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Sequence differences in the tRNA-proline (tRNApro) end of the mitochondrial control-region of three species of Pacific butterflyfishes accumulated 33–43 times more rapidly than did changes within the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cytb). Rapid evolution in this region was accompanied by strong transition/transversion bias and large variation in the probability of a DNA substitution among sites. These substitution constraints placed an absolute ceiling on the magnitude of sequence divergence that could be detected between individuals. This divergence ``ceiling' was reached rapidly and led to a decay in the relative rate of control-region/cytb b evolution. A high rate of evolution in this section of the control-region of butterflyfishes stands in marked contrast to the patterns reported in some other fish lineages. Although the mechanism underlying rate variation remains unclear, all taxa with rapid evolution in the 5′-end of the control-region showed extreme transition biases. By contrast, in taxa with slower control-region evolution, transitions accumulated at nearly the same rate as transversions. More information is needed to understand the relationship between nucleotide bias and the rate of evolution in the 5′-end of the control-region. Despite strong constraints on sequence change, phylogenetic information was preserved in the group of recently differentiated species and supported the clustering of sequences into three major mtDNA groupings. Within these groups, very similar control-region sequences were widely distributed across the Pacific Ocean and were shared between recognized species, indicating a lack of mitochondrial sequence monophyly among species. Received: 30 June 1996 / Accepted: 15 May 1997  相似文献   
The earthworms of arable and pasture fields from 100 randomly chosen arable farms were identified and counted and their relationship with soil factors examined. Thirteen species of earthworm were recorded including Lumbricus friendi from Scotland for the first time. The most prevalent and numerous species were Aporrectodea longa, Aporrectodea caliginosa and Lumbricus terrestris. All earthworm species had cosmopolitan distributions apart from Aporrectodea nocturna and Lumbricus festivus which were confined to southern/central Scotland. Four soil characteristics (% moisture, % sand, % organic matter and pH) shared no relationship with species recorded but tillage may have had a detrimental effect on species composition and size of population. It is suggested that the magnitudes of the earthworm populations found, particularly in permanent pasture, were important in maintaining soil structure and fertility, and the spread of the New Zealand flatworm (Artioposthia triangulata), an obligate predator of earthworms, could have a considerable impact on agricultural productivity and wildlife in Scotland.  相似文献   
In crop protection and ecology accurate and precise estimates of insect populations are required for many purposes. The spatial pattern of the organism sampled, in relation to the sampling scheme adopted, affects the difference between the actual and estimated population density, the bias, and the variability of that estimate, the precision. Field monitoring schemes usually adopt time‐efficient sampling regimes involving contiguous units rather than the most efficient for estimation, the completely random sample. This paper uses spatially‐explicit ecological field data on aphids and beetles to compare common sampling regimes. The random sample was the most accurate method and often the most precise; of the contiguous schemes the line transect was superior to more compact arrangements such as a square block. Bias depended on the relationship between the size and shape of the group of units comprising the sample and the dominant cluster size underlying the spatial pattern. Existing knowledge of spatial pattern to inform the choice of sampling scheme may provide considerable improvements in accuracy. It is recommended to use line transects longer than the grain of the spatial pattern, where grain is defined as the average dimension of clusters over both patches and gaps, and with length at least twice the dominant cluster size.  相似文献   
Abstract .Two designs of cross-shaped sticky panels (XT and XLP) were compared with the royal blue–white legpanel (LPBuWh) in the Jozani forest on Unguja Island as trapping devices for male Glossina austeni . Single coloured royal blue (XTBu) and bi-coloured royal blue–white XT (XTBuWh) caught more than twice as many male G. austeni as the LPBuWh, whereas single coloured black XT trapped significantly fewer flies (10%) than the control LPBuWh. XT's in various horizontal and diagonal blue–white configurations likewise trapped more flies than the LPBuWh, except a horizontally striped blue–white XT which trapped fivefold fewer flies than the LPBuWh. Cross-shaped LP in the blue–white (XLPBuWh) and black–white (XLPBlWh) combination scored significantly better than the control LPBuWh. Similar fly numbers were trapped with XTBuWh and XLPBuWh. Long-term trapping data indicated that the XTBu, XTBuWh and XLPBuWh were three- to fourfold more effective in trapping female flies than the LPBuWh.
The landing bias on bi-coloured panels was low in the blue–white but more pronounced in the blue–black and white–black combinations and was affected by the type of sticky panel used. A high proportion (49%) of the flies alighted on the bottom corners of the XTBu panel, but landing positions were more scattered if white was added.
Increasing the width of the XTBu from 70 to 120 cm improved the catch by a factor of two as compared with standard sized XTBu. The effect of doubling the height of the XT on total fly catch was negligible.
At present, it is the XTBu which can be recommended as the best trapping device for male and female G. austeni.  相似文献   
We conducted aerial surveys of dugongs ( Dugong dugon ) using the line-transect method and snorkeling surveys of dugong feeding trails in 1998 and 1999 around Okinawa Island (26°30'N, 128°00'E) and the Sakishima Islands, southern Japan. A total of ten dugongs were sighted and feeding trails were confirmed in the sea grass beds off the east coast of Okinawa Island. In the Sakishima Islands, however, no dugongs were observed, and there was no evidence of feeding trails despite the existence of apparently suitable sea grass beds for feeding. The results of these surveys and other available information suggest that Okinawan dugongs represent a small, geographically isolated population. Our sightings of dugongs during the daytime, offshore of sea grass beds where feeding trails were recorded, suggest that Okinawan dugongs principally feed at night when human activities are limited. Survival of this remnant dugong population is threatened by habitat degradation and occasional entanglement mortality in fishing nets.  相似文献   
A year-long acoustic survey for critically endangered North Atlantic right whales was conducted at two sites on the central and western Scotian Shelf. Autonomous hydrophones recorded sound continuously from July 2004 to August 2005. Right whale contact calls (upcalls) were identified using automatic recognition software, and the resulting detections were checked manually. Substantial numbers of hours with upcalls were observed at both sites, with approximately four times as many hours with calls at the western site as the central one. Calls occurred mainly from August through October, with the earliest calls in late June and the latest at the end of December at both sites. In addition to this seasonal trend, there was a significant diel pattern in calling at the central site but not at the more westerly site. Results are analyzed in light of feeding ecology and broad-scale movements of right whales.  相似文献   
Understanding how land‐use changes affect different facets of plant biodiversity in seminatural European grasslands is of particular importance for biodiversity conservation. As conclusions of previous experimental or synchronic observational studies did not converge toward a general agreement, assessing the recent trends in vegetation change in various grassland systems using a diachronic approach is needed. In this resurvey study, we investigated the recent changes in grassland vegetation of the French Jura Mountains, a region with a long tradition of pastoralism. We compared the floristic composition of 150 grassland plots recorded between 1990 and 2000 with new relevés made in 2012 on the same plots. We considered taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity as well as ecological characteristics of the plant communities derived from ecological indicator values and life strategies of the species. PCA of the floristic composition revealed a significant general trend linked to the sampling year. Wilcoxon paired tests showed that contemporary communities were generally more dominated by grass species and presented a higher tolerance to defoliation, a higher pastoral value, and a higher nutrient indicator value. Comparisons revealed a decrease in phylogenetic and functional diversity. By contrast, local species richness has slightly increased. The intensity of change in species composition, measured by Hellinger distance between pairs of relevés, was dependent on neither the time lag between the two surveys, the author of the first relevé nor its location or elevation. The most important changes were observed in grasslands that previously presented low pastoral value, low grass cover, low tolerance to defoliation, and high proportion of stress‐tolerant species. This trend was likely linked to the intensification of grassland management reported in the region, with a parallel increase in mowing frequency, grazing pressure, and fertilization level. More restrictive specifications should be applied to agricultural practices to avoid overexploitation of mountain species‐rich grasslands and its negative consequences on their biodiversity and resilience.  相似文献   
Perceptual biases explain the origin and evolution of female preference in many species. Some responses that mediate mate choice, however, may have never been used in nonmating contexts. In the fiddler crab, Uca mjoebergi, mate‐searching females prefer faster wave rates and leading wave; however, it remains unclear whether such responses evolved in a mating context (i.e., the preference has effect on the fitness of the female and her offspring that arise from mating with a particular male) or a nonmating contexts (i.e., a female obtains direct benefits through selecting the male with a more detectable trait). Here, we compared the preferences of mate‐searching with those of ovigerous females that are searching for a burrow and do not concern about male “quality.” Results showed that as both mate‐searching and ovigerous females preferentially approached robotic males with faster wave rates. This suggests that wave rate increases detectability/locatability of males, but the mating preference for this trait is unlikely to evolve in the mating context (although it may currently function in mate choice), as it does not provide fitness‐related benefit to females or her offspring. Wave leadership, in contract, was attractive to mate‐searching females, but not ovigerous females, suggesting that female preference for leadership evolves because wave leadership conveys information about male quality. We provide not only an empirical evidence of sensory biases (in terms of the preference for faster wave), but the first experimental evidence that mating context can be the only selection force that mediates the evolution of male sexual traits and female preference (in terms of the preference for leading wave).  相似文献   
Insecticide resistance is a standing concern for arthropod pest species, which may result in insecticide control failure. Nonetheless, while insecticide resistance has remained a focus of attention for decades, the incurring risk of insecticide control failure has been neglected. The recognition of both problems is paramount for arthropod pest management and particularly so when invasive species notoriously difficult to control and exhibiting frequent cases of insecticide resistance are considered. Such is the case of the putative whitefly species Middle East‐Asia Minor I (MEAM1) (Bemisia tabaci B‐biotype), for which little information is available in the Neotropics. Thus, the likely occurrence and levels of resistance to seven insecticides were surveyed among Brazilian populations of this species. The likelihood of control failure to the five insecticides registered for this species was also determined. Resistance was detected to all insecticides assessed reaching instances of high (i.e. >100×) to very high levels (>1000×) in all of them. Overall efficacy was particularly low (<60%) and the control failure likelihood was high (>25%) and frequent (70%) for the bioinsecticide azadirachtin, followed by spiromesifen and lambda‐cyhalothrin. In contrast, the likelihood of control failure was low for diafenthiuron, and mainly imidacloprid. As cartap and chlorantraniliprole are not used against whiteflies, but are frequently applied on the same host plants, inadvertent selection probably took place leading to high levels of resistance, particularly for the latter. The resistance levels of cartap and chlorantraniliprole correlated with imidacloprid resistance (r > 0.65, P < 0.001), suggesting that the latter use may have somewhat favoured inadvertent selection for resistance to both compounds not used against the whitefly. A further concern is that chlorantraniliprole use in the reported scenario may allow cross selection to cyantraniliprole, a related diamide with recent registration against whiteflies demanding attention in designing resistance management programmes.  相似文献   
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