of the stratum fibrosum profundum; the paucity of neurons in the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale; and the ill-defined separation of the layers of the afferent and efferent fibers), the optic tectum of Calamoichthys resembles the mesotectal type characteristic of teleosts, anurans and reptiles. It exhibits higher degree of organization than the optic tectum of the Chondrostei.  相似文献   
 The evolutionary relationship between visual system response and visual signal design was investigated in four species of anoline lizards which occupy distinctly different habitats. Anoles display with motion patterns of a colorful throat fan called the dewlap. We assessed signal visibility by recording evoked potentials from the optic tectum in response to a moving stimulus flag (a dewlap-like stimulus), and, in one species, by testing behavioral response. The motion pattern, intensity and spectral quality of the stimulus flag, and the background against which it was viewed, were independently manipulated. In all cases, high-velocity motion patterns with a high percentage of brightness contrast between stimulus and background produced the greatest response. Differences in spectral quality between stimulus and background (color contrast) had no effect on tectal responses, but did influence the behaviorally measured detection probability. Using habitat light data we estimated the visibility of the dewlap of each species in different natural habitats. Each species' dewlap was highly visible in its own habitat, but some were much less visible in the habitats of some other species. Habitat light conditions and visual system response properties appear to have constrained the evolution of dewlap design, in at least some of the species. Accepted: May 1998  相似文献   
Neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN), discovered in mice brain cell nuclei by Mullen et al. (1992), is used as an excellent marker of post-mitotic neurons in vertebrates. In this study, the expression pattern of NeuN was examined in the Xenopus brain to explore phylogenetic differences in NeuN expression. Anti-NeuN antibody showed selective staining in mouse and Xenopus brain extracts, but the number and molecular weight of the bands differed in Western blotting analysis. In immunostaining, anti-NeuN antibody showed selective staining of neurons, but not glial cells, in the Xenopus brain. Most neurons, including olfactory bulb mitral cells and cerebellar Purkinjie cells, which show no immunoreactivity in birds/mammals, showed NeuN immunoreactivity in Xenopus. This study revealed that anti-NeuN antibody is a useful marker of post-mitotic neurons in amphibians, but it also stains neurons that show no reactivity in more derived animals.  相似文献   
Summary The retinal efferents of the catfish, Mystus vittatus, were investigated with the use of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Most retinal fibres extended contralateral to the eye that had received HRP label, while a few fascicles projected to the ipsilateral side without decussation in the optic chiasma. The contralateral fibres projected to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the nucleus opticus dorsolateralis, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pretectal nuclear complex, and to two layers of the optic tectum, i.e., stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale and stratum griseum centrale. The accessory optic tract arose from the inner area of the optic tract and extended ventromedially to the accessory optic nucleus. The ipsilateral fascicles projected to almost all the above mentioned nuclei, but these projections were comparatively sparse. The ipsilateral retinal projection was restricted to the rostral tectum.  相似文献   
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