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南亚热带地区人工纯林面积大, 但是结构简单, 对气候变化响应敏感。在区域气候干旱化的背景下, 造林树种的生理生态策略及其对季节性干旱的响应亟待研究。该研究选择南亚热带地区10种造林树种(包括6种乡土种和4种外来种), 测定这些树种的平均生长速率、水力学性状以及经济学性状, 分析性状与生长速率之间的相关关系, 并比较水力安全边际和气孔安全边际的种间差异。结果发现: (1)造林树种的生长速率与木质部导水率显著正相关, 但与木材密度、比叶面积以及水力安全性指标无显著相关性。(2)造林树种的水分传导效率性和安全性之间没有权衡关系, 外来树种Acacia crassicarpaEucalyptus grandis × urophylla同时具有较高的木质部导水率和较强的抗栓塞能力。(3)造林树种的水力安全边际和气孔安全边际的种间差异显著, 大叶相思(Acacia auriculiformis)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、壳菜果(Mytilaria laosensis)和阴香(Cinnamomum burmannii)在干季发生水力失败的风险较高。建议南亚热带人工林的生态监测指标体系中应包括树木水力学性状, 进而为人工林的可持续经营管理提供重要参考。  相似文献   
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a primary tool for restoring grassland in the United States, in part as wildlife habitat, which has benefited declining grassland bird populations. Among potential mid-contract management practices used to maintain early-successional CRP grasslands, cattle grazing had been prohibited and is currently disincentivized during the primary nesting season for birds (much of the growing season), despite the important role that large herbivores historically played in structuring grassland ecosystems. Conservative grazing of CRP grasslands could increase spatial heterogeneity in vegetation structure and plant diversity, potentially supporting higher densities of some grassland bird species and higher bird diversity. Our objective was to determine the effect of experimental cattle grazing on species-specific relative abundance and occupancy, species diversity, and community dissimilarity of grassland birds on CRP grasslands across the longitudinal extent of Kansas, USA (a 63.5-cm precipitation gradient) during the 2017–2019 avian breeding seasons. Fifty-three of 108 fields were grazed by cattle during the growing seasons of 2017 and 2018 and all fields were rested from grazing in 2019. For all analyses, we examined separate model sets for semiarid western versus more mesic eastern Kansas. Using data from line transect surveys, we modeled relative abundances of 5 songbird species: grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), dickcissel (Spiza americana), eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna), western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), and brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). Grazing had delayed yet positive effects on abundances of grasshopper sparrow in western Kansas, and eastern meadowlark in eastern Kansas, but negative effects on dickcissel abundance in western Kansas and especially on burned fields in eastern Kansas. Somewhat counterintuitively, brown-headed cowbirds in western Kansas were more abundant on ungrazed versus grazed fields in the years after grazing began. In addition, we modeled multi-season occupancy of 3 gamebird species (ring-necked pheasant [Phasianus colcicus], northern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus], mourning dove [Zenaida macroura]) and Henslow's sparrow (Centronyx henslowii); grazing did not affect occupancy of these species. In eastern Kansas, species diversity was highest in grazed, unburned fields. In western Kansas, bird communities in grazed and ungrazed fields were dissimilar, as determined from multivariate analysis. Though regionally variable, conservative stocking of cattle on CRP grasslands during the nesting season as a mid-contract management tool might increase bird species diversity by restructuring habitat that accommodates a greater variety of species and decreasing abundances of species associated with taller, denser stands of vegetation.  相似文献   
Disturbance of wildlife is a potential cause of conservation concern, not least to overwintering waders Charadrii inhabiting estuaries close to conurbations where human recreational and economic activities are often concentrated. Disturbance from people on and alongside intertidal foraging areas could make it more difficult for birds to survive until spring in good condition by reducing the time available for foraging, increasing energy requirements and displacing birds to poorer foraging areas. We adopted a two-part approach to testing whether such significant impacts occurred in a Special Protection Area where disturbance risk was high because of its small size and close proximity to conurbations. In part one, we recorded over the whole estuary during stages of the tidal cycle when part or all of the intertidal zone was exposed and so accessible to waders (i.e. on receding, low and advancing tides): (1) the numbers and activities of people on the intertidal flats and on the adjacent land in those places where people were visible to waders in the intertidal zone and (2) the numbers of waders present and disturbed into flight, the flight distance and flight duration in the ‘overlap’ areas where people did disturb waders. People occurred on < 25% of the 938 ha of intertidal flats, but most waders foraged on mudflats, whereas most people were on sandflats. People on land were visible to foraging waders along < 35% of the 16.5 km of shoreline. Waders and people were therefore substantially separated in space. Within overlap areas, people and waders were often frequently separated in time: for example, people on land mostly disturbed waders when only the upper shore levels were exposed. The average overwintering wader spent < 0.1% of its foraging time during daylight flying away from people and the additional energy expenditure was equivalent to < 0.02% of its daily requirements. The comparison made in part two between our study area and two comparable estuaries showed that the number of visits each day to the overlap areas would need to be 29 or 43 times greater for disturbance to have lowered the birds’ body condition and winter survival. Both parts of the study therefore suggested strongly that the amount of disturbance was too trivial to have a significant impact on waders. It is concluded that: (1) to properly assess disturbance risk to waders, both extensive and intensive observations must be made on the behaviour of people and birds to quantify the extent to which they overlap in space and time, and (2) it should not be assumed that an estuary's close proximity to conurbations, and the presence of large numbers of people in the vicinity of the SPA, necessarily implies a significant disturbance risk to waders.  相似文献   
Onion maggot (Delia antiqua) is an economically important pest of Allium crops in temperate regions throughout the world. Management of this pest is necessary to achieve economic returns and depends on insecticide regimes and cultural management. Current cultural management especially altering planting date, field location and crop rotation depend on monitoring. We evaluated the effect of shape, size, colour and chemical attractants on trap catch of field populations of adult D. antiqua flies in upstate New York. White, large diameter, spherical traps in conjunction with Delia Lure attractant performed the best in attracting and catching D. antiqua adults. These results suggest an improved means of attracting and capturing D. antiqua populations which could be useful in monitoring efforts and development of attract and kill strategies for pest control.  相似文献   
The parental food compensation hypothesis suggests that parents may compensate for the negative effects of parasites on chicks by increased food provisioning. However, this ability differs widely among host species and may also depend on ecological factors such as adverse weather conditions and habitat quality. Although weed management can improve habitat quality, management measures can bring about a temporary decrease in food availability and thus may reduce parents’ ability to provide their nestlings with enough energy. In our study we investigated the interaction of parasitism and weed management, and the influence of climate on feeding rates in a Darwin’s tree finch species, which is negatively impacted by two invasive species. The larvae of the invasive parasitic fly Philornis downsi ingest the blood and body tissues of tree finch nestlings, and the invasive Blackberry Rubus niveus affects one of the main habitats of Darwin’s tree finches. We compared parental food provisioning of the Small Tree Finch Camarhynchus parvulus in parasitized and parasite‐free nests in three different areas, which differed in invasive weed management (no management, short‐term and long‐term management). In a parasite reduction experiment, we investigated whether the Small Tree Finch increases food provisioning rates to nestlings when parasitized and whether this ability depends on weed management conditions and precipitation. Our results provide no evidence that Small Tree Finches can compensate with additional food provisioning when parasitized with P. downsi. However, we found an increase in male effort in the short‐term management area, which might indicate that males compensate for lower food quality with increased provisioning effort. Furthermore, parental food provisioning was lower during rainfall, which provides an explanation for the negative influence of rain on breeding success found in earlier studies. Like other Darwin’s finches, the Small Tree Finch seems to lack the ability to compensate for the negative effects of P. downsi parasitism, which is one explanation for why this invasive parasite has such a devastating effect on this host species.  相似文献   
不同农田生态系统土壤碳库管理指数的研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
沈宏  曹志洪 《生态学报》2000,20(4):663-668
讨论不同农田生态系统的土壤活性碳库和碳库管理(CPMI),结果表明,不同农田生态系统的土壤CPMI明显受施肥、气候、土壤利用方式,耕种年限等因素的影响。供试土壤的活性碳含量范围为0.49~4.99mg/g,土壤CPMI为51.6~165。不同施肥地红壤CPMI的影响顺序为绿肥(GM)〉概肥(FYM)〉FYM-NPD〉参考(REF)〉NPK〉对照(CK),在水稻土中,共相应的影响顺序为,稻草(RSC  相似文献   
The stepwise colonization of islands within an archipelago is typically punctuated by successive founder effects, with each newly founded population being a subsample of the gene pool of the source island. Thus, the genetic signature of successive bottlenecks should be detected when analysing the genetic structure between islands of an archipelago. To test this prediction, we investigated introduced ship rat populations, Rattus rattus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Guadeloupe Archipelago. Three different methods, commonly named the heterozygosity excess, the mode-shift indicator and the M ratio method, were used to detect bottlenecks from genetic data obtained with eight microsatellite markers on Guadeloupe and two neighbouring islands, Petite-Terre and Fajou. Moreover, a recent eradication failure on Fajou allowed us to test the accuracy of the methods in an 'experimental-like' situation. The results indicate that rats were introduced on Guadeloupe first, which then became the source population for independent secondary colonization of Fajou and Petite-Terre. Moreover, the heterozygosity excess and the mode-shift indicator only detected bottlenecks for the recent colonization of Petite-Terre and the eradication failure on Fajou. However, bottlenecks were detected for all the populations using the M ratio method. This could be interpreted as the remaining signature of the early introduction of the ship rat in the archipelago.  相似文献   
Unexplained variability in the relationship between the number of herbivores in a field and the amount of crop damage can arise if there is a large amount of variation among herbivore individuals in the amount of feeding damage each generates. In California, populations of the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae), produce highly variable levels of damage to cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (Malvaceae), even when found at low densities. Because L. hesperus populations are also highly variable in their overall stage structure, we hypothesize that differences in crop damage might result from varying impact by each L. hesperus stage on cotton flower buds (termed squares). Laboratory measurements of L. hesperus mouth‐parts and distance to anther sacs, a preferred feeding site, revealed that 1st?3rd instar L. hesperus nymphs will not be able to feed on anther sacs of larger squares (over 8 mm in length) but will be able to feed on squares that are most sensitive to L. hesperus damage (<7 mm). Because even the 1st instars can feed on the most sensitive ‘pinhead’ squares, size constraints do not rule out damaging effects from the youngest L. hesperus. Laboratory observations revealed that later developmental stages, and adults, spend more time feeding on cotton squares relative to 2nd and 3rd instars. In addition, a field experiment revealed no effect of 2nd instars on square retention (relative to control cages) but did reveal a significant decrease in square retention generated by adult L. hesperus (4th instar L. hesperus resulted in an intermediate level of square retention). In a final study we sampled L. hesperus stage structure and density across 38 cotton fields. Multiple regression revealed that the densities of 1st?3rd instars of L. hesperus are not correlated with anther sac damage or square retention. However, in 2 years 4th and 5th instars were positively correlated with anther sac damage and negatively correlated with square retention. In the a third year, adult L. hesperus showed correlations in the same direction, across fields and across sites within fields. Overall, these results suggest that the adults and the largest nymphs of L. hesperus (4th and 5th instars) are particularly damaging to cotton squares, with the 1st?3rd instars of L. hesperus causing little damage to plants.  相似文献   
Colletotrichum truncatum (Ct) was examined in a tank mix with the herbicide 2,4-D, clopyralid plus MCPA (Caurtail M®), or metribuzin (Sencor®) for control of scentless chamomile at 8- (younger) and 11-leaf stages (older) under controlled conditions. In initial trials, Ct at 7 × 106 spores/ml (200 l/ha) reduced the fresh weight of scentless chamomile only slightly. However, its combinations with herbicides improved the efficacy variably depending on the herbicide used and stage of the weeds. Ct plus 2,4-D reduced the fresh weight by about 50% at both leaf stages of scentless chamomile when compared to untreated controls but no plants were killed. The fungus plus Curtail M consistently killed younger but not older plants, and the efficacy was substantially greater than that of the herbicide alone. The herbicide Sencor was highly effective on younger plants, and adding Ct did not achieve additional benefits. On older plants, however, Ct plus Sencor was substantially more effective than the herbicide alone, causing 76% fresh-weight reduction when compared to controls and killing 9 out of 16 older plants in four trials. Sencor applied alone reduced the fresh weight of older plants by 65%, but no plants were killed. Tested at doses ranging from 2 × 106 to 20 × 106 spores/ml, Ct plus Curtail M was most effective at the highest fungal inoculum dose, consistently killing younger but not older plants. In comparison, Ct at a medium dose (7 × 106 spores/ml) plus Sencor killed the majority of older chamomile plants (7 out of 12), whereas the herbicide alone did not cause plant mortality. Further increasing fungal inoculum dose from this medium level did not enhance the weed control by Ct plus Sencor.  相似文献   
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a widely accepted methodology to support decision‐making processes in which one compares alternatives, and that helps prevent shifting of environmental burdens along the value chain or among impact categories. According to regulation in the European Union (EU), the movement of waste needs to be reduced and, if unavoidable, the environmental gain from a specific waste treatment option requiring transport must be larger than the losses arising from transport. The EU explicitly recommends the use of LCA or life cycle thinking for the formulation of new waste management plans. In the last two revisions of the Industrial Waste Management Programme of Catalonia (PROGRIC), the use of a life cycle thinking approach to waste policy was mandated. In this article we explain the process developed to arrive at practical life cycle management (LCM) from what started as an LCA project. LCM principles we have labeled the “3/3” principle or the “good enough is best” principle were found to be essential to obtain simplified models that are easy to understand for legislators and industries, useful in waste management regulation, and, ultimately, feasible. In this article, we present the four models of options for the management of waste solvent to be addressed under Catalan industrial waste management regulation. All involved actors concluded that the models are sufficiently robust, are easy to apply, and accomplish the aim of limiting the transport of waste outside Catalonia, according to the principles of proximity and sufficiency.  相似文献   
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