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Cross-sectional areas of human frontal sinuses in the occipitofrontal projection are a good surrogate for frontal sinus volumes. This study looks at these areas in a dataset of some 200 children and 100 adults of both sexes. As measured by planimetry of roentgenograms, the areas are extremely variable ("noisy" in a statistical sense). In fact, they appear to be distributed log-normally with quite high variance. The mean of the distribution is evidently a function of age and the variances differ by sex. After logarithmic transformation, the data are adequately fitted by one sigmoid curve for each sex. Our discussion highlights implications of this finding for the biological aspects of frontal sinuses and methodological issues in ontogenetic analysis of data so noisy.  相似文献   
Sexually selected traits are limited by selection against those traits in other fitness components, such as survival. Thus, sexual selection favouring large size in males should be balanced by higher mortality of larger males. However, evidence from red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) indicates that large males survive better than small males. A survival advantage to large size could result from males migrating north in early spring, when harsh weather favours large size for energetic reasons. From this hypothesis we predicted that, among species, sex differences in body size should be correlated with sex differences in timing of spring migration. The earlier males migrate relative to females, the larger they should be relative to females. We tested this prediction using a comparative analysis of data collected from 30 species of passerine birds captured on migration. After controlling for social mating system, we found that sexual size dimorphism and difference in arrival dates of males and females were significantly positively correlated. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for survival ability promotes sexual size dimorphism (SSD), rather than opposes SSD as is the conventional view. If both natural selection and sexual selection favour large adult males, then limits to male size must be imposed before males become adults.  相似文献   
Quantitative genetic theory assumes that trade-offs are best represented by bivariate normal distributions. This theory predicts that selection will shift the trade-off function itself and not just move the mean trait values along a fixed trade-off line, as is generally assumed in optimality models. As a consequence, quantitative genetic theory predicts that the trade-off function will vary among populations in which at least one of the component traits itself varies. This prediction is tested using the trade-off between call duration and flight capability, as indexed by the mass of the dorsolateral flight muscles, in the macropterous morph of the sand cricket. We use four different populations of crickets that vary in the proportion of macropterous males (Lab = 33%, Florida = 29%, Bermuda = 72%, South Carolina = 80%). We find, as predicted, that there is significant variation in the intercept of the trade-off function but not the slope, supporting the hypothesis that trade-off functions are better represented as bivariate normal distributions rather than single lines. We also test the prediction from a quantitative genetical model of the evolution of wing dimorphism that the mean call duration of macropterous males will increase with the percentage of macropterous males in the population. This prediction is also supported. Finally, we estimate the probability of a macropterous male attracting a female, P, as a function of the relative time spent calling (P = time spent calling by macropterous male/(total time spent calling by both micropterous and macropterous male). We find that in the Lab and Florida populations the probability of a female selecting the macropterous male is equal to P, indicating that preference is due simply to relative call duration. But in the Bermuda and South Carolina populations the probability of a female selecting a macropterous male is less than P, indicating a preference for the micropterous male even after differences in call duration are accounted for.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphism is widespread in lizards, with the most consistently dimorphic traits being head size (males have larger heads) and trunk length (the distance between the front and hind legs is greater in females). These dimorphisms have generally been interpreted as follows: (1) large heads in males evolve through male-male rivalry (sexual selection); and (2) larger interlimb lengths in females provide space for more eggs (fecundity selection). In an Australian lizard (the snow skink, Niveoscincus microlepidotus), we found no evidence for ongoing selection on head size. Trunk length, however, was under positive fecundity selection in females and under negative sexual selection in males. Thus, fecundity selection and sexual selection work in concert to drive the evolution of sexual dimorphism in trunk length in snow skinks.  相似文献   
We investigated the pollination system and movement patterns of pollinators among flowers of the nectarless, monoecious vine Akebia quinata in natural populations and experimental floral arrays. Female flowers did not offer any rewards for pollinators and were larger than male flowers. Pollinators of A.quinata , such as small solitary bees and hoverflies, clearly discriminated between male and female flowers. Hoverflies always visited male flowers and rarely visited female flowers. In contrast, solitary bees tended to visit female flowers first when entering the array, but then switched to male flowers within the same foraging bout. This tendency disappeared when the sepal size of female flowers was experimentally reduced to the size of male flowers. Thus, observed non-randomness in flower choice by solitary bees may be caused by female>male sexual dimorphism and may increase the chance of cross-pollination and lower the probability of geitonogamous pollination in a single visit to a plant. Therefore, floral sexual dimorphism in A.quinata is considered to be an adaptation for deceptive pollination associated with discriminating pollinators.  相似文献   
Life-history characteristics of the double-ended pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch), were investigated to determine growth rate, degree of sexual dimorphism, size at maturity, and reproductive biology. Growth rates of wild juveniles and adults calculated from monthly progression of length-frequency modes ranged from 0.8mmd–1 (fish lengths 120–145mm standard length (SL)) in summer to 0.2mmd–1 in winter (185–200mm SL). Growth of laboratory-reared juveniles up to 63d old was greater, ranging from 0.8 to 2.3mmd-1. The von Bertalanffy growth constant K was estimated at 0.0076d- 1, or 2.8year–1. Morphological differentiation between the sexes based upon abdominal pattern was possible for fish larger than 120mm SL, with females possessing a zigzag pattern on the abdomen. The association between this pattern and sex was confirmed by histological gonad analysis. Males were significantly longer than females during four of seven seasons examined, and a 1:1 sex ratio was determined for all seasons except autumn when the ratio was female biased. The breeding season was marked by the appearance of pregnant males between October and April, and during courtship both species exhibited increased pigmentation. The minimum paternal size at maturity was 185mm, the maximum length recorded 260mm. Clutch size ranged between 60 and 200 eggs, with a mean of 153. Ovaries had a sequential pattern of egg development, resulting in egg batches that approximated the number of eggs carried by brooding males. Additionally, all eggs in a brood were at the same developmental stage. This suggests that one female provides all of the eggs for one male per breeding event in a monogamous mating system.  相似文献   
The selective maintenance of gynodioecy depends on the relative fitness of the male-sterile (female) and hermaphroditic morphs. Females may compensate for their loss of male fitness by reallocating resources from male function (pollen production and pollinator attraction) to female function (seeds and fruits), thus increasing seed production. Females may also benefit from their inability to self-fertilize if selfing and inbreeding depression reduce seed quality in hermaphrodites. We investigated how differences in floral resource allocation (flower size) between female and hermaphroditic plants affect two measures of female reproductive success, pollinator visitation and pollen receipt, in gynodioecious populations of Geranium richardsonii in Colorado. Using emasculation treatments in natural populations, we further examined whether selfing by autogamy and geitonogamy comprises a significant proportion of pollen receipt by hermaphrodites. Flowers of female plants are significantly smaller than those of hermaphrodites. The reduction in allocation to pollinator-attracting structures (petals) is correlated with a significant reduction in pollinator visitation to female flowers in artificial arrays. The reduction in attractiveness is further manifested in significantly less pollen being deposited on the stigmas of female flowers in natural populations. Autogamy is rare in these protandrous flowers, and geitonogamy accounts for most of the difference in pollen receipt between hermaphrodites and females. Female success at receiving pollen was negatively frequency dependent on the relative frequency of females in populations. Thus, two of the prerequisites for the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations, differences in resource allocation between floral morphs and high selfing rates in hermaphrodites, occur in G. richardsonii.  相似文献   
The ecology of the earthworm eel, Chendol keelini, was studied in the field over a period of nine months. In addition this information was supplemented by aquarium observations. The species was most abundant in pools where it was associated with leaf litter and mats of fine tree roots along the banks. It fed on benthic invertebrates, especially chironomid and ephemeropteran larvae. C. keelini is sexually dimorphic; adult males develop a headhump and grow to a larger size than females. Reproduction was seasonal; the reproductive phase coincided with the wet season and lasted for several months. Fecundity was around 40 eggs per clutch. The eggs were spherical, between 1.2 and 1.5mm in diameter, and possessed a pair of long filaments for adhesion to the substrate. Females probably spawned more than once during the breeding season. The length frequency distributions and juvenile growth suggest that C. keelini is a short-lived species that matures during the first year with few individuals surviving to the second breeding season.  相似文献   
Sexual dimorphism in relation to current selection in the house finch   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.— Sexual dimorphism is thought to have evolved in response to selection pressures that differ between males and females. Our aim in this study was to determine the role of current net selection in shaping and maintaining contemporary sexual dimorphism in a recently established population of the house finch ( Carpodacus mexicanus ) in Montana. We found strong differences between sexes in direction of selection on sexually dimorphic traits, significant heritabilities of these traits, and a close congruence between current selection and observed sexual dimorphism in Montana house finches. Strong directional selection on sexually dimorphic traits and similar intensities of selection in each sex suggested that sexual dimorphism arises from adaptive responses in males and females, with both sexes being far from their local fitness optimum. This pattern is expected when a recently established population experiences continuous immigration from ecologically distinct areas of a species range or as a result of widely fluctuating selection pressures, as found in our study. Strong and sexually dimorphic selection pressures on heritable morphological traits, in combination with low phenotypic and genetic covariation among these traits during growth, may have accounted for close congruence between current selection and observed sexual dimorphism in the house finch. This conclusion is consistent with the profound adaptive population divergence in sexual dimorphism that accompanied very successful colonization of most of the North America by the house finch over the last 50 years.  相似文献   
The evolution of sexual dichromatism in tanagers (family Thraupidae) was studied from a phylogenetic perspective using a molecular-based phylogeny. Mapping patterns of sexual dimorphism in plumage onto the phylogeny reveals that changes in female plumage occur more frequently than changes in male plumage. Possible explanations for this pattern include sexual selection acting on female plumage and natural selection for background matching. The results of this study and other recent phylogenetic and comparative studies suggest that factors affecting female plumage are important in shaping patterns of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   
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