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Ivermectin produced 100% mortality in adult teneral males, mature males and fertile females ofGlossina morsitans morsitans following a single meal of defibrinated pig blood containing concentrations of 0.1, 1.6 or >1.6 g ml–1 respectively. The lethal concentration was reduced to <0.04 g ml–1 for teneral males when fed repeatedly on treated blood. When pregnant females were fed a single blood meal containing ivermectin (0.08 g ml–1) on the day after their first larviposition, followed by normal blood meals, no offspring were produced in the subsequent reproductive cycle but full recovery occurred thereafter. A dose dependent decline in fecundity was measured and data were subjected to Probit analysis. Thus estimates were made of ivermectin concentrations in the peripheral blood of treated animals by measuring the reduction in fecundity induced in flies fed on such blood. Indications are that with subcutaneous injections at least, amounts greatly in excess of the recommended clinical dose would be required to achieve levels lethal to feeding flies following a single blood meal. Oral treatment of a horse with twice the anthelmintic dose of ivermectin (0.4 mg kg–1) produced a maximum concentration in the blood of about 0.14 g ml–1 within 24 h and this was adequate to reduce tsetse fecundity to zero following a single meal. Such levels in a single blood meal were also sufficient to shorten the life expectancy of teneral male flies. The half-life of ivermectin in the horse was approximately 5–6 days with a maximum of 2.4% of ingested material entering the peripheral circulation. A cow treated with injectable ivermectin (0.2 mg kg–1) produced maximum blood levels of about 0.005 g ml–1 after one week; this was only 0.17% of the administered dose and sufficient to reduce fecundity in female flies to 50% of normal following a single blood meal. Such levels in a single blood meal had no effect on the longevity of flies. However, at least half the maximum activity was present in the circulation between 3 and 14 days following injection. Repeated feeding on the blood of a treated animal reduced considerably the dose of ivermectin required to produce a given effect. The fecundity of female flies was reduced to zero by repeated feeding on blood taken from the horse 8 days after treatment, and even after 15 days the blood of the horse contained sufficient drug to reduce fly fecundity to 50% of normal. Thus where domestic animals constitute major hosts of tsetse, treatment with ivermectin can be expected to achieve some measure of fly population reduction.
L'invermectine comme moyen de lutte utilisable contre la mouche tsé-tsé,Glossina morsitans
Résumé Après un repas unique de sang de porc défibrillé contenant 0,1; 1,6 ou plus de 1,6 g ml–1 d'ivermectine, tous les mâles jeunes non encore alimentes, tous les mâles adultes et toutes les femelles fécondes deGlossina morsitans morsitans sont tués. Les concentrations léthales ont été réduites à moins de 0,04 g ml–1 pour les jeunes mâles quand on les a alimentés régulièrement sur du sang traité. Quand des femelles en gestation ont été alimentées, le jour après leur première parturition, avec un seul repas de sang contenant 0,08 g ml–1 d'ivermectine, et ensuite avec des repas de sang normal, il n'y a pas eu production de descendants pendant le cycle suivant, bien qu'une restauration totale ait eu lieu par la suite. Une diminution de la fécondité en relation avec la dose a été enregistrée, et les données soumisses à un test Probit. Ainsi des estimations de la concentration en ivermectine du sang périphérique des animaux traités ont été obtenues en mesurant la réduction de la fécondité induite chez les mouches ayant consommé ce sang. Ceci montre qu'une dose absorbée de 4 mg kg–1, ou une injection souscutanée de 16 mg kg–1, seraient nécessaires pour obtenir le seuil létal chez des mouches alimentées après un repas de sang unique, c'est-à-dire 20 fois la dose absorbée et 80 fois la dose subcutanée nécessaires contre les nématodes gastrointestinaux. Le traitement par voie buccale d'un cheval avec 2 fois la dose vermifuge d'ivermectine (0,4 mg kg–1) provoque dans les 24 heures des taux sanguins suffisants pour réduire la fécondité jusqu'à zéro après un seul repas de sang. La demi-vie dans le cheval a été approximativement de 5 à 6 jours avec une pénétration dans la circulation périphérique d'une quantité maximale de 2,4% de l'ivermectine absorbée. Une vache traitée avec de l'ivermectine injectable (0,2 mg kg–1) atteint la teneur sanguine maximale au bout d'une semain; celle-ci, correspondant seulement à 0,17% de la quantité administrée, était suffisante pour réduire de 50% la fécondité des mouches après un repas unique de sang. Cependant, entre les 3ème et 14ème jours suivant l'injection, la circulation sanguine présente au moins la moitié de l'activité maximale. Des repas répétés sur le sang des animaux traités réduisent considérablement la dose d'ivermectine nécessaire pour produire un effet donné. La fécondité des mouches devient nulle après des repas répétés sur le sang d'un cheval 8 jours après le traitement; et même après 15 jours, le sang de ce cheval contient suffisamment de produits pour abaisser la fécondité des mouches de 50%. Ainsi, à où les animaux domestiques constituent les principaux hôtes de la mouche tsé-tsé, avec le traitement à l'ivermectine, on peut espérer réduire d'une façon efficace la population de mouches.
Double immunodiffusion were used as screening test for the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. Five hundred hospitalized adults from general (150 patients — group I) and from a specialized chest disease hospital (350 patients — group II), were tested. All of them were without definitive etiological diagnosis and clinical specimens were obtained from the patients with positive serology. Testing sera obtained from 150 patients of the group I, fifty six cases of paracoccidioidomycosis were diagnosed. Specimens for mycological examination were subsequently obtained from 50 of these patients; P. brasiliensis could be recovered in 49 (98%). Fundamental importance was the finding of 17 (4.8%) cases of paracoccidioidomycosis among the 350 patients referred from a chest disease hospital (group II). Serological evidence of paracoccidioidomycosis found in 73 (14.6%) of the 500 screened patients, indicates a relatively high prevalence of this mycosis in adults patients admitted to several hospitals in RJ. These data probably do not reflect the real prevalence of paracoccidioidomycosis in RJ and should be considered as a gross underestimation. Thus, attention should also be paid to juvenile forms and DID could be of a great value in screening these cases too.This work forms part of the thesis A importância das técnicas de imunoprecipitação na triagem e diagnóstico da paracoccidioidomicose, histoplasmose e aspergilose. Estudo em população hospitalar do RJ. M. Phil. on Parasite Biology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, RJ — 1984.  相似文献   


Alopecia areata (AA) is hypothesized to be an organ-specific autoimmune disease of hair follicles mediated by T cells. As immunological and genetic factors have been implicated in the pathogenesis of AA, the purpose of the present study was to investigate possible associations between the functional Interleukin (IL)-4 gene intron 3 VNTR polymorphism and AA susceptibility and disease progression in Turkish population.


The study group consisted of 116 unrelated patients with AA and 125 unrelated healthy controls. Genomic DNA was isolated and IL-4 gene 70 bp VNTR polymorphism determined by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers.


No association was observed between AA patients and controls according to genotype distribution (p = 0.051). The allele distribution of IL-4 gene intron 3 VNTR polymorphism was statistically different between AA patients and control group (p = 0.026). The frequency of P1 allele in patients was significantly higher than that in the control group. When the P2P2 genotype was compared with P1P2 + P1P1 genotypes, a statistically significant difference was observed between patients and controls (p = 0.036). Intron 3 VNTR polymorphism in the IL-4 gene was found to be associated with AA susceptibility in Turkish population.


The results suggest that IL-4 VNTR polymorphism in the intron 3 region may be a risk factor for the development of AA among Turkish population. This is the first to report that intron 3 VNTR polymorphism in the IL-4 gene is associated with AA susceptibility.  相似文献   
Chloroplast movement has been studied In many plants mainly in relation to the local light, mechanical or stress effects. Here we investigated possible systemic responses of chloroplast movement to local light or burning stress in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun). Chloroplast movement was measured using two independent methods: one with a SPAD 502 Chlorophyll meter and another by collimated transmittance at a selected wavelength (676 nm). A sensitive pedodic movement of chloroplasts was used in high or low (2 000 or 50 μmol/m2 per s photosynthetically active radiation, respectively) cold white light with periods of 50 or 130 min. Measurements were carried out in the irradiated area, in the non-irradiated area of the same leaf or in the leaf located on the stem below the irradiated or burned one. No significant changes in systemic chloroplast movement in non-irradiated parts of the leaf and in the non-treated leaf were detected. Our data indicate that chloroplast movement in tobacco is dependent dominantly on the intensity and spectral composition of the incident light and on the local stimulation and state of the target tissue. No systemic signal was strong enough tovoke a detectable systemic response in chloroplast movement in distant untreated tissues of tobacco plants.  相似文献   
Salicylic Acid and Disease Resistance in Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SA has been shown to play an important signaling role in the activation of various plant defense responses following pathogen attack. These responses include the induction of local and systemic disease resistance, the potentiation of host cell death, and the containment of pathogen spread. The mechanisms through which SA mediates these effects are varied and can involve alterations in the activity or synthesis of certain enzymes, increased defense gene expression, potentiation of several defense responses, and/or the generation of free radicals. Through the analysis of mutant plants exhibiting aberrant responses to pathogen infection, many genes encoding products involved in the SA-mediated defense pathway(s) have been isolated. In addition, mounting evidence suggests that certain defense responses can be activated via a SA-independent pathway(s). This review focuses primarily on recent discoveries pertaining to the SA signaling pathway(s) leading to disease resistance; however, a very brief discussion of the SA-independent pathway (s) and its ability to cross-talk with the SA pathway is also presented.  相似文献   
Host defence mechanisms can be elicited by using different elicitors produced from the pathogen/host. In this study, an effort has been made to study the effect of two fungal elicitors derived from Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus on induction of various defence-related enzymes in maize (Zea mays L.). Foliar application was done on 20-days-old maize plant with 10% A. flavus fungal culture filtrate (AFFCF) and A. parasiticus fungal culture filtrate (APFCF) as elicitors to trigger systemic acquired resistance (SAR). As a response of SAR, an increase in activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), β-1,3-glucanase, nitrate reductase (NR) and nitrite reductase (NiR), total proteins were found highest on 4th day after treatment (DAT), whereas total carbohydrate and total chlorophyll on 2nd and 6th DAT, respectively, in comparison with the control plants. The SDS PAGE analysis revealed the induction of PR proteins, namely Chitinase (25, 29?kDa) and β-1,3-glucanase (33?kDa), in treated plants in comparison with untreated control plants. The treated plants showed enhanced growth and development as well as increase in yield. About 100% survival rate was found in maize seeds treated with AFFCF and APFCF and grown on respective fungal infested soil than control. The enhanced activities of defence enzymes and elevated protein, carbohydrate, chlorophyll content in treated maize plants suggest the induction of SAR against A. flavus and A. parasiticus by using the same fungal elicitors.  相似文献   
Small RNAs play an important role in plant immune responses. However, their regulatory function in induced systemic resistance(ISR) is nascent. Bacillus cereus AR156 is a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium that induces ISR in Arabidopsis against bacterial infection. Here,by comparing small RNA profiles of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato(Pst) DC3000-infected Arabidopsis with and without AR156 pretreatment, we identified a group of Arabidopsis micro RNAs(mi RNAs) that are differentially regulated by AR156 pretreatment. mi R825 and mi R825 are two mi RNA generated from a single mi RNA gene.Northern blot analysis indicated that they were significantly downregulated in Pst DC3000-infected plants pretreated with AR156, in contrast to the plants without AR156 pretreatment. mi R825 targets two ubiquitin-protein ligases,while mi R825 targets toll-interleukin-like receptor(TIR)-nucleotide binding site(NBS) and leucine-rich repeat(LRR)type resistance(R) genes. The expression of these target genes negatively correlated with the expression of mi R825 and mi R825. Moreover, transgenic plants showing reduced expression of mi R825 and mi R825 displayed enhanced resistance to Pst DC3000 infection, whereas transgenic plants overexpressing mi R825 and mi R825 were more susceptible. Taken together, our data indicates that Bacillus cereus AR156 pretreatment primes ISR to Pst infection by suppressing mi R825 and mi R825 and activating the defense related genes they targeted.  相似文献   
植物内生细菌在防治植物病害中的应用研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
许多报道已证明在不同的植物体内都存在多种内生细菌。本文综述了内生细菌的概念、种群密度等方面的内容 ,着重叙述了内生细菌在生物防治植物病害上的作用 ,并对内生细菌的研究现状及应用提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   
Systemic irradiance signalling in tobacco   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
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