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We examined phylogenetic relationships and patterns of stem structural evolution in Eleocharis subgenus Limnochloa, an ecologically and economically important group of tropical to temperate-growing sedges, whose stems serve as the primary photosynthetic organs. We used maximum parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian inference to develop phylogenetic trees and stochastic mapping and a Markov one-rate model to develop character history reconstructions of stem architecture. A complex history of stem shape evolution characterized by a high degree of homoplasy and rapid rates of change (an average of 13 transitions per character history for about 25 species) was identified across subgenus Limnochloa. Character states transition much more frequently in some lineages than others, but tend to follow a consistent directional pattern of evolutionary change. Our data also suggest that changes in stem shape and anatomy may be associated with speciation events in the subgenus (Pagel's κ = 0.3503, P = 0.04579) and may have some adaptive significance. The potential adaptive roles of stem structural traits are unclear, but may be elucidated by further studies. This work serves as a starting point for future evolutionary studies of stem shape and structure in monocots and provides important background knowledge for further studies of ecological adaptations of Eleocharis.  相似文献   
辛夷与木兰名实新考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
辛夷与木兰是中国传统的中药材 ,也是传统的树种名称 ,栽培历史悠久。通过对辛夷与木兰进行认真细致地考证 ,首次提出 :1辛夷 L assonia quinquepeta Buc'hoz是望春玉兰 Yulania biondii(Pam p.) D.L.Fu,不是紫玉兰 Y.liliiflora(Desr.) D.L.Fu;2辛夷药材泛指玉兰属 Yulania Spach树种的干燥花蕾 ,玉兰属植物可统称为辛夷植物 ;3木兰是木莲 Manglietia fordiana Oliv.或黄心夜合 Michelia martinii(H.Lév.) Finet & Gagnep.ex H.Lév.等 ,不为玉兰属树种。纠正了现代有关工具书、植物学专著、药学专著及高等院校教材等广为认同的“辛夷即木兰、木兰即紫玉兰”的错误观点。  相似文献   
Summary  A new combination, Cuviera cuvieroides (Wernham) Onana is proposed for the Central African taxon currently known as Globulostylis cuvieroides Wernham. A key to distinguish the seven species of the subgenus Globulostylis Verdc. is presented.  相似文献   
Larval polytene chromosome maps of Simulium (G.) asakoae and S. (G.) sp. g in the ceylonicum-group and S. (G.) angulistylum, S. (G.) decuplum and S. (G.) siamense in the batoense-group of the subgenus Gomphostilbia from Thailand are presented. These species have three pairs of chromosomes (2n = 6). Light stained centromeric bands were observed in the chromosomes of S. (G.) asakoae, S. (G.) sp. g, S. (G.) decuplum and S. (G.) siamense, whereas heavy dark centromeric bands were present in S. (G.) angulistylum. The best distinguishing character of Simulium species in the subgenus Gomphostilbia is the position of the nucleolar organizer in the short arm of chromosome I. The Ring of Balbiani and the double bubble are located in chromosome arm IIS in all species except for S. (G.) angulistylum, which showed these cytological markers in chromosome arm IIIS. A low chromosomal polymorphism was recorded in all species except for S. (G.) sp. g, which exhibited a standard polytene chromosome. Inversion polymorphisms found in this study conformed to Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium and were not associated with sex. These species have different specific markers and banding patterns although homologous banding sequences were found in chromosome arm IIS in S. (G.) asakoae, S. (G.) sp. g, S. (G.) decuplum and S. (G.) siamense and chromosome arm IIIS in S. (G.) angulistylum. Our results showed no evidence of a sibling species complex within any taxon.  相似文献   
Abstract A new species of Cidicoides (Jilinocoides ), C.(J.) guangxiensis sp. nov. from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China is described. The new species is closely allied to Culicoides qianweiensis Yu 1982, but is distinctly different in the presentation of the sensilla coeloconica, sensory pit of the palpus third segment, number of mandible teeth, pale spot on basal portion of wing and r-m pale spot on wing of female. The type specimen is deposited in the Institute of Military Medical Sciences, Shenyang Military District, Shenyang 110034, China.  相似文献   
兰科舌唇兰属的一新亚属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者曾在1994年发表的“兰科植物区系中一些有意义属的地理分布格局的研究”一文中介绍了 此新亚属——显柱舌唇兰亚属的分布格局及其与舌唇兰亚属的区别。现将它正式发表。此新亚属含12种,其中1种为新组合种。  相似文献   
陈斌  周尧 《昆虫分类学报》1996,18(4):265-269
本文记述了采自于四川西部的角伪叶甲属CerogriaBorchmann1909一新亚属及二新种。模式标本保存于西北农业大学昆虫研究所。畸角伪叶甲亚属Aeschrocera,新亚属该亚属的触角(图2~5)基节强烈地呈球状膨大,除第7和9节强烈呈锯齿状膨大外,第4~6节也明显呈锯齿状膨大,第8和10节中部呈尖锐的角状突出,端节也向一侧扩宽;阳基侧突强烈地叶状扩宽。这些特征易与其它亚属区别。模式种;褐胸畸角伪叶甲Cerogria(Aeschrocera)brunneocolis,sp.nov.1.褐胸畸角伪叶甲Cerogria(Aeschrocera)brunneocolis,新种(图1~5)该种触角端节腹面常形,端节直;前胸背板褐色;额侧突基瘤间的分界沟不清楚。正模,西康日地,1939—Ⅸ—1。副模1,1♀,同正模;3,3♀♀,西康康定,1939—Ⅷ—9(3),1939—Ⅷ—18(1♀),1939—Ⅷ—28(1♀),1931—Ⅷ—28(1♀);1,西康丹巴,1939—Ⅹ—3;1,西康榆林宫,1939—Ⅸ—7;1,西康瓦斯井,1939—Ⅸ—2;1♀,西康旋牛,1939—Ⅹ—6,周尧采。2.钩畸角  相似文献   
扫描电镜下,构成拟腹吸鳅鱼类颏吸附器的若干条皮脊均由许多分别根植于单个上皮细胞表面的爪形突组成。爪形突高15~20μm,横截面常呈椭圆形,长短轴的4~5μm,易脱落,也可增生。它们可能具有吸附基质表面、保护周围味蕾等功能。由于爪形突分布部位的不同和所组成皮脊的形态差异,可明显地分为叠波型和品字型两类。这两类吸附器的种类间同时在味蕾分布、口角须结构和背鳍条及腹鳍条数目等方面也存在相应的差异,代表了两个独立演化的自然类群。本文把腹吸鳅属分成两个亚属,将其中颏吸附器呈品字型的三个种和亚种分离出来,成立品唇吸鳅亚属(Labigas-tromyzon),其他是叠波型的种类则归属指名亚属(Pseudogastromyzon)。  相似文献   
中国哎猎蝽属厘订(半翅目:猎蝽科:盗猎蝽亚科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文作者对中国的哎猎蝽属EctomocorisMayr进行了订正。 此属国内以前记述共4种。通过研究发现黑哎猎蝽E.atrox(Stal)实际上包括另一个种——小黑哎猎蝽E.maldonadoi,新种;我们观察的黑哎猪蝽的所有中国标本均比爪哇产的选模标本体大色深,二者雌虫生殖节的构造亦有一定差异,但其色斑型相似;前者是否应作为一亚种或新种尚需研究东南亚一带的大宗标本。二星哎猎蝽E.biguttulusStal与产菲律宾的模式标本在色斑的大小及形状上稍有差异,其地理变异及种群分化有待进一步研究。黑缘哎猎蝽E.erebus Distant,1904是马达加斯加产E.erebus(Distant),1903的同名,故而给前者以新名E.distanti Cai et Lu。“黄斑哎猎蝽”E.flavomaculatusStal为E.yayeyamae(Mats.)的错误鉴定,真正的E.flavomaculatusStal目前还没有在我国发现;由于其中文名称系据E.flavomaculaus的种名而来,所以作者建议E.yayeyamae(Mats.)的中名为“亚哎猎蝽”,这样中文名称不仅是根据其种名的第一个音节的发音,而且还意味着其在亚洲的分布。 根据亚哎猎蝽E.yayeyamae(Mats.)阳茎的特殊结构,建立了双臂哎猎蝽亚属Biarmocoris Cai et Lu,亚属名以其内阳茎体有两个臂状骨化结构而得。 文中为4种哎猎蝽E.atrox(Stal),E.biguttulus Stal,E.erebus(Distant)  相似文献   
石蒜科(Amaryllidaceae)葱亚科(Allioideae)葱族(Allieae)葱属(Allium)的Anguinum亚属在中国分布有6种2变种,该亚属植物具有重要的药用价值。该研究在扩大样本量和覆盖范围的基础上,采用常规压片法对葱属Anguinum亚属4种植物19居群的染色体核型进行了研究,首次报道了心叶韭(Allium ovalifolium var.cordifolium)的核型。结果表明:供试类群中茖葱都为四倍体,对叶韭和心叶韭都为二倍体,太白韭具有二倍体和四倍体,染色体基数均为x=8,核型类型都为2A型,每个居群都具有随体染色体,随体染色体多为st染色体,随体均位于短臂末端,并且对叶韭眉县居群和太白韭聂拉木居群存在B染色体。结合前人研究结果讨论了Anguinum亚属植物的染色体特征、随体染色体的多态性和该亚属植物的进化方式,探讨了茖葱(Allium victorialis)和对叶韭(A.listera)的细胞地理学问题。得到如下推论:(1)染色体加倍和结构变异是Anguinum亚属进化的两种重要机制,环境异质性使得Anguinum亚属植物随体染色体具较高的多态性;(2)茖葱通过多倍化和无性繁殖并存来扩大居群;(3)染色体形态变异是对叶韭适应环境变异的重要方式。  相似文献   
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