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李月  刘晓东  董永梅  谢宗铭  陈受宜 《遗传》2015,37(12):1218-1227
Trihelix转录因子在植物抵御各种逆境胁迫中扮演重要作用,克隆棉花Trihelix转录因子基因并分析其表达特性和功能,为最终利用转基因手段改良棉花抗逆性奠定基础。本文依据生物信息学分析,采用RT-PCR方法从陆地棉中克隆了一个Trihelix转录因子基因,命名为GhGT29(GenBank登录号:JQ013097)。该基因最大开放阅读框(ORF)为1092 bp,编码363个氨基酸,预测分子量为40.9 kDa,等电点为5.45。SMART蛋白结构预测发现,该蛋白含有1个Trihelix家族典型的SANT结构域。系统进化树分析表明,GhGT29属于Trihelix转录因子SH4亚家族,与拟南芥AtSH4-like1、AtSH4-like2亲缘关系最近。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明,GhGT29受高盐、干旱、低温胁迫和ABA诱导表达;GhGT29在陆地棉的根、茎、叶、花、开花后当天胚珠以及开花后12 d(12 DPA)纤维中均有表达,其中在花中表达量最高,在茎中表达量最低。利用拟南芥原生质体系统进行分析,结果显示GhGT29主要定位于细胞核中,并且具有转录激活活性。以上结果表明GhGT29基因可能参与棉花逆境信号通路中对抗逆功能基因表达的调控。  相似文献   
植物蔗糖合酶的结构、功能及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔗糖合酶(Sucrose synthase, EC, SuS)是植物中广泛存在的一种糖基转移酶,能催化蔗糖的分解及合成反应,是叶片光合作用产物蔗糖进入各种代谢途径所必需的关键酶之一,在植物的生长发育过程中发挥着至关重要的作用.近年研究表明,蔗糖合酶不仅在植物淀粉合成、提高植株抗逆性和影响植株生长等方面扮演着重要的角色,也能为机体提供核苷单糖供体,而这个特性也使得蔗糖合酶基因可以作为一个催化成分被用于核苷单糖的生物合成,具有广泛的应用前景.本文对蔗糖合酶家族基因的染色体定位及功能、蔗糖合酶的结构及亚细胞定位,以及其所具有的生物学功能进行了综述,旨在为蔗糖合酶的进一步研究奠定理论基础.  相似文献   
Human NUDT16 (hNUDT16) is a decapping enzyme initially identified as the human homolog to the Xenopus laevis X29. As a metalloenzyme, hNUDT16 relies on divalent cations for its cap-hydrolysis activity to remove m7GDP and m227GDP from RNAs. Metal also determines substrate specificity of the enzyme. So far, only U8 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) has been identified as the substrate of hNUDT16 in the presence of Mg2+. Here we demonstrate that besides U8, hNUDT16 can also actively cleave the m7GDP cap from mRNAs in the presence of Mg2+ or Mn2+. We further show that hNUDT16 does not preferentially recognize U8 or mRNA substrates by our cross-inhibition and quantitative decapping assays. In addition, our mutagenesis analysis identifies several key residues involved in hydrolysis and confirms the key role of the REXXEE motif in catalysis. Finally an investigation into the subcellular localization of hNUDT16 revealed its abundance in both cytoplasm and nucleus. These findings extend the substrate spectrum of hNUDT16 beyond snoRNAs to also include mRNA, demonstrating the pleiotropic decapping activity of hNUDT16.  相似文献   
Protein kinase B (PKB, also called Akt) is known as a serine/threonine protein kinase. Some studies indicate that the Akt signalling pathway strongly promotes G2/M transition in mammalian cell cycle progression, but the mechanism remains to be clarified, especially in the fertilized mouse egg. Here, we report that the expression of Akt at both the protein and mRNA level was highest in G2 phase, accompanied by a peak of Akt activity. In addition, the subcellular localization of p21(Cip1/WAF1) has been proposed to be critical in the cell cycle. Hence, we detected the expression and localization of p21(Cip1/WAF1) after injecting fertilized mouse eggs with Akt mRNA. In one-cell stage fertilized embryos microinjected with mRNA coding for a constitutively active myristoylated Akt (myr-Akt), p21(Cip1/WAF1) was retained in the cytoplasm. Microinjection of mRNA of kinase-deficient Akt(Akt-KD) resulted in nuclear localization of p21(Cip1/WAF1) . Meanwhile, microinjection of different types of Akt mRNA affected the phosphorylation status of p21(Cip1/WAF1) . However, there was no obvious difference in the protein expression of p21(Cip1/WAF1) . Therefore, Akt controls the cell cycle by changing the subcellular localization of p21(Cip1/WAF1) , most likely by affecting the phosphorylation status of p21(Cip1/WAF1) .  相似文献   
Bacillus lehensis G1 is a Gram-positive, moderately alkalitolerant bacterium isolated from soil samples. B. lehensis produces cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase), an enzyme that has enabled the extensive use of cyclodextrin in foodstuffs, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. The genome sequence of B. lehensis G1 consists of a single circular 3.99 Mb chromosome containing 4017 protein-coding sequences (CDSs), of which 2818 (70.15%) have assigned biological roles, 936 (23.30%) have conserved domains with unknown functions, and 263 (6.55%) have no match with any protein database. Bacillus clausii KSM-K16 was established as the closest relative to B. lehensis G1 based on gene content similarity and 16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis. A total of 2820 proteins from B. lehensis G1 were found to have orthologues in B. clausii, including sodium–proton antiporters, transport proteins, and proteins involved in ATP synthesis. A comparative analysis of these proteins and those in B. clausii and other alkaliphilic Bacillus species was carried out to investigate their contributions towards the alkalitolerance of the microorganism. The similarities and differences in alkalitolerance-related genes among alkalitolerant/alkaliphilic Bacillus species highlight the complex mechanism of pH homeostasis. The B. lehensis G1 genome was also mined for proteins and enzymes with potential viability for industrial and commercial purposes.  相似文献   
以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)为材料,运用RT-PCR技术扩增得到了富含亮氨酸的类受体蛋白激酶(LRR-RLKs)亚家族基因RLK6,构建了RLK6与绿色荧光蛋白基因(GFP)融合表达载体并转化拟南芥,用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜观察转基因植物细胞表明:RLK6蛋白定位于细胞膜上;将RLK6-GFP在原生质体中进行瞬时表达,进一步证实了RLK6蛋白定位于细胞膜上。构建了RLK6启动子(2 063bp)融合GUS报告基因的载体并转化拟南芥,对转基因植株进行组织化学染色分析表明:RLK6在拟南芥的幼苗、根、花、角果等组织中都有表达,花中表达量较高,尤其是在雄蕊中特异高表达,而在茎、莲座叶和干种子中几乎没有表达。RT-PCR分析结果与GUS组织化学染色的结果一致。研究推测,RLK6可能在花器官生长发育或相关生理过程的信号转导中发挥作用。  相似文献   
我国南方春大豆种子发育过程中,常处于高温、高湿季节,加之种子本身富含蛋白(约40%)和脂肪(约20%),导致南方春大豆种子易劣变。本项目组前期差异蛋白质组学研究发现蔗糖结合蛋白在高温高湿胁迫168 h时在种子田间劣变抗性品种湘豆3号发育种子中呈下调表达。为进一步从分子水平了解Gm SBP基因表达以及响应高温高湿胁迫的特性,本研究利用RT-PCR技术从大豆扩增出两个Gm SBP基因(Gm SBP2和Gm SBPL)。两个基因编码的蛋白均为亲水性,不完整的膜蛋白。荧光定量PCR分析表明:在高温高湿条件下,种子田间劣变不抗品种宁镇1号和抗性品种湘豆3号发育种子中Gm SBP2和Gm SBPL基因表达量均受高温高湿胁迫影响,也会导致种子中蔗糖和可溶性糖含量变化。在籽粒发育过程中,Gm SBP2和Gm SBPL基因表达量在花后30 d左右达到最高,对应时期的蔗糖和可溶性糖含量也达到最大值。组织特异性显示Gm SBP和Gm SBPL基因在不同组织间存在差异表达。亚细胞定位结果表明Gm SBP2和Gm SBPL蛋白均定位在细胞膜和细胞质中。以上结果表明Gm SBP2和Gm SBPL基因可能参与了植物非生物胁迫的应答过程,这将从一个侧面丰富我们对大豆种子田间劣变性和劣变抗性的认识。  相似文献   
The Drosophila homolog of schizophrenia susceptibility gene dysbindin(Ddysb)affects a range of behaviors through regulation of multiple neurotransmitter signals,including dopamine activity.To gain insights into mechanisms underlying Ddysb-dependent regulation of dopamine signal,we investigated interaction between Ddysb and Ebony,the Drosophilaβ-alanyl-monoamine synthase involved in dopamine recycling.We found that Ddysb was capable of regulating expression of Ebony in a bi-directional manner and its subcellular distribution.Such regulation is confined to glial cells.The expression level of ebony and its accumulation in glial soma depend positively on Ddysb activity,whereas its distribution in glial processes is bound to be reduced in response to any alterations of Ddysb from the normal control level,either an increase or decrease.An optimal binding ratio between Dysb and Ebony might contribute to such non-linear effects.Thus,Ddysb-dependent regulation of Ebony could be one of the mechanisms that mediate dopamine signal.  相似文献   
Pannexins (Panxs) are a multifaceted family of ion and metabolite channels that play key roles in a number of physiological and pathophysiological settings. These single membrane large-pore channels exhibit a variety of tissue, cell type, and subcellular distributions. The lifecycles of Panxs are complex, yet must be understood to accurately target these proteins for future therapeutic use. Here we review the basics of Panx function and localization, and then analyze the recent advances in knowledge regarding Panx trafficking. We examine several intrinsic features of Panxs including specific post-translational modifications, the divergent C-termini, and oligomerization, all of which contribute to Panx anterograde transport pathways. Further, we examine the potential influence of extrinsic factors, such as protein-protein interactions, on Panx trafficking. Finally, we highlight what is currently known with respect to Panx internalization and retrograde transport, and present new data illustrating Panx1 internalization following an activating stimulus.  相似文献   
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