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Function and biological role of morphological specialization in desmognathine salamanders are analysed in the light of studies of feeding in Leurognatthus marmoratus. Nine morphological features uniquely characterize the Desmognathinae as compared to its sister group, the Plethodontinae, and other salamanders: (1) heavily ossified and strongly articulated skull and mandible; (2) flat, wedgelike head profile; (3) stalked occipital condyles; (4) modified atlas; (5) modified anterior trunk vertebrae; (6) atlanto-mandibular ligaments; (7) enlarged dorsal spinal muscles; (8) enlarged quadrato-pectoralis muscles; and (9) hind limbs relatively larger than forelimbs. Dorsoventral head mobility is increased at the atlanto-occipital joint by the stalked occipital condyles which simultaneously increase the mechanical advantage of the hypertrophied axial muscles that cross the joint. During head depression the atlanto-mandibular ligaments are placed in tension. Force generated by the quadrato-pectoralis muscles is transmitted directly to the mandible, creating a powerful bite with the jaws in full occlusion. Desmognathines use an efficient static pressure system for subduing and/or killing prey items held in the jaws, not a kinetic-inertial mechanism, as previously suggested. Leurognathus exhibits a behaviour ('head-tucking') unique to desmognathines that is consistent with the static-pressure hypothesis. Several desmognathine features (1, 2, 5, 7, 9) are not explicable as adaptations for feeding; these function as locomotory specializations for burrowing, especially for wedging under rocks within and alongside streams. Desmognathines use head-tucking during such wedging and burrowing movements, thus locomotory specializations act in concert with the feeding specializations. We suggest that origin of the atlanto-mandibular ligaments can be considered a 'key innovation' in that it allowed the secondary invasion of stream habitats by adults of ancestral desmognathines.  相似文献   
Recent progress in plant transformation for insect resistance has increased the interest in the potential toxicity of proteins towards insect pests. While studies have been targeted to a large array of insect species, phloem-feeding Homoptera have not been investigated yet. The paper describes a routine test for screening toxicity and growth inhibition of purified proteins in artificial diets onAcyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). Twenty-five commercially available proteins of different classes were tested and compared to some non-protein chemicals (an insecticide, an antibiotic …).A. pisum proved to be very sensitive to all proteases tested and to some venoms with general cytolytic properties. A plant lectin, concanavalin A, displayed significant toxicity and growth inhibition, while various proteins such as a soybean proteinase inhibitor, a chitinase, and bovine serum albumin showed measurable impairments of growth only at higher dose (≥250 μg.ml−1). Some proteins were without short-term effect onA. pisum physiology. The influence of these results on aphid-plant interactions are discussed.
Résumé L'effet de protéines alimentaires sur les insectes phloémophages, dont les pucerons, n'a jamais été étudié. Nous proposons ici un test biologique standardisé sur milieu artificiel permettant d'analyser les effets de différentes classes de protéines sur la physiologie d'A. pisum. La validité de ce test est éprouvée (protocole, reproductibilité) et les différentes données récoltées (mortalité et inhibition de croissance) permettent de définir des paramètres toxicologiques tels que concentration létale 50 ou concentration inhibitrice 50. Cette caractérisation toxicologique a été réalisée sur 25 protéines appartenant à des classes différentes, ainsi que plusieurs substances non protéiques utilisées comme témoin de toxicité (insecticide, antibiotique, inhibiteur de synthèse protéique et glucoside phénolique). Les regroupements de protéines par proximités de profils toxicologiques ont été corrélés aux activités biochimiques des différentes protéines. Les implications de ces résultats sur les interactions plante-puceron sont discutées, ainsi que le potentiel d'une stratégie de création de variétés transgéniques résistantes aux pucerons.
Choanoflagellates and sponges feed by filtering microscopic particles from water currents created by the flagella of microvillar collar complexes situated on the cell bodies of the solitary or colonial choanoflagellates and on the choanocytes in sponges. The filtering mechanism has been known for more than a century, but only recently has the filtering process been studied in detail and also modelled, so that a detailed picture of the water currents has been obtained. In the solitary and most of the colonial choanoflagellates, the water flows freely around the cells, but in some forms, the cells are arranged in an open meshwork through which the water can be pumped. In the sponges, the choanocytes are located in choanocyte chambers (or choanocyte areas) with separate incurrent and excurrent canals/pores located in a larger body, which enables a fixed pattern of water currents through the collar complexes. Previous theories for the origin of sponges show evolutionary stages with choanocyte chambers without any opening or with only one opening, which makes separation of incurrent and excurrent impossible, and such stages must have been unable to feed. Therefore a new theory is proposed, which shows a continuous evolutionary lineage in which all stages are able to feed by means of the collar complexes.  相似文献   
Urrutia  M. B.  Iglesias  J. I. P.  Navarro  E. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,355(1-3):173-180
Resuspension of bottom sediments by wind andtide-driven currents often occur in shallow waters,coastal embayments and estuaries. These processes maylead to dramatic variations in the concentration andorganic richness of suspended particle assemblages.Since resuspended matter is mainly inorganic,decreasing organic contents are usually associatedwith higher seston loads.Under this environmental context the feeding behaviourof bivalves shows a wide degree of plasticity, whichhas been interpreted as having high adaptive value. Inorder to evaluate benefits derived from thisbehaviour, we have used functional relationshipsobtained in previous studies, relating feedingparameters to characteristics of suspended food, topredict the effect that different feeding responseswould have exerted. In cockles, main processesdetermining energy acquisition are feeding rates andpreingestive food selection. Thus, the procedurefollowed in the present work consisted of simulatingrates of food absorption under alternative feedingbehaviours characterised by: (a) no preferentialingestion of filtered organic matter and (b) maintenance ofconstant clearance rates. In theabsence of selection of organic matter at thepreingestive level, ingestion rate of organics (OIR)would decline with increasing seston loads to 30% ofvalues predicted by functions fitted to experimentaldata; difference in absorption rate (AR) would be evengreater, falling to 10%, due to the strong effectthat the organic content of ingested matter exerts onabsorption efficiency. On the other hand, had theclearance rate (CR) kept constant despite theincreasing seston load, OIR and AR would have fallento values respectively 30% and 49% lower than actualvalues.From these results it is concluded that the ability ofsorting particles before ingestion and the capabilityof adjusting clearance rate are key elements in thefeeding behaviour that enable cockles to be welladapted to cope with changes in the water columncaused by resuspension events.  相似文献   
In terms of control of slug pests, the differing modes of action of the two molluscicides metaldehyde and methiocarb appear to provide some advantages for the former during warm, dry weather and for the latter during cool, wet weather. With a view to exploiting these different modes of action, the feeding behaviour of Deroceras reticulatum (Müller) presented with molluscicidal baits containing various combinations of metaldehyde with methiocarb was investigated. Voluntary feeding trials conducted in the laboratory with both candidate and standard treatments (containing metaldehyde or methiocarb alone) are described. By combining the two active ingredients in certain ratios the total concentration of active ingredients may be reduced without adversely affecting the efficacy of a bait formulation in terms of slug mortality.  相似文献   
We compared the feeding excavations on wood blocks of three species of subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), and R. virginicus (Banks). Feeding rate followed the order C. formosanus > R. flavipes > R. virginicus. Wood surface area (mm2) exposed per unit feeding was higher for C. formosanus and R. flavipes than for R. virginicus. This was caused by the tendency of C. formosanus and R. flavipes to make internally penetrating tunnels, thereby increasing surface area, whereas R. virginicus made trough- and bowl-like depressions on the outside of blocks, sometimes decreasing the size of blocks outwardly without a corresponding high increase in surface area typical with the tunnels of the other species. Consequently, wood surface area was sometimes reduced, rather than increased as a result of feeding by R. virginicus. Different patterns of wood excavation suggest that these termites have divergent roles in wood decay processes.
Résumé Les organismes pionniers qui modifient le bois et le rendent acceptable par les insectes qui le perforent sont généralement des champignons du bois pourri. Cependant, une fois que les termites ou autres insectes perforant le bois ont pénétré, leurs galeries favorisent les bactéries fixatrices d'azote, permettent l'invasion d'autres organismes décomposeurs, et de ce fait régularisent la décomposition du bois (Ausmus, 1977). L'exposition de la surface à l'intérieur des perforations jouant un rôle très important dans le processus de pourrissement, il est souhaitable de pouvoir quantifier la surface des galeries dues à l'alimentation des termites. Une courbe type permettant de prédire l'aire de la surface perforée a été construite en perçant 109 morceaux de bois de trous cylindriques de différents diamètres, en calculant l'aire de la surface des morceaux de bois, en appliquant et pesant une couche de vernis pour bois au polyuréthane, et en divisant la masse de polyuréthane par l'aire de la surface. Le modèle prédictif qui en découle est: Y=0,01443×-3,51825 (P=0,0001; r=0,68), y étant la masse de polyuréthane (en g) et x la surface (en mm2) du morceau de bois. En traitant de la même façon au polyuréthane les morceaux de bois perforés par les termites, nous pourrions déduire leur surface.Une expérience a été effectuée avec 3 espèces de rhinotermitides,- Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) et R. virginicus (Banks). Des groupes de chaque espèce se sont alimentés pendant 11 ou 12 jours sur des morceaux de bois non contaminés par des champignons. Nous avons déterminé la survie, la consommation, la modification de la surface du morceau de bois (par utilisation du modèle prédictif) et le changement de surface par terminte.La survie est la même, mais la consommation est dans l'ordre suivant: C. formosanus > R. flavipes > R. virginicus. L'aire de la surface exposée par unité d'alimentation était plus élevée pour C. formosanus et R. flavipes que pour R. virginicus (Tab. 1). Ceci est dû à la tendance de C. formosanus et R. flavipes de creuser des galeries vers l'intérieur, tandis que R. virginicus fait des cuvettes à la surface du bois. Les attaques superficielles de R. virginicus réduisent parfois le volume du morceau de bois sans accroître proportionnellement la surface comme le font les espèces creusant des galeries. Ainsi, avec R. virginicus la surface peut être réduite au lieu d'augmenter. Des différences entre colonies s'observent avec toutes les variables (Tab. 2).Nos résultats suggèrent que C. formosanus et R. flavipes contribuent plus que R. virginicus à exposer le bois aux autres organismes décomposeurs. Cependant, ces résultats peuvent être modifiés par un conditionnement préalable du bois par des champignons.
The optimum temperatures for population development were determined for six species of bacterial-feeding nematodes from among eight temperatures, ranging from 5 to 40 C. Four of the species are cohabiting species. The range of temperatures over which population development occurs (temperature niche breadth) is different for the cohabiting species. This difference may be a means of reducing competition between species, thus increasing temperatures over which habitats can be exploited.  相似文献   
Proteolytic activity in the stomach, pyloric caeca and intestine decreases with increasing size in the three fish species Mugil auratus, M. capito and M. saliens. Differences between these species are found mainly in the gastric proteolytic activity which appears to be related to diet. This activity is pronounced in M. saliens whose diet is mainly carnivorous. Comparison of regression lines relating gastric proteolytic activity to size reveals differences which distinguish M. auratus from both of the other species. Total proteolytic activity exhibits high variability depending on the types of diet.  相似文献   
Three-spined stickleback consumed prey of one size until the stomach was full whereafter similar-sized prey were rejected, but smaller prey were consumed. This evidence leads to the prediction of a shift in prey size preference as a result of the constraint imposed by remaining stomach capacity.  相似文献   
Feeding ecology is an important factor for the survival of a species and knowledge of its parameters is a prerequisite for successful conservation work. In this study we describe the feeding ecology of the endemic Seychelles Black Parrot Coracopsis barklyi on Praslin, Seychelles, the only island on which this parrot is resident. We compared two methods to evaluate feeding choices: incidental observations and feeding walks on 25 transects in all habitat types. Black parrots fed on 46 different species, bringing the total number of known food plants to 53 species. They predominantly consumed endemic and native species (58% of observed feeding bouts), mainly their fruit pulp (in 68% of feeding bouts), followed by buds (15%) and seeds (37%) with occasional observations of leaves, bark and scale insects. The incidental method rendered many more observed bouts than the transect approach and the ratios of consumed species differed between methods but the transect results are regarded as more representative. The incidental method is not suitable for quantitative conclusions but complements the transect method, providing information about rarely occurring feeding events.  相似文献   
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