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Hydrodynamic limb vein injection is an in vivo locoregional gene delivery method. It consists of administrating a large volume of solution containing nucleic acid constructs in a limb with both blood inflow and outflow temporarily blocked using a tourniquet. The fast, high pressure delivery allows the musculature of the whole limb to be reached. The skeletal muscle is a tissue of choice for a variety of gene transfer applications, including gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy or other myopathies, as well as for the production of antibodies or other proteins with broad therapeutic effects. Hydrodynamic limb vein delivery has been evaluated with success in a large range of animal models. It has also proven to be safe and well‐tolerated in muscular dystrophy patients, thus supporting its translation to the clinic. However, some possible limitations may occur at different steps of the delivery process. Here, we have highlighted the interests, bottlenecks and potential improvements that could further optimize non‐viral gene transfer following hydrodynamic limb vein injection.  相似文献   
The AAV2.7m8 vector is an engineered capsid with a 10-amino acid insertion in adeno-associated virus (AAV) surface variable region VIII (VR-VIII) resulting in the alteration of an antigenic region of AAV2 and the ability to efficiently transduce retina cells following intravitreal administration. Directed evolution and in vivo screening in the mouse retina isolated this vector. In the present study, we sought to identify the structural differences between a recombinant AAV2.7m8 (rAAV2.7m8) vector packaging a GFP genome and its parental serotype, AAV2, by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and image reconstruction. The structures of rAAV2.7m8 and AAV2 were determined to 2.91 and 3.02 Å resolution, respectively. The rAAV2.7m8 amino acid side-chains for residues 219–745 (the last C-terminal residue) were interpretable in the density map with the exception of the 10 inserted amino acids. While observable in a low sigma threshold density, side-chains were only resolved at the base of the insertion, likely due to flexibility at the top of the loop. A comparison to parental AAV2 (ordered from residues 217–735) showed the structures to be similar, except at some side-chains that had different orientations and, in VR-VIII containing the 10 amino acid insertion. VR-VIII is part of an AAV2 antigenic epitope, and the difference is consistent with rAAV2.7m8′s escape from a known AAV2 monoclonal antibody, C37-B. The observations provide valuable insight into the configuration of inserted surface peptides on the AAV capsid and structural differences to be leveraged for future AAV vector rational design, especially for retargeted tropism and antibody escape.  相似文献   
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. Ligand-modified liposomes are used for breast tumor-specific drug delivery to improve the efficacy and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy; however, only a few liposomes with high targeting efficiency have been developed because the mono-targeting, ligand-modified liposomes are generally unable to deliver an adequate therapeutic dose. In this study, we designed biotin-glucose branched ligand-modified, dual-targeting liposomes (Bio-Glu-Lip) and evaluated their potential as a targeted chemotherapy delivery system in vitro and in vivo. When compared with the non-targeting liposome (Lip), Bio-Lip, and Glu-Lip, Bio-Glu-Lip had the highest cell uptake in 4T1 cells (3.00-fold, 1.60-fold, and 1.95-fold higher, respectively) and in MCF-7 cells (2.63-fold, 1.63-fold, and 1.85-fold higher, respectively). The subsequent cytotoxicity and in vivo assays further supported the dual-targeting liposome is a promising drug delivery carrier for the treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   
Historically, therapeutic protein production in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells has been accomplished by random integration (RI) of expression plasmids into the host cell genome. More recently, the development of targeted integration (TI) host cells has allowed for recombination of plasmid DNA into a predetermined genomic locus, eliminating one contributor to clone-to-clone variability. In this study, a TI host capable of simultaneously integrating two plasmids at the same genomic site was used to assess the effect of antibody heavy chain and light chain gene dosage on antibody productivity. Our results showed that increasing antibody gene copy number can increase specific productivity, but with diminishing returns as more antibody genes are added to the same TI locus. Random integration of additional antibody DNA copies in to a targeted integration cell line showed a further increase in specific productivity, suggesting that targeting additional genomic sites for gene integration may be beneficial. Additionally, the position of antibody genes in the two plasmids was observed to have a strong effect on antibody expression level. These findings shed light on vector design to maximize production of conventional antibodies or tune expression for proper assembly of complex or bispecific antibodies in a TI system.  相似文献   
线粒体(mitochondrion)是真核生物细胞中的一种非常重要的细胞器,含有独立于细胞核染色体外的遗传物质,通过氧化磷酸化产生ATP,是细胞的能量工厂,与细胞分化、信号转导、代谢稳态等过程密切联系。线粒体功能的紊乱与癌症、神经退行性疾病、糖尿病等许多疾病的发生、发展及治疗息息相关。线粒体在细胞命运中扮演的关键角色,使对线粒体这一特殊细胞器的探索成为生命科学研究热点之一。人线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)是一相对保守且仅16 kb的环状双链DNA分子,只含37个基因,但这些基因都是维持线粒体功能稳定必不可少的部分。随着对线粒体功能认识的不断深入,研究人员发现mtDNA突变,会导致活性氧自由基过量产生,从而引起细胞衰老,甚至引发诸多疾病,例如遗传性视神经病变、线粒体脑肌病伴高乳酸血症和卒中样发作综合征等。但是,目前针对这些线粒体基因疾病尚无非常有效的治疗手段。为了进一步了解这一关键细胞器,研究人员开发了一些有效的方法来突破线粒体的复杂屏障。本文将重点介绍并讨论近几年靶向mtDNA的研究进展,主要从药物修饰、材料递送、基因编辑等方面进行了总结,希望能为推动线粒体的研究提供一些新的思路。  相似文献   
Liposome, a kind of nanoscale vesicle, is applied in the drug delivery systems (DDS) extensively because of its low toxicity, biodegradability and biocompatibility. However, defects of liposome drugs, such as low rates of drug release, insufficiency in active targeting and inefficient bioavailability still remain to be solved. Therefore, stimuli-responsive liposomes are brought to DDS to improve the efficacy of controlled drug release, assure specific release in targeted sites and alleviate side-effects as much as possible. Stimuli-responsive liposomes could maintain stability in circulation, tissues and cells under physiological conditions. Once delivered, they could be activated by relevant internal or external stimuli to release cargos accurately in target areas. This review highlights the design, functional principles and recent advances on application of pH-sensitive liposomes and thermosensitive liposomes respectively, which are two typical stimuli-responsive liposomes. Common targeting modifications of liposomes are discussed as well. We also summarize recent challenges of stimuli-responsive liposomes and their further applications.  相似文献   
The higher risk of respiratory problem in infants delivered by elective caesarean section in comparison with vaginally born infants may be favoured by lower level of nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) and higher oxidative stress in infants born by caesarean section. We studied healthy term infants born by vaginal delivery or by elective caesarean section. Nitric oxide, CO, guanosine 3–5 cyclic monophosphate, total hydroperoxide and advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) were measured at birth and 48–72 h of life. Nitric oxide, CO and cGMP were lower at birth and at 48–72 h of life in infants born by elective caesarean delivery. Total hydroperoxide and AOPP levels were similar in the two groups and increased from birth to 48–72 h of life. In conclusion, nitric oxide and CO concentrations were higher in term infants vaginally born than in infants born by elective caesarean section and decreased from birth to 48–72 h of life. The mode of delivery did not affect the oxidative stress which increases from birth to 48–72 h of life.  相似文献   
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