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Abstract An increasing literature accounting for various types of experiments indicates that far lower external nutrient concentrations are required by plants than is usually thought to be the case. It is concluded that the ion uptake capacity of the roots, as described by the carrier concept, is high compared to that required for maintenance of the internal concentration. Serious errors in experimental conclusions are associated with insufficient and constant nutrient addition rates. The main errors are caused by non-steady states of the plants both with regard to the internal nutrient concentrations and the relative growth rate. A dynamic concept has been proposed for direct use as the treatment variable within the range of sub-optimum nutrition. The nutritional factor is expressed as a flow, the relative nutrient addition rate in laboratory studies and the nutrient flux density in the field. The experimental use of the relative addition rate has led to steady-state nutrient status and relative growth rate and the interpretation of plant responses which differ fundamentally from accepted views. Thus, for instance, deficiency symptoms disappear, as in natural conditions, when the internal nitrogen concentration is stable, independent of level. The nutrition/growth relationships are very different from those observed when external concentration is varied. The regression line of relative growth rate on relative addition rate passes near to the origin at an angle close to 45 to the axes, which implies that the obtained relative growth rate approximates closely the treatment variable. A striking example of observed differences is the positive effect on nitrogen fixation exerted by high relative nitrogen addition rates compared to the well-known negative effect of increasing external nitrogen concentration. The application of fertilizer on the basis of the nutrient flux density concept provides the possibility of supplying fertilizers corresponding to the consumption potential of the vegetation and to the natural flux density resulting from mineralization in the soil. Nitrogen utilization is high under such conditions and the resulting feedback of nutrition on the mineralization rate suggests that there will be a long-term increase in fertility.  相似文献   
Lemur catta's ability to consume a wide variety of plant foods is a key to this species' survival in a time of ecological crisis across its geographic range. We examined seasonal diet variability of L. catta groups inhabiting two rocky outcrop fragments in south‐central Madagascar: Anja Reserve and Tsaranoro Valley forest. Leaves and fruit of Melia azedarach were a keystone resource for Anja lemurs in wet and dry seasons. At Tsaranoro, L. catta relied on M. azedarach and Ficus spp. in dry season, but during the wet season, neither was a dominant food resource. Top food species at both sites differed markedly from those consumed by L. catta in other habitats. At Tsaranoro, a greater proportion of lemurs engaged in feeding during the dry season compared with wet season. We attribute this to resource scarcity during dry season, when greater feeding effort is needed to maintain energy requirements. Because M. azedarach is ubiquitous throughout Anja Reserve, producing fruit and leaves year‐round, Anja lemurs can meet energy requirements with little seasonal adjustment in feeding activity. L. catta's IUCN status has been upgraded to Endangered, thus, greater insight into its diet flexibility and ability to survive on introduced plant species, can inform conservation plans in remaining wild habitats and ex situ programs.  相似文献   
食用菌产业化生产的质量安全保障措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结多年食用菌生产实践经验,并在多项科研项目中运用和充实,制定了《安全食用菌产品生产技术要求(企业标准)》。在食用菌产业化示范中对安全食用菌生产场地环境、制种和菌种经营、栽培工艺、产品质量等提出了专业和具体的要求,为食用菌生产技术的升级换代和规范化提供技术参数和质量指标,为提高食用菌产品质量、保障消费者安全与健康提供依据。  相似文献   
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 and its derivatives cause disease in tomato, Arabidopsis and Nicotiana benthamiana. The primary virulence factors include a repertoire of 29 effector proteins injected into plant cells by the type III secretion system and the phytotoxin coronatine. The complete repertoire of effector genes and key coronatine biosynthesis genes have been progressively deleted and minimally reassembled to reconstitute basic pathogenic ability in N. benthamiana, and in Arabidopsis plants that have mutations in target genes that mimic effector actions. This approach and molecular studies of effector activities and plant immune system targets have highlighted a small subset of effectors that contribute to essential processes in pathogenesis. Most notably, HopM1 and AvrE1 redundantly promote an aqueous apoplastic environment, and AvrPtoB and AvrPto redundantly block early immune responses, two conditions that are sufficient for substantial bacterial growth in planta. In addition, disarmed DC3000 polymutants have been used to identify the individual effectors responsible for specific activities of the complete repertoire and to more effectively study effector domains, effector interplay and effector actions on host targets. Such work has revealed that AvrPtoB suppresses cell death elicitation in N. benthamiana that is triggered by another effector in the DC3000 repertoire, highlighting an important aspect of effector interplay in native repertoires. Disarmed DC3000 polymutants support the natural delivery of test effectors and infection readouts that more accurately reveal effector functions in key pathogenesis processes, and enable the identification of effectors with similar activities from a broad range of other pathogens that also defeat plants with cytoplasmic effectors.  相似文献   
The degree of technological change biased to the environmental factor is crucial to industrial sustainable development. Using the stochastic frontier analysis method based on the translog production function and the panel data of 32 industrial sub-sectors in Shanghai over 1994–2011, this paper combines the evolution dynamic of the frontier technological structure with the evolution dynamic of technological change direction to estimate the output elasticities of production factors and the growth rate of green total factor productivity. Also, we investigate and compare the degrees of technological change biased to four production factors, i.e., capital, labor, energy, and carbon emissions. The results show that the industrial green total factor productivity in Shanghai presents an overall upward trend and mainly depends on the technical efficiency change. The improvements of labor productivity, R&D intensity, and energy efficiency can effectively enhance the green technical efficiency, while capital deepening has a mitigation effect on the green technical efficiency. The technological change of Shanghai's industrial production biases to energy use and capital saving, causing a high energy demand of industrial development. Under the dual impacts of economic development and energy-saving and emission-reduction policies, the degree of technological change biased to the environmental factor (carbon emissions) displays strong and weak alternations, indicating that the green bias of industrial technological change in Shanghai is not stable and that the green transformation of industrial development model needs to be further advanced.  相似文献   
  1. Most studies on how rising temperatures will impact terrestrial ectotherms have focused on single populations or multiple sympatric species. Addressing the thermal and energetic implications of climatic variation on multiple allopatric populations of a species will help us better understand how a species may be impacted by altered climates.
  2. We used eight years of thermal and behavioral data collected from four populations of Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) living in climatically distinct habitat types (inland and coastal) to determine the field‐active and laboratory‐preferred body temperatures, thermoregulatory metrics, and maintenance energetic requirements of snakes from each population.
  3. Physical models showed that thermal quality was best at coastal sites, but inland snakes thermoregulated more accurately despite being in more thermally constrained environments. Projected increases of 1 and 2°C in ambient temperature result in an increase in overall thermal quality at both coastal and inland sites.
  4. Population differences in modeled standard metabolic rate estimates were driven by body size and not field‐active body temperature, with inland snakes requiring 1.6× more food annually than coastal snakes.
  5. All snakes thermoregulated with high accuracy, suggesting that small increases in ambient temperature are unlikely to impact the maintenance energetic requirements of individual snakes and that some species of large‐bodied reptiles may be robust to modest thermal perturbations under conservative climate change predictions.
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The construction of Pongolapoort Dam in 1973 on the Phongolo River in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has considerably altered the hydrological behaviour and ecological response of the downstream floodplain. Changes in the flooding regime have had implications for the socio-economic importance of the floodplain and for the structure and functioning of its associated wetlands. Previous studies have recommended annual releases of water from the dam to sustain floodplain ecosystem goods and services. The current artificial water releases are limited by the size of the dam's sluices and by the demand for water from the local community. Therefore, water releases do not always follow the original natural flooding regime. To date, the influence of the changed hydrology on the ecology of the Phongolo floodplain system remains poorly known. As a basis for future integrated interdisciplinary research we synthesised the ecological and hydrological work conducted to date on the Phongolo floodplain. We suggest hydro-ecology as an important research direction needed to set environmental flows for the sustainable utilisation and management of the floodplain. Understanding the hydrological behaviour and ecological response of the Phongolo floodplain could help in the implementation of environmental flows by managers at the Department of Water and Sanitation and other stakeholders such as Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife.  相似文献   
Trembleya laniflora is an endemic shrub from neotropical montane rocky savannas of southeastern Brazil. It has been indicated as a potential candidate for ecological restoration of abandoned iron‐ore mines due to heavy metal accumulation. Here, we evaluated the seed germination requirements of T. laniflora. Seeds collected in 2005 and 2008 were set to germinate under a broad range of temperature and light conditions. Seed viability was estimated by dissecting seeds under a dissecting microscope for embryo presence/absence. Seeds were photoblastic and optimum temperature range was 20–25°C, coinciding with the onset of the rainy season. Seeds were viable after 42 months of storage, which together with small seeds that easily get buried and light requirement for germination suggest formation of soil seed banks. Except the large fraction of embryoless seeds, almost all tested seeds germinated when incubated under light conditions; therefore, T. laniflora should be regarded to have nondormant seeds. Easiness of burial resulting from small seed size and positive photoblastism may both contribute to incorporation into soil seed banks. Our data suggest that the long‐term storage of T. laniflora seeds provides a useful strategy for plant reintroduction.  相似文献   
A 10-week feeding trial was conducted to study the effect of feeding level and dietary lysine concentration on growth, protein and lysine retention, and body composition in juvenile turbot. Maintenance requirement for lysine and the efficiency of lysine utilisation were determined as well. Two experimental diets were formulated based on fishmeal or wheat gluten as main protein sources, containing 6.4 g (Diet A, control) and 4.5 g lysine per 100 g CP (Diet B), respectively. Diets were fed once daily at six feeding levels (per day 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, 1.2%, and 1.5% of body weight [BW] and ad libitum) to a total of 432 fish of 48 g initial BW. No differences in the growth parameters were observed between diets at the same feeding level, except a lower feed to gain ratio (p < 0.05) at the highest feeding level at Diet B. Whole-body composition was not affected by diet, whereas muscle protein concentration was significantly lower for fish fed Diet B. Amino acid concentration in whole-body protein was affected by dietary treatment and fish fed Diet B showed lower concentrations of all essential amino acids. In fish muscle protein, lysine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine concentrations were significantly lower in Diet B. Efficiency of lysine utilisation for growth (klys) was determined by linear regression analysis and amounted for 0.69 for Diet B. The maintenance lysine requirement defined at zero lysine retention was 6.5 mg · kg?0.8 · d?1. Lysine intakes at zero protein retention were 13.0 mg and 12.9 mg · kg?0.8 · d?1 for Diet A and B, respectively. Growth and nutrient retention were similar for both diets and, therefore, a lysine deficiency in Diet B did not occur. In conclusion, a proportion of 330 g wheat gluten per kg feed did not influence growth performance and maintenance requirement for lysine in juvenile turbot. However, the effect of diet composition on the amino acid profile of body protein might be relevant for the derivation of the amino acid requirement from protein retention.  相似文献   
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