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甘南尕海湿地退化过程中植被生物量变化及其季节动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨尕海湿地退化过程中植被生物量变化规律,以尕海泥炭沼泽和沼泽化草甸为例,采用定位样地调查方法,研究了不同退化程度湿地植被生物量的时空分布格局。结果表明,1)随着湿地退化演替,两类湿地植被地上生物量逐渐减小,泥炭沼泽未退化(PⅠ)、退化阶段(PⅡ)地上生物量依次为334.19,290.72 g/m~2,沼泽化草甸未退化(SⅠ)、轻度退化(SⅡ)、中度退化(SⅢ)地上生物量依次为378.40,308.07,261.21 g/m~2;地上生物量季节动态规律均为单峰型,8月中下旬达到峰值;同一湿地类型各退化阶段地上生物量绝对增长率(AGR)和相对增长率(RGR)在同一年份变化趋势基本相同,但不同年份间存在差异,而同一湿地类型不同阶段AGR和RGR的大小存在差异。2)地下生物量也随退化程度加剧显著减小(P0.05),PⅠ,PⅡ地上生物量依次为23081.46,12607.72 g/m~2,SⅠ,SⅡ,SⅢ地下生物量依次为4583.16,3008.63,1290.73 g/m~2;地下生物量季节变化均表现出愈接近生长季始末值愈大;地下生物量由土壤表层向深层显著下降(P0.05),总体呈"T"形分布,0—10cm土层,泥炭沼泽、沼泽化草甸地下生物量都最大,分别占各自总地下生物量50%和70%以上。3)尕海2类高寒湿地5—9月平均根冠比均表现未退化高于退化,根冠比季节动态为越接近生长季始末值越大,生长旺盛季值越小。  相似文献   
Drainage and agricultural use transform natural peatlands from a net carbon (C) sink to a net C source. Rewetting of peatlands, despite of high methane (CH4) emissions, holds the potential to mitigate climate change by greatly reducing CO2 emissions. However, the time span for this transition is unknown because most studies are limited to a few years. Especially, nonpermanent open water areas often created after rewetting, are highly productive. Here, we present 14 consecutive years of CH4 flux measurements following rewetting of a formerly long-term drained peatland in the Peene valley. Measurements were made at two rewetted sites (non-inundated vs. inundated) using manual chambers. During the study period, significant differences in measured CH4 emissions occurred. In general, these differences overlapped with stages of ecosystem transition from a cultivated grassland to a polytrophic lake dominated by emergent helophytes, but could also be additionally explained by other variables. This transition started with a rapid vegetation shift from dying cultivated grasses to open water floating and submerged hydrophytes and significantly increased CH4 emissions. Since 2008, helophytes have gradually spread from the shoreline into the open water area, especially in drier years. This process was periodically delayed by exceptional inundation and eventually resulted in the inundated site being covered by emergent helophytes. While the period between 2009 and 2015 showed exceptionally high CH4 emissions, these decreased significantly after cattail and other emergent helophytes became dominant at the inundated site. Therefore, CH4 emissions declined only after 10 years of transition following rewetting, potentially reaching a new steady state. Overall, this study highlights the importance of an integrative approach to understand the shallow lakes CH4 biogeochemistry, encompassing the entire area with its mosaic of different vegetation forms. This should be ideally done through a study design including proper measurement site allocation as well as long-term measurements.  相似文献   
陈好  马维伟  龙永春  常文华  杨永凯 《生态学报》2023,43(10):3906-3919
氮矿化是生态系统循环的重要环节之一,影响着生态系统功能和氮素生物地球化学循环,因此研究高寒湿地退化过程中土壤氮矿化演变特征,对揭示气候变化和人为活动干扰背景下的湿地土壤氮素循环过程具有重要意义。以尕海湿地4种不同退化梯度(未退化、轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化)土壤为研究对象,采用野外树脂芯原位培养方法,通过对植物生长季不同生长阶段(生长初期、生长盛期、枯萎期)土壤氮素矿化作用研究,分析湿地退化演替过程中土壤氮矿化时空变化特征及其与土壤环境因子和酶活性之间的关系。结果表明:尕海湿地退化对土壤氮矿化过程有显著抑制作用,与未退化(0.143 mg kg-1 d-1)相比,轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化的土壤净氮矿化速率分别减小了0.018 mg kg-1 d-1、0.025 mg kg-1 d-1、0.020 mg kg-1 d-1;随着退化程度加剧,土壤净氨化速率逐渐减小或者不变,而净硝化速率却增大。随时间推移,各退化...  相似文献   
  • 1 In order to study the dynamics of primary production and decomposition in the lake littoral, an interface zone between the pelagial, the catchment and the atmosphere, we measured ecosystem/atmosphere carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in the littoral zone of an eutrophic boreal lake in Finland during two open water periods (1998–1999). We reconstructed the seasonal net CO2 exchange and identified the key factors controlling CO2 dynamics. The seasonal net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was related to the amount of carbon accumulated in plant biomass.
  • 2 In the continuously inundated zones, spatial and temporal variation in the density of aerial shoots controlled CO2 fluxes, but seasonal net exchange was in most cases close to zero. The lower flooded zone had a net CO2 uptake of 1.8–6.2 mol m?2 per open water period, but the upper flooded zone with the highest photosynthetic capacity and above‐ground plant biomass, had a net CO2 loss of 1.1–7.1 mol m?2 per open water period as a result of the high respiration rate. The excess of respiration can be explained by decomposition of organic matter produced on site in previous years or leached from the catchment.
  • 3 Our results from the two study years suggest that changes in phenology and water level were the prime cause of the large interannual difference in NEE in the littoral zone. Thus, the littoral is a dynamic buffer and source for the load of allochthonous and autochthonous carbon to small lakes.
【背景】甲烷氧化菌在维持湿地生态系统碳平衡方面发挥着重要作用,青海湖高寒湿地具有十分重要的生态地位,但目前有关该地区甲烷氧化菌的研究相对较少。【目的】探究不同类型高寒湿地土壤甲烷氧化菌的群落特征与驱动因素。【方法】以青海湖流域内的小泊湖沼泽湿地、鸟岛湖滨湿地、瓦颜山河源湿地为研究对象,通过高通量测序技术对土壤甲烷氧化菌进行检测。【结果】3种不同类型高寒湿地土壤甲烷氧化菌的优势菌门均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)。鸟岛湖滨湿地与瓦颜山河源湿地的甲烷氧化菌α多样性存在显著差异(P<0.05),而小泊湖沼泽湿地与二者的甲烷氧化菌α多样性的差异不显著(P>0.05)。LEfSe分析表明,不同类型高寒湿地共存在40个差异菌群,尤以瓦颜山河源湿地差异菌群数量最多,从门到属水平均存在显著差异。冗余分析(redundancy analysis,RDA)表明,甲烷氧化菌菌群变化的主要驱动因子为土壤温度、土壤水分、电导率。【结论】整体而言,青海湖3种类型高寒湿地土壤理化性质及甲烷氧化菌群落多样性均存在差异,且部分菌群的相对丰度具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
周士钧  丛岭  刘莹  张振明 《生态学报》2021,41(18):7312-7321
现阶段植物滞尘作为治理大气颗粒物污染的有效方法已被广泛接受与应用。已有研究表明,降雨等方式对植物叶表面颗粒物的滞留有着显著的影响,可有效地将颗粒物从叶表面去除,使植物再次具有滞留颗粒物的能力。由于自然降雨难以量化,现有研究大多采用模拟降雨的方式,将降雨特性量化为降雨强度、降雨历时等可控变量,但较少将降雨高度这一变量纳入研究。且大多以森林生态系统或者城市生态系统中常见的乔、灌、草等植物为主要研究对象,而忽略了处于水陆过渡带的湿地生态系统中植物的特殊性。湿地生态系统不仅可通过植物叶片等结构滞留颗粒物,还可依靠增强空气相对湿度促进颗粒物的吸收和积累,导致湿地植物滞尘规律的特殊性。因此,选择北京地区湿地生态系统内的4种常见植物(香蒲、菖蒲、芦苇和黄花鸢尾)作为研究对象,通过人工模拟降雨的方式,将降雨特性量化为降雨高度与降雨强度两个变量,共设置1 m (11 m)、2 m (10 m)两个不同降雨高度,30 mm/h、45 mm/h、60 mm/h三种不同降雨强度,并将颗粒物划分粗颗粒物(10—100 μm)、细颗粒物(3—10 μm)、超细颗粒物(0.4—3 μm)三种粒径范围。通过滤膜法获得单位叶面积颗粒物去除量,探讨人工降雨对湿地植物叶表面颗粒物滞留的影响。主要研究结果如下:(1)颗粒物去除量在粗颗粒物(10—100 μm)粒径范围内最高;(2)所试4种湿地植物中,菖蒲的颗粒物去除量位居前列;(3)只有在一定的范围内,植物叶表面颗粒物去除量才随降雨强度的增加而增加;(4)不同降雨高度下所试湿地植物叶表面颗粒物去除量无明显规律,降雨高度之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   
To avoid submergence during sea‐level rise, coastal wetlands build soil surfaces vertically through accumulation of inorganic sediment and organic matter. At climatic boundaries where mangroves are expanding and replacing salt marsh, wetland capacity to respond to sea‐level rise may change. To compare how well mangroves and salt marshes accommodate sea‐level rise, we conducted a manipulative field experiment in a subtropical plant community in the subsiding Mississippi River Delta. Experimental plots were established in spatially equivalent positions along creek banks in monospecific stands of Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) or Avicennia germinans (black mangrove) and in mixed stands containing both species. To examine the effect of disturbance on elevation dynamics, vegetation in half of the plots was subjected to freezing (mangrove) or wrack burial (salt marsh), which caused shoot mortality. Vertical soil development was monitored for 6 years with the surface elevation table‐marker horizon system. Comparison of land movement with relative sea‐level rise showed that this plant community was experiencing an elevation deficit (i.e., sea level was rising faster than the wetland was building vertically) and was relying on elevation capital (i.e., relative position in the tidal frame) to survive. Although Avicennia plots had more elevation capital, suggesting longer survival, than Spartina or mixed plots, vegetation type had no effect on rates of accretion, vertical movement in root and sub‐root zones, or net elevation change. Thus, these salt marsh and mangrove assemblages were accreting sediment and building vertically at equivalent rates. Small‐scale disturbance of the plant canopy also had no effect on elevation trajectories—contrary to work in peat‐forming wetlands showing elevation responses to changes in plant productivity. The findings indicate that in this deltaic setting with strong physical influences controlling elevation (sediment accretion, subsidence), mangrove replacement of salt marsh, with or without disturbance, will not necessarily alter vulnerability to sea‐level rise.  相似文献   
黑河下游湿地土壤有机氮组分剖面的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合野外调查,用Bremner法研究了黑河下游湿地不同土壤类型的有机氮组分,结果表明:在0—50 cm土层,5种土壤有机氮均以酸解性氮为主,占全氮的71.04%—81.79%。泥炭土、沼泽土、草甸土、亚高山草甸土所含的酸解氮、非酸解氮和酸解氮组分氨态氮、氨基酸态氮、氨基糖态氮含量的剖面分布总体上均随土层深度的增加而呈降低趋势,而风沙土却相反,上述有机氮组分呈升高趋势。5种土壤酸解氮及其组分氨态氮、氨基酸态氮、氨基糖态氮占全氮比例的剖面分布总体上均随土层深度的增加而呈降低趋势,而非酸解氮却呈升高趋势。5种土壤酸解未知态氮含量及占全氮比例均在剖面分布上无明显特征。在0—30 cm各相同土层内,5种土壤酸解氮各组分含量及占全氮比例的大小顺序均为氨基酸态氮氨态氮未知态氮氨基糖态氮;而在30—50 cm土层,5种土壤酸解氮各组分含量及占全氮比例的大小顺序均无明显特征。此外,黑河下游湿地土壤干化、沙化过程中,表层0—10 cm土壤有机氮组分含量变化明显,其中土壤氨态氮对生态环境变化最为敏感。  相似文献   
雄安新区白洋淀生态属性辨析及生态修复保护研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘俊国  赵丹丹  叶斌 《生态学报》2019,39(9):3019-3025
湿地是自然界生物多样性最丰富的生态系统之一,与社会发展和人类福祉息息相关。近年来,由于全球气候变化和人类活动的过度干扰,湿地正面临着面积萎缩、功能减弱、多样性降低等诸多问题,湿地退化已经成为制约区域可持续性发展的重大阻碍。伴随着生态文明建设逐渐成为中国特色社会主义建设的重要支柱,湿地生态修复工作得到前所未有的制度保障。深入剖析湿地属性,结合政策保障,有针对性的提出湿地保护与修复的治理措施,对区域的生态环境建设和可持续性发展具有重要意义。选择国家级新区-雄安新区的水命脉-白洋淀湿地为研究对象,在深入剖析其生态属性和已存在的生态问题的基础上,结合生态修复的原则、方法和步骤,提出生态修复与保护的可行性策略。研究结果表明,白洋淀本质是典型的湖泊湿地,同时兼具沼泽湿地特征,由于人类活动的剧烈干扰,白洋淀有向沼泽湿地逆向演替的变化趋势。湿地内存在面积萎缩、水资源量短缺、水环境污染问题突出及生物多样性减少等生态问题。本研究建议:为顺利建设雄安新区,首先,白洋淀湿地在算清"水账"、"污账"和"生态账"的前提下,进一步加强流域水资源调配,科学确定白洋淀湿地最佳水位,恢复淀区水量;其次,通过使用清洁生产技术和限制高排污企业建设等措施,加强污染防治,恢复湿地水质;最后,依据生态承载力理论,划分白洋淀流域的生态功能红线、环境质量红线和资源利用红线等国家生态保护红线体系,为尽快恢复湿地结构与功能提供制度保障。  相似文献   
A comparative study of the efficiency of contaminant removal between five emergent plant species and between vegetated and unvegetated wetlands was conducted in small-scale (2.0 m×1.0 m×0.7 m, lengthxwidthxdepth) constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater treatment in order to evaluate the decontaminated effects of different wetland plants. There was generally a significant difference in the removal of total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), but no significant difference in the removal of organic matter between vegetated and unvegetated wetlands. Wetlands planted with Canna indica Linn., Pennisetum purpureum Schum., and Phragmites communis Trin. had generally higher removal rates for TN and TP than wetlands planted with other species. Plant growth and fine root (root diameter ≤ 3 mm) biomass were related to removal efficiency. Fine root biomass rather than the mass of the entire root system played an important role in wastewater treatment. Removal efficiency varied with season and plant growth. Wetlands vegetated by P. purpureum significantly outperformed wetlands with other plants in May and June, whereas wetlands vegetated by P. communis and C. indica demonstrated higher removal efficiency from August to December. These findings suggest that abundance of fine roots is an important factor to consider in selecting for highly effective wetland plants. It also suggested that a plant community consisting of multiple plant species with different seasonal growth patterns and root characteristics may be able to enhance wetland performance.  相似文献   
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