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《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(5):751-757
The biosynthesis of L-phenylalanine (Phe) is one of the most complicated amino acid synthesis pathways. In this study, the engineering of Phe producer was carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of systems level engineering: (1) inactivated glucose specific phosphoenolpyruvate-carbohydrate phosphotransferase (PTS) system by inactivation of crr to moderate the glucose uptake rate to reduce overflow metabolism; (2) genetic switch on or off the expression of phefbr, aroG15, ydiB, aroK, and tyrB to increase the supply of precursors; (3) employed a tyrA mutant strain to reduce carbon diversion and to result in non-growing cells; (4) enhanced the efflux of Phe by overexpressing yddG to shift equilibrium towards Phe synthesis and to release the feedback regulation in Phe synthesis. The mutants in PTS were firstly compared and a crr mutant was firstly screened. The mutant AroG15 was demonstrated to a thermostable mutant. The strains expressing yddG excreted Phe into the medium at higher rate and less intracellular Phe accumulated. By systems level engineering, an engineered Phe producer achieved 47.0 g/L Phe with a yield of 0.252 g/g which was the highest under the non-optimized fermentation condition.  相似文献   
A new crystal structure of human ubiquitin is reported at 1.8 Å resolution. Compared with the other known crystal structure or the solution NMR structure of monomeric human ubiquitin, this new structure is similar in its overall fold but differs with respect to the conformation of the backbone in a surface‐exposed region. The conformation reported here resembles conformations previously seen in complex with deubiquinating enzymes, wherein the Asp52/Gly53 main chain and Glu24 side chain move. This movement exposes the backbone carbonyl of Asp52 to the exterior of the molecule, making it possible to engage in hydrogen‐bond contacts with neighboring molecules, rather than in an internal hydrogen bond with the backbone of Glu24. This particular crystal form of ubiquitin has been used in a large number of solid state NMR studies. The structure described here elucidates the origin of many of the chemical shift differences comparing solution and solid state studies.  相似文献   
《Developmental cell》2022,57(14):1694-1711.e7
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With the discovery that organisms possess multiple DNA polymerases (Pols) displaying different fidelities, processivities, and activities came the realization that mechanisms must exist to manage the actions of these diverse enzymes to prevent gratuitous mutations. Although many of the Pols encoded by most organisms are largely accurate, and participate in DNA replication and DNA repair, a sizeable fraction display a reduced fidelity, and act to catalyze potentially error-prone translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) past lesions that persist in the DNA. Striking the proper balance between use of these different enzymes during DNA replication, DNA repair, and TLS is essential for ensuring accurate duplication of the cell's genome. This review highlights mechanisms that organisms utilize to manage the actions of their different Pols. A particular emphasis is placed on discussion of current models for how different Pols switch places with each other at the replication fork during high fidelity replication and potentially error-pone TLS.  相似文献   
Several vector systems are available for tissue-specific transactivation or chemical induction of transgene expression in plants. The choice facing researchers is which promoter system to commit to as this determines the range and characteristics of the expression resources available. The decision will not be the same for all species or applications. We present some general discussion on the use of these technologies and review in detail the properties in various (mainly angiosperm) species of the most promising: mGal4:VP16/UAS and pOp/LhG4 for transactivation, and the alc-switch, GVE/VGE, GVG, pOp6/LhGR, and XVE systems for chemical induction.  相似文献   
A method for the analysis of dissolved hydrogen sulfide in crude oil samples is demonstrated using gas chromatography. In order to effectively eliminate interferences, a two dimensional column configuration is used, with a Deans switch employed to transfer hydrogen sulfide from the first to the second column (heart-cutting). Liquid crude samples are first separated on a dimethylpolysiloxane column, and light gases are heart-cut and further separated on a bonded porous layer open tubular (PLOT) column that is able to separate hydrogen sulfide from other light sulfur species. Hydrogen sulfide is then detected with a sulfur chemiluminescence detector, adding an additional layer of selectivity. Following separation and detection of hydrogen sulfide, the system is backflushed to remove the high-boiling hydrocarbons present in the crude samples and to preserve chromatographic integrity. Dissolved hydrogen sulfide has been quantified in liquid samples from 1.1 to 500 ppm, demonstrating wide applicability to a range of samples. The method has also been successfully applied for the analysis of gas samples from crude oil headspace and process gas bags, with measurement from 0.7 to 9,700 ppm hydrogen sulfide.  相似文献   
Visinin-like protein (VILIP-1) belongs to the neuronal Ca2+ sensor family of EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins that regulate a variety of Ca2+-dependent signal transduction processes in neurons. It is an interaction partner of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and increases surface expression level and agonist sensitivity of the receptor in oocytes. Nicotine stimulation of nicotinic receptors has been reported to lead to an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration by Ca2+-permeable nAChRs, which in turn might lead to activation of VILIP-1, by a mechanism described as the Ca2+-myristoyl switch. It has been postulated that this will lead to co-localization of the proteins at cell membranes, where VILIP-1 can influence functional activity of α4-containing nAChRs. In order to test this hypothesis we have investigated whether a nicotine-induced and reversible Ca2+-myristoyl switch of VILIP-1 exists in primary hippocampal neurons and whether pharmacological agents, such as antagonist specific for distinct nAChRs, can interfere with the Ca2+-dependent membrane localization of VILIP-1. Here we report, that only α7- but not α4-containing nAChRs are able to elicit a Ca2+-dependent and reversible membrane-translocation of VILIP-1 in interneurons as revealed by employing the specific receptor antagonists dihydro-beta-erythroidine and methylallylaconitine. The nAChRs are associated with processes of synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons and they have been implicated in the pathology of CNS disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. VILIP-1 might provide a novel functional crosstalk between α4- and α7-containing nAChRs.  相似文献   
目的:探讨运用增强子上调肿瘤特异性启动子h TERT转录活性后,调控自杀融合基因CDTK对人肝癌细胞系Bel-7402的体内外杀伤作用。方法:将CMV增强子、h TERT启动子及CDTK自杀融合基因克隆入核糖体基因区打靶载体p Hrn,构建p Hr-Ce Tp CDTK-GFP治疗载体并转染Bel-7402细胞,经RT-PCR、HPLC、MTT检测CDTK基因的表达和对肝癌细胞的体外杀伤效果。再将Bel-7402细胞接种到裸鼠皮下致瘤,以肿瘤杀伤载体p Hr-Ce Tp CDTK-GFP进行瘤内转染并检测其抑瘤效果,此外将转染后的细胞接种致瘤,检测其成瘤时间及肿瘤生长曲线等,从两方面检测其体内杀伤效果。结果:成功构建了肿瘤特异性治疗载体,体外转染肝癌细胞后,经RTPCR、HPLC证明CDTK基因能在肝癌中表达,且治疗载体在体外对肝癌细胞有明显毒性。动物实验结果发现裸鼠致瘤后治疗组血清中5-Fu浓度为7.694μg/ml,治疗组肿瘤体积与对照组相比减小6.5倍。而细胞转染治疗载体后致瘤,治疗组成瘤时间比对照组晚8天,且治疗组裸鼠的平均生存期较对照组延长16天。结论:p Hr-Ce Tp CDTK-GFP载体能在体内外高效靶向杀伤肝癌细胞,为肝癌基因治疗提供了一种新的途径。  相似文献   
Crystal structures of cleaved and uncleaved forms of the YscU cytoplasmic domain, an essential component of the type III secretion system (T3SS) in Yersinia pestis, have been solved by single‐wavelength anomolous dispersion and refined with X‐ray diffraction data extending up to atomic resolution (1.13 Å). These crystallographic studies provide structural insights into the conformational changes induced upon auto‐cleavage of the cytoplasmic domain of YscU. The structures indicate that the cleaved fragments remain bound to each other. The conserved NPTH sequence that contains the site of the N263‐P264 peptide bond cleavage is found on a β‐turn which, upon cleavage, undergoes a major reorientation of the loop away from the catalytic N263, resulting in altered electrostatic surface features at the site of cleavage. Additionally, a significant conformational change was observed in the N‐terminal linker regions of the cleaved and noncleaved forms of YscU which may correspond to the molecular switch that influences substrate specificity. The YscU structures determined here also are in good agreement with the auto‐cleavage mechanism described for the flagellar homolog FlhB and E. coli EscU.  相似文献   
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