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南亚热带丘陵赤红壤区农业可持续发展的土壤水分管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南亚热带丘陵赤红壤地区水热资源丰富,可大力发展荔枝、龙眼、香蕉、芒果等岭南佳果基地和高效益的蔬菜的种植,是广东省以至全国的一块得天独厚的宝地.本文分析了南亚热带的自然概况、广东南亚热带地区的优势及丘陵赤红壤的特征.研究了广东省南亚热带丘陵赤红壤受气候因素的制约,土壤贮水库容和有效库容小,下层非饱和导水率及土壤水力扩散度低等水分特性及问题.提出了改善生态环境,利用生物或工程措施截流降雨、减少地表径流,提高降雨入流率从而增加土壤贮水量和有效贮水量,通过改良土壤,提高土壤保水性能和土壤供水能力,采取防止或减缓土壤水分蒸发措施,发展节水灌溉技术等土壤水分调控与管理技术措施.  相似文献   
恢复生态学焦点问题   总被引:53,自引:9,他引:53  
彭少麟  陆宏芳 《生态学报》2003,23(7):1249-1257
就恢复生态学的概念、近期的发展趋势与前沿命题、传统生态学理论在生态恢复过程中的应用及恢复生态学的社会性等核心问题展开论述。恢复生态学是一门年轻的学科,迄今尚无统一的定义。代表性的有3方面的学术观点。第1种强调受损的生态系统要恢复到理想的状态;第2种强调其应用生态学过程;第3种强调生态整合性恢复。笔者认为,恢复生态学是研究生态系统退化的原因、退化生态系统恢复与重建的技术与方法、过程与机理的科学。从近年的国际恢复生态学大会来看,恢复生态学研究近期主要有3个方面的发展趋势。一是强调自然恢复与社会、人文的耦合。认为恢复生态是全球性的,不只是自然的过程,应有全社会的支持,包括政治、经济和人文的介入。二是强调无论是在地域上还是在理论上都要跨越边界。有效的生态恢复实践在地域上要求多地区甚至是多国家的合作,在理论上要求多学科的交叉与耦合。三是强调以生态系统为基点,在景观尺度表达。随着环境和经济问题的全球化,生态系统和景观尺度的恢复生态学研究引起了越来越多的关注。2004年第15届国际恢复生态学大会的会议主题已定为:恢复、景观与设计。在当前研究趋势的基础上,提出了恢复生态学当前研究的6个前沿命题:恢复生态学的学科理论框架研究、恢复生态系统的功益研究、生物多样性在生态恢复中的作用研究、生态恢复对全球变化的响应研究、生态恢复立法研究和生态恢复与社会、经济的整合性研究。退化生态系统的恢复与重建是一项十分复杂的系统工程,尤其需要生态学理论的指导。多数生态学理论已被应用于恢复生态学的研究与实践。结合实例,着重阐述了生态系统演替理论在生态恢复中的应用。恢复生态与全球变化间的相互作用研究越来越多的引起了人们的关注,但多数研究仍停滞在定性研究阶段。在广东的恢复生态学研究表明,广东省从1986年至1998年,植被覆盖从26%到51%,新造林绿化的植被每年可吸收、固定广东省年排放CO2量的一半。人类社会与自然环境的协调可持续发展,不仅要求实现生态环境的可持续,同时亦要求实现人类社会与经济的可持续发展。这就要求生态系统的恢复与重建必须同时实现生态、经济与社会效率的三重优化。中国科学院华南植物研究所生态中心在中国热带、南亚热带进行的退化生态系统的恢复与重建研究历时30余年,所产生的显著的经济和社会效益,在各个实验站点均已有所反映。  相似文献   
The dynamics of the silver fir represent an important topic for researchers across Europe. Following its decline, which occurred in Europe after the last glaciation, the remaining relict areas became a very important laboratory for studying its conservation. The Central Apennine chain, particularly in Molise, represents one unique case where silver fir, Turkey oak and beech can be found within the same forest. This study focused on the forest structure of the Bosco Monteluponi where the closeness with Collemeluccio Man and Biosphere reserve has affected the diffusion of conifer within the forest. Consequently, the forest structure has shifted from even aged to uneven aged. The resulting complex forest structure offers new challenges for forest practitioners in the identification of silvicultural treatments, which identify and maintain the balance among the three species within the same forest. Particular importance was given to the silver fir natural regeneration in order to assess the forest suitability for conifer expansion. Results demonstrated that Monteluponi is strongly suitable for the in situ conservation of silver fir and offers a great opportunity for its diffusion.  相似文献   
不同小麦品种对播娘蒿的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
播娘蒿是黄淮麦区主要田间杂草,在管理粗放的麦田,播娘蒿密度可达100株·m-2以上,严重影响了小麦的产量和品质。因此,对小麦-杂草复合体中杂草的生长发育规律进行研究,寻找降低草害的有效途径引起许多学者极大关注[1,2],而目前有关防除麦田杂草的研究多集中于化学防治方面[3]。然而,出于环境保护和经济成本上的考虑,化学除草受到了挑战。研究人员[4,5]发现,不同物种在竞争力上存在差异,禾谷类作物属于竞争力很强的作物[6],冬小麦及冬黑麦又是其中竞争力最强的物种。就小麦栽培种而言,存在着不同的品种类型,研究不同小麦品种对杂草的抑制作…  相似文献   
Questions: 1. Which plant traits and habitat characteristics best explain local above‐ground persistence of vascular plant species and 2. Is there a trade‐off between local above‐ground persistence and the ability for seed dispersal and below‐ground persistence in the soil seed bank? Locations: 845 long‐term permanent plots in terrestrial habitats across the Netherlands. Methods: We analysed the local above‐ground persistence of vascular plants in permanent plots (monitored once a year for ca. 16 year) with respect to functional traits and habitat preferences using survival statistics (Kaplan‐Meier analysis and Cox’ regression). These methods account for censored data and are rarely used in vegetation ecology. Results: Local above‐ground persistence is determined by both functional traits (especially the ability to form long‐lived clonal connections) and habitat preferences (especially nutrient requirements). Above‐ground persistence is negatively related to the ability for dispersal by wind and to the ability to accumulate a long‐term persistent soil seed bank (‘dispersal through time’) and is positively related to the ability for dispersal by water. Conclusions: Most species have a half‐life expectation over 15 years, which may contribute to time lags after changes in habitat quality or ‐configuration (‘extinction debt’). There is evidence for a trade‐off relationship between local above‐ground persistence and below‐ground seed persistence, while the relationship with dispersal in space is vector specific. The rate of species turnover increases with productivity.  相似文献   
Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are ubiquitous detoxifying superfamily enzymes. The zeta class GST from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtGSTZ) can efficiently degrade dichloroacetic acid (DCA), which is a common carcinogenic contaminant in drinking water. Ser73 in AtGSTZ is a conserved residue at Glutathione binding site (G-site). Compared with the equivalent residues in other GSTs, the catalytic and structural properties of Ser73 were poorly investigated. In this article, site-saturation mutagenesis was performed to characterize the detailed role of Ser73. The DCA de.chlorinating (DCA-DC) activity showed that most of the mutants had less than 3% of the wild-type activity, except S73T and $73A showing 43.48% and 21.62% of the wild-type activity, respectively, indicating that position 73 in AtGSTZ showed low mutational substitutability. Kinetic experiments revealed that mutants S73T, $73A, and S73G showed low binding affinity and catalytic efficiency toward DCA, 1.8-, 3.1-, and 10.7- fold increases in KmDcA values and 4.0-, 9.6-, and 34.1- fold decreases in KcatDCA/KmDCA values, respectively, compared to the wild type. Thermostability and refolding experiments showed that the wild type maintalned more thermostability and recovered activity. These results demonstrated the important role of Set73 in catalytic activity and structural stability of the enzyme. Such properties of Set73 could be particularly crucial to the molecular evolution of AtGSTZ and might,therefore, help explain why Ser73 is conserved in all GSTs. This conclusion might provide insights into the directed evolution of the DCA-DC activity of AtGSTZ.  相似文献   
Aim. Before intergovernmental consensus under the Rio Declaration in 1992, ignorance of type I errors had been disfavoured in science. However, the Precautionary Principle (PP) counsels the avoidance of type II errors, rather than of type I errors. We need a new academic code for the PP. Material and methods. The risk of extinction has usually been evaluated based on conservative estimates of the present population size. I define the weight of evidence as the extinction risk of Japanese vascular plants based on unbiased estimates. Catch quotas in the fisheries are usually decided by precautionary approach. I calculate the long-term yield and risk of stock collapse under a simple stock dynamics model. Results. The weight of evidence depends on the frequency of grids with size unknown. In a few plant species, rankings based on conservative estimates have differed from rankings based on unbiased estimates. In fishery management, a catch quota based on a precautionary approach proved neither sufficient nor necessary to avoid stock collapse. The precautionary approach is one of the reasons that prevent us from maximizing a sustainable yield. Conclusions. We need to clarify the endpoint of risks, and check whether it is necessary to adopt a PP. We can obtain the weight of evidence that is measured under unbiased estimates, while the risk based on a PP is measured under conservative estimates.  相似文献   
Butomus umbellatus L. is a plant species typical of littoral communities of river and stream shores. It can form continuous stands in shallow reservoirs with fluctuating water level. Their expansion is promoted by: (a) intensive vegetative reproduction of plants, (b) crowded sprouting from rhizome fragments on emerged pond bottom, (c) shallow water layer in the year following summer drainage. Expansion of B. umbellatus depends on ploidy level: two cytotypes were found in the Czech and Slovak Republics, differing in their reproductive ability. Seed production of triploids is strongly limited (they are self-incompatible within clones), while diploids can be fully fertile. Nevertheless, even in diploids, the efficiency of seed reproduction under natural conditions is low. Triploids spread by intensive vegetative reproduction, which is decisive for clonal growth of populations and their regeneration after scraping of bottom surface. During seasonal development, maximum of aboveground biomass is produced in early summer, while underground biomass increases till autumn. Growth of the plants is limited by cutting before maximum underground biomass is attained, or by duck grazing.  相似文献   
檀菲菲  陆兆华 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2403-2412
区域可持续发展水平、发展的持续性和系统的协调性是区域可持续发展定量评价研究的三角构架,而在传统上基于各子系统主成分分析结果直接进行形色各异的加权计算对可持续发展评价而言是有待商榷的。提出了非线性主成分分析和施密特正交化(NLPCA-GSO)相耦合的方法评价区域的可持续发展水平来弥补传统方法的不足,并由此建立区域发展持续性模型和可持续发展系统协调度模型,再以环渤海区域为实证分析其2001—2010年的可持续发展状况。结果表明:基于NLPCA-GSO的可持续发展水平模型可以很好地弥补传统主成分分析及对各子系统结果的综合评价的不足;区域发展持续性模型、协调性模型和区域可持续系统变化的滤波分析形象地揭示区域可持续发展的实质和内涵;实证研究表明环渤海区域在研究时段内可持续发展水平有所上升,而环境子系统持续性的下降是引起区域发展持续性和系统协调度的变化的主要原因。研究结果可丰富区域可持续发展评价的方法学,也可为环渤海区域的可持续发展研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
Crop production is facing unprecedented challenges. Despite the fact that the food supply has significantly increased over the past half-century, ~8.9 and 14.3% people are still suffering from hunger and malnutrition, respectively. Agricultural environments are continuously threatened by a booming world population, a shortage of arable land, and rapid changes in climate. To ensure food and ecosystem security, there is a need to design future crops for sustainable agriculture development by maximizing net production and minimalizing undesirable effects on the environment. The future crops design projects, recently launched by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), aim to develop a roadmap for rapid design of customized future crops using cutting-edge technologies in the Breeding 4.0 era. In this perspective, we first introduce the background and missions of these projects. We then outline strategies to design future crops, such as improvement of current well-cultivated crops, de novo domestication of wild species and redomestication of current cultivated crops. We further discuss how these ambitious goals can be achieved by the recent development of new integrative omics tools, advanced genome-editing tools and synthetic biology approaches. Finally, we summarize related opportunities and challenges in these projects.  相似文献   
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