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We have examined expression of the lambdacI operon in single cells via a rex Colon, two colons gfp substitution. Although average fluorescence agreed with expectations for expression of lambda-repressor, fluorescence fluctuated greatly from cell-to-cell. Fluctuations in repressor concentration are not predicted by previous models and are tolerated in part by a regulatory response to DNA damage.  相似文献   
A novel fluorescent protein termed hmGFP homologous to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria was cloned from the tentacles of sea anemone Heteractis magnifica by EST sequencing and analysis of cDNA library and followed by using RT-PCR. The sequence analysis suggested that the chromophore, consensus amino acids, and secondary structure of 11 beta-strands of hmGFP were similar to those of GFP from other species. The recombinant hmGFP protein with high purity was obtained by the fusion expression of pETTRX-hmGFP in Escherichia coli and subsequent purification. The pH sensitivity and fluorescence spectroscopy of recombinant hmGFP were characterized. The excitation spectrum of recombinant hmGFP has a rather wide major peak with a maximum at 490 nm and a shoulder at 420 nm, and its emission spectrum at 510 nm. The expression of hmGFP and the chimera IPL through hmGFP in CHO cells has shown that the fusion protein IPL through hmGFP has retained the normal membrane targeting of the IPL from Dasyatis akajei, as well as maintaining fluorescent properties similar to those of native hmGFP, suggesting a promising prospect of the application in biotechnology research for the new protein.  相似文献   
Most mitochondrial proteins are encoded by the nucleus, translated in the cytosol, and imported. Mitochondrial precursors generally contain their targeting information in a cleavable N-terminal presequence, which is rich in hydroxylated and positively charged residues and can form amphiphilic alpha-helices. We report the in vivo targeting of green fluorescent protein (GFP) by the FDH presequence, as well as several truncated or mutated variants. Some of these mutations modify the amphiphilicity of the predicted alpha-helix. The removal of the first two residues abolishes import and some single amino acid mutations strongly inhibit import. Such strong effects on import had not been observed in similar studies on other plant mitochondrial presequences, suggesting that the FDH presequence is a particularly good model for functional studies.  相似文献   
Protein insolubility is a major problem when producing recombinant proteins (e.g., to be used as antigens) from large cDNAs in Escherichia coli. Here, we describe a system using three convertible plasmid vectors to screen for soluble proteins produced in E. coli. This system experimentally identified any random cDNA fragments producing soluble protein domains. Shotgun fragments introduced into any of our three plasmids, which contain Gateway recombination sites, fused in-frame to the ORF of the protein tag. These plasmids produced N-terminal GST- and C-terminal three-frame-adaptive FLAG-tagged proteins, kanamycin-resistant gene-tagged proteins (which were pre-selected for in-frame fused cDNAs), or GFP-tagged fusion proteins. The latter is useful as a fluorescence indicator of protein folding. The Gateway recombination sites promote smooth conversion for enrichment of in-frame clones and facilitate both protein solubility assays and final production of proteins without the C-terminal tag. This high-throughput screening method is particularly useful for procedures that require the handling of many cDNAs in parallel.  相似文献   
The final stage of map-based gene isolation is complementation of the mutant phenotype with wild-type DNA to determine the exact location of the gene of interest. This usually involves Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, which is reliable and produces stable transformants. However, the process of Agrobacterium transformation may take up to three months to complete. If the mutant phenotype can be seen in a single cell, and the wild-type copy of the gene can act cell autonomously, then complementation of the whole plant is not strictly necessary. We have developed a technique for the biolistic transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs, and used this to test large insert clones for complementation of two recessive mutant phenotypes, a procedure that takes less than a day. Our results show that biolistic transformation can be used with transient assays to conduct rapid tests for complementation by large insert clones.  相似文献   
Two putative promoters from Australian banana streak badnavirus (BSV) isolates were analysed for activity in different plant species. In transient expression systems the My (2105 bp) and Cv (1322 bp) fragments were both shown to have promoter activity in a wide range of plant species including monocots (maize, barley, banana, millet, wheat, sorghum), dicots (tobacco, canola, sunflower, Nicotiana benthamiana, tipu tree), gymnosperm (Pinus radiata) and fern (Nephrolepis cordifolia). Evaluation of the My and Cv promoters in transgenic sugarcane, banana and tobacco plants demonstrated that these promoters could drive high-level expression of either the green fluorescent protein (GFP) or the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene (uidA) in vegetative plant cells. In transgenic sugarcane plants harbouring the Cv promoter, GFP expression levels were comparable or higher (up to 1.06% of total soluble leaf protein as GFP) than those of plants containing the maize ubiquitin promoter (up to 0.34% of total soluble leaf protein). GUS activities in transgenic in vitro-grown banana plants containing the My promoter were up to seven-fold stronger in leaf tissue and up to four-fold stronger in root and corm tissue than in plants harbouring the maize ubiquitin promoter. The Cv promoter showed activities that were similar to the maize ubiquitin promoter in in vitro-grown banana plants, but was significantly reduced in larger glasshouse-grown plants. In transgenic in vitro-grown tobacco plants, the My promoter reached activities close to those of the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), while the Cv promoter was about half as active as the CaMV 35S promoter. The BSV promoters for pregenomic RNA represent useful tools for the high-level expression of foreign genes in transgenic monocots.  相似文献   
A rapid, sensitive, and convenient method for detecting a specific bacterium was developed by using a GFP phage. Here we describe a model system that utilizes the temperate Escherichia coli-restricted bacteriophage lambda, which was genetically modified to express a reporter gene for GFP to identify the colon bacillus E. coli in the specimen. E. coli infected with GFP phage was detected by GFP fluorescence after 4-6 hr of incubation. The results show that a few bacteria in a specimen can be detected under fluorescence microscopy equipped with a sensitive cooled CCD camera. When E. coli and Mycobacterium smegmatis were mixed in a solution containing GFP phage, only E. coli was infected, indicating the specificity of this method. The method has the following advantages: 1) Bacteria from biological samples need not be purified unless they contain fluorescent impurities; 2) The infection of GFP phage to bacteria is specific; 3) The fluorescence of GFP within infected bacteria enables highly sensitive detection; 4) Exogenous substrates and cofactors are not required for fluorescence. Therefore this method is suitable for any phage-bacterium system when bacteria-specific phages are available.  相似文献   
Actin filament (F-actin) assembly kinetics determines the locomotion and shape of crawling eukaryotic cells, but the nature of these kinetics and their determining reactions are unclear. Live BHK21 fibroblasts, mouse melanoma cells, and Dictyostelium amoebae, locomoting on glass and expressing Green Fluorescent Protein-actin fusion proteins, were examined by confocal microscopy. The cells demonstrated three-dimensional bands of F-actin, which propagated throughout the cytoplasm at rates usually ranging between 2 and 5 microm/min in each cell type and produced lamellipodia or pseudopodia at the cell boundary. F-actin's dynamic behavior and supramolecular spatial patterns resembled in detail self-organized chemical waves in dissipative, physico-chemical systems. On this basis, the present observations provide the first evidence of self-organized, and probably autocatalytic, chemical reaction-diffusion waves of reversible actin filament assembly in vertebrate cells and a comprehensive record of wave and locomotory dynamics in vegetative-stage Dictyostelium cells. The intensity and frequency of F-actin wavefronts determine locomotory cell projections and the rotating oscillatory waves, which structure the cell surface. F-actin assembly waves thus provide a fundamental, deterministic, and nonlinear mechanism of cell locomotion and shape, which complements mechanisms based exclusively on stochastic molecular reaction kinetics.  相似文献   
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