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The activities of alkaline lipase (EC, AlkL), isocitrate lyase (EC ICL), pyruvate kinase (EC PK) and glucose–6–phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, G6PDH) were determined in cultured, dormant embryos of apple (Malus domestica Borb. cv. Antonówka), pretreated with gaseous HCN. The C6/C1 , ratio was estimated in the same material. The activities of AlkL and ICL were not stimulated by HCN pretreatment until the period of maximum stimulation of germination. The activity of G6PDH was inhibited by cyanide only late during the culture of embryos. Therefore, the changes in these activities are considered to be the result and not the cause of enhanced germination. On the other hand, also PK, active very early during the culture of embryos, was modified as a result of the treatment. The cyanide-induced changes in activity of this enzyme in cotyledons (inhibition followed by stimulation) were similar to those in the whole embryo, whereas its changes in the embryonal axis (stimulation followed by inhibition) resembled CN-induced changes in PK in axes of apple seeds submitted to cold stratification (Bogatek and Lewak 1988). The estimation of C6/C1 ratios partly confirmed these observations. A role of HCN-induced modifications of PK activity in embryonal dormancy is proposed.  相似文献   
Explants excised from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) plantlets were cultured in vitro for 21 days on half-strength MS (Murashige & Skoog 1962) basal liquid medium with 20 g l-1 sucrose and without sugar in the vessels capped with gas permeable microporous polypropylene film. The experiments were conducted under CO2 nonenriched (350–450 mol mol-1 in the culture room) and CO2 enriched (2,000 mol mol-1 during the photoperiod in the culture room) conditions with a PPF (photosynthetic photon flux) of 200 mol m-2 s-1. The CO2 concentration in the vessels decreased to approximately 200 mol mol-1 during the photoperiod on day 21 under CO2 nonenriched conditions. The fresh and dry weight, net photosynthetic rate (NPR) per plantlet, NPR per g leaf fresh weight, NPR per g leaf dry weight, the number of unfolded leaves, and ion uptake of PO4 3-, NO3 -, Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ on day 21 were the greatest under photoautotrophic (no sugar in the medium) and CO2 enriched conditions. The residual percent of PO4 3- was 3% on day 21 under photoautotrophic and CO2 enriched conditions.Abbreviations MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) basal medium composition - NPR net photosynthetic rate - PPF photosynthetic photon flux  相似文献   
Summary A Na+-sensitive uptake of 3-O-methylglucose (3-O-MG), a nonmetabolized sugar, was characterized in frog skeletal muscle. A removal of Na+ from the bathing solution reduced 3-O-MG uptake, depending on the amount of Na+ removed. At a 3-O-MG concentration of 2mm, the Na+-sensitive component of uptake in Ringer's solution was estimated to be about 26% of the total uptake. The magnitude of Na+-sensitive component sigmoidally increased with an increase of 3-O-MG in bathing solution, whereas in Na+-free Ringer's solution the uptake was proportional to the concentration. The half saturation of the Na+-sensitive component was at a 3-O-MG concentration of about 13mm, and the Hill coefficient was 1.4 to 1.6. Phlorizin (5mm), a potent inhibitor specific for Na+-coupled glucose transport, reduced the uptake in a solution containing Na+ to the level in Na+-free Ringer's solution. Glucose of concentrations higher than 20mm suppressed 3-O-MG uptake to a level slightly lower than that in Na+-free Ringer's solution. These observations indicate that there are Na+-coupled sugar transport systems in frog skeletal muscle which are shared by both glucose and 3-O-MG.  相似文献   
Summary Methods are described which demonstrate the use of unidirectional influx of14C-tetraphenylphosphonium (14C-TPP+) into isolated intestinal epithelial cells as a quantitative sensor of the magnitude of membrane potentials created by experimentally imposed ion gradients. Using this technique the quantitative relationship between membrane potential () and Na+-dependent sugar influx was determined for these cells at various Na+ and -methylglucoside (-MG) concentrations. The results show a high degree of dependence for the transport Michaelis constant but a maximum velocity for transport which is independent of . No transinhibition by intracellular sugar (40mm) can be detected. Sugar influx in the absence of Na+ is insensitive to 1.3mm phlorizin and independent of . The mechanistic implications of these results were evaluated using the quality of fit between calculated and experimentally observed kinetic constants for rate equations derived from several transport models. The analysis shows that for models in which translocation is the potential-dependent step the free carrier cannot be neutral. If it is anionic, the transporter must be functionally asymmetric. A model in which Na+ binding is the potential-dependent step (Na+ well concept) also provides an appropriate kinetic fit to the experimental data, and must be considered as a possible mechanistic basis for function of the system.  相似文献   
Abstract Atriplex amnicola, was grown in nutrient solution cultures with concentrations of NaCl up to 750 mol m?3. The growth optimum was at 25–50 mol m?3 NaCl and growth was 10–15% of that value at 750 mol m?3 NaCl. Sodium chloride at 200 mol m?3 and higher reduced the rate of leaf extension and increased the time taken for a leaf to reach its maximal length. Concentrations of Na+, K+ and Mg2+ in leaves of different ages were investigated for plants grown at 25, 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. Although leaves of plants grown at 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl had high Na+ concentrations at young developmental stages, much of this Na+ was located in the salt bladders. Leaves excluding bladders had low Na+ concentrations when young, but very high in Na+ when old. In contrast to Na+, K+ concentrations were similar in bladders and leaves excluding bladders. Concentrations of K+ were higher in the rapidly expanding than in the old leaves. At 400 mol m?3 NaCl, the K+:Na+ ratios of the leaves excluding bladders were 0.4–0.6 and 0.1 for rapidly expanding and oldest leaves, respectively. The Na+ content in moles per leaf, excluding bladders, increased linearly with the age of the leaves; concurrent increases in succulence were closely correlated with the Na + concentration in the leaves excluding the bladders. Soluble sugars and starch in leaves, stems and buds were determined at dusk and dawn. There was a pronounced diurnal fluctation in concentrations of carbohydrates. During the night, most plant parts showed large decreases in starch and sugar. Concentrations of carbohydrates in most plant organs were similar for plants grown at 25 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. One notable exception was buds at dusk, where sugar and starch concentrations were 30–35% less in plants grown at 400 mol m?3 NaCl than in plants grown at 25 mol m?3 NaCl. The data indicate that the growth of A. amnicola at 400 mol m?3 NaCl is not limited by the availability of photosynthate in the plant as a whole. However, there could have been a growth limitation due to inadequate organic solutes for osmotic regulation.  相似文献   
Uridine diphospho glucose (UDP-Glc) and uridine diphospho N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc), modified in the uridine moiety by either periodate oxidation of the ribose ring or substitution at position 5 of the uracil ring with fluorine, have been tested as potential inhibitors of glucosyl monophosphoryl dolichol (Glc-P-Dol) or N,N-diacetylchitobiosyl pyrophosphoryl dolichol [GlcNAc)2-PP-Dol) assembly in chick embryo cell membranes. The periodate oxidised sugar nucleotides inhibited glycosyl transfer from their respective natural counterparts by 50% at 230 micron periodate oxidised UDP-Glc and 70 micron periodate oxidised UDP-GlcNAc respectively. Inhibition in both cases was irreversible and addition of exogenous Dol-P stimulated only the residual non-inhibited reaction. Periodate oxidised UDP-GlcNAc preferentially inhibited the transfer of GlcNAc to GlcNac-PP-Dol. The sugar nucleotide containing 5-fluorouridine were, on the other hand, alternative substrates for Glc-P-Dol or (GlcNAc)2-PP-Dol synthesis. FUDP-Glc was a good substrate for Glc-P-Dol formation; having Km and Vmax values equal to those of UDP-Glc, whereas FUDP-GlcNAc was a less efficient substrate for the formation of (GlcNAc)2-PP-Dol; having Km and Vmax values one half and one third respectively of those of UDP-GlcNAc.  相似文献   
In the cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Straight Eight) cotyledon expansion assay, cytokinin-stimulated ethylene production was separated from cytokinin-stimulated growth through the use of potassium and calcium salts. Low concentrations of KC1, which dramatically promoted growth induced by cytokinin, inhibited ethylene evolution, while CaCl2 at a concentration that had no effect on growth, strongly promoted the cytokinin-induced ethylene evolution. In contrast to the growth response, stimulation of ethylene production was not directly related to the presence of potassium or calcium but to their relative concentrations. Concentrations of KCl and CaCl2 which promoted ethylene evolution singly, strongly inhibited it when mixed together. Low rates of exogenous ethylene had no effect on the growth response. Both the growth and ethylene responses were found to be general cytokinin phenomena. Cotyledon respiration was promoted by KC1, CaCl2 and cytokinin, but its stimulation was not correlated with either growth or ethylene production. In the presence of KClm cytokinin-induced respiration sharply lowered the content of certain sugars during the large growth response and followed KCl uptake. Analysis of KCl uptake showed that its growth promoting synergism with cytokinin was not due to osmotic effects.  相似文献   
6-C-α-l-Arabinopyranosyl- and furanosylacacetins have been synthesized. They are isomerized by short acid treatment to give a mixture of the four anomer/ring size combinations without any Wessely-Moser isomerization. In the same conditions molludistin (8-C-α-l-arabinopyranosylgenkwanin) led only to a mixture of molludistin and 8-C-α-l-arabinofuranosylgenkwanin. This is the first demonstration of ring sugar isomerization in C-glycosylflavones. In usual solvent systems, α-anomers are easily separated from β-anomers, whereas corresponding pyranosyl and furanosyl anomers are not. However, they are easily separated after permethylation and characteristic features are found in the mass spectra of PM 6-C-arabinofuranosyl isomers.  相似文献   
Column chromatography of the Escherichia coli mannitol permease (mannitol-specific enzyme II of the phosphotransferase system) in the presence of deoxycholate has revealed that the active permease can exist in at least two association states with apparent molecular weights consistent with a monomer and a dimer. The monomeric conformation is favored by the presence of mannitol and by the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphorylation of the protein. The dimer is stabilized by inorganic phosphate (Pi), which also stimulates phospho-exchange between mannitol and mannitol 1-phosphate (a partial reaction in the overall PEP-dependent phosphorylation of mannitol). Kinetic analysis of the phospho-exchange reaction revealed that Pi stimulates phospho-exchange by increasing the Vmax of the reaction. A kinetic model for mannitol permease function is presented involving both conformations of the permease. The monomer (or a less-stable conformation of the dimer) is hypothesized to be involved in the initial mannitol-binding and PEP-dependent phosphorylation steps, while the stably associated dimer is suggested to participate in later steps involving direct phosphotransfer between the permease, mannitol and mannitol 1-phosphate.  相似文献   
Summary The sulfhydryl reagent 5, 5-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) was used to study the functional role of an exofacial sulfhydryl group on the human erythrocyte hexose carrier. Above 1mm DTNB rapidly inhibited erythrocyte 3-O-methylglucose influx, but only to about half of control rates. Efflux was also inhibited, but to a lesser extent. Uptake inhibition was completely reversed by incubation and washing with 10mm cysteine, whereas it was only partially reduced by washing in buffer alone, suggesting both covalent and noncovalent interactions. The covalent thiol-reversible reaction of DTNB occurred on the exofacial carrier, since (i) penetration of DTNB into cells was minimal, (ii) blockade of potential uptake via the anion transporter did not affect DTNB-induced hexose transport inhibition, and (iii) DTNB protected from transport inhibition by the impermeant sulfhydryl reagent glutathione-maleimide-I. Maltose at 120mm accelerated the covalent transport inhibition induced by DTNB, whereas 6.5 m cytochalasin B had the opposite effect, indicating under the one-site carrier model that the reactive sulfhydryl is on the outward-facing carrier but not in the substrate-binding site. In contrast to glutathione-maleimide-I, however, DTNB did not restrict the ability of the carrier to reorient inwardly, since it did not affect equilibrium cytochalasin B binding. Thus, carrier conformation determines exposure of the exofacial carrier sulfydryl, but reaction of this group may not always lock the carrier in an outward-facing conformation.  相似文献   
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