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Escherichia coli has multiple pathways to release nonproductive ribosome complexes stalled at the 3′ end of nonstop mRNA: tmRNA (SsrA RNA)-mediated trans-translation and stop codon-independent termination by ArfA/RF2 or ArfB (YaeJ). The arfA mRNA lacks a stop codon and its expression is repressed by trans-translation. Therefore, ArfA is considered to complement the ribosome rescue activity of trans-translation, but the physiological situations in which ArfA is expressed have not been elucidated. Here, we found that the excision of CP4-57 prophage adjacent to E. coli ssrA leads to the inactivation of tmRNA and switches the primary rescue pathway from trans-translation to ArfA/RF2. This “rescue-switching” rearranges not only the proteome landscape in E. coli but also the phenotype such as motility. Furthermore, among the proteins with significantly increased abundance in the ArfA+ cells, we found ZntR, whose mRNA is transcribed together as the upstream part of nonstop arfA mRNA. Repression of ZntR and reconstituted model genes depends on the translation of the downstream nonstop ORFs that trigger the trans-translation-coupled exonucleolytic degradation by polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase). Namely, our studies provide a novel example of trans-translation-dependent regulation and re-define the physiological roles of prophage excision.  相似文献   
目的 治疗艾滋病最大的障碍在于无法根除人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)潜伏于人体细胞所形成的病毒存储库。构建描述病毒存储库建立分子机制的动力学模型需考虑生物体内的噪声环境和多重影响因素,本文通过一种全新的动力学结构分解方法将随机微分方程的确定性部分与随机性噪声分开,从而在仅需分析常微分方程不动点的情况下即可判断不同药物靶点的作用效果。方法 使用连续的随机微分方程构建了HIV转录过程的动力学模型,简化了描述系统所需方程的维度,增大了模型的可探索空间,在此基础上,通过计算得到的势能函数和概率分布函数直观表示病毒潜伏与激活的不同表达状态以及它们之间的关系。结果 定量分析了不同动力学参数对系统稳态和势函数的影响程度,分别得到了系统处于双稳态和单稳态时的参数范围,并将不同因素对动力系统分岔的影响程度与生物学实验结果对比,验证了本工作的理论基础。结论 本文突破了以往离散、随机的方法,可以通过常微分方程定量分析HIV转录调控的动力学机制,有利于推广到处理高维情况,进一步研究艾滋病在生物体内的发生发展,从而指导设计实验寻找临床上的治疗方案。  相似文献   
目的 构建用于检测L-乳酸的新型电化学适配体传感器。方法 基于金钯-掺氮多壁碳纳米管纳米复合材料(Au/Pd-N-MWCNTs)修饰的玻碳电极,通过三螺旋分子开关(triple-helix molecular switch,THMS)触发具有RNA剪切活性的Pb2+辅助的脱氧核酶(DNAzyme)对电极表面固定化信号探针的循环剪切效应,实现L-乳酸的超灵敏电化学检测。采用差分脉冲伏安法(DPV)记录电流信号变化。结果 信号探针浓度4 μmol/L、Pb2+浓度4 μmol/L、DNAzyme剪切孵育时间60 min为传感器最优测试条件。在最优实验条件下,该L-乳酸传感器线性范围为1~20 mmol/L,检出限为0.51 mmol/L。此外,该适配体传感器具有优异的稳定性(RSD=4.56%)、重现性(RSD=2.80%)和选择性。在人血清样本中检测L-乳酸时回收率为105.60%~110.80%,RSD为2.35%~4.56%,与传统方法具有较好的一致性。结论 该适配体传感器能实现L-乳酸的超灵敏检测,在生物医学诊断、食品工业和环境监测等领域具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
It remains unclear whether the necessity of calcified mellitus induced by high inorganic phosphate (Pi) is required and the roles of autophagy plays in aldosterone (Aldo)‐enhanced vascular calcification (VC) and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) osteogenic differentiation. In the present study, we found that Aldo enhanced VC both in vivo and in vitro only in the presence of high Pi, alongside with increased expression of VSMC osteogenic proteins (BMP2, Runx2 and OCN) and decreased expression of VSMC contractile proteins (α‐SMA, SM22α and smoothelin). However, these effects were blocked by mineralocorticoid receptor inhibitor, spironolactone. In addition, the stimulatory effects of Aldo on VSMC calcification were further accelerated by the autophagy inhibitor, 3‐MA, and were counteracted by the autophagy inducer, rapamycin. Moreover, inhibiting adenosine monophosphate‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) by Compound C attenuated Aldo/MR‐enhanced VC. These results suggested that Aldo facilitates high Pi‐induced VSMC osteogenic phenotypic switch and calcification through MR‐mediated signalling pathways that involve AMPK‐dependent autophagy, which provided new insights into Aldo excess‐associated VC in various settings.  相似文献   
Lactic acid is widely used in many industries, especially in the production of poly-lactic acid. Bacillus coagulans is a promising lactic acid producer in industrial fermentation due to its thermophilic property. In this study, we developed the first genome-scale metabolic model (GEM) of B. coagulans iBag597, together with an enzyme-constrained model ec-iBag597. We measured strain-specific biomass composition and integrated the data into a biomass equation. Then, we validated iBag597 against experimental data generated in this study, including amino acid requirements and carbon source utilization, showing that simulations were generally consistent with the experimental results. Subsequently, we carried out chemostats to investigate the effects of specific growth rate and culture pH on metabolism of B. coagulans. Meanwhile, we used iBag597 to estimate the intracellular metabolic fluxes for those conditions. The results showed that B. coagulans was capable of generating ATP via multiple pathways, and switched among them in response to various conditions. With ec-iBag597, we estimated the protein cost and protein efficiency for each ATP-producing pathway to investigate the switches. Our models pave the way for systems biology of B. coagulans, and our findings suggest that maintaining a proper growth rate and selecting an optimal pH are beneficial for lactate fermentation.  相似文献   
In healing tissue, fibroblasts differentiate to α-smooth muscle actin (SMA)-expressing contractile-myofibroblasts, which pull the wound edges together ensuring proper tissue repair. Uncontrolled expansion of the myofibroblast population may, however, lead to excessive tissue scarring and finally to organ dysfunction. Here, we demonstrate that the loss of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) 1 overactivates the JNK1/2-c-Jun-Fra-2 signaling pathway leading to the induction of α-SMA and periostin expression in human lung fibroblasts (hLF). These changes are accompanied by increased contractility of the cells and the integrin- and protease-dependent release of active transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 from the extracellular matrix (ECM) stores. Liberation of active TGF-β1 from the ECM further enhances α-SMA and periostin expression thus accelerating the phenotypic switch of hLF. Global gene expression profiling of LRP1-depleted hLF revealed that the loss of LRP1 affects cytoskeleton reorganization, cell-ECM contacts, and ECM production. In line with these findings, fibrotic changes in the skin and lung of Fra-2 transgenic mice were associated with LRP1 depletion and c-Jun overexpression. Altogether, our results suggest that dysregulation of LRP1 expression in fibroblasts in healing tissue may lead to the unrestrained expansion of contractile myofibroblasts and thereby to fibrosis development. Further studies identifying molecules, which regulate LRP1 expression, may provide new therapeutic options for largely untreatable human fibrotic diseases.  相似文献   
Mutualism is thought to face a threat of coextinction cascade because the loss of a member species could lead to the extinction of the other member. Despite this common emphasis on the perils of such knock-on effect, hitherto, the evolutionary causes leading to extinction have been less emphasised. Here, we examine how extinction could be triggered in mutualism and whether an evolutionary response to partner loss could prevent collateral extinctions, by theoretically examining the coevolution of the host exploitation by symbionts and host dependence on symbiosis. Our model reveals that mutualism is more vulnerable to co-extinction through adaptive evolution (evolutionary double suicide) than parasitism. Additionally, it shows that the risk of evolutionary double suicide rarely promotes the backward evolution to an autonomous (non-symbiotic) state. Our results provide a new perspective on the evolutionary fragility of mutualism and the rarity of observed evolutionary transitions from mutualism to parasitism.  相似文献   
《Molecular cell》2023,83(7):1043-1060.e10
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Abstract.  1. The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida , is a parasite of honeybee ( Apis mellifera ) colonies native to sub-Saharan Africa and has become an invasive species. In North America the beetle is now sympatric with bumblebees, Bombus , not occurring in its native range. Laboratory studies have shown that small hive beetles can reproduce in bumblebee colonies but it was not known whether infestations occur in the field.
2. For the first time, infestation of bumblebee colonies by small hive beetles was investigated in the field. Commercial Bombus impatiens colonies ( n = 10) were installed in proximity to infested apiaries. Within 8 weeks, all colonies that were alive in the 5-week observation period ( n = 9) became naturally infested with adult small hive beetles and successful small hive beetle reproduction occurred in five colonies.
3. In four-square choice tests, the beetles were attracted to both adult bumblebee workers and pollen from bumblebee nests, suggesting that these odours may serve as cues for host finding.
4. The data indicate that bumblebee colonies may serve as alternative hosts for small hive beetles in the field. To foster the conservation of these essential native pollinators, investigations on the actual impact of small hive beetles on wild bumblebee populations are suggested.  相似文献   
A theoretical analysis of the nature of the interactions in dibenzo[24]crown-8 (DB24C8)-n-dibutylammonium (DBM)—pseudorotaxane complex at the MP2 and DFT levels shows that the main contribution to the binding energy is the electrostatic interaction with moderate (20–25%) correlation stabilization. The total binding energy in the DB24C8-DBM complex represents a sum of the binding energies of two NH–O and one CH–O hydrogen bonds and the latter constitutes about 25% of the total interaction energy, giving the total binding energy of −41.2 kcal mol−1 at the BHandHLYP/6-311++G** level. Deprotonation of the DB24C8-DBM complex reduces the binding energy by some 50 kcal mol−1, giving metastable complexes DB24C8-DBA-1 or DB24C8-DBA-2, which will dissociate to give free crown ether and n-dibutylamine because of the strong exchange repulsion that prevails in neutral complexes. Figure Formation of DB24C8-DBM pseudorotoxane complex  相似文献   
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