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Knowledge of nutrient storage and partitioning in forests is imperative for ecosystem models and ecological theory. Whether the nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) stored in forest biomass and their partitioning patterns vary systematically across climatic gradients remains unknown. Here, we explored the global‐scale patterns of nutrient density and partitioning using a newly compiled dataset including 372 forest stands. We found that temperature and precipitation were key factors driving the nutrients stored in living biomass of forests at global scale. The N, K, and Mg stored in living biomass tended to be greater in increasingly warm climates. The mean biomass N density was 577.0, 530.4, 513.2, and 336.7 kg/ha for tropical, subtropical, temperate, and boreal forests, respectively. Around 76% of the variation in biomass N density could be accounted by the empirical model combining biomass density, phylogeny (i.e., angiosperm, gymnosperm), and the interaction of mean annual temperature and precipitation. Climate, stand age, and biomass density significantly affected nutrients partitioning at forest community level. The fractional distribution of nutrients to roots decreased significantly with temperature, suggesting that forests in cold climates allocate greater nutrients to roots. Gymnosperm forests tended to allocate more nutrients to leaves as compared with angiosperm forests, whereas the angiosperm forests distributed more nutrients in stems. The nutrient‐based Root:Shoot ratios (R:S), averaged 0.30 for R:SN, 0.36 for R:SP, 0.32 for R:SK, 0.27 for R:SCa, and 0.35 for R:SMg, respectively. The scaling exponents of the relationships describing root nutrients as a function of shoot nutrients were more than 1.0, suggesting that as nutrient allocated to shoot increases, nutrient allocated to roots increases faster than linearly with nutrient in shoot. Soil type significantly affected the total N, P, K, Ca, and Mg stored in living biomass of forests, and the Acrisols group displayed the lowest P, K, Ca, and Mg.  相似文献   
This paper explores the past and potential contribution of archaeology to marine historical ecology. The primary focus is European fishing of marine and diadromous taxa, with global comparisons highlighting the wider applicability of archaeological approaches. The review illustrates how study of excavated fish bones, otoliths and shells can inform our understanding of: (a) changes in biogeography, including the previous distribution of lost species; (b) long-term fluctuations in the aquatic environment, including climate change; (c) the intensity of exploitation and other anthropogenic effects; (d) trade, commodification and globalisation. These issues are also relevant to inform fisheries conservation and management targets. Equally important, the long (pre)history of European fishing raises awareness of our ecological heritage debt, owed for centuries of wealth, sustenance and well-being, and for which we share collective responsibility. This debt represents both a loss and a reason for optimism, insofar as it is a reservoir of potential to be filled by careful stewardship of our rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.  相似文献   
The upland mesic rainforests of eastern Australia have been described as a "mesothermal archipelago" where a chain of cool mountain "islands" arise from a warm "sea" of tropical and subtropical lowlands. An endemic freshwater crayfish belonging to the genus Euastacus is found on each of these mountain "islands." The Euastacus are particularly suitable for the study of evolution because each mountain harbors a unique species, there are many taxa present providing replication within the group and, most importantly, their distribution is linear, extending along a south-north axis. This group could have evolved by "simultaneous vicariance" where there was one vicariant separation event of a widespread ancestor, or by "south to north stepping stone dispersal" where there were long distance dispersal events from neighboring mountain islands, starting in the south and proceeding north in a dispersal-colonization wave. We used pairwise genetic distances between nearest geographic neighbors as a novel way to test the two hypotheses. If diversification was due to "south to north stepping stone dispersal," then pairwise genetic distances between nearest geographic neighbors should decrease progressively the farther north the taxon pairs are found, reflecting the decreasing periods of isolation. In this case there should be a negative correlation between the south to north rank order of nearest neighbors and pairwise genetic distances. A Spearman's correlation on 16S mtDNA pairwise genetic distances and geographic rank order was not significant, indicating there was no support for the south to north stepping stone dispersal hypothesis. If simultaneous vicariance was responsible for diversification then all nearest geographic neighbor taxon pairs should have similar genetic distances and, therefore, the variance in nearest neighbor distances should be zero, or close to it. To test if the observed variance was tending towards zero we developed a randomization test where nearest neighbor taxon pairs were assigned random genetic distances and the variances calculated. The observed variance lay in the < 0.05 range of the simulated variances, providing support for the simultaneous vicariance hypothesis. The data also suggest there was simultaneous vicariance of at least two ancestral Queensland lineages. The timing of this vicariant event was probably in the Pliocene, which is consistent with the divergence times reported for other Australian mesic rainforest restricted taxa.  相似文献   
Ecogeographical rules that associate climate with organismal form and function can reveal patterns of climatic adaptation. Two rules link animal coloration with climate: Gloger's rule (darker coloration where wet and warm), and Bogert's rule (darker coloration where cold). Whereas Gloger's rule was proposed for endotherms, and Bogert's rule for ectotherms, both rules may apply more broadly, despite their seemingly opposing effects. Here, we test this contradiction on a global scale across passerine birds. Consistent with Gloger's rule, birds were darker in wetter areas and, following Bogert's rule, lighter where warm, although birds became lighter again at very low temperatures. Rainfall and temperature had antagonistic or additive effects depending on their pattern of covariation, and this predicted whether birds followed the rules. We integrate both rules into a general framework to explain heterogeneity in climatic effects on coloration, which has implications to understand patterns of diversification, climatic adaptation and climate change impacts.  相似文献   
对Corallomycetella属的概念进行了阐述,该属包括子实体为红色、在自然和培养条件下产生菌索的丛赤壳类真菌。根据对近期采集的标本的观察和多基因系统树分析的结果,广义的Corallomycetella repens形成2个分支,它们与生物地理因素相关联。狭义的Corallomycetella repens限于来自亚洲的标本,而C.elegans来自非洲和美洲。Corallomycetella属成熟的子囊孢子表面具有纤细条纹,此特征过去曾被忽略,C.jatrophae与广义的Neonectria属关系接近,而与C.repens和C.elegans关系较远;因而建立新属Corallonectria,其子囊壳表面细粉状,无性型为束丝结构并与镰孢菌相似。  相似文献   
Aim Gondwanan lineages are a prominent component of the Australian terrestrial biota. However, most squamate (lizard and snake) lineages in Australia appear to be derived from relatively recent dispersal from Asia (< 30 Ma) and in situ diversification, subsequent to the isolation of Australia from other Gondwanan landmasses. We test the hypothesis that the Australian radiation of diplodactyloid geckos (families Carphodactylidae, Diplodactylidae and Pygopodidae), in contrast to other endemic squamate groups, has a Gondwanan origin and comprises multiple lineages that originated before the separation of Australia from Antarctica. Location Australasia. Methods Bayesian (beast ) and penalized likelihood rate smoothing (PLRS) (r 8s ) molecular dating methods and two long nuclear DNA sequences (RAG‐1 and c‐mos) were used to estimate a timeframe for divergence events among 18 genera and 30 species of Australian diplodactyloids. Results At least five lineages of Australian diplodactyloid geckos are estimated to have originated > 34 Ma (pre‐Oligocene) and basal splits among the Australian diplodactyloids occurred c. 70 Ma. However, most extant generic and intergeneric diversity within diplodactyloid lineages appears to post‐date the late Oligocene (< 30 Ma). Main conclusions Basal divergences within the diplodactyloids significantly pre‐date the final break‐up of East Gondwana, indicating that the group is one of the most ancient extant endemic vertebrate radiations east of Wallace’s Line. At least five Australian lineages of diplodactyloid gecko are each as old or older than other well‐dated Australian squamate radiations (e.g. elapid snakes and agamids). The limbless Pygopodidae (morphologically the most aberrant living geckos) appears to have radiated before Australia was occupied by potential ecological analogues. However, in spite of the great age of the diplodactyloid radiation, most extant diversity appears to be of relatively recent origin, a pattern that is shared with other Australian squamate lineages.  相似文献   
Two species of the colonial green flagellate family Volvocaceae are worldwide in distribution yet exhibit contrasting species structure. Geographically disparate isolates of Gonium pectorale Mueller can interbreed while isolates of Pandorina morum Bory behave quite differently. More than 20 sexually isolated subpopulations occur within this species; these have been termed “syngens” (sensu Sonneborn). Because prezygotic barriers to mating cause intersyngen pairings to fail, breeding analyses cannot be used to estimate genetic relatedness among the syngens of P. morum. DNA comparisons provide an alternative method of assessing genetic relatedness. We compared the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat among clones of P. morum and of G. pectorale. Members of syngens of P. morum with distribution restricted to one small geographical area show great similarity. Likewise, members of any syngen of worldwide distribution show near uniformity, even those from different continents. However, the ITS sequence of each syngen differs from that of other syngens. In contrast, G. pectorale, which has an ITS region that is remarkably uniform throughout the world, appears to consist of a single syngen within North America and Europe by mating tests. The molecular data are in complete conformity with previous syngen assignment. Because the latter is based on mating affinity, with two complementary mating types per syngen, the evolution of new mating type pairs appears to be the basis of microevolution in these algae. We infer that either P. morum is a more ancient species than G. pectorale or that P. morum has a less stable genome. In either case, the biogeographic distribution of certain syngens may reflect climatological changes of the past.  相似文献   
This paper addresses some of the conceptual issues involved in the analysis of the age and origin of mediterranean‐climate plant taxa, paying particular attention to three topics: (1) the importance of an explicit time frame in the definition of biogeographical origins, (2) the distinction between the age of traits and the age of taxa, and (3) the idea of mediterranean‐type ecosystems as environmental islands. (1) In California, recent analyses demonstrate that the diversity of species derived from different biogeographical origins is significantly correlated with temperature and precipitation gradients. These patterns support the hypothesis that niche conservatism is an important factor structuring modern diversity gradients. However, depending on how far back in time one looks, a species may be assigned to different origins; future discussions of biogeographical origins need to address the appropriate time frame for analysis. (2) Past research has demonstrated distinctive trait syndromes among woody plants of the Mediterranean, Chile, California and Mexico, and proposed that the syndromes are associated with lineages of different age in these floras. Reanalysis of individual traits demonstrates greater variability among regions than previously reported. The classification of plants into ‘old’ and ‘new’ genera is re‐evaluated, and it is suggested that greater attention be paid to the age of traits, rather than to the age of taxa, especially at an arbitrary rank such as genus. (3) The idea of mediterranean‐climate regions as ‘climatic islands’ is examined. Space–time diagrams of climate enable one to view the emergence of distinctive climatic regions in a continental context. The terms ‘synclimatic’ and ‘anticlimatic’ are proposed, referring to migration routes that parallel climate contours in space and time versus those that cross contours (including the case of geographic stasis in the face of climate change), respectively. Mediterranean‐climate regions have served as important case studies in plant ecology and evolution, and merit continued close examination in the light of continued advances in phylogenetics and palaeoecology.  相似文献   
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