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Cysteine synthases were partially purified from leaf tissue of 3 selenium-accumulator species (Neptunia amplexicaulis, Astragalus racemosus and A. bisulcatus) and 4 non-accumulators (peas, white clover, A. sinicus and A. hamosus). The properties of all 7 enzymes with respect to cysteine synthesis from S2? and O-acetylserine (OAS) were similar. All of the enzymes also catalysed the synthesis of selenocysteine when S2? was replaced with Se2?. There were no distinct differences between the properties of the enzymes from selenium-accumulator and non-accumulator plants with respect to selenocysteine synthesis. Se2? inhibited the synthesis of cysteine and S2? inhibited the synthesis of selenocysteine implying competition between S2? and Se2? for the enzyme. The affinities of the enzymes for Se2? were substantially greater than for S2?, and Vmax (selenocysteine) was ca 7–48% of Vmax (cysteine). Isolated pea chloroplasts catalysed the synthesis of selenocysteine from OAS and Se2? at a rate of ca 22–26 μmol/mg Chl/hr. Sonicating the chloroplasts slightly enhanced the rate.  相似文献   
About 68–86% of the cysteine synthase activity in leaf tissue of white clover (Trifolium repens) and peas (Pisum sativum cultivar Massey Gem) was associated with chloroplasts. The enzymes from white clover and peas were purified ca 66 and 12-fold respectively. For clover, the Km values determined by calorimetric and S2? ion electrode methods were: S2? 0.51 and 0.13 mM; O-acetylserine (OAS), 3.5 and 2.O mM respectively. The analogous values for the pea enzyme were: S2?, 0.24 and 0.06 mM; OAS, 3.1 and 0.24 mM. Both enzymes were inhibited by cystathionine and cysteine. Pretreatment with cysteine inactivated the enzyme, but addition of pyridoxal phosphate caused partial reactivation. Isolated pea chloroplasts (70–75 % intact) catalysed OAS-dependent assimilation of sulphide at a mean rate of 88 μmol/mg Chl/hr. About 85 % of the OAS-dependent sulphide assimilated was recovered as cysteine. The rates were unaffected by light and 2 μM DCMU. Sonicating the chloroplasts enhanced the rate by 1.3–2 fold. Cysteine synthase activity was associated with the chloroplast stroma. Similar results were obtained for clover chloroplasts except that both the intactness and the rates were lower.  相似文献   
A methanogenic bacterium, commonly seen in digested sludge and referred to as the fat rod or Methanobacterium soehngenii, has been enriched to a monoculture and is characterized. Cells are gramnegative, non-motile and appear as straight rods with flat ends. They form filaments which can grow to great lengths. The structure of the outer cell envelop is similar to Methanospirillum hungatii. The organism grows on a mineral salt medium with acetate as the only organic component. Acetate is the energy source, and methane is formed exclusively from the methyl group. Acetate and carbon dioxide act as sole carbon source and are assimilated in a molar ratio of about 1.9:1. The reducing equivalents necessary to build biomass from these two precursors are obtained from the total oxidation of some acetate. Hydrogen is not used for methane formation and is not needed for growth. Formate is cleaved into hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Coenzyme M was found to be present at levels of 0.35 nmol per mg of dry cells and F420 amounted to 0.55 g per mg protein. The mean generation time was 9 days at 33°C.  相似文献   
The pathway of autotrophic CO2 fixation in Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum has been investigated by long term labelling of the organism with isotopic acetate and pyruvate while exponentially growing on H2 plus CO2. Maximally 2% of the cell carbon were derived from exogeneous tracer, 98% were synthesized from CO2. Since growth was obviously autotrophic the labelled compounds functioned as tracers of the cellular acetyl CoA and pyruvate pool during cell carbon synthesis from CO2. M. thermoautotrophicum growing in presence of U-14C acetate incorporated 14C into cell compounds derived from acetyl CoA (N-acetyl groups) as well as into compounds derived from pyruvate (alanine), oxaloacetate (aspartate), -ketoglutarate (glutamate), hexosephosphates (galactosamine), and pentosephosphates (ribose). The specific radioactities of N-acetylgroups and of the three amino acids were identical. The hexosamine exhibited a two times higher specific radioactivity, and the pentose a 1.6 times higher specific radioactivity than e.g. alanine. M. thermoautotrophicum growing in presence of 3-14C pyruvate, however, did not incorporate 14C into cell compounds directly derived from acetyl CoA. Those compounds derived from pyruvate, dicarboxylic acids and hexosephosphates became labelled. The specific radioactivities of alanine, aspartate and glutamate were identical; the hexosamine had a specific radioactivity twice as high as e.g. alanine.The finding that pyruvate was not incorporated into compounds derived from acetyl CoA, whereas acetate was incorporated into derivatives of acetyl CoA and pyruvate in a 1:1 ratio demonstrates that pyruvate is synthesized by reductive carboxylation of acetyl CoA. The data further provide evidence that in this autotrophic CO2 fixation pathway hexosephosphates and pentosephosphates are synthesized from CO2 via acetyl CoA and pyruvate.  相似文献   
Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) generally enhances C3 plant productivity, whereas acute heat stress, which occurs during heat waves, generally elicits the opposite response. However, little is known about the interaction of these two variables, especially during key reproductive phases in important temperate food crops, such as soybean (Glycine max). Here, we grew soybean under elevated [CO2] and imposed high‐ (+9°C) and low‐ (+5°C) intensity heat waves during key temperature‐sensitive reproductive stages (R1, flowering; R5, pod‐filling) to determine how elevated [CO2] will interact with heat waves to influence soybean yield. High‐intensity heat waves, which resulted in canopy temperatures that exceeded optimal growth temperatures for soybean, reduced yield compared to ambient conditions even under elevated [CO2]. This was largely due to heat stress on reproductive processes, especially during R5. Low‐intensity heat waves did not affect yields when applied during R1 but increased yields when applied during R5 likely due to relatively lower canopy temperatures and higher soil moisture, which uncoupled the negative effects of heating on cellular‐ and leaf‐level processes from plant‐level carbon assimilation. Modeling soybean yields based on carbon assimilation alone underestimated yield loss with high‐intensity heat waves and overestimated yield loss with low‐intensity heat waves, thus supporting the influence of direct heat stress on reproductive processes in determining yield. These results have implications for rain‐fed cropping systems and point toward a climatic tipping point for soybean yield when future heat waves exceed optimum temperature.  相似文献   
The development of an analytical probe to monitor highly mutagenic picric acid (PA) carries enormous significance for the environment and for health. A novel, simple and rapid fluorescence analytical assay using sulfur‐doped graphene quantum dots (SGQDs) was designed for the highly sensitive and selective detection of PA. SGQDs were synthesized via simple pyrolysis of 3‐mercaptopropionic acid and citric acid and characterized using advanced analytical techniques. Fluorescence intensity (FI) of SGQDs was markedly quenched by addition of PA, attributed to the inner filter effect and dominating static quenching mechanism between the two, in addition to a significant colour change. The calibration curve of the proposed assay exhibited a favourable linearity between quenched FI and PA concentration over the 0.1–100 μΜ range with a lowest detection limit of 0.093 μΜ and a correlation coefficient of 0.9967. The analytical assay was investigated for detection of trace amounts of PA in pond and rain water samples and showed great potential for practical applications with both acceptable recovery (98.0–100.8%) and relative standard deviation (1.24–4.67%). Analytical performance of the assay in terms of its detection limit, linearity range, and recovery exhibited reasonable superiority over previously reported methods, thereby holding enormous promise as a simple, sensitive, and selective method for detection of PA.  相似文献   
Developmental bias toward particular evolutionary trajectories can be facilitated through symbiosis. Organisms are holobionts, consisting of zygote‐derived cells and a consortia of microbes, and the development, physiology, and immunity of animals are properties of complex interactions between the zygote‐derived cells and microbial symbionts. Such symbionts can be agents of developmental plasticity, allowing an organism to develop in particular directions. This plasticity can lead to genetic assimilation either through the incorporation of microbial genes into host genomes or through the direct maternal transmission of the microbes. Such plasticity can lead to niche construction, enabling the microbes to remodel host anatomy and/or physiology. In this article, I will focus on the ability of symbionts to bias development toward the evolution of herbivory. I will posit that the behavioral and morphological manifestations of herbivorous phenotypes must be preceded by the successful establishment of a community of symbiotic microbes that can digest cell walls and detoxify plant poisons. The ability of holobionts to digest plant materials can range from being a plastic trait, dependent on the transient incorporation of environmental microbes, to becoming a heritable trait of the holobiont organism, transmitted through the maternal propagation of symbionts or their genes.  相似文献   
Lithium–sulfur batteries (LSBs) are a class of new‐generation rechargeable high‐energy‐density batteries. However, the persisting issue of lithium polysulfides (LiPs) dissolution and the shuttling effect that impedes the efficiency of LSBs are challenging to resolve. Herein a general synthesis of highly dispersed pyrrhotite Fe1?xS nanoparticles embedded in hierarchically porous nitrogen‐doped carbon spheres (Fe1?xS‐NC) is proposed. Fe1?xS‐NC has a high specific surface area (627 m2 g?1), large pore volume (0.41 cm3 g?1), and enhanced adsorption and electrocatalytic transition toward LiPs. Furthermore, in situ generated large mesoporous pores within carbon spheres can accommodate high sulfur loading of up to 75%, and sustain volume variations during charge/discharge cycles as well as improve ionic/mass transfer. The exceptional adsorption properties of Fe1?xS‐NC for LiPs are predicted theoretically and confirmed experimentally. Subsequently, the electrocatalytic activity of Fe1?xS‐NC is thoroughly verified. The results confirm Fe1?xS‐NC is a highly efficient nanoreactor for sulfur loading. Consequently, the Fe1?xS‐NC nanoreactor performs extremely well as a cathodic material for LSBs, exhibiting a high initial capacity of 1070 mAh g?1 with nearly no capacity loss after 200 cycles at 0.5 C. Furthermore, the resulting LSBs display remarkably enhanced rate capability and cyclability even at a high sulfur loading of 8.14 mg cm?2.  相似文献   
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