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Summary Examples are presented to illustrate some of the effects aberrant values, in particular, measurement errors, may have on estimates of the genetic parameters related to selection studies. It is shown that aberrant values may cause observed response to selection pressure to differ considerably from predicted response. Possible dangers of indiscriminate screening are also discussed.  相似文献   
作者对新疆维吾尔自治区的9个市、县进行了药用延胡索的资源调查,采集植物标本70余份,弄清药用种类主要是3种,即Corydalis glaucescens Regel,C.ledebouriana Kir.et Kar.和C.schanginii(Pall.)Fedtsch.;初步了解了3种药用延胡索植物的分布状况,并对块茎中总生物碱的含量作了分析。  相似文献   
Abstract. Lower salt-marsh species occur more in the grazed than in the mown sites of a salt marsh in Schiermonnikoog in the Netherlands. This was demonstrated by a sowing experiment which determined which characteristic of the stand structure, height of the canopy or percentage of bare soil, is responsible for this difference. The total number of seedlings which emerged was negatively related to the height of the canopy and positively to the percentage of bare soil. The survival of seedlings of Suaeda maritima and Plantago maritima could be explained by the height of the canopy and for the latter species also by the percentage of bare soil. The survival of Aster tripolium and Plantago maritima was higher in grazed than in mown sites. Since the amount of bare soil was higher than seemed necessary for germination and survival, it was concluded that the taller canopy was responsible for the absence of lower salt-marsh species in the mown sites.  相似文献   
Juvenile Nucella lapillus of two different shell phenotypes, exposed shore and protected shore, were maintained in running seawater under each of three experimental conditions for 94 d: a) laboratory control, b) exposed to the effluent of crabs (Cancer pagurus) fed frozen fish (fish-crab), and c) exposed to the effluent of crabs fed live conspecific snails (snail-crab). Rates of barnacle consumption and rates of body weight change varied significantly between phenotypes and among experimental conditions. Individuals from the protected-shore consumed consistently fewer barnacles and grew consistently less than those from the exposed shore. Body weight increases in the fish-crab treatments were from 25 to 50% less than those in the controls and body weights in the snail-crab treatment either did not change or actually decreased. The perceived risk of predation thus appears to have a dramatic effect on the rates of feeding and growth of N. lapillus.At the end of the experiment, size-adjusted final shell weights for both phenotypes were consistently higher than controls (no crab) in both the fish-crab and snail-crab treatments. In addition, apertural tooth height, thickness of the lip, and retractability (i.e. the extent to which a snail could withdraw into its shell), with few exceptions all varied in an adaptive manner in response to the various risk treatments. Similar changes in the shell form of starved snails exposed to the same stimuli suggest very strongly that the morphological responses of both phenotypes were not just due to differences in rates of growth. These differences, at least in part, represented a direct cueing of the shell form of Nucella lapillus to differences in the perceived risk of predation. Somewhat surprisingly, the extent of phenotypic plasticity appeared to differ between the populations examined. Both field and laboratory evidence suggest that the exposed-shore population was much more labile morphologically than the protected-shore population.In many instances, particularly among starved snails, the development of antipredatory shell traits was greater in the fish-crab treatment than in the snail-crab treatment. Because the scent of crabs was present in both treatments, these results suggest a) that, at the frequency/concentration used in the experiments, the scent of damaged conspecifics may have been a supernormal stimulus and b) that the morphological response in these treatments might have been greater if the stimulus had been provided at a lower level.  相似文献   
郭兴健  邵全琴 《生态学报》2023,43(19):7886-7895
藏野驴(Asinus kiang)是青藏高原特有物种,我国一级野生保护动物。三江源国家公园黄河源园区是藏野驴的主要栖息地之一,而生物多样性保护也是国家公园的重要职能,准确了解藏野驴的种群数量及栖息地变化无论是从野生动物保护还是从国家公园建设指导来看均具有重要意义。以三江源国家公园黄河源园区为研究区,利用无人机遥感技术开展藏野驴种群数量调查工作,在此基础上利用选择指数与因子分析揭示藏野驴的生境选择偏好,识别其适宜栖息地范围。并深入探讨近20年藏野驴适宜栖息地的时空变化特征,探讨驱动因素。结果表明:(1)无人机可以有效识别藏野驴个体,在调查样带内共发现藏野驴252头,经过推算2017年春季三江源国家公园黄河源园区内共有藏野驴20989头。(2)藏野驴倾向于选择距居民点1 km以外,距道路1-3 km范围内,距水源1 km以内,且植被覆盖度介于0.4-0.8之间的坡度小于5°的平坦区域做为栖息地。(3)2000-2018年间,三江源国家公园黄河源园区内的藏野驴适宜生境面积增加了330.76 km2,达到4747.10 km2,面积占比增加1.73%,达到了24.85%。这主要是气候变化与人类活动协同作用下导致的水体扩张与植被覆盖度增加驱动的。此外,虽然道路的扩张仅限制了小面积的适宜栖息地增加,但可能造成栖息地连通性下降等更为严重的后果。本研究证明了无人机遥感技术在青藏高原等开阔区域进行野生动物调查及栖息地研究的可行性与优势,相关技术方法与研究成果可为三江源国家公园生物多样性保护工作提供参考与支撑。  相似文献   
虚拟仿真实验是一种现代信息化和智慧教学的重要方法,对高等医学院校教学质量的发展起到重要的推进作用。我们自主开发建设的“霍乱弧菌检测与防控虚拟仿真实验”,既弥补了因生物安全问题不能开展的实验教学,也解决了微生物学检验实验教学中存在的操作标准化问题。采用“三步进阶”混合教学模式,实现以“学生为中心”的师生互动模式,创建“设计性实验报告”,与育人元素有机结合,培育医学生的职业使命感。细化考核标准,实现过程性评价。探索课前启发铺垫、课中内化升华、课后巩固拓展混合式实验教学模式,有效提高学生的实验技能,实现知行合一、素能共育的教学目标。  相似文献   
【背景】定量微生物风险评估作为定量评估游泳人群暴露于病原微生物后健康风险的方法,在国外已得到广泛应用,但目前国内的应用处于起步阶段且缺乏所需的游泳人群暴露数据。【目的】收集游泳人群暴露数据,并在海水浴场中进行应用,评估粪大肠菌群作为风险评估指标的可行性。【方法】通过对6个典型海水浴场的水质状况、粪大肠菌群浓度与环境因子的相关性进行分析,并发放调查问卷收集国内游泳人群的暴露数据,进而应用定量微生物风险评估方法,得出各个海水浴场的胃肠道疾病患病风险。【结果】6个海水浴场中粪大肠菌群浓度均与水温、气温及总云量具有显著相关性(P<0.01)。位于南方的海水浴场粪便污染情况较北方严重,粪大肠菌群浓度第95百分位数远高于国内“差”类水质标准的阈值。儿童、成年男性、成年女性单次沐浴事件吞下海水的体积分别为35.1 mL (95%置信区间为32.4-37.8,α=0.578,β=0.016),45.0 mL (95%置信区间为31.1-59.3,α=0.532,β=0.012),35.7 mL (95%置信区间为29.7-41.8,α=0.753,β=0.032)。6个海水浴场患胃肠道疾病的风险...  相似文献   
Due to the overexploitation of farming, as well as habitat destruction, the wild population of Chinese giant salamander (CGS) Andrias davidianus, a species with seven genetically distinct lineages, has decreased by over 80% in the past 70 years. Traditional survey methods have proven to be unsuitable for finding this rare and elusive species. We evaluated the efficacy of environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling to detect CGS indirectly from its aquatic environment. We developed several species-specific primer sets; validated their specificity and sensitivity; and assessed their utility in silico, in the laboratory, and at two field sites harboring released farm-bred CGS. We detected the presence of CGS DNA by using polymerase chain reaction and Sanger sequencing. We also sequenced an amplicon mixture of seven haplotype-represented samples using high-throughput sequencing. Our eDNA methods could detect the presence of CGS at moderate densities reported across its range, proving them as a cost-effective way to establish broad-scale patterns of occupancy for CGS. In addition, our primers enabled the detection of mitochondrial lineage mixture or introduced individuals from geographically isolated populations of CGS.  相似文献   
不同熟化措施对黑土母质发育的新成土壤有机碳库的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于8年田间定位试验,采用土壤团聚体分组和闭蓄态微团聚体分离技术,将土壤有机质分为总粗颗粒有机质(活性碳库)、总细颗粒有机质(慢性碳库)和总粉黏粒(惰性碳库) 3个组分,探讨不同熟化措施对黑土母质发育而成的新成土壤总有机碳库及不同活性有机碳库的影响,为黑土严重侵蚀地区母质表露后土壤肥力的快速恢复提供依据。试验设置自然恢复(NatF)、苜蓿种植(Alfa)、无肥(F0C0)、化肥(F1C0)、低量有机肥与化肥配施(F1C1)、高量有机肥与化肥配施(F1C2)等6个熟化处理。结果表明:黑土母质经过8年不同熟化处理后,土壤总有机碳和各组分有机碳含量均显著提高;与NatF相比,有机肥与化肥配施(F1C2和F1C1)对土壤总有机碳的提升作用最为明显,增幅分别为60.7%和41.2%;Alfa其次,增幅18. 2%; F0C0或F1C0处理土壤总有机碳与NatF间无显著差异; F1C2和F1C1处理土壤3个组分有机碳含量均显著高于其他熟化处理,与F1C1相比,F1C2处理对各组分有机碳提升作用更为明显;与NatF相比,Alfa处理土壤有机碳的增加主要表现为粉黏粒结合有机碳的增加; F1C0和F0C...  相似文献   
随着自然保护区多样化的发展以及旅游需求的日益增长,保护区管理者面临着保护生态环境与满足娱乐需求的双重压力,这使得保护区管理者需要更多的信息进行决策。以中国东北部的扎龙国家级自然保护区为例,进行了一项选择实验,选取生物多样性、预期游客数量、景区的环境教育设施、门票价格等4个属性,分别采用多项logit模型、随机参数logit模型和潜在分类模型,探究游客在可能存在冲突的管理优先级之间的偏好。目的是揭示游客如何评价保护区不同的管理属性,以及各属性的边际支付意愿和偏好,并根据这些信息制定有效的保护区管理指南。研究结果表明生物多样性是保护区游客最关注的属性,并且游客对于生态属性的关注度高于娱乐属性。因此,保护区管理者应首先维持并改善生物多样性及其生态环境,在不破坏生态环境的基础上开发具有环境教育作用的娱乐服务。此外,研究发现游客可分为生态友好型和价格敏感型两种类别,不同类型的群体对游览保护区存在不同偏好,女性和年轻的受访者对生态更友好,男性和年长的受访者对价格更敏感。本文的贡献是将某一方面属性价值的描述扩展到涵盖多个管理属性的研究,并为保护区管理中生态与娱乐的权衡问题提供了更具体的见解。  相似文献   
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