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Minimal CK2 activity required for yeast growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Protein kinase CK2 is essential for the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast cells that lack the functional genes coding for both the catalytic subunits of protein kinase CK2 can grow only if they are complemented by exogenous cDNAs coding for this subunit. A series of deletion mutants of CK2α from Xenopus laevis was constructed. These mutants that have carboxyl end deletions yield a CK2α product that varies over four orders of magnitude in its capacity to phosphorylate casein in vitro. Complementation of yeast RPG41-1a, a mutant defective in CKA1 and CKA2 genes, with wild-type X. laevis CK2α and with cDNAs coding for truncated CK2α having amino acids 1–328 and 1–327 resulted in cells that grew in gal-minimal media at 30 C as well as the cells harboring the yeast CKA2 gene. However, the growth was significantly diminished when cells were complemented with X. laevis CK2α containing 1–326 amido acids. This mutant has 0.6% of the catalytic activity of the wild-type enzyme. Yeast cells that expressed CK2α 1–324 and 1–323 which have 10-and 100-fold less activity, respectively, were not able to grow. The growth of cells containing the CK2α 1–326 mutant was very sensitive to temperature, and minimal growth was observed at 37 C. This mutant was also more sensitive to UV radiation but was not significantly affected by 0.4 M NaCl.Both authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
Nucleotide excision is a highly conserved DNA repair pathway for correcting DNA lesions that cause distortion of the double helical structure. The protein heterodimer XPC-Rad23 is involved in recognition of and binding to such lesions. We have isolated full-length cDNAs encoding two different members of the maize Rad23 family. The deduced amino acid sequences of both maize orthologues show a high degree of homology to plant and animal Rad23 proteins. The cDNA encoding maize Rad23A was cloned as an in-frame C-terminal fusion of glutathione S-transferase. This chimera was expressed in Escherichia coli as a soluble protein and purified to homogeneity using glutathione-agarose followed by MonoQ column chromatography. Purified recombinant maize Rad23 protein was used to generate polyclonal antibodies that cross-react with a approximately 48-kDa protein in extracts from plant as well as mammalian cells. The purified recombinant protein and antibodies would be useful reagents to study the biochemistry of nucleotide excision repair in plants.  相似文献   
Solar UVB radiation (280–320 nm) is an initiator of Vitamin D3 production in the human skin. While numerous studies have been conducted in relation to the biological impact of UV exposure in full sun, less research has investigated the irradiances in shade. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of UV radiation in relation to Vitamin D3 induction with six commonly encountered shade environments for the larger solar zenith angles observed during autumn and winter. Spectral UV irradiance measurements were made under relatively clear sky conditions at a sub-tropical Southern Hemisphere site for six specific shade environments and solar zenith angle between 35° and 60° to investigate the biologically effective UV irradiances for pre-Vitamin D3 production. Data from this research indicates that pre-Vitamin D3 effective UV wavelengths in the shade were most significant for tree shade and a shade umbrella. Compared to that in full sun, pre-Vitamin D3 effective UV wavelengths were at levels of approximately 52 and 55%, respectively, beneath the shade umbrella and in tree shade. UVB irradiance levels in the shade of a northern facing covered veranda and in a car with windows closed were significantly less than those beneath the shade umbrella, with levels of approximately 11 and 0%, respectively, of those in full sun. Shade is important as a UV minimisation strategy; however, it may also play an important role in providing the human body with adequate levels of UVB radiation for pre-Vitamin D3 production without experiencing the relatively higher levels of UVA irradiances present in full sun.  相似文献   
Raman spectroscopy was used for the first time to detect the effect of independent UVA (ultraviolet-A: 320-400nm) and UVB (ultraviolet-B: 280-320 nm) irradiation on the calf thymus DNA in aqueous solution. After both UVA and UVB irradiation for 1h or 3h, the damage to the conformation of DNA was moderate, but the reduction of the B-form DNA component was obvious. Both UVA and UVB caused significant damage to the deoxyribose moiety and bases, among which the pyrimidine base pairs were more seriously affected. There appeared to be preferential damaging sites on DNA molecules caused by UVA and UVB irradiation. UVA irradiation caused more damage to the deoxyribose than UVB irradiation, while UVB irradiation caused more significant damage to the pyrimidine moiety than UVA irradiation. After UVB irradiation for 3h, unstacking of the AT base pairs and the cytosine ring took place, severe damage to the thymine moiety occurred, and some base pairs were modified. Moreover, with either UVA or UVB irradiation for 3h,the photoreactivation of DNA occurred. The damage to the DNA caused by UVB was immediate, while the damage caused by UVA was proportional to the irradiation duration. The experimental results partly indicate the formation of some cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and (6-4) photoproducts.  相似文献   
The iron binding and release of serum transferrin are pH-dependent and accompanied by a conformational change between the iron-bound (holo-) and iron-free (apo-) forms. We have determined the crystal structure of apo-hen serum transferrin (hAST) at 3.5A resolution, which is the first reported structure to date of any full molecule of an apo-serum transferrin and studied its pH-dependent iron release by UV-vis absorption and near UV-CD spectroscopy. The crystal structure of hAST shows that both the lobes adopt an open conformation and the relative orientations of the domains are different from those of apo-human serum transferrin and human apolactoferrin but similar to that of hen apo-ovotransferrin. Spectroscopic analysis reveals that in hen serum transferrin, release of the first iron starts at a pH approximately 6.5 and continues over a broad pH range (6.5-5.2). The complete release of the iron, however, occurs at pH approximately 4.0. The near UV-CD spectra show alterations in the microenvironment of the aromatic residues surrounding the iron-binding sites.  相似文献   
记述了中国产厕蝇属Fannia R.-D.1新种:暗棒厕蝇Fannia kelaenohaltera sp. nov,并与近缘种明厕蝇Fannia serena(Fann,1825)进行了比较鉴别其主要区别在于新种腋瓣淡黄色,平衡棒暗褐色,后足腹节前腹鬃列完整,均长大,触角第3节长为宽的1.5倍,腹部具灰黄色粉被,雄第5腹板宽大于长,在其基部较狭等。同时对川西厕蝇Fannia grahahi Chillcott,1961进行了雌性补充描述。新种模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学化学与生命科学学院昆虫标本室。正模♂,新疆托木尔峰海拔2 600m,1977-06-22,韩寅恒采。副模2♂♂,新疆托木尔峰海拔2 600m,1977-06-22,韩寅恒采。词源:暗棒厕蝇的名称来源于雄性平衡棒的颜色呈暗褐色的特征。  相似文献   
There are now compelling observations of the ecological impacts of global change on marine ecosystems. A predicted 10% increase in UVB doses at the Earth's surface has been shown to impair indirectly the reproductive output of marine copepods. Wild females of Calanus helgolandicus fed with UVB-irradiated diatoms produced fewer eggs and unhealthy offspring exhibiting a large proportion of high lethal naupliar deformities. By reproducing the same irradiative stress on the pelagic diatom Skeletonema costatum, we looked for potential modifications of the algal properties (cell size, biovolume, chlorophyll content) and biochemical characteristics (fatty acid and amino acid contents). Our results confirmed that the metabolism of S. costatum is adversely affected by enhanced UVB exposure: cell growth was reduced and the biochemical characteristics, and thus the algal nutritional quality, were significantly altered. UVB irradiation reduced cell division, leading to cell elongation and thus increasing the biovolume. Meanwhile, the amino acid and fatty acid contents did not increase concomitantly to the cell enlargement and were thus diluted in the cell. Because of this dilution, the irradiated S. costatum represents a poorer diet for its potential consumers. Moreover, UVB dramatically affects the relative contribution of certain essential fatty acids such as eicosapentanoic acid (EPA), which are essential for the development of marine invertebrates.  相似文献   
The mammalian class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K-III) complex regulates fundamental cellular functions, including growth factor receptor degradation, cytokinesis and autophagy. Recent studies suggest the existence of distinct PI3K-III sub-complexes that can potentially confer functional specificity. While a substantial body of work has focused on the roles of individual PI3K-III subunits in autophagy, functional studies on their contribution to endocytic receptor downregulation and cytokinesis are limited. We therefore sought to elucidate the specific nature of the PI3K-III complexes involved in these two processes. High-content microscopy-based assays combined with siRNA-mediated depletion of individual subunits indicated that a specific sub-complex containing VPS15, VPS34, Beclin 1, UVRAG and BIF-1 regulates both receptor degradation and cytokinesis, whereas ATG14L, a PI3K-III subunit involved in autophagy, is not required. The unanticipated role of UVRAG and BIF-1 in cytokinesis was supported by a strong localisation of these proteins to the midbody. Importantly, while the tumour suppressive functions of Beclin 1, UVRAG and BIF-1 have previously been ascribed to their roles in autophagy, these results open the possibility that they may also contribute to tumour suppression via downregulation of mitogenic signalling by growth factor receptors or preclusion of aneuploidy by ensuring faithful completion of cell division.  相似文献   
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