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The importance of macrostructure to root growth of ryegrass (L. perenne) seedlings sown on the soil surface was studied in two soils in which the macrostructure had resulted mainly from root growth and macro-faunal activity. Sets of paired soil cores were used, one of each pair undisturbed and the other ground and repacked to the field bulk density. Undisturbed and repacked soils were first compared at equal water potentials in the range −1.9 to −300 kPa. At equal water potential, the undisturbed soil always had the greater strength (penetration resistance), and root growth was always greater in the repacked soil with no macrostructure than it was in the soil with macrostructure intact. At equal high strength (low water potentials) it appeared that root growth was better when soils were structured. When strength was low (high water potentials), root growth was better in the unstructured soil. Soils were then compared during drying cycles over 21 days. The average rate at which roots grew to a depth of 60 mm, and also the final percentage of plants with a root reaching 60 mm depth, was greatest in repacked soils without macrostructure. The species of vegetation growing in the soil before the experiment affected root growth in undisturbed soil; growth was slower where annual grasses and white clover had grown compared with soil which had supported a perennial grass. It appears that relatively few roots locate and grow in the macrostructure. Other roots grow in the matrix, if it is soft enough to be deformed by roots. Roots in the matrix of a structured soil grow more slowly than roots in structureless soil of equal bulk density and water potential. The development of macrostructure in an otherwise structureless soil, of the type studied, is of no advantage to most roots. However, once a macrostructure has developed, the few roots locating suitable macropores are able to grow at low water potential when soil strength is high. The importance of macrostructure to establishing seedlings in the field lies in rapid penetration of at least a few roots to a depth that escapes surface drying during seasonal drought. ei]{gnB E}{fnClothier}  相似文献   
A population of a viperid snake,Trimeresurus flavoviridis, was studied over 10 years by removal trapping on a small subtropical island in Japan. The sex ratio of trapped individuals changed seasonally, but was not biased to either sex in the whole sample of 258 individuals. The age of each individual was estimated through the size structure and the age-size relationship. The minimum number of individuals at the beginning of the study was estimated through accumulating older individuals trapped in the subsequent years. By assuming an annual natural survival rate in the course of this accumulation, an age structure was simulated which led to calculate a resulted natural survival rate. The assumed rate of 0.62 fitted best to the resulted one. The annual trapped proportion estimated on the simulated absolute number of individuals was higher in older individuals than in younger ones with the overall mean of 16%.  相似文献   
Abstract The study assessed the survival, during bushfires, of seedbanks of six serotinous Hakea species found in the Sydney region of southeastern Australia. The survival of seeds was examined when fruits were heated in a muffle furnace at ambient temperatures ranging from 200–800°C for 1 min. For each species, fruit weight and dimensions of fruit walls were measured to characterize insulation. A field experiment was performed to examine the survival of the serotinous seedbank of Hakea dactyloides in a bushfire. Ambient and internal fruit temperatures were recorded during the fire. The viability of seeds from fruits exposed to the fire was tested and compared with an unburnt sample. Viability of seeds within fruits exposed in the furnace varied according to species. Seeds of large fruited species such as Hakea constablei and Hakea propinqua survived, whereas those of the small fruited species Hakea teretifolia and H. dactyloides suffered significant mortality. The threshold temperature for death in four species was linearly related to the thickness of lower and lateral fruit walls, and to dry weight of fruits. Internal and external temperatures of fruits decreased with increasing height on experimental H. dactyloides plants in the field. High levels of mortality (relative to the unburnt control) corresponded with fire temperature maxima greater than 400°C (external) and greater than 60°C (internal). In general, these temperatures occur when shrub crowns burn. A high risk of death for H. dactyloides, H. teretifolia and H. sericea seeds will result because fruits of these species have thin walls.  相似文献   
Neurotrophins were originally identified by their ability to promote the survival of developing neurons. However, recent work on these proteins indicates that they may also influence the proliferation and differentiation of neuron progenitor cells and regular several differentiated traits of neurons throughout life. Moreover, the effects of neurotrophins on survival have turned out to be more complex than originally thought. Some neurons switch their survival requirements from one set of neurotrophins to another during development, and several neurotrophins may be involved in regulating the survival of a population of neurons at any one time. Much of our understanding of the developmental physiology of neurotrophins has come from studying neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Because these neurons and their progenitors are segregated into anatomically discrete sites, it has been possible to obtain these cell for in vitro experimental studies from the earliest stage of their development. The recent generation of mice having null mutations in the neurotrophin and neurotrophin receptor genes has opened up an unparalleled opportunity to assess the physiological relevance of the wealth of data obtained from these in vitro studies. Here I provide a chronological account of the effects of members of the NGF family of neurotrophins on cells of the neural lineage with special reference to the peripheral nervous system. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The Value of a hoard: not just energy   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
We present a stochastic dynamic programming model of the contributionof stored food to winter survival. Using the acorn woodpecker(Melanerpes formtcivorus) as a model organism, we demonstratethat a hoard of small energetic value can impart considerableimprovement in the probability of surviving the winter and soimprove fitness. With this model we hope to resolve Koenig andMumme's paradox, that acorn woodpeckers expend much time andeffort to create and maintain hoards of acorns which provideno more that 16% of their energetic needs over the period inwhich they are used. We further demonstrate that the contributionof hoarded acorns to survival depends on the variability inforaging outcome, independently of the energetic value of thehoard in absolute terms. We point out that the results applyin principle to all hoarding animals and suggest a number offurther elaborations of the model.  相似文献   
Summary Ion channels are signaling molecules and by them-selves perform no work. In this regard they are un like the usual membrane enzyme effectors for G proteins. The pathways of G protein receptor, G protein and ion channels are, therefore, purely infor mational in function. Because a single G protein may have several ion channels as effectors, the effects should be coordinated and this seems to be the case. Inhibition of Ca2+ current and stimulation of K+ currents would have a greater impact than either alone. Additional flexibility is provided by spontane ous noise in the complexes of G protein receptor, G protein, and ion channel. By having a non-zero setpoint, the range of control is extended and the responses become bi-directional.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study attempts to determine whether the pathways from the guinea pig dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) to the inferior colliculus (IC) use γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a transmitter. Injections of kainic acid (KA) were used to destroy neurons in the left DNLL. Two to 4 days after the injection, Nissl-stained sections through the lesion site showed destruction of the DNLL neurons. The lesions varied in size; 12–100% of the DNLL neurons were destroyed on the injected side without damage to the ipsilateral IC. Two to 4 days after the injection, the electrically evoked, Ca2+-dependent release and high-affinity uptake of [3H]GABA were measured in dissected pieces of the left and right IC. These activities were compared with those in the IC taken from unlesioned controls and from sham controls, which received injections of saline instead of KA. Each IC was divided into a dorsal piece, which contained the dorsal cortex and dorsomedial nucleus, and a ventral piece, which contained the central and lateral nuclei. Lesions of the left DNLL depressed the release and uptake of [3H]GABA in the ventral pieces of the IC, but there was a greater depression in the ventral IC contralateral to the lesioned DNLL. There were good correlations between the percentage of neuronal loss in the left DNLL and deficits in [3H]GABA release and uptake activities in the ipsi- and contralateral ventral IC. By contrast, there was no depression of [3H]GABA release and uptake in the dorsal pieces of the IC. The localization of the deficits in release and uptake appears to match the distribution of the synaptic endings of the DNLL pathways in the IC. This correspondence associates GABA release and uptake activities with the DNLL projections to the IC and, therefore, suggests that GABA may be a transmitter of these pathways. The release and uptake of [14C]glycine was also measured to determine whether glycine might be a transmitter of the DNLL pathways to the IC. Lesions of the left DNLL failed to alter the Ca2+-dependent release or the uptake of [14C]glycine, suggesting that DNLL neurons are unlikely to use this compound as a transmitter.  相似文献   
Evolutionary explanations of aging (or senescence) fall into two classes. First, organisms might have evolved the optimal life history, in which survival and fertility late in life are sacrificed for the sake of early reproduction or high pre-adult survival. Second, the life history might be depressed below this optimal compromise by the influx of deleterious mutations; since selection against late-acting mutations is weaker, deleterious mutations will impose a greater load on late life. We discuss ways in which these theories might be investigated and distinguished, with reference to experimental work withDrosophila. While genetic correlations between life history traits determine the immediate response to selection, they are hard to measure, and may not reflect the fundamental constraints on life history. Long term selection experiments are more likely to be informative. The third approach of using experimental manipulations suffers from some of the same problems as measures of genetic correlations; however, these two approaches may be fruitful when used together. The experimental results so far suggest that aging inDrosophila has evolved in part as a consequence of selection for an optimal life history, and in part as a result of accumulation of predominantly late-acting deleterious mutations. Quantification of these effects presents a major challenge for the future.  相似文献   
Summary Five demographical factors influencing the sex ratio of a population are classically considered. The influence of two of them is dependent on the longevity of individuals in the population. The effect of differential age at maturity between males and females is higher for animals with low annual survival, whereas the effect of differential annual survival between males and females is higher for animals with high annual survival. Such a conclusion applied to turtles, which are long life-span animals, allows us to retain differential survival between sexes as a major factor influencing the population sex ratio.  相似文献   
  • 1 We tested the hypothesis that females of the egg parasitoid, Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), could adjust their fecundity schedule according to host availability and that there was a negative correlation between reproduction and survival in these wasps.
  • 2 Newly-emerged females were provided with an unlimited or limited number of hosts in the first trial and with either unlimited, limited or zero hosts in the second trial.
  • 3 When hosts were unlimited, wasps had the highest rate of reproduction in the first day, which decreased dramatically thereafter. When hosts were limited, wasps from the two trials differed in their response. In Trial I, females with limited hosts had lower first-day fecundity than, and the same subsequent-day fecundity as, those with unlimited hosts. However, in Trial II, females with limited host had a lower first-day but a higher subsequent-day fecundity than those with unlimited hosts. This indicates variation in Trichogramma's ability to shift its fecundity schedule in response to host availability.
  • 4 There was a positive (rather than a negative) correlation between reproduction and survival. Wasps that oviposited (in host-unlimited treatment) had greater longevity than those that could not (in host-unavailable treatment).
  • 5 The sex ratio of the progeny produced by wasps in both host-unlimited and limited treatments shifted gradually from a female to a male bias as the wasps aged.
  • 6 We consider the ability of parasitoids to adjust their fecundity schedule as an adaptation to changing host resources and discuss our findings with regard to theories of life history evolution.
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