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高盐条件下废水生物脱氮除磷及其工艺研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高盐废水是指总含盐量至少为1%的废水,是目前很难处理的废水之一。国内外学者针对高盐废水做了很多研究,我们简要综述了高盐条件下废水的脱氮除磷及工艺进展,希望对高盐条件下废水的同步脱氮除磷研究提供有益的资料。  相似文献   
Detecting the phosphorylation substrates of multiple kinases in a single experiment is a challenge, and new techniques are being developed to overcome this challenge. Here, we used a multiplexed assay for kinase specificity (MAKS) to identify the substrates directly and to map the phosphorylation site(s) of plant symbiotic receptor‐like kinases. The symbiotic receptor‐like kinases nodulation receptor‐like kinase (NORK) and lysin motif domain‐containing receptor‐like kinase 3 (LYK3) are indispensable for the establishment of root nodule symbiosis. Although some interacting proteins have been identified for these symbiotic receptor‐like kinases, very little is known about their phosphorylation substrates. Using this high‐throughput approach, we identified several other potential phosphorylation targets for both these symbiotic receptor‐like kinases. In particular, we also discovered the phosphorylation of LYK3 by NORK itself, which was also confirmed by pairwise kinase assays. Motif analysis of potential targets for these kinases revealed that the acidic motif xxxsDxxx was common to both of them. In summary, this high‐throughput technique catalogs the potential phosphorylation substrates of multiple kinases in a single efficient experiment, the biological characterization of which should provide a better understanding of phosphorylation signaling cascade in symbiosis.  相似文献   
土蝽——善于土栖生活的半翅目昆虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土蝽是半翅目异翅亚目蝽总科中多数适应于地栖生活的蝽类。文章简要描述该类昆虫的形态特征、分类历史以及生物学,同时对该类昆虫目前的生物学和系统学研究进展也给予简要介绍。文中还提供形态特征图6幅,臭腺特征扫描电镜照片6幅。  相似文献   
植物性杀虫剂防治白蚁研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白蚁是建筑物和树木的重要害虫,利用化学方法对其种群进行控制仍是当前减少白蚁危害的主要措施。但使用化学杀虫剂对生态环境和人类健康带来的问题促使人类去寻找一些环境友好型生物农药来代替化学制品,而植物性杀虫剂由于其优点而越来越受到重视。本文综述了目前在白蚁防治中有杀虫潜能的植物种类、主要分布科目及作用效果,探讨了植物性杀虫剂防治白蚁存在的问题,同时对植物性杀虫剂应用于白蚁防治进行了展望。  相似文献   
Successful manipulation of the plastid genome (ptDNA) has been carried out so far only in tissue-culture cells, a limitation that prevents plastid transformation being applied in major agronomic crops. Our objective is to develop a tissue-culture independent protocol that enables manipulation of plastid genomes directly in plants to yield genetically stable seed progeny. We report that in planta excision of a plastid aurea bar gene (bar(au) ) is detectable in greenhouse-grown plants by restoration of the green pigmentation in tobacco leaves. The P1 phage Cre or PhiC31 phage Int site-specific recombinase was delivered on the Agrobacterium T-DNA injected at the axillary bud site, resulting in the excision of the target-site flanked marker gene. Differentiation of new apical meristems was forced by decapitating the plants above the injection site. The new shoot apex that differentiated at the injection site contained bar(au)-free plastids in 30-40% of the injected plants, of which 7% transmitted the bar(au)-free plastids to the seed progeny. The success of obtaining seed with bar(au)-free plastids depended on repeatedly forcing shoot development from axillary buds, a process that was guided by the size and position of green sectors in the leaves. The success of in planta plastid marker excision proved that manipulation of the plastid genomes is feasible within an intact plant. Extension of the protocol to in planta plastid transformation depends on the development of new protocols for the delivery of transforming DNA encoding visual markers.  相似文献   
Chemical modulators are powerful tools to investigate biological processes. To identify circadian clock effectors, we screened a natural product library in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Two compounds, prieurianin (Pri) and prieurianin acetate, were identified as causing a shorter circadian period. Recently, Pri was independently identified as a vesicle trafficking inhibitor and re-named endosidin 1 (ES1). Here we show that Pri primarily affects actin filament flexibility in vivo, later resulting in reduced severing and filament depolymerization. This stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton subsequently causes changes in vesicle trafficking. Pri also affected microfilaments in mammalian cells, indicating that its target is highly conserved; however, it did not alter actin dynamics in vitro, suggesting that its activity requires the presence of actin-associated proteins. Furthermore, well-characterized actin inhibitors shortened the period length of the Arabidopsis clock in a similar way to Pri, supporting the idea that Pri affects rhythms by altering the actin network. We conclude that actin-associated processes influence the circadian system in a light-dependent manner, but their disruption does not abolish rhythmicity. In summary, we propose that the primary effect of Pri is to stabilize the actin cytoskeleton system, thereby affecting endosome trafficking. Pri appears to stabilize actin filaments by a different mechanism from previously described inhibitors, and will be a useful tool to study actin-related cellular processes.  相似文献   
Innovative animals are those able to solve novel problems or invent novel solutions to existing problems. Despite the important ecological and evolutionary consequences of innovation, we still know very little about the traits that vary among individuals within a species to make them more or less innovative. Here we examine innovative problem solving by spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) in their natural habitat, and demonstrate for the first time in a non-human animal that those individuals exhibiting a greater diversity of initial exploratory behaviours are more successful problem solvers. Additionally, as in earlier work, we found that neophobia was a critical inhibitor of problem-solving success. Interestingly, although juveniles and adults were equally successful in solving the problem, juveniles were significantly more diverse in their initial exploratory behaviours, more persistent and less neophobic than were adults. We found no significant effects of social rank or sex on success, the diversity of initial exploratory behaviours, behavioural persistence or neophobia. Our results suggest that the diversity of initial exploratory behaviours, akin to some measures of human creativity, is an important, but largely overlooked, determinant of problem-solving success in non-human animals.  相似文献   
苹果叶片组培再生系统研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
几十年来 ,苹果叶片培养再生技术取得了较大的进展。叶片再生主要有器官发生和胚状体发生两种途径。影响叶片再生的主要因素有基因型、培养基、叶片发育阶段及生理年龄、暗培养等。就近年来国内、外学者在此方面的研究进展、存在问题及前景作简要概述。  相似文献   
Technical enzymes are used in many industrial applications. Nowadays technical enzymes are often produced in transgenic host organisms. The use of transgenic plants with respect to high level of expression at low costs as a prerequisite for successful commercial production of technical enzymes is discussed. This review summarises recently published examples for production of technical enzymes in plants. In addition, plastid transformation and viral vectors are discussed as methods which might be useful for obtaining high expression level of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   
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