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Extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is a widespread phenomenon in birds. Researchers have long hypothesized that EPP must confer a fitness advantage to extra‐pair offspring (EPO), but empirical support for this hypothesis is definitively mixed. This could be because genetic benefits of EPP only exist in a subset of environmental contexts to which a population is exposed. From 2013 to 2015, we manipulated perceived predator density in a population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) breeding in New York to see whether fitness outcomes of extra‐pair and within‐pair offspring (WPO) varied with predation risk. In nests that had been exposed to predators, EPO were larger, longer‐winged and heavier than WPO. In nonpredator nests, WPO tended to be larger, longer‐winged and heavier than EPO, though the effect was nonsignificant. We found no differences in age, morphology or stress physiology between extra‐pair and within‐pair sires from the same nest, suggesting that additive genetic benefits cannot fully explain the differences in nestling size that we observed. The lack of an effect of predator exposure on survival or glucocorticoid stress physiology of EPO and WPO further suggests that observed size differences do not reflect more general variation in intrinsic genetic quality. Instead, we suggest that size differences may have arisen through differential investment into EPO and WPO by females, perhaps because EPO and WPO represent different reproductive strategies, with each type of nestling conferring a fitness advantage in specific ecological contexts.  相似文献   
Migration between breeding sites and winter quarters constitute a major life history strategy in birds. The benefits of such migrations must at least equal the costs for such behavior to evolve and be maintained. We tested whether there was a relationship between abundance and diversity of microorganisms on nest lining feathers and timing of arrival by barn swallows Hirundo rustica. Nest lining feathers are chosen and transported by adult barn swallows to their nests just before and during egg laying, at a time when barn swallows have arrived weeks earlier, implying that any heterogeneity in abundance and diversity of microorganisms on feathers in nests must arise from feather preferences. There was a negative relationship between arrival date and the total number of fledglings showing that early arrival is advantageous. The arrival date of adult barn swallows was significantly positively correlated with the abundance of specific bacteria (Bacillus licheniformis) and positively correlated with the abundance of the fungus Trichoderma reesei and negatively correlated with the abundance of the fungus Mucor circinelloides. Moreover, we found a significant positive relationship between arrival date and mean total number of bacterial colonies in TSA medium. There was a significant negative relationship between arrival date and mean total number of bacterial colonies in FMA medium, and Simpson's diversity index of the abundance of bacteria in FMA medium. Such heterogeneity may arise from some microorganisms being beneficial, others detrimental and yet others benign and of no significant importance. In contrast, there was no significant relationship between arrival date and age of individuals. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that early arriving barn swallows differ in abundance and diversity of microorganisms from late arriving conspecifics, and that they choose feathers for their nests that differ in terms of microorganisms from those chosen by late arrival individuals.  相似文献   
A challenge of life‐history theory is to explain why animal body size does not continue to increase, given various advantages of larger size. In birds, body size of nestlings and the number of nestlings produced (brood size) have occasionally been shown to be constrained by higher predation on larger nestlings and those from larger broods. Parasites also are known to have strong effects on life‐history traits in birds, but whether parasitism can be a driver for stabilizing selection on nestling body size or brood size is unknown. We studied patterns of first‐year survival in cliff swallows (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota) in western Nebraska in relation to brood size and nestling body mass in nests under natural conditions and in those in which hematophagous ectoparasites had been removed by fumigation. Birds from parasitized nests showed highest first‐year survival at the most common, intermediate brood‐size and nestling‐mass categories, but cliff swallows from nonparasitized nests had highest survival at the heaviest nestling masses and no relationship with brood size. A survival analysis suggested stabilizing selection on brood size and nestling mass in the presence (but not in the absence) of parasites. Parasites apparently favour intermediate offspring size and number in cliff swallows and produce the observed distributions of these traits, although the mechanisms are unclear. Our results emphasize the importance of parasites in life‐history evolution.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that sexual signals can rapidly diverge among closely related species. However, we lack experimental studies to demonstrate that differences in trait‐associated reproductive performance maintain sexual trait differences between closely related populations, in support for a role of sexual selection in speciation. Populations of Northern Hemisphere distributed barn swallows Hirundo rustica are closely related, yet differ in two plumage‐based traits: ventral color and length of the outermost tail feathers (streamers). Here we provide experimental evidence that manipulations of these traits result in different reproductive consequences in two subspecies of barn swallow: (H. r. erythrogaster in North America and H. r. transitiva in the East Mediterranean). Experimental results in Colorado, USA, demonstrate that males with (1) darkened ventral coloration and (2) shortened streamers gained paternity between two successive reproductive bouts. In contrast, exaggeration of both traits improved reproductive performance within H. r. transitiva in Israel: males with a combination treatment of darkened ventral coloration and elongated streamers gained paternity between two successive reproductive bouts. Collectively, these experimental results fill an important gap in our understanding for how divergent sexual selection maintains phenotype differentiation in closely related populations, an important aspect of the speciation process.  相似文献   
Phenotypic differences among individuals are often linked to differential survival and mating success. Quantifying the relative influence of genetic and environmental variation on phenotype allows evolutionary biologists to make predictions about the potential for a given trait to respond to selection and various aspects of environmental variation. In particular, the environment individuals experience during early development can have lasting effects on phenotype later in life. Here, we used a natural full‐sib/half‐sib design as well as within‐individual longitudinal analyses to examine genetic and various environmental influences on plumage color. We find that variation in melanin‐based plumage color – a trait known to influence mating success in adult North American barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) is influenced by both genetics and aspects of the developmental environment, including variation due to the maternal phenotype and the nest environment. Within individuals, nestling color is predictive of adult color. Accordingly, these early environmental influences are relevant to the sexually selected plumage color variation in adults. Early environmental conditions appear to have important lifelong implications for individual reproductive performance through sexual signal development in barn swallows. Our results indicate that feather color variation conveys information about developmental conditions and maternal care alleles to potential mates in North American barn swallows. Melanin‐based colors are used for sexual signaling in many organisms, and our study suggests that these signals may be more sensitive to environmental variation than previously thought.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of sexual selection in the monogamous, sexually dimorphic barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) were studied during a seven-year period. First, the sex ratio of reproducing adults was male-biased, and mated males had significantly longer tail ornaments than unmated males. Secondly, some of the unmated individuals later committed infanticide and became mated with the mother of the killed brood. Fathers of killed broods had significantly shorter tails than other males, and there was a tendency for infanticidal males to have longer tail ornaments than other unmated males. Thirdly, long-tailed male barn swallows were more successful in acquiring extra-pair copulations than other males, and females involved in extra-pair copulations, as compared to females not involved in such copulations, had mates with shorter tail ornaments. Fourthly, male barn swallows having long tails as compared to short-tailed males acquired mates in better body condition. Females mated to long-tailed males reproduced earlier, laid more eggs and were more likely to have two clutches than were females mated to short-tailed males. Finally, females mated to long-tailed males put more effort into reproduction than did other females, as evidenced by their relatively larger contribution to feeding of offspring. Thus, at least five different components of sexual selection affected male reproductive success. Selection arising from differential success during extra-pair copulations, differential reproductive success and differential male reproductive effort thus accounted for most of the selection on tail ornaments in male barn swallows.  相似文献   
Sexual ornaments compete for resources with other functionaltraits. Such resource allocation trade-offs should ensure thehonesty of sexual ornaments according to the Zahavi's handicapprinciple. However, the existence of costly signals could notbe enough to guarantee honesty if different individuals investdifferent proportions of their limited resources in ornaments.Then, a certain level of sexual signaling would correspond toseveral levels of individual condition. Here, we explore whetherthere are different resource allocation rules in tail featherornaments between males within a barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)population and whether these different rules confer differentviability to males. We assessed the proportion of resourcesinvested in ornamental feathers compared with other functionalfeathers moulted and growing during the same period at expensesof the same resources. We found that 1) different males allocatea different proportion of resources to ornamental feathers inrelation to functional feathers and this proportion is repeatablebetween years and 2) male survival likelihood decreased as theproportion of resources allocated to ornamental feathers increased.Survival costs associated with increased investments in ornamentscan maintain the sexual signaling system honest at populationlevel but do not preclude the existence of an array of differentallocation rules between males. Thus, males with different viabilitycan produce ornamental feathers of the same length. These resultsshow that the relationship between male viability and ornamentexpression can be less straightforward than considered previously.  相似文献   
This study explored the effects of taste and oral anaesthesia on human sequential swallowing. Subjects were healthy adults (n = 42, mean age 28 years, 21 females), investigated by means of a water swallow test. Taste stimuli comprised quinine, glucose, citrus and saline solutions compared with neutral water. Oral anaesthesia comprised topical lidocaine at doses of 10, 20 and 40 mg and compared with placebo. Data were collected on swallowing speed (volume per second), inter-swallow interval and swallowing capacity (volume per swallow). Compared with water, glucose, citrus and saline reduced swallowing speed (10.94 +/- 0.89 versus 9.56 +/- 0.79, 9.33 +/- 1.19, 9.37 +/- 0.92 ml/s respectively, P < 0.05). Inter-swallow interval was increased only by quinine and saline (1.47 +/- 1.11 versus 2.13 +/- 0.34 and 1.92 +/- 0.31 s, P < 0.04). Swallowing capacity was only marginally increased by quinine (P = 0.0759). Compared with the placebo, only 40 mg of lidocaine altered swallowing, immediately reducing the swallowing speed (7.89 +/- 2.34 versus 10.11 +/- 3.26 ml/s, P < 0.05) and increasing inter-swallow interval (1.67 +/- 0.38 versus 1.45 +/- 0.29 s, P < 0.01) without affecting capacity. By 15 min all measures except sensory thresholds had returned to baseline values. Thus, swallowing function is highly influenced by chemosensory input, providing insight into how oral sensation regulates pharyngeal swallowing.  相似文献   
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