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c-Fms, a member of the Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF) receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), is the receptor for macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) that regulates proliferation, differentiation and survival of cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage. Abnormal expression of c-fms proto-oncogene is associated with a significant number of human pathologies, including a variety of cancers and rheumatoid arthritis. Accordingly, c-Fms represents an attractive therapeutic target. To further understand the regulation of c-Fms, we determined the 2.7 A resolution crystal structure of the cytosolic domain of c-Fms that comprised the kinase domain and the juxtamembrane domain. The structure reveals the crucial inhibitory role of the juxtamembrane domain (JM) that binds to a hydrophobic site immediately adjacent to the ATP binding pocket. This interaction prevents the activation loop from adopting an active conformation thereby locking the c-Fms kinase into an autoinhibited state. As observed for other members of the PDGF receptor family, namely c-Kit and Flt3, three JM-derived tyrosine residues primarily drive the mechanism for autoinhibition in c-Fms, therefore defining a common autoinhibitory mechanism within this family. Moreover the structure provides an understanding of c-Fms inhibition by Gleevec as well as providing a platform for the development of more selective inhibitors that target the inactive conformation of c-Fms kinase.  相似文献   
Structural basis for bile salt inhibition of pancreatic phospholipase A2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bile salt interactions with phospholipid monolayers of fat emulsions are known to regulate the actions of gastrointestinal lipolytic enzymes in order to control the uptake of dietary fat. Specifically, on the lipid/aqueous interface of fat emulsions, the anionic portions of amphipathic bile salts have been thought to interact with and activate the enzyme group-IB phospholipase A2 (PLA2) derived from the pancreas. To explore this regulatory process, we have determined the crystal structures of the complexes of pancreatic PLA2 with the naturally occurring bile salts: cholate, glycocholate, taurocholate, glycochenodeoxycholate, and taurochenodeoxycholate. The five PLA2-bile salt complexes each result in a partly occluded active site, and the resulting ligand binding displays specific hydrogen bonding interactions and extensive hydrophobic packing. The amphipathic bile salts are bound to PLA2 with their polar hydroxyl and sulfate/carboxy groups oriented away from the enzyme's hydrophobic core. The impaired catalytic and interface binding functions implied by these structures provide a basis for the previous numerous observations of a biphasic dependence of the rate of PLA2 catalyzed hydrolysis of zwitterionic glycerophospholipids in the presence of bile salts. The rising or activation phase is consistent with enhanced binding and activation of the bound PLA2 by the bile salt induced anionic charge in a zwitterionic interface. The falling or inhibitory phase can be explained by the formation of a catalytically inert stoichiometric complex between PLA2 and any bile salts in which it forms a stable complex. The model provides new insight into the regulatory role that specific PLA2-bile salt interactions are likely to play in fat metabolism.  相似文献   
CK2alpha is the catalytic subunit of protein kinase CK2 and a member of the CMGC family of eukaryotic protein kinases like the cyclin-dependent kinases, the MAP kinases and glycogen-synthase kinase 3. We present here a 1.6 A resolution crystal structure of a fully active C-terminal deletion mutant of human CK2alpha liganded by two sulfate ions, and we compare this structure systematically with representative structures of related CMGC kinases. The two sulfate anions occupy binding pockets at the activation segment and provide the structural basis of the acidic consensus sequence S/T-D/E-X-D/E that governs substrate recognition by CK2. The anion binding sites are conserved among those CMGC kinases. In most cases they are neutralized by phosphorylation of a neighbouring threonine or tyrosine side-chain, which triggers conformational changes for regulatory purposes. CK2alpha, however, lacks both phosphorylation sites at the activation segment and structural plasticity. Here the anion binding sites are functionally changed from regulation to substrate recognition. These findings underline the exceptional role of CK2alpha as a constitutively active enzyme within a family of strictly controlled protein kinases.  相似文献   
Due to its ability to emit light, the luciferase from Renilla reniformis (RLuc) is widely employed in molecular biology as a reporter gene in cell culture experiments and small animal imaging. To accomplish this bioluminescence, the 37-kDa enzyme catalyzes the degradation of its substrate coelenterazine in the presence of molecular oxygen, resulting in the product coelenteramide, carbon dioxide, and the desired photon of light. We successfully crystallized a stabilized variant of this important protein (RLuc8) and herein present the first structures for any coelenterazine-using luciferase. These structures are based on high-resolution data measured to 1.4 Å and demonstrate a classic α/β-hydrolase fold. We also present data of a coelenteramide-bound luciferase and reason that this structure represents a secondary conformational form following shift of the product out of the primary active site. During the course of this work, the structure of the luciferase's accessory green fluorescent protein (RrGFP) was also determined and shown to be highly similar to that of Aequorea victoria GFP.  相似文献   
UvrB is a central DNA damage recognition protein involved in bacterial nucleotide excision repair. Structural information has been limited by the apparent disorder of the C-terminal domain 4 in crystal structures of intact UvrB; in solution, the isolated domain 4 is found to form a helix-loop-helix dimer. In order to gain insight into the behavior of UvrB in solution, we have performed NMR studies on [methyl-13C]methionine-labeled UvrB from Bacillus caldotenax (molecular mass=75 kDa). The 13 methyl resonances were assigned on the basis of site-directed mutagenesis and domain deletion. Solvent accessibility was assessed based on the relaxation and chemical shift responses of the probe methyl resonances to the stable nitroxide, 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPOL). M632, located at the potential dimer interface of domain 4, provides an ideal probe for UvrB dimerization behavior. The M632 resonance of UvrB is very broad, consistent with some degree of monomer-dimer exchange and/or conformational instability of the exposed dimer interface. Upon addition of unlabeled domain 4 peptide, the M632 resonance of UvrB sharpens and shifts to a position consistent with a UvrB-domain 4 heterodimer. A dissociation constant (KD) value of 3.3 microM for the binding constant of UvrB with the domain 4 peptide was derived from surface plasmon resonance studies. Due to the flexibility of the domain 3-4 linker, inferred from limited proteolysis data and from the relaxation behavior of linker residue M607, the position of domain 4 is constrained not by the stiffness of the linking segment but by direct interactions with domains 1-3 in UvrB. In summary, UvrB homodimerization is disfavored, while domain 4 homodimerization and UvrB-domain 4 heterodimerization are allowed.  相似文献   
The d-aldohexose dehydrogenase from the thermoacidophilic archaea Thermoplasma acidophilum (AldT) belongs to the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) superfamily and catalyzes the oxidation of several monosaccharides with a preference for NAD+ rather than NADP+ as a cofactor. It has been found that AldT is a unique enzyme that exhibits the highest dehydrogenase activity against d-mannose. Here, we describe the crystal structures of AldT in ligand-free form, in complex with NADH, and in complex with the substrate d-mannose, at 2.1 Å, 1.65 Å, and 1.6 Å resolution, respectively. The AldT subunit forms a typical SDR fold with an unexpectedly long C-terminal tail and assembles into an intertwined tetramer. The d-mannose complex structure reveals that Glu84 interacts with the axial C2 hydroxyl group of the bound d-mannose. Structural comparison with Bacillus megaterium glucose dehydrogenase (BmGlcDH) suggests that the conformation of the glutamate side-chain is crucial for discrimination between d-mannose and its C2 epimer d-glucose, and the conformation of the glutamate side-chain depends on the spatial arrangement of nearby hydrophobic residues that do not directly interact with the substrate. Elucidation of the d-mannose recognition mechanism of AldT further provides structural insights into the unique substrate selectivity of AldT. Finally, we show that the extended C-terminal tail completely shuts the substrate-binding pocket of the neighboring subunit both in the presence and absence of substrate. The elaborate inter-subunit interactions between the C-terminal tail and the entrance of the substrate-binding pocket imply that the tail may play a pivotal role in the enzyme activity.  相似文献   
Rhodopsin is a prototype for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that are implicated in many biological responses in humans. A site-directed (2)H NMR approach was used for structural analysis of retinal within its binding cavity in the dark and pre-activated meta I states. Retinal was labeled with (2)H at the C5, C9, or C13 methyl groups by total synthesis, and was used to regenerate the opsin apoprotein. Solid-state (2)H NMR spectra were acquired for aligned membranes in the low-temperature lipid gel phase versus the tilt angle to the magnetic field. Data reduction assumed a static uniaxial distribution, and gave the retinylidene methyl bond orientations plus the alignment disorder (mosaic spread). The dark-state (2)H NMR structure of 11-cis-retinal shows torsional twisting of the polyene chain and the beta-ionone ring. The ligand undergoes restricted motion, as evinced by order parameters of approximately 0.9 for the spinning C-C(2)H(3) groups, with off-axial fluctuations of approximately 15 degrees . Retinal is accommodated within the rhodopsin binding pocket with a negative pre-twist about the C11=C12 double bond that explains its rapid photochemistry and the trajectory of 11-cis to trans isomerization. In the cryo-trapped meta I state, the (2)H NMR structure shows a reduction of the polyene strain, while torsional twisting of the beta-ionone ring is maintained. Distortion of the retinal conformation is interpreted through substituent control of receptor activation. Steric hindrance between trans retinal and Trp265 can trigger formation of the subsequent activated meta II state. Our results are pertinent to quantum and molecular mechanics simulations of ligands bound to GPCRs, and illustrate how (2)H NMR can be applied to study their biological mechanisms of action.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) protease (PR) is an aspartyl protease essential for HIV-1 viral infectivity. HIV-1 PR has one catalytic site formed by the homodimeric enzyme. We chemically synthesized fully active HIV-1 PR using modern ligation methods. When complexed with the classic substrate-derived inhibitors JG-365 and MVT-101, the synthetic HIV-1 PR formed crystals that diffracted to 1.04- and 1.2-A resolution, respectively. These atomic-resolution structures revealed additional structural details of the HIV-1 PR's interactions with its active site ligands. Heptapeptide inhibitor JG-365, which has a hydroxyethylamine moiety in place of the scissile bond, binds in two equivalent antiparallel orientations within the catalytic groove, whereas the reduced isostere hexapeptide MVT-101 binds in a single orientation. When JG-365 was converted into the natural peptide substrate for molecular dynamic simulations, we found putative catalytically competent reactant states for both lytic water and direct nucleophilic attack mechanisms. Moreover, free energy perturbation calculations indicated that the insertion of catalytic water into the catalytic site is an energetically favorable process.  相似文献   
The stationary phase survival protein SurE is a metal ion-dependent phosphatase distributed among eubacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. In Escherichia coli, SurE has activities as nucleotidase and exopolyphosphatase, and is thought to be involved in stress response. However, its physiological role and reaction mechanism are unclear. We report here the crystal structures of the tetramer of SurE from Thermus thermophilus HB8 (TtSurE) both alone and crystallized with Mn(2+) and substrate AMP. In the presence of Mn(2+) and AMP, differences between the protomers were observed in the active site and in the loop located near the active site; AMP-bound active sites with the loops in a novel open conformation were found in the two protomers, and AMP-free active sites with the loops in a conventional closed conformation were found in the other two protomers. The two loops in the open conformation are entwined with each other, and this entwining is suggested to be required for enzymatic activity by site-directed mutagenesis. TtSurE exists as an equilibrium mixture of dimer and tetramer in solution. The loop-entwined structure indicates that SurE acts as a tetramer. The structural features and the absence of negative cooperativity imply the half-of-the-sites reactivity mechanism resulting from a pre-existing tendency toward structural asymmetry.  相似文献   
Many animal species live in groups. Group living may increase exploitation competition within the group, and variation among groups in intra-group competition intensity could induce life-history variability among groups. Models of physiologically structured populations generally predict single generation cycles, driven by exploitation competition within and between generations. We expect that life-history variability and habitat heterogeneity induced by group living may affect such competition-driven population dynamics. In this study, we vary the gregariousness (the tendency to aggregate in groups) of a size-structured consumer population in a spatially explicit environment. The consumer has limited mobility, and moves according to a probabilistic movement process. We study the effects on the population dynamics, as mediated through the resource and the life-history of the consumer. We find that high gregariousness leads to large spatial resource variation, and highly variable individual life-history, resulting in highly stochastic population dynamics. At reduced gregariousness, life-history of consumers synchronizes, habitat heterogeneity is reduced, and single generation cycles appear. We expect this pattern to occur for any group living organism with limited mobility. Our results indicate that constraints set by population dynamical feedback may be an important aspect in understanding group living in nature.  相似文献   
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