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Willow Salix sp. is currently cultivated as a short rotation forestry crop in Ireland as a source of biomass to contribute to renewable energy goals. The aim of this study is to evaluate the energy requirements and environmental impacts associated with willow (Salix sp.) cultivation, harvest, and transport using life cycle assessment (LCA). In this study, only emissions from the production of the willow chip are included, end‐use emissions from combustion are not considered. In this LCA study, three impact categories are considered; acidification potential, eutrophication potential and global warming potential. In addition, the cumulative energy demand and energy ratio of the system are evaluated. The results identify three key processes in the production chain which contribute most to all impact categories considered; maintenance, harvest and transportation of the crop. Sensitivity analysis on the type of fertilizers used, harvesting technologies and transport distances highlights the effects of these management techniques on overall system performance. Replacement of synthetic fertilizer with biosolids results in a reduction in overall energy demand, but raises acidification potential, eutrophication potential and global warming potential. Rod harvesting compares unfavourably in comparison with direct chip harvesting in each of the impact categories considered due to the additional chipping step required. The results show that dedicated truck transport is preferable to tractor‐trailer transport in terms of energy demand and environmental impacts. Finally, willow chip production compares favourably with coal provision in terms of energy ratio and global warming potential, while achieving a higher energy ratio than peat provision but also a higher global warming potential.  相似文献   
矿物元素在畜禽生长发育、新陈代谢、神经活动、免疫功能、内分泌等几乎所有的生命活动过程中都发挥着重要的生理作用,分为钙、磷、钠、镁等常量元素和铁、锰、钴、铜等微量元素。某种矿物元素摄入不足或在体内过量蓄积、矿物元素间比例失调,都将引起严重后果。随着畜禽养殖业的集约化规模化发展,饲用矿物元素用量迅速增加,但存在不合理使用的情况,造成了资源浪费和环境污染。因此,在满足畜禽营养需要量的前提下,合理地使用矿物元素剂型及剂量,实现降低矿物元素经畜禽粪污向环境中的排放量,不仅利于集约化畜禽养殖业的发展,同时也能有效降低畜禽粪污中的重金属含量,为种植业提供优良的有机肥来源,维护生态系统的平衡,促进种植业和养殖业的可持续健康发展。基于此,以畜禽体内含量最高的常量元素钙磷和微量元素为切入点,介绍了饲用矿物元素的应用现状、畜禽矿物元素基础需要量及合适的添加范围,着重综述了新型饲用微量元素的开发与应用进展,并探讨了矿物元素动态饲喂模式的可行性及有效性,以期为合理利用矿物元素资源及进一步解决全球生态农业研究的畜禽矿物元素导致的环境污染提供参考。  相似文献   
Intraspecific variation among 84 isolates of the anamorphic fungusChaunopycnis alba from 26 different geographical locations was analyzed by investigating optimal growth temperatures, differences in the production of secondary metabolites and presence or absence of the cyclosporin synthetase gene. The genetic diversity was assessed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Analysis of these data showed high genetic, metabolic and physiological diversity within this species. Isolates from the Antarctic represented the most homogeneous group withinC. alba and together with isolates from the Arctic these polar strains differed from alpine, temperate and tropical strains by low optimal growth temperatures and by low production of secondary metabolites. Isolates from tropical climes were characterized by high optimal growth temperatures and by the production of comparatively diverse metabolite spectra. Most of the isolates that were similar in the combination of their physiological and metabolic characters were also genetically related. Isolates from different geographical origins did not show many similarities, with the exception of the cyclosporin A-producing isolates, and large diversity could be observed even within a single habitat. This leads us to the suggestion that for pharmaceutical screening programs samples should be collected from a diversity of different geographical and climatic locations. For the selection of strains for screening the RAPD assay seems to be the most powerful tool. It reflected the highest intraspecific diversity and the results corresponded well with the other characteristics.  相似文献   
Identification of potential restoration areas is significant and important for implementing a sustainable restoration project and maintaining the ecosystem integrity. We established an eco-hydrological approach to identify potential restoration areas of freshwater wetlands that should and can be restored. Our eco-hydrological method identifies potential restoration areas from three dimensions, namely, transverse, longitudinal and vertical directions. Based on transfer matrix analysis between freshwater wetland and other land cover types and bird habitat suitability assessment, we identified the areas that should be restored under the 1989 and 2000 goals were 36,112 ha and 37,230 ha, respectively. Based on hydrological connectivity and balance between ecological water supply (EWS) and ecological water requirements (EWRs), the area can be restored under the 1989 and 2000 goals were 31,165 ha and 33,963 ha, respectively. The approach and results of this study can help in future restoration efforts in the Yellow River Delta and other similar coastal wetlands.  相似文献   
Markov chain (MC) modeling is a versatile tool in policy analysis and has been applied in several forms to analyze resource flows. This article builds on previous discussions of the relationship among absorbing Markov chains (AMCs), material flow analysis (MFA), and input‐output (IO) analysis, and presents a full‐scale application of MC modeling for a particular globally relevant, nonrenewable resource, namely nickel. The MC model presented here is built on comprehensive, recently compiled nickel flow data for 52 geographic regions. Considering all possible cycles of recycling and reuse, nickel extracted in 2005 is estimated to have a technological lifetime of 73 ± 7 years. During its global journey, nickel enters use, for some application somewhere in the world, an average of three times, the largest share of which occurs in China. Nickel entering fabrication in 2005 is estimated to enter use approximately four times. Over time, nickel is lost to the environment and as a tramp element in carbon steel; the final distribution of nickel among these absorbing states is 78% and 22%, respectively. Of all the nickel in ore extracted in 2005, fully 28% will eventually end up in the tailings, slag, and landfills of China. MC results are also combined with geographically specific life cycle inventory data to determine the overall energy invested in nickel during its many cycles of use. MCs provide a powerful tool for tracking resources through the network of global production, use, and waste management, and opportunities for further integration with other modeling efforts are also discussed.  相似文献   
Development, survival, reproduction and population growth statistics of apterous virginoparae of woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at constant temperatures of 10, 13, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 32°C are reported. The developmental times of all life stages were inversely related to temperature ranging from 10 to 30°C. Span of total development (time from birth to adulthood) decreased from 57.8 days at 10°C to 11.7 days at 30°C and increased to 16.8 days at 32°C. A good linear model fit (R2>0.96) between developmental rate and temperature in the range 10–25°C was observed for all life stages. The lower developmental threshold was estimated at 5.8°C for instar I, 4.8°C for instar II, 4.9° for instar III and 4.4°C for instar IV. The lower temperature threshold for total development was estimated at 5.2°C. The upper developmental limit was found to be 32°C. Mean degree-day accumulations required for completion of instars I, II, III, IV and total development were: 125.6, 51.0, 47.7, 50.7 and 267.6, respectively. Fecundity, larviposition period and adult longevity were reduced with increasing temperature. Net reproductive rate was greatest at 15°C whereas intrinsic rate of increase peaked at 25°C. Optimal performance, as measured by fecundity, survival and intrinsic rate of increase, ocurred in the range 13–25°C.  相似文献   
With the growth of the field of industrial ecology (IE), research and results have increased significantly leading to a desire for better utilization of the accumulated data in more sophisticated analyses. This implies the need for greater transparency, accessibility, and reusability of IE data, paralleling the considerable momentum throughout the sciences. The Data Transparency Task Force (DTTF) was convened by the governing council of the International Society for Industrial Ecology in late 2016 to propose best‐practice guidelines and incentives for sharing data. In this article, the members of the DTTF present an overview of developments toward transparent and accessible data within the IE community and more broadly. We argue that increased transparency, accessibility, and reusability of IE data will enhance IE research by enabling more detailed and reproducible research, and also facilitate meta‐analyses. These benefits will make the results of IE work more timely. They will enable independent verification of results, thus increasing their credibility and quality. They will also make the uptake of IE research results easier within IE and in other fields as well as by decision makers and sustainability practitioners, thus increasing the overall relevance and impact of the field. Here, we present two initial actions intended to advance these goals: (1) a minimum publication requirement for IE research to be adopted by the Journal of Industrial Ecology; and (2) a system of optional data openness badges rewarding journal articles that contain transparent and accessible data. These actions will help the IE community to move toward data transparency and accessibility. We close with a discussion of potential future initiatives that could build on the minimum requirements and the data openness badge system.  相似文献   
高等级病原微生物实验室建设科技进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高等级病原微生物实验室是生物安全级别最高的防护实验室,是从事高致病性病原微生物检测和科学研究的重要技术平台,也是保护实验室工作人员不被感染、外界环境不受污染的防护屏障。近年来,强致病性微生物引发的烈性传染病在全球范围内逐步扩散。世界各国为满足应急控制传染病突发事件以及提升生物国防实力的重大需求,纷纷开始加紧建设高等级病原微生物实验室。阐述了世界生物安全实验室的发展历程与等级划分,各国高等级病原微生物实验室的建设进展与成果以及我国高等级病原微生物实验室在关键技术、装备研发以及国产化四级模式实验室建设等方面所取得的科技进展,并对未来科技发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
Bailey  J.S.  Cushnahan  A.  Beattie  J.A.M. 《Plant and Soil》1997,197(1):137-147
A DRIS model for perennial ryegrass, based on data collected from a glasshouse experiment, was used to diagnose the nutrient sufficiency status of perennial ryegrass swards growing in field situations. Initially, DRIS overestimated the N and P status of these swards and underestimated their S status. However, by calibrating the model outputs on the basis of actual sward dry matter yield responses to specific fertiliser inputs, correction factors were evaluated, and the nutrient indices modified to reflect the nutritional status of swards in field situations.Modified DRIS diagnoses of the N, P, K and S status of swards were compared with those made using the critical value approach. DRIS proved to be as reliable as the critical value approach at diagnosing N deficiency (both approaches having reliability scorings of 90%), but was superior to the latter at diagnosing P, K and S deficiencies, having reliability scorings of 100% (P), 90% (K) and 70% (S), compared with scorings of only 0% (P), 80% (K) and 30% (S), for the critical value approach.  相似文献   
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